#i'm loving nna so much so far
Hello!! Could you do questions 5 10 14 23 and 24 for Bichette a.k.a. NNA Goshiki pls? Thank u
We're making the Goshiki tags grow a bit more with this one boys
Hi! Thanks for the ask :] You're more than welcome for it! Sorry for answering late
5 - What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Words by The Real Group, backed-up by absolutely nothing but my own imagination so far. But also, c'mon, there's no way this man is a fighter. He's a talker and I know he's a rather talkative one at that.
10 - Could you be best friends with this character?
He reminds me of someone I know whom I constantly find myself laughing when I'm around. Goshiki as a character already makes me laugh a lot, and I think it'd be the same as a person - albeit the reasons would slightly change. I could get along, and I know I'd love his personality despite everything, but considering, uh, y'know, his line of work, I think I'd mostly be on guard while trying to get away and avoid him because y'know. danger.
But speaking realistically is boring most often than not so crime stuffs aside, focusing on what we know about his personality, yeah I'll be on board (partially, like I already stated, because of the person I know) now the real question is would he even bother to pay me attention lol
14 - Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
I suck at remembering aesthetics and what they're about. Can I be a basic bitch and answer dark academia? It's not even correct but alas.
I'm gonna go hide behind the argument that we've seen little of him so far, and he was always wearing suits. He's wearing formal clothes like his three oldest brothers (Shikaba to Hibaru are more casual) idk
If I were to force one onto him I'd make him wear expensive but comfy clothing (when he's not doing business). He's so unbothered I hope he lazes around all day while Tokyo is in a state of (mostly) lawlessness and the threat of fratricide between his brothers is increasing. The world is burning down in the back meanwhile he's just chilling. I hope he's living his best life.
23 - Favorite picture of this character?
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Seeing a smug-looking character be caught off guard is the most thing ever. It's also the only time we see him with his eyes fully open and not droopy (they aren't that much during Terasu's flashback but whether it's him getting droopy eyes with time or Wakui changing his design slightly can't be confirmed yet), it makes him appear a bit younger (not that he's old to begin with). I'm still debating if he's got sideburns (bc it does seem like it in some panels and not in others) and honestly I usually hate sideburns but he's the first one to not only get a pass from me but also have me hope he actually has some. It adds to his charm.
Anyway, so far it's this one because seeing him panic was the best. Specially since he was the only Yotsurugi to.
24 - What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
It's tempting to do the same as tumblr user emimaki and answer Inspector Gadget ngl. gosh now I'm thinking about him having an astro and it being gadgets Inspector Gadget-style. Crazy how first it was Kakucho that got compared to him and now it's Goshiki. What is it with that hairstyle that makes ppl think about Inspector Gadget.
On the top of my head, Spamton from Deltarune. Because they constantly smile and when they don't/when their expression is suddenly neutral or serious you know something is wrong and you're fucked (it's always the case with smiling characters. waiting for Goshiki to have his moment(s)). Plus Spamton is hella fun too (despite the horrors)
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corrupted-sorrow · 6 years
I'm sorry to bother you but Oumeno-12? It's okay if you don't want to do it, I just love your stuff
It isn´t a bother at all! I love writing these :D Thank you, I´m happy to know!
12 - Is there a wedding? What was the proposal like? Any kind of honeymoon?
(This one will be looooong!)
Yes! And as expected, it was a blast. No, really. You know DICE. They made sure to make the wedding place very trendy and dreamy at the same time to fit the tastes of their boss and their “princess”, too.
But coming back in time a little… About their proposal… Everything started when their class was about to graduate from Hope´s Peak. All of them were also invited to take part on Future Foundation, if they wanted to. Naegi personally went there and revealed he had an interest in some of the 16 soon-to-be graduates. This included Kokichi (Now 18)
“Your leadership skills have grown very much in just three years. Not to mention… Despite being emotionally affected, you were a splendid strategist and a keen observator in V3 Simulator. You would be a great help there, Ouma-kun.”
Kokichi was flattered, even though he didn´t wanted to remember that horrible experience. He really could be a major leader in an important place! However… His smile was gone when he realized… He would have to abandon DICE… And Himiko wasn´t called. Only Shuuichi, Miu, Kiibo and Maki would go with him. What to do…? …………….
“Sorry, Naegi-chan. I´ll have to reject the offer. But thanks for making me look so cool, nishi~”
“E-eh? W-wait! Just like this? Ouma-kun, the Foundation changed very much in the last five years… Me, my former classmates and senpai made a very comfortable environment for all agents, cientists, ultimates… I think you would like it.”
“Hey, that sounds nice for you guys. If it were like a military camp, it would be terrible~ But that´s the truth, I need to stay here. Sorry about it.”
So Kokichi left Naegi behind, pretty sure that he did the right thing. It would be fine. He would graduate and keep making money with some scams, heists and stuff. Having fun until he becomes a true gentleman thief someday! He laughed a bit alone. Not to mention… He wanted to be beside her… The person who matured together with him, both physically and emotionally.
“Yep… I gotta get those rings… I really want her to be my empress… Yeeeah… That´s a truth I definitely like to think about!” - The psychiatric treatment also helped a lot. Of course he never said to the man that he was some sort of chaotic good rogue with merry subordinates. But that´s okay… I guess.
However… As his crew heard the news, they weren´t that happy. Kokichi was confused and asked why the long faces.
“Leader, you know… You should think about your future better. If you want to marry Yume-chan, that is. After all… Of course we have fun, but I think we shouldn´t make extreme moves as of now…” - Said the tallest man with blonde hair.
“Wha… Why? You… You guys want to disband?” - Kokichi trembled.
“Oh, nononono!!! Not at all! Most of us are adults, now! We can drink together, drive the car to everywhere, go to strip clubs and…”
“OKAY, SO WHAT GIVES?” - Kokichi definitely didn´t wanted jokes.
“You… You can be to jail for real if the cops catch you, boss! Don´t you see? Then you might not see Yume-chan again! Your record will be ruined!” - Screamed the twintail girl.
“And you grew a lot… More mature, stronger, taller, smarter… When I remember how scrawny you were… Boss… Of course DICE can continue. We just think you also need to improve your skills, work seriously. You are different from us. That´s why we follow and respect you… And we want your happiness…” - Said the tallest woman.
Kokichi didn´t knew what to answer… He definitely didn´t wanted to date by e-mail and voice chat. He wouldn´t be able to propose. He just went to his room, silently.
And you ask… “Hey, what about Himiko?”. Well… She was also sad, in her room. But she was thinking a completely different thing.
“Nnnaaa… Ouma… He will be far, now… I can work wherever I want to, so I have plenty of time to decide or…. I wouldn´t mind becoming a housewife. I can do both stuff…………………….. But how we will marry if he will be so far away…………….” - So there she was, her face on the desk, daydreaming. She thought he accepted it. But was trying to feel better, thinking about his future.
Next day, they met at the class. Himiko looked down.
“Ouma, you see… This thing of being invited by Future Foundation is pretty nice… They must have even a spa there… Nyehehe…….. A-ahem! So, this is a great opportunity, huh? I am really glad for you. Though… Well, we can trade messages, right?”- She gave a shy smile, playing with her fingers.
“Yumeno-chan, I won´t go.” - Blunt.
“N-nyeh? B-but you can put your leadership in action, get plenty of money, meet some legendary ultimates… I don´t understand……. Ah, of course… It´s a lie, I still get caught, nyehe…”
“Nope, that´s the truth. I need to stay here. I will find another place to lead and get clean money if that´s the case. I´m serious. You know I don´t lie as much as before.”
“Y-yes… B-but then… Um… Why you want to stay?” - Himiko was nervous.
“……….” - He didn´t wanted to spit out his plan of proposal. - “ Cause of DICE, of course!” - And gave that usual smile.
“Nna… I sorta thought that would be the case….. There´s nothing else?”
“Who knows~”
Himiko knew he was plotting something. But what? For one week, she was alert all the time. Which kind of prank it would be? Tenko and Angie were even worried… But finally, the Graduation Day has come. Everyone sat on their places on the gynasium, waiting for the classic speech from the principal. There was something weird… Kokichi, Shuuichi and Rantaro… Where were they?
“Hey, hey… What the hell? Shuuichi is never late! How can he be in such an important day? Harumaki, did you saw th—” Kaito was complaining, until all the lights were out suddenly. “HIAAAAAA!!!!”
Chatter, chatter… A spotlight on the stage… Revealing,,, A flying… Gentleman Phantom Thief?
“WOOOOW!!! OUMA-KUN IS FLYING!!!” - Gonta, of course.
“T-that´s Ouma-kun, indeed… But why he is wearing the Halloween costume I made last year?” - Tsumugi was very confused.
Some cheered for him, some called him a show-off, some just laughed… Himiko was just watching his boyfriend acting like a circus performer above her. As soon Kokichi made a signal to the stage, the flying movement got slower…. And like in Mission Impossible, he was “floating” in front of Himiko.
“I came to steal your heart, my most beloved lady~ Accept this calling card, yes?” - With a charming smile, he gave her the card with a red rose. Started to rose again, going to the stage.
“N-N-N-NNNaaaa???” - Himiko blushed like a tomato. Heard girls gossiping, swooning… And read [Come right now to the stage. I haven´t finished my work heeere~ Your gorgeous Phantom Thief] “W-what he… Wha… Uh…”
“I wonder… Will my target appear? My, my… Won´t I be able to steal what I want, today? Sob~” - Kokichi acts, talking on the microphone. At this rate, all the boys and girls were getting kinda excited to see what would happen! Himiko took a deeeep breath and made her way in heavy steps to the stage, with her usual angry “OOOOUUUMAAAA!!!”
“Nishishishi~ My target! it´s finally here! Now… I know what to do to steal this cute crystal heart!” - Now he was playing around a bit.
“N-NNNAAAA!!! W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING? THIS IS AN IMPORTANT DAY, YOU KNOW? N-NOT TO MENTION EVERYONE IS LOOKING! Y-YOU KNOW I PREFER…” - While she was scolding him, a soft, pink light illuminated the stage. Rose petals scattered from above… Himiko just looked… There was Shuuichi with a bag of said petals. “I can´t believe it…” Himiko felt Kokichi´s hand gently holding hers, looking at him. He took off the hat. His other hand was on his pocket.
“Hey… You know why I decided to refuse that? ……. Yeah…. For DICE, sure… But actually, there´s a main reason…”
“Which… Is…?” - Her heart was like a Heavy Metal band battery.
“You see, Yumeno-chan… I don´t plan to be a Supreme Leader forever… Actually… Maybe something more fitting… Like an emperor! It would be a blast!……………………………. However…… It would be boring if I were alone….. Soooo…. Maybe if I had a empress…..” - And so…. He took out the ring box out of his pocket.
Himiko thought she was going to burst. He was serious. He just made everything more playful, as he usually likes. She smiled widely and laughed a bit, but out of pure joy. Who didn´t knew her well would think she would refuse.
“SO!” - Kokichi put himself in the classic proposal position, on knee. Holding the microphone on one hand and the ring box on another. - “My most beloved Yumeno Himiko-chan… Will you be my empress? Will you let me take your heart? …………………. “ - He made a more serious, but tender tone.”…… Will you marry me?”
The crowd went crazy, hoping to hear a “yes” from Himiko. Many knew it would happen someday. The classmates were really excited to know.
“…….. Only if you let me take YOUR heart with my magic, too. And yes……… I will~~” - She kept smiling more and more, feeling in heaven.
“Fair enough!” - Then instead of putting the rings, he held her for a surprise kiss, which was a bit hidden by his white cape. The crowd applauded, screamed, cried… Soon, the principal showed up, infuriated with Kokichi´s mess. But whoa, it was worth it!
After the ceremony, Kokichi and Himiko put their engagement rings properly.
“You did such a number on there… But… It was fun, actually~”
“Nishishi… As if I would make a boring proposal!”
“Then I wonder about the marriage… Nnnaaa… Will you put some goblin inside the cake?”
Nah, he didn´t do anything like that. What happened was… Just after their vows and kiss were done… He threw a smoke bomb, instant changing to his Supreme Leader from DICE clothes, Then, carried Himiko in bridal style, shouting:
“HEY, EVERYONE! THANKS FOR COMING! I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY THE PARTY MY CREW WILL THROW! NOW….. I NEED TO CARRY THIS FUTURE EMPRESS……. TO OUR HONEYMOON!!!” - That said, he just jumped outta the window with Himiko. Everyone, except the few who knew about Kokichi´s plan and helped to organize everything for the travel, were with their mouths down to the floor.
Yeees~ The honeymoon! We are talking about two sweet tooth, which like fantasy and rpg, right? So they went to Europe, to make a tour! Mostly Switzerland and Germany. They enjoyed the well-known chocolate and other candy made with it. Also visited old towns, from centuries ago, but that were like new.
Now, then… Since there´s honeymoon… There´s that, right? Fufufu… Yeah… They had lots of fun and sweet moments of romance… But more importantly… Let´s say they went back to Japan with one very special souvenir, if you get what I mean~
But that´s a story for another time~
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