#i'm not gonna explain what's happening on the right there but he and Tikal have a sad life
tekatonic · 1 year
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I'm skipping a few drawings in-between these two for the sake of being related-ish, but we'll come back to those.
Technically this Chaos design could be considered OC-ish I guess ? Chaos is a deity here, and quite a major one considering chaos energy is the aura in everything ! Here he is mortal, for purposes.
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tenebraevesper · 3 months
Sonic Cyber Revolution, Entry 54: Open Your Heart
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''Thunder, rain and lightnin', danger, water risin'! Clamor, sirens wailing, it's such a bad sign! Shadows of dark creatures, steel clouds floating in the air, people run for shelter – what's gonna happen to us? All the steps we take, all the moves we make, all the pain at stake – I see the chaos for everyone! Who are we? What can we do? You and I are the same in the way that we have our own styles that we won't change! Yours is filled with evil, and mine is not, there is no way I can lose! Can't hold on much longer! (But I will never let go!) I know it's a one-way track! (Tell me now how long this'll last!) I'm not gonna think this way! (Nor will I count on others!) Close my eyes and feel it burn! (Now I see what I've gotta do!) Open your heart; it's gonna be alright!''
– Open Your Heart by Sonic Adventure (NateWantsToBattle Cover)
Wrath was all he could feel, the only sensation flooding his mind and body. Wrath was what led him to attack the Knuckles Tribe and wrath was what had brought him back. He still recalled his last thought when the sense of wrath was replaced with numbness and an inability to control his own body and mind. He was being ordered around like a puppet on strings, unable to to fight back, at least until he absorbed the Chaos Emeralds – yellow and red, cyan and purple, white and blue, and finally green. With each absorbed Chaos Emerald, whatever control the mad platypus scientist had over him grew weaker and weaker, until he managed to break out.
Now, the sense of wrath had returned, stronger than ever. He had now gained his most powerful form and his senses were taken over by an overwhelming desire for revenge. Perfect Chaos roared, creating a massive tidal wave that swept over the area, and he could see people fleeing from it, but he couldn't care less who died or who survived. He had been hurt by so many people, and he was going to retaliate. He was a force of nature, and those who believed that could control him would learn that a force like himself couldn't be commanded by anyone.
Lucas and Rouge pulled Big and Froggy away, managing to get up to a building tall enough to avoid being hit by the wave. Lily, Knuckles and Tikal followed them closely, and Ferra and Metal Sonic also landed next to them. Starline panicked, using the Fly Core to leap and hold onto the EggMobile just as Eggman flew away to avoid the wave.
''What are you doing?!'' Eggman growled as Starline held onto the edge of the EggMobile for dear life.
''I admit, I may have made a mistake in my calculations, but we can still fix this,'' Starline said, only for Eggman to grab him by the collar of his purple shirt.
''We?!'' Starline gulped, shaking as Eggman lifted him up. ''I have enough of you and your know-it-all attitude! I gave you enough chances, but this one is the straw that broke the camel's back! Starline, you're fired!''
Eggman then dropped the flailing Starline into the watery depths below, not even caring whether the platypus survived the fall or not. He then flew away on the EggMobile, pressing a button that revealed a holographic screen showing Orbot and Cubot playing UNO back at the Egg Base. The two assistant robots were startled when they realized that their Boss was calling them, scrambling to explain themselves, but Eggman didn't care. ''Orbot, Cubot, get the Egg Carrier!''
''Right away, Boss!''
Eggman frowned, turning his attention back to Perfect Chaos. Despite knowing just how dangerous the God of Destruction was, he still allowed things to get this far. As much as he hated it, he knew that he would have to help Sonic and his friends defeat it. Nevertheless, he had learned from his previous mistakes.
''This better work,'' Eggman grumbled, flying the EggMobile to the building the rest of the group, sans Sonic and Shadow, were standing on. ''I assume you have some kind of plan for this, Kinomoto.''
Lucas blinked in surprise, having not expected that Eggman would address him like this, but quickly snapped out of his stunned state. ''It doesn't matter what we do, we need the Chaos Emeralds if we want to defeat Perfect Chaos.''
''I have figured that much,'' Eggman replied, him and the rest of the group observing Perfect Chaos as he moved, creating several water spouts and spreading them across the area, destroying buildings and structures in the process. ''It doesn't seem as if he had absorbed all of the negative Chaos Energy.''
''I just hope Loki had managed to get the message out for people to evacuate,'' Lucas said, staring at Cosmo Bridge in the distance. He could see people abandoning their cars and fleeing the moment Perfect Chaos had appeared, and he felt completely helpless as there was really nothing that he could do to stop this madness. That's when everyone suddenly turned around, a bit shocked to see a giant airship flying towards Perfect Chaos.
''The Egg Carrier? Seriously?!'' Lily turned to Eggman. ''You know that thing doesn't stand a chance against Perfect Chaos.''
''Don't underestimate the Egg Carrier! I have learned from the last time and I equipped the airship with additional defense systems! It won't fall down in just one hit!'' Eggman bragged, with Lily giving him a dubious look.
''If you have so much faith in the Egg Carrier, why aren't you inside it?'' she asked. Eggman just turned away, completely ignoring her question.
''Get a load of this!'' he said, pressing a button on the EggMobile, allowing him to control the Egg Carrier remotely.
The large front-mounted powerful laser cannon housed inside the bow moved, with the Egg Cannon firing a powerful cyan laser beam at Perfect Chaos, causing immense damage to Perfect Chaos' side. Eggman grinned victoriously, only to frown when Perfect Chaos to restored the damaged area. The water deity then slammed one of his tentacles into the front of the Egg Carrier, followed by another strike to the side, with the third one destroying the wing and causing the Egg Carrier to crash into Cosmo River. Eggman stared at the remains of his airship in stunned silence.
''Yeah, you were right. It took three hits for it to go down,'' Lily said in a snarky tone, arms folded across her chest. Eggman's mouth was agape and he was speechless.
''Well, damn,'' he muttered. Admittedly, even if he wasn't going to say it out loud, he did have a feeling that this might go wrong.
As for Perfect Chaos, he started to move, leaving Cosmo River and going towards Sentoraru. The group could also hear helicopters in the distance, realizing that SASDF was mobilized to fight against Perfect Chaos and save civilians. However, Lucas knew that their weaponry would do no damage to the God of Destruction. He turned activated his AR Visor, calling the whole of Team Neos and turned to the group.
''I hate to say it, but there is nothing we can do now. We should retreat and help in the evacuation as much as possible,'' he said, getting several reactions, mainly that of half-hearted acceptance and disappointment that they couldn't do more.
''So, you really are going to retreat?'' Eggman asked, with Lucas giving him a look of determination.
''You know as well as I do that we cannot do anything so long as Perfect Chaos has the Chaos Emeralds. Even if we used the Master Emerald, we can't get close enough to him for it to work,'' Lucas pointed out. ''We'll have to wait until the right opportunity, but until then, Neos City will suffer a lot of damage.''
''Then, let's make the best out of this situation,'' Sonic said.
''Kotone Midorikawa and Kero here with breaking news!''
''A flood alert has been issued! All civilians are instructed to abandon the afflicted areas in Sentoraru and Cosmo River! We are under attack by a giant water monster!''
Minami's team observed the news broadcast on a giant holographic screen in Sentoraru, having managed to get there from Kita. The area they were at wasn't flooded yet, but they knew that they didn't have much time left.
''Ugh… If we had only stopped Starline…'' Amy grumbled, still feeling the effects of Starline's toxic spurs as she was being carried piggyback by Minami, while Omega was holding Cream.
''At least you managed to recover enough,'' Minami said. ''We'll need everyone's help to survive this- agh!''
Minami, Amy, Omega, Cream, Cheese and Gamma were startled when the street before them suddenly blew up, with water gushing everywhere. ''This way!''
The group escaped, with Omega and Gamma hovering above the ground via their jet boosters, while Minami was on her hoverboard, leading them through the streets. Suddenly, a torrent of water came from a side street, threatening to carry them away, only for a cyan barrier to appear, stopping the water.
''Get to higher ground!'' Silver suddenly appeared above them, struggling with the barrier. Minami, Omega and Gamma looked around, then went towards a building where they had spotted Makoto waving at them.
''Are you guys okay?'' he asked, looking in particular at Amy and Cream.
''We'll be fine,'' Amy replied as Minami put her down.
''Yeah,'' Cream added as Omega put her down, with Cheese checking up on her.
''We ran into Starline,'' Minami explained, with Makoto and Silver nodding.
''We ended up fighting Toshiro and Mephiles, and once we lost the Chaos Emerald, we left,'' Makoto replied.
''We've been lifting up people to higher ground wherever we could, but the situation is getting worse and worse,'' Silver added.
''Heeeey! Over here!'' The group looked up, only to see Tails hovering above them. ''Warren and I are with the Chaotix! We want to reunite with Lucas and Sonic's group!''
Makoto turned to Silver. ''Do you think you'll be able to carry all of us?''
''Yeah, I have enough energy for that,'' Silver said, nodding confidently. He spread the psychokinesis among the group, with Omega, Gamma, Minami and Makoto declining as they could use the jet booster and hoverboards respectively to lighten Silver's load. The group then followed Tails.
Sonic sped down the street, managing to grab a child just before a wave of water came crashing down on them. He leapt onto an abandoned car, getting on the rooftop of a small café where several patrons were. After making sure the kid was fine, he turned back to the street, seeing Shadow pulling out a woman out of the water and onto an abandoned van. Both knew that the rest of the group was somewhere close, using anything they could to help people. In the distance was Perfect Chaos, swatting away at the military helicopters as they attacked him with missiles, none of which had any effect on him. Dark clouds covered the sky, with Perfect Chaos damaging one of the helicopters with his tentacles, forcing the military to retreat.
''It's pointless,'' Shadow said as he joined Sonic. ''If we want to defeat Perfect Chaos, we'll have to attack his weak spot.''
''His brain,'' Sonic added, him and Shadow exchanging glances. ''But, we'll have to get very close to reach him, and with the city being flooded like this, it won't be easy.''
Both hedgehogs then leapt from the building, using the debris and top of the cars as stepping stones, getting closer and closer to the area that suffered the worst damage.
Meanwhile, Lucas' group had reached a breaking point, with Touka and Lily almost being swept away by a current as they tried to grab a girl who got stuck on the top of a bus. The girl managed to hold onto it, coughing and sputtering the water, with Touka managing to grab her and carry her away bridal-style onto another building. Considering the way how hoverboards worked, they couldn't put too much weight on them for fear that they would get to heavy and fail. Touka and Lucas' hoverboard were modified, but even they had their limits.
''Help me!''
Lucas grabbed a man's arm, the latter holding onto a street lamp and tried to pull him up, but the hoverboard started to sink. He could feel another sudden tug, being surprised to see Ferra helping him out. ''You owe me for this!''
Lucas didn't comment on it, with the two focusing on getting the man to a broken building and landing on a different one to check on their hoverboards, fearing that they got damaged. However, their eyes widened as Perfect Chaos moved to their location, sending a barrage of tentacles that swept across the building, knocking both of them over. Lucas managed to grab onto the ledge, holding Ferra with his other hand as they dangled from the building above the dangerous waters. However, both of them felt that they were slipping.
''Let go or we'll both fall!'' Ferra shouted.
''Forget it!'' Lucas replied, gritting his teeth as he dug his fingers into the broken ledge, feeling his hand bleeding. He heard Ferra let out a laugh.
''You really love playing hero,'' she said, smirking.
''What? No! Frankly, I don't care if we're enemies, I won't let you die,'' Lucas replied.
''I figured,'' Ferra replied, only to suddenly dig her nails into his hand, forcing Lucas to let go. He stared in shock as she fell, only for a blue blur to pass by and catch her, revealing itself to be Metal Sonic. Lucas sighed in relief and tried to swing his other arm towards the ledge to climb up, only to feel himself getting lifted.
''Hold on!''
Lily and Knuckles grabbed his arm, pulling him back onto the building. They were joined by Touka, Rouge and Tikal, Big and Froggy having found safety somewhere else during the whole chaos. All of them were tired due to the whole ordeal, with Lucas looking around, only to spot a wave of cyan energy on a different building, relieved to see that Warren, Tails, Minami, Amy, Cream, Cheese, Makoto, Silver, Vector, Espio, Charmy, Omega and Gamma made it here safely. Given the distance, he activated the AR Visor again instead of shouting for them.
''Are you okay?'' he asked.
''We are, but this place will turn into a wasteland soon,'' Makoto answered for the whole group. Lucas knew that Makoto was right, and after taking a look at his surroundings, noted that they were the closest ones to Perfect Chaos, who continued his rampage. There was another deafening roar, and they could see in the distance seven glowing lights, being rejected by Perfect Chaos.
''Perfect Chaos has absorbed all of the Chaos Emeralds negative energy,'' Tikal said, her hands clasped as if in a prayer. ''If we don't seal him away in the Master Emerald, this city… This world will meet its end.''
Suddenly, Makoto's end, Gamma leapt from the building, flying towards the platform where the Chaos Emeralds ended up. Cream ran up to the edge of the building, crying in despair, ''Mr. Gamma, where are you going?! It's too dangerous! Come back!''
Gamma heard her, but didn't respond, instead doing his best to reach the platform to grab the Chaos Emeralds and bring them back to the group. He knew that this was their only chance, and that someone had to take the risk to reach them. He could hear Cream screaming and crying for him, held back by Amy, but he refused to respond. He was just another Badnik, after all, and he was following his mission – retrieve the Chaos Emeralds.
Gamma had managed to get close to the platform, but unfortunately, Perfect Chaos saw him, and that was the end. Gamma fired missiles at the tentacles that wrapped around him, tearing him into pieces.
''Cream, Amy… I'm sorry…''
Cream cried, being hugged and comforted by Amy as she and the rest of the group observed in horror as Gamma's body was tossed aside by Perfect Chaos. They weren't the only ones, as on other other side of the wasteland were Sonic and Shadow, having managed to find a path close to Perfect Chaos, only to stop in their tracks when they saw Gamma's demise. It was obvious what would happen to them if they tried the same, and still, they couldn't just stand there idly.
Sonic lowered his head, contemplating for a moment as he recalled what Lucas and Tikal had told him. ''Perfect Chaos… Even if he is sealed back into the Master Emerald, his heart will still remain in turmoil due to all the pain he had experienced.'' Shadow turned to Sonic, giving him a curious look as the azure hedgehog lifted his head up, a confident smirk gracing his lips. ''He had only absorbed the negative energy of the Chaos Emeralds, but there should be a positive energy inside them as a counterbalance.'' Sonic gave Shadow a confident look. ''I know what to do, but you need to cover me, Shads.''
Shadow nodded, a confident smirk that reflected Sonic's own forming on his expression. ''Make sure not to slow me down, Faker.''
''I wouldn't dream of it,'' Sonic replied, with him and Shadow leaping off the building and speeding down the flooded street and using the debris, overpasses and broken buildings to avoid being swept away by the current.
''Chaos Spear!'' Shadow threw a spear of energy at one of Perfect Chaos' tendrils, saving Sonic from being grabbed. Sonic, in turn, spin-dashed through a piece of debris that almost fell on Shadow, breaking it apart.
''We're almost there!'' Sonic said, him and Shadow leaping onto a street lamp when Perfect Chaos suddenly fired a beam of energy from his mouth. Shadow grabbed Sonic, Chaos Controlling just above where the blast was about to hit them.
''Now!'' Shadow grabbed Sonic hand mid-air, swinging around and sending the hedgehog flying into the sky and towards the platform, with Sonic managing to land on it, surrounded by the Chaos Emeralds. He grinned, being able to feel their energy as they rose up, resonating with him. However, before he could do anything, his eyes widened when a water spout emerged right under him, the dark water engulfing him.
Lucas and Shadow's cry of shock was followed by more, with Team Neos, their allies, and even Eggman who had been observing the situation from above, staring in horror as it seemed as if Perfect Chaos had finally managed to drown the azure hedgehog and kill him for good.
''No, no, Sonic!'' Lucas shouted, refusing to believe that this was the end. He wanted to leap over and help his partner, and he wasn't the only one, as Shadow was about to attack Perfect Chaos in rage.
However, before either could make a move, the water spout started to suddenly glow in a distinct golden light, which destroyed it from the inside. The clouds in the sky opened, allowing some of the sunlight to pass, illuminating the golden light that emerged from it. That light was a golden hedgehog hovering above the waters, enveloped in a golden smooth wisp-like aura, his quills on his head pointed upwards and his red eyes fixated on Perfect Chaos. His expression showed a sense of seriousness as he clenched his fists, staring at his opponent.
''It's Sonic!''
''Sonic! Sonic!''
''He's alive!!''
''Sonic… No, Super Sonic…'' Lucas breathed a sigh of relief as he stared at the golden hedgehog, his friends crying in joy, hugging each other and jumping as they realized that things have turned around. Even Eggman showed signs of relief, albeit mainly because he really didn't want to be the one to deal with Perfect Chaos, deciding to leave the water deity to Sonic.
''Sonic…'' Shadow stared at the golden hedgehog in awe, captivated by what he saw. Super Sonic then turned towards him, his serious expression changing to a sincere smile as he winked at Shadow, giving him a thumbs up to assure him that everything was fine. Shadow couldn't help but smile in return, observing Super Sonic as he flew up to be on Perfect Chaos' eye-level.
''This ultimate power is fueled by everyone's wish!'' Super Sonic said, facing Perfect Chaos. He could hear not only his friends cheering for him, but also the people of Neos City, who had recognized him as a beacon of hope, the light that illuminated the darkness. ''I won't let any of my friends down!''
Feeling the power of the Chaos Emeralds flowing through his body, Super Sonic rushed towards Perfect Chaos with lightning speed, leaving a gaping hole in the water deity's body as he emerged on the other side. Perfect Chaos roared, closing the wound, but Super Sonic continued, exploring his new speed as he entered Perfect Chaos body, flying right towards his head and punching through it, damaging the brain.
Perfect Chaos roared in pain, with Super Sonic flying away to dodge the water tentacles, then looked down at himself, wondering what else he was capable of. He knew that the Chaos Emeralds transformed thought into power, which mean that the only thing that was holding him back was his own creativity.
Super Sonic suddenly vanished, Chaos Controlling right below Perfect Chaos' head and curled into a ball, using the spin attack right into the water deity's jaw and knocking the head back. He then appeared above Perfect Chaos, with multiple duplicates of him appearing and all of them slamming down into Perfect Chaos' head, once again right into the brain. The water deity shook his head, suddenly firing a beam of energy at Super Sonic, with the golden hedgehog blocking the attack with his bare hands, diverting it into the sky.
Super Sonic then proceeded to loop around Perfect Chaos, dodging the tentacles and unleashing a golden wind that trapped the water deity, before releasing a barrage of kicks from afar, which turned into crescent razor wind that hit Perfect Chaos. The water deity didn't back down, however, launching another attack that trapped Super Sonic inside a water spout. However, the golden hedgehog managed to counter it by unleashing a blast of energy resembling Chaos Blast and flew closer, firing a barrage of punches at Perfect Chaos.
''Is it just me, or is he using the Sonic Frontiers moveset?'' Minami said, catching the attention of her friends as everyone watched the fight. Those who knew had to admit that Super Sonic was really going all out in this fight.
Super Sonic then leaped back, avoiding another blast of energy and smirked, having taken note of Perfect Chaos' weakened state. It was clear that the water deity was slowly collapsing as the attacks took a tool on it. Enveloping himself in a blaze of energy, Supers Sonic flew towards Perfect Chaos head, passing right through it and turning back as Perfect Chaos disintegrated, his monstrous form vanishing as he reverted back to Chaos 0. Super Sonic flew up to him, with Chaos staring back at him, then looked around at the destroyed area.
''I hope you're okay now, buddy,'' Super Sonic said, sensing that Chaos's wrath had disappeared and he finally calmed down. As a matter of fact, it seemed that the water deity was regretting what he had done. ''Would you be able to use the positive energy of the Chaos Emeralds to clear up a bit?''
Chaos stared at Super Sonic, a little perplexed by this request, but he knew that this was the only thing he could do in this situation. He had destroyed this part of Neos City and it was up to him to atone for what he had done.
Chaos took Super Sonic's hand, channeling the positive energy of the Chaos Emeralds and took control of all the water that was flooding the streets. The water levels started to revert, leaving only mud and debris behind and flowing into Cosmo River. Super Sonic then let go off Chaos hand, his Super Form vanishing as the Chaos Emeralds left his body and the two were left standing in the middle of the street.
''You know, you aren't that bad when you calm down,'' Sonic told Chaos, who just stared back at him, unsure how to feel about the compliment. Sonic then looked up, waving at Shadow, who just sat down, shaking his head in response and sighing in relief. Sonic then looked back to his friends, surprised to see the Babylon Rogues' airship flying over them. Lucas and the rest of the team also saw it, surprised to see a ladder being lowered down, with Chase and Jet staring at them from the entrance.
''You are crazy!'' Chase shouted, his expression showing a mix of disbelief and shock. ''All of you! Get up!''
Lucas laughed, having to admit that it was quite unexpected that the Babylon Rogues decided to get them out of this area, but he still accepted their help, him and the rest of the group, including Sonic, Shadow and Chaos climbing on. Sonic was the last to get inside, taking note of Eggman, who just gave him a non-descript look and flew away on the EggMobile. He accepted Jet's hand as the latter pulled him inside, scoffing.
''You know, only because you got this golden form doesn't mean that you're better than me,'' Jet said, with Sonic just waving him off. He then looked back at the destroyed Sentoraru, knowing that it would take a while to repair the damage from what had happened. Fortunately, it was only this area that was affected.
''Thank you, all of you, for calming Chaos down,'' Tikal said, drawing everyone's attention.
''Hey, that's what we do,'' Sonic said, feeling tired. Tikal then walked up to Knuckles, taking the Master Emerald from him.
''Chaos and I will have to leave now. We will also return the Master Emerald to where he belongs,'' she said. Knuckles nodded, only for Rouge to suddenly step in.
''Aww, you're leaving so soon already? I was hoping that I could hold onto the Master Emerald,'' she said, reaching for it, only to be grabbed by Knuckles by her arm.
''Not a chance, Rouge,'' he said, giving her a firm look, only to falter a little when Rouge smiled at him, causing him to feel flustered. Tikal smiled back and exchanged glances with Chaos, both nodding and turning back to everyone else.
''Goodbye everyone! Maybe, we'll meet again someday!'' Tikal said, her and Chaos disintegrating into data particles and vanishing. Lucas then turned to the rest of the group on the airship, a troubled look on his expression.
''So, on a scale from 1 to 10, how screwed are we? Because not only has the whole of Neos City witnessed the Chaos Incident, which left part of Sentoraru destroyed and people becoming aware of what we're capable of, but I'm also fairly certain that we will get grilled by our parents for this since Team Neos wasn't exactly supposed to be public knowledge,'' he said.
That was the moment when everyone realized that this event would probably have consequences for all of them in the long run. Sonic shrugged.
''I'm sure it'll be fine,'' he said, trying to keep everyone optimistic.
''Well, that's not our problem,'' Chase suddenly said, looking at Lucas. ''You better be grateful that we got you out of there.''
Lucas just gave him an irked look, and then sighed tiredly, then turned to Sonic. ''I just hope that this won't prevent us from continuing our work.''
''Well, I'll keep living by my own feelings,'' Sonic replied, giving him a thumbs up. ''Whatever happens next, it doesn't matter to me, because I will never give up the fight and keep doing what is right.''
Starline was surrounded by water, having been swept into a broken building and managing to land onto a piece of debris, keeping him from drowning, with a sense of despair, shock and complete mental breakdown overwhelming him.
''I planned everything out. Down to the smallest detail. I had every advantage. Accounted for every contingency.'' He clutched his head, his eyes wide and irises small as the memory Eggman throwing him into the water flashed in his mind. ''I could've fixed this. I did everything right. And Dr. Eggman… Eggman… He abandoned me… All of my effort was for nothing. I-I'm a failure. An utter, disgraceful failure…''
''Starline, watch out!''
The platypus was suddenly pulled by his hand when a piece of roofing came crashing down on him, almost crushing him. He looked up in shock, only to see that the one who had grabbed him was Ferra, pulling him onto another piece of debris and kneeling down on her hoverboard, turning her back to him. ''Climb on! This whole building is going to collapse! Metal is keeping our escape route open!''
Starline suddenly snapped out of his stupor and held onto Ferra, locking his arms around her neck as she carried him out of the building just as the roof fell where they were a moment earlier. They joined Metal Sonic, who blasted another piece of debris that got into their way and escaped the building just in time to see Super Sonic finishing off Perfect Chaos. Ferra was breathing heavily, realizing that the battle was over and turned her hoverboard around, flying away from the battlefield, with Metal Sonic following her.
''Why?'' Ferra turned her head back as she heard Starline mumbling. ''Why did you come back for me?''
''While I have no issues causing trouble for Team Neos, I do draw the line at getting people killed. That includes you,'' Ferra told him in a firm tone. ''I guess Dr. Eggman won't be too happy about your survival, but it won't matter since you cannot show yourself anymore in his presence or you'll be chased off.''
Starline felt his body grow numb, a troubled look forming on his expression. His ego was shattered and he couldn't care less anymore whether he survived or died. Ferra glanced back at him, and sighed, realizing that Starline's mental state wasn't the best. She wasn't sure what would happen next, but she was certain about one thing – she just prevented Starline's own story from ending then and there, and she had a strange feeling about what his role in the future would be.
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#Sonic Cyber Revolution (Masterlist)
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