#i'm moserably sick
What am I supposed to do
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k-sickies · 3 months
Hello! I have a request of it is okay? I'm not good with English so hopefully this makes sense.
So, I work out/dance between 2-5 hours a day, 🤡 and there have been SO MANY times I've woken up in the middle of the night with leg cramps and back pain so bad I literally puked 🥲 SO POSSIBLY, could you do something with binnie and Chan (romantic or platonic doesn't really matter to me) where binnie gets home at like 1-2 am and Chan is the only other one awake. Binnie lays down for a bit before the pain and nausea start, and Chan comforts him before eventually falling asleep together? 🖤🖤 anything you want to add in like emeto or anything is okay, but if possible, please at least put the back pain and calf cramps coz they are MOSERABLE 😔
So sorry if this makes no sense 😭
There you go
Warning: Emeto
Changbin is exhausted after a long day of dance practice, and his legs are aching from all the running and jumping around he had to do. As he walks over to the couch, he lets out a little whine, and collapses down onto the couch with a thud. He sighs, and his leg muscles start to cramp up from the strain.
Chan is also in the living room, working on some new songs on his computer. He hears Changbin's whining and looks up to see him laying on the couch. Changbin is having really bad cramps in his legs, and his stomach is starting to feel uncomfortable as well. He feels nauseous and his stomach hurts a lot from the cramping, and he feels like he's going to throw up from the pain.
Chan looks at Changbin and asks, "Hey, are you alright? You don't look so good." He looks at him closely, noticing how pale and exhausted he looks.
"No, I don't feel good," Changbin says, sounding hoarse and out of breath. He clenches his stomach and lets out a pained moan. He looks pale and exhausted from the intense pain he's in.
Immediately Chan went into leader mode “What's hurting, mate?” he asked worried.
"My legs are really cramping up right now," Changbin says groaning, his muscles tightening up and his legs starting to spasm. The cramps are so bad that he can hardly speak, and he starts to let out small whimpering noises. He tries to take a deep breath, but ends up grimacing and shaking his head from the pain.
After seeing how badly Changbin is suffering, Chan offers some comfort to him as he sits next to him on the couch, brushing his hair aside 
“Come let me help” Chan said and he started to rub Changbins cramping legs.
He starts gently massaging his calves and thighs, trying to ease the cramping and sore muscles. However, Changbin's cramps are so strong that he can't help but let out a few grunts of pain and discomfort, though Chan's touch does help a bit.
With Chan's comforting touch, Changbin relaxes a little, letting out a slow sigh and starting to feel a little better. Although the cramps are still pretty painful, Chan's massaging has helped ease the tightness and pain a bit, and Changbin starts to relax a little bit. His muscles are still sore and achy, but he's started to relax into Chan's comforting touch.
As Chan continues rubbing Changbin's aching muscles, another cramp starts to hit, and he starts feeling even more nauseous. "I'm going to be sick..." he mumbles weakly, his face going pale. Chan immediately grabs a bucket and puts it next to the younger, just in case he does throw up.
A wave of nausea hits Changbin, and he starts to gag, trying to hold it down. However, he can't hold it back anymore, and he throws up into the bucket, retching and gagging as he does. Chan rubs Changbin's back gently and whispers comforting words as he does, trying to ease his pain. "Shh, shh, it's alright" he says softly, rubbing Changbin's back to try and keep him calm.
After a few minutes, Changbin slowly stops throwing up, his retching becoming less violent and his breathing starting to become more steady. He's still pale and panting, but the worse of it is over. Chan continues rubbing his back and talking to him softly.
"It's alright, it's okay," he says reassuringly, his touch helping to comfort and ease Changbin's aching muscles. "Just take some deep breaths.”
A few minutes later Changbin starts to feel really tired, and asks Chan if he can help him to bed. "Can you help me to bed?" he says weakly, his voice still sounding a bit hoarse and shaky.
Chan nods his head, "Of course, I'll help you." He carefully helps Changbin up, taking his arm to help him stand and walking him to his bedroom.
Once they get to the bedroom, Chan helps Changbin lay down, pulling the covers up to him and sitting next to him.
Chan continues comforting Changbin as he lies in bed, rubbing his back and talking to him softly.
"Shh, it's alright, it's okay" he says again, his touch helping to soothe and calm Changbin's aching muscles. "Just close your eyes and relax, I'm here" he whispers, his voice gentle and reassuring.
Changbin is a bit flustered by how much attention and care Chan has shown him, but he's also grateful and thankful. He let's out a small sigh and relaxes into the bed, closing his eyes and starting to feel a bit calmer and more relaxed.
"Thank you," he whispers, reaching up to squeeze Chan's hand.
Chan smiles a bit, squeezing his hand back. "Of course," he says softly.
Chan decides to stay by Changbin's side until he falls asleep. He sits next to him in the bed, rubbing his back and comforting him with his touch. He stays there until Changbin falls asleep, slowly drifting to sleep with a soft smile on his face.
Chan looks at Changbin sleeping peacefully, a smile still on his face, and watches him for a while longer to make sure Changbin stays asleep. He was just glad that his dongsaeng was feeling better again ans could relax
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ggstargetedlife · 2 years
It's amazing all the things you can learn in one month as a T.I.
You learn even more of how jealous, insecure and narcissistic humanity is towards those they see as doing better than them.
You learn just how cold, cruel and heartless people in general are, always wanting to deepen someone else's pain and suffering.
You learn just how intimidated society as a whole is of you, how your very existence threatens them.
You learn just how far others will go in trying to make you out as something you're not, to try and force you to stumble.
You learn how desperate they are to wrench away the very few you may have standing in your corner.
You learn, really all you have is truly yourself. Anyone can be manipulated against you to further an enemy's agenda.
You learn that people can promise you anything, even those you thought you could trust. But soon as the heat hits, rather than keeping their word, they too turn against you, forming their own incorrect logic and conclusions about you and your situation. They may know you even longer and deeper than anyone else in this world, yet they still turn against you. Everyone becomes an enemy. Everyone. Until eventually you have to put up the same wall with them as you do everyone else. Not because you want to, but because trying to get them to believe what is happening to you is like trying to get someone to believe there's no such thing as gravity. It sounds completely insane to them, so of course it can't really be happening, unless they experience it for themselves in ways they can no longer deny. Which of course furthers the evil intent of the Program, working completely in their favor.
Brinley and all his troll friends wished to divide me from my close-knit family. It's been their goal since day one. After all of these years, I still have the screenshot of little miss Tiffany Moser threatening that her, Brinley and the rest of them would make me go homeless, turning my folks against me to do so. Don't make me whip it out. Obviously, they meant that shit, and now the Program's merely planting the seeds with their involvement. The B.Y. neighbors told me earlier, they all want to get me into trouble with my folks any way they can. Apparently, they weren't lying.
"These motherfuckers are legit trying to undo everything you've fucking worked for over these last fucking years!" James had shaken his head in disbelief, figuring the whole thing out in a matter of seconds.
"Duh," Angel had sneered with a roll of her eyes. Everything amuses her. Everything, no matter how dirty or cruel it is.
Meanwhile, rather than cry away the broken pieces of my life, all it's really done is strengthen my anger and rage against all of these motherfuckers.
I WILL make it. Whether I have to physically get away to do it or whether I choose to stay in this war zone out of consideration to my folks, although they too have majorly disappointed me. Another lesson: never depend on anyone. They will always let you down. Perhaps not on purpose but as they are human, they are weak, easily misled by lies, their own misperceptions or both, and you get hurt in the process. You're the one with all the bruises and lashes, not them. You. And all your enemies, the ones who so thoroughly enjoy playing as god in someone else's life but can't do SHIT in their warped out lives, just sit back on their asses ho-hum about it all.
Cool. Brinley and all his pathetic friends and the rest of the trolls have wanted me to feel and be alone since the beginning because deep down, no matter how many people they sucker into their corner, THEY feel alone. Humanity forever fights to make others feel the way they feel on the inside. Another sick, ego-driven cycle. And you think I want to be apart of some shit like that?
Think again. I'm better than all that. Much better than all of these pathetic losers with absolutely no lives. Their biggest "goal" is in running worthless mind-games all day everyday, the cringiest of the cringey but they swear out that shit is so cute. Chile, please. Some people don't deserve forgiveness, some people deserve to go to hell for the wrong they continually do to someone else. And they are definitely among the some. Can't wait till they start dropping dead like flies, it'll be of some consolation to know they will suffer eternally in hell being tormented 10× worse than what they are inflicting upon me. God knows I can't wait. To imagine them burning in hell's fire pleading for mercy, for all of it to stop to no avail, same as the hell they put me through, is the happiest thought ever. They'll fully deserve every bit of it, then we'll see how confident and "bad ass" they are about themselves then. CANNOT WAIT!
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areyougonnabe · 4 years
hello i trust your music taste intensely and i'm sick of listening to the same 3 albums on loop, may i have some recs? i'm open to literally any genre so hit me with whatever you've got
wow okay you sent this at the right time because i have NOT really been listening to music for the last few months due to the predominance of my aubreyad audiobooks but since i’ve been moving i needed a soundtrack, here’s what i’ve been bumping!!!
the new megan thee stallion album good news, no explanation needed
new solo project of hippo campus’s lead singer, a self-titled mini album called lupin 
an album from 2016 that i only just discovered, absolute loser by fruit bats which bangs
similarly i’m very late to last year’s harry styles album fine line but it’s a fucking masterpiece
the scattered singles/EP discography of remi wolf, who was in my freshman dorm in college and is now (as we all could have predicted) a quickly rising indie pop superstar 
food house food house! food house. (an album by the teamup that brought you Thos Moser) 
new ginger root album rikki, their best one yet for sure. SO catchy, amazing production
i rly love that fuckin. league of legends virtual idol band LMAO please listen to K/DA new EP ALL OUT it is full of incredible bangers
some recent new releases that are also in rotation: bahamas - sad hunk, adrianne lenker - songs, henry solomon - night time head crunch, helena deland - someone new, and last but not least the new album from everything everything, RE-ANIMATOR. 
ALSO i’ve been listening to a ton of jellyfish full live sets from the 90s on youtube but that probably will not appeal unless you are.. me....... lmao
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autismserenity · 5 years
For when you hear terfs, truscum, or other gross conservatives talking about "autogynephilia"
"Autogynephilia," if you haven't heard of it, is a thoroughly discredited theory from 30 years ago.
This guy named Ray Blanchard basically said that trans women all fell into one of two groups: either they were exclusively attracted to men, and therefore wanted to transition because they didn't want to be gay; or they were (also or instead) attracted to women, and therefore wanted to transition because they were turned on by the idea of having boobs and stuff.
(I doubt the dude ever heard of aces. Also: yikes.)
My favorite critique of this theory is basically, "oh, so cis women are allowed to think they're hot, but trans women aren't?" (I think I'm paraphrasing Kate Bornstein there?)
Bi trans author Julia Serano just posted a detailed explanation of how very, very thoroughly scientifically discredited this idea has been, for pretty much those entire thirty years. Even Blanchard's own studies didn't support it.
I just wanted to share my favorite part so far:
"Perhaps no evidence undermines autogynephilia theory more than recent studies that have shown that [sexual fantasies centered on being female and/or feminine] are quite common in cisgender women, and that cross-sex/gender embodiment fantasies also occur among the greater cisgender population.
"For instance, Veale et al. (2008) — the first autogynephilia-related study to use a control group (which Blanchard never bothered to do) — found that 52% of their cisgender female subjects experienced [these fantasies] at levels comparable to trans women that Blanchard classified as 'autogynephiles' (see also Moser, 2010).
"In a separate study of cisgender women, Moser (2009a) found that 93% of his subjects experienced [these fantasies] to some extent, with 28% experiencing them at high levels."
Serano goes on to explore the different reasons that people buy into this crap. Most of them, imho, are variations on "ignorance about trans experiences." (Not saying the nuances aren't worth exploring, just trying to condense it for this particular post.)
But one of those ignorant reasons is, "A belief that atypical and non-reproductive expressions of sexuality are inherently pathological."
Gosh, does that ever sound like the exclusionists who insist that aces are ace because of trauma, or internalized homophobia, and therefore, not really ace at all. Or that most people who think they're ace really just have a mental illness or a hormone imbalance.
And, of course, the truscum who need being trans to be a disorder, and only ever a disorder.
And, of course, the TERFs who pity and/or loathe trans women, non-binary people, and, frequently, trans men, for being "sick."
And who both - terfs, and truscum - seem to overwhelmingly be ace exclusionists. (I've looked through hundreds and hundreds of TERF blogs without finding one inclusionist. There are probably a few truscum inclusionists, but it seems to be very uncommon over there too.)
And another one is, "A 'gut feeling' that there really are 'two types' of trans women."
Regardless of what the two types are called, she observes, they tend to be:
1. "deceivers" - who pass, and in an outsider's view, transition for nefarious reasons like Infiltrating Communities and Dating People, and
2. "pretenders" - who don't conform to the speaker's idea of A Real Trans Woman, and transition for nefarious reasons like Getting Off and Being So Oppressed.
Gosh, does that ever sound like the truscum who group all trans people into Real People Who Want To Pass, and People Who Are Faking Because They Think Being Trans Is Cute/Trendy.
And the terfs, who buy into both the pretender and deceiver ideas, often projecting both of them on everybody at once.
And all exclusionists, including those who aren't terfs or truscum. Who have unconsciously revamped this into "Real LGBT Aces," (who they frequently hate for being ace, but who "pass" as Valid LGBT People), and the "CisHets" who they never actually seem to meet, but who definitely are trying to invade their community en masse to Steal Resources and Be So Oppressed.
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