#i'm not afraid to live. i'm not just waiting for the end | felicity | interactions
thinkolicity · 3 years
Mia on TF Armageddon p. 5
In case you missed it (or just didn't watch 💀) Mia did nothing relevant on The Flush. She was just a tool to attract Arrow viewers and, probably, conclude the Armageddon event with a boom in ratings.
Remember when they said Larry needed her help to prevent disaster, well, in short:
She was searching for William (who's been missing for 2 years) and idk caught someone's "force signal" (Thawne's?), followed it/jumped in a "time window" (?) and ended up in 2021 Central City.
At Team Flush's headquarters they discussed how to stop Thawne. Mia wanted to kill him.
Got a condescending pep-talk from Irish about how Oliver thought the same thing, that killing was necessary to protect his city but ended up "ruining his life" and that's why Mia is afraid to go see her mom?? Like girl whaaaaaaaaat SHUT UP you're talking about the man who, among other things, died to save your pathetic brotherhusband. You know nothing. This b*tch istg. Mia told her the one who's afraid is Irish-fracking-Allen herself bc she doesn't have the balls to kill Thawne after he killed Joe, almost tricked her into marrying him etc and could possibly still ruin her life in the future if she lets him live. Queen™.
Pissed-off Mia got possessed by Despero bc he wanted to kill Thawne.
While Larry was off dealing with Despero, Mia tried to kill Irish, Frost/Caitlin & two others uknown to me. The girls managed to make Mia un-possess herself.
Larry & Co decided to defeat Despero by disconnecting him from the time-force or whatever and take away Thawne's speed to save his life. Larry did it. Thawne then went ballistic bc his speed was his life and by taking it away it's as if Larry killed him. Larry can't do nothing right.
Afterwards, they all glammed up and went to a bar (?) to celebrate Larry's accomplishment. Irish called him a hero. Obvi. Best sisterwife ever.
Now my fave bit: Damien Dahrk appeared at the bar. Mia produced a knife out of thin air, put it against his throat and said "I know what you did to L*urel L*nce" and got all vengeful about it. I was like BABY GIRL YOU DIDN'T EVEN KNOW HER how about you get mad about, idk, YOUR OWN MOTHER who got shot and ended up paralysed because of him?? My tweet lamenting this brought out the Lollies who told me I'm dumb bc Felicity's alive and LL is not and Mia knowing how close her parents and the team were to LL/read about her/was talked about her/whatever + knowing Black S*ren justified her rage. Nah. Her mother and her trauma should take precedence over her father's unknown ex gf.
After this, Irish gave the hozen back to Mia and said that her super speshul source guy had connections and was able to match one of the symbols on the hozen to a symbol...somewhere else so this can help Mia find William. Somehow. So you really want to tell me nobody on Arrow - Oliver, Felicity, William, Mia herself maybe cuz she's not stupid - never bothered all these years to decode/translate the symbols on that stone like, out of curiosity? I have to laugh. I mean think about it. Mia's had that stone for two (2) years and NEVER ONCE thought about using it to find her brother? Knowing the stone was his? 1+1? Nooo she had to wait for Irish's genius brain. Well thank gOD for her 🙄🙄 give me a breeeak.
Then I guess she went back to her own time but I don't remember. No wait she mentioned she needed a hacker and knew a pretty good one so I guess she went to visit Felicity and her 2yo self ;-; Or she could even "summon" her in the future maybe Oliver too we'll never know ;-;
That's it. Pretty underwhelming if you ask me. Plus the usual shitting on Oliver to prop up Welshalley, the wondrous couple.
Kinda frustrating how they keep portraying Oliver as a cold-blooded killer, a monster full of darkness, who always did the wrong thing by killing and brought all disgraces onto himself blah blah just to inflate the notion that Larry is the morally superior, innocent ray of sunshine, the "true hero" like Cecile I think called him. As if him messing with timelines for his own selfish reasons, erasing lives, is totes ok 🙄
Was nice seeing Mia again though, despite everything. It was like coming home :3
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cosetterose90 · 4 years
(Finally came up with a title while writing the last part)
Good Enough Part 8
Gabrielle went to Felicity's house and knocked on the door. Felicity's mother answered. Seeing Gabrielle looking worse than death, she let her inside and got Felicity, then made some hot cocoa.
Felicity asked Gabrielle, "What's wrong?"
"Can I stay here for a day?"
Giving the cups of hot chocolate to the girls, Felicity's mother replied, "Of course. You're always welcome here."
No matter how much Felicity asked, Gabrielle wouldn't talk about what was going on. So, Felicity tried to get Gabrielle's mind off of things. They watched movies and ate popcorn until they went to bed.
The next day, Felicity coaxed Gabrielle to swim with her in the pool in the backyard. Once they were outside, alone, Gabrielle said, "There's something I want to tell you. Actually, there are lots of things, but I didn't want to bother you with my problems."
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"What? You're my best friend," Felicity told her. "I'm here for you, like you're here for me. Remember when Ray dumped me? You helped me get over the breakup."
"I know, but this is really heavy."
"Tell me. I can handle it. Don't worry."
With difficulty, Gabrielle told her the way her grandmother had treated her and about how Krasimir had let her stay in his home. The last thing she told her was about her grandmother dying, though she left out the part about Krasimir killing her.
Felicity listened, sympathetically, horrified that her best friend had gone through so much pain. She hugged Gabrielle and didn't let go. "I am so sorry you went through all that. You didn't deserve it. You must feel terrible."
Gabrielle nodded. "I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't have anywhere to go."
"I thought you lived at your uncle's."
"We had a fight. I can't stay with him anymore." Gabrielle sat with her head in her hands.
Felicity said, "I'm sure Mom and Dad will let you stay here. And don't say no, because I'm not going to take that for an answer."
Gabrielle nodded. "Okay." She sighed. "I feel like I'm starting my life all over again. Soon, I'm not going to have anything or anyone left."
"Sure, you will. I'll always be your friend. And Mom and Dad and my little brother like you, too. You won't have to go through this alone."
"You have no idea how much this means to me," Gabrielle said, gratefully.
"What are friends for? And don't be afraid to tell me stuff, okay? We're here for each other."
Gabrielle agreed, then Felicity got in the pool. "Come on in. Daylight is wasting!" she laughed, merrily.
Gabrielle got in, and the two girls swam until dinnertime.
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A few days later, Gabrielle went to her grandmother's house, alone. Her tombstone had been placed in the backyard, and Gabrielle walked to it and stood in front of it, staring at it.
The sun was shining, but this didn't reflect Gabrielle's mood at all. The only sounds that were heard were birds chirping.
Finally, Gabrielle spoke, aloud. "Hi, Grandma. I wish I could have seen you before you died. My last memory of you is of you slapping me. They say don't speak ill of the dead, but you didn't really do much to deserve my kindness. I don't owe you anything. But I didn't want you to die, especially like you did. I wanted the chance for us to talk. I'll never know why you hated me so much or why me being gay was a dealbreaker. I know you went through a lot after losing your own child, but I wish you would have treated me better. It's going to take me a long time to figure out how to move on. I'm a little sad that you're gone since you were my grandma, but I'll never feel the way about you that some people think I should. I guess, wherever you are, goodbye is going to have to be good enough."
Gabrielle looked up and slightly turned her head. "What are you doing here?"
Krasimir was standing next to the house in the shade. "I wanted to talk."
"This is the last thing I need right now. You took a bad situation and made it worse. I don't owe you anything, either."
"You're right. In fact, I owe you. I'm giving you my fortune and leaving the area."
"I don't want your damn money! I never did! I just wanted family who'd love me and support me! Money isn't going to fix what you did!"
"What can I do?" Krasimir desperately asked, holding his hands out.
"Nothing. Just go."
"Let me at least say something before I do."
Gabrielle waited.
"I was wrong. I let my anger take a hold of me, and it ended up costing me everything. I'm so sorry."
Gabrielle looked down, frowning, still not speaking.
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Krasimir approached her and gently put his hands on her arms, attempting to look at her. "You don't have to forgive me. I ask nothing of you but one thing: to try to believe me when I say I love you and care about you. I wish you the best in your life."
He pulled away, then turned into a bat and flew into the sky, disappearing from sight.
Gabrielle finally looked up. There was nothing left to do now but go back to Felicity's house. Her future was even more uncertain now than it was when her parents had died. At least she had a place to go, but it would be difficult to put all her broken pieces together. Her life would never be the same, but she had to make do with whatever little she had left.
It would have to be good enough.
The End
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wcnderingache-blog · 6 years
interaction tag drop
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acheforwonder · 6 years
Felicity smile was as bright as the sun as she handed Miles a stuffed panda the size of his torso. “Another one for the couch! I think he’d look super cute, don’t you think?” She tucked her arm in his, eyes alight as she looked around. It wasn’t even the quality of the fair that made her so happy. It was experiencing it with Miles. Winning him stuffed toys that would just end up floating around their home. Their home. It was still a little funny to think about it. Wonderful at the same time though. It made her heart beat just a little bit faster, even if she didn’t like thinking about that. “Should we get fairy floss? It’s rare to find good fairy floss but I think this place has some good stuff.” @lightningfaced
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cosetterose90 · 4 years
Part 6
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Gabrielle didn't sleep well and had troubled dreams. She woke up the next morning and was startled at first when she found herself in an unfamiliar bedroom.
Then, she remembered what had happened the night before.
Gabrielle sat up in bed and started thinking about what she should do now. She left the bedroom and went downstairs.
Krasimir was sitting on the couch in the living room, reading a book that looked very old. He immediately greeted her when she entered the room. "Good morning. There is some food in the refrigerator."
"I'm not hungry."
"You are a Sim; you must eat," he insisted.
Gabrielle went in the kitchen and got a small bowl of yogurt. She sat in the kitchen and ate.
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"How are you feeling?" Krasimir asked, walking in.
"Terrible. I'm still sore and shaken up. I don't know what I'm going to do."
"You shouldn't go to school today; you're not in a good enough state."
"I can't skip school."
"I will take care of everything. You need to rest and recover from your ordeal."
"I'm going to look for a job today," Gabrielle said.
"A job?"
"Maybe I'll be able to get an apartment and a roommate."
Krasimir was confused. "But I told you you're staying here."
"I only need a few days to get on my feet. I appreciate you letting me stay here for a little bit, though."
Krasimir shook his head. "I don't think you understand. You will live here. This is your home now. I will not let you go back to your grandmother's, nor will I allow you to be on the streets. You need to be in a safe place where you can gather your thoughts and finish school so you'll be able to start your adult life."
"Oh..." Gabrielle said. "Are you sure about this?"
"Absolutely." Seeing how upset and stressed she was, he suggested, "Why don't you spend time with your friends today after they get out of school?"
Gabrielle said, "I only have one friend. I guess I could ask her to hang out later."
"Excellent! Getting out and about will help your mood."
Gabrielle took a nap, then woke up around 4 PM. She called her friend and asked to meet her at the park. Gabrielle then left the room. She was going to inform Krasimir where she was going, but he was nowhere around. Maybe he was in his room, asleep.
Gabrielle left the apartment and arrived at the park, where she met up with her best friend.
Felicity Jones was one of the most popular girls at school. When Gabrielle first moved in with her grandma and had to go to a new school, Felicity was the first one to make her feel welcome, and they quickly grew close. At first, Gabrielle was confused why such a great person would want to be friends with her. Felicity was on the student council, was a talented and passionate artist, and made straight As. Everybody liked her.
And she was the most beautiful person in the world.
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They greeted each other with a hug, then sat together at a picnic table. Felicity asked Gabrielle, worried, "You weren't at school today. Are you okay?"
For the entire time Gabrielle had lived in that area, she never went into detail about her home life. It had never gotten this bad until now, and Gabrielle didn't want to tell her best friend about what her grandma did. She had to do whatever she could to protect Felicity's happiness.
"Yeah. Just wasn't feeling well," Gabrielle replied. "I got plenty of rest, though, so luckily, it didn't get worse."
"I'm so glad. I wrote down what we did in Algebra and English for you." She got a piece of paper out of her purse and handed it to Gabrielle.
"Thank you so much. You're the best."
The two spent the next few hours together at the park, chatting, eating tofu dogs, and hanging out on the playground equipment. Gabrielle began feeling better and even forgot about her problems for awhile. Felicity had the ability to make people feel better about the world when everything was gray and bleak.
Gabrielle was in love with Felicity but was afraid to tell her. She didn't know how she'd respond, and she couldn't risk losing her best friend. Gabrielle was going through a very rough time and couldn't bear more heartbreak.
It could wait. What was more important right now was to get through the pain of what recently happened.
As darkness crept upon the world, Gabrielle and Felicity said their goodbyes, and they went back to their homes.
Gabrielle had a hard time processing that Krasimir's apartment was her home now. It was very nice, spacious, and upscale; it was the kind of place she always dreamed about living in. However...
She hadn't wanted to end up in a place like that by losing her parents or being hit by her grandma.
Gabrielle entered the apartment and sat at the computer, which was near the entrance, to practice writing. Someday, she'd be skilled enough to start a book.
Not even a half hour later, the front door opened. Krasimir walked in, but he looked much different than usual. His face was cracked in places, like he was a statue that someone had taken a hammer to. There were very dark circles under his eyes, making him look sinister. His reddish brown eyes were now glowing bright red.
Gabrielle froze in fear.
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