#i'm not gonna pretend my own opinions aren't biased
lunanoc · 1 year
i thought i'd seen all the Bad Takes this fandom can generate atp but no 🫠
when i say people only like being in it bc they can play a giant themed dnd game, i mean it. otherwise there wouldn't be people seriously suggesting fan fiction (that's conveniently only written by themselves and their group of friends ofc) as an entry point into a fandom for newcomers who've never interacted with the source material in any way so they can get a solid grasp of the characters rather than idk. the source material ???
with all due respect, why would you ever use fan fiction and fanon perception as the basis of your own perception of characters and stories rather than the source material its derived from, knowing fanon is always going to be skewed and give you biased secondhand information. and why would you ever suggest it in the first place?
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p1cklemybrown1es · 18 days
How do you feel about the new ii episode!!
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Ok so I'm gonna Answer this Rn bc I'm actually Tweaking and need 2 yell abt my thoughts I'm Not gonna Make it🤝🤝 (IM GONNA ANSWER THE REST OF MY ASKS 2 EVENTUALLY OK GUYS)
Ok so Good question cause i have a lot of feelings abt this episode !
Ok so the things I liked abt this episode! I LOVEDDD getting to see more of the earlier MePhones and Prime Shimmers, especially during their Egg Mission ... and MePhone3gs getting screentime with Suitcase and Knife was a total treat I love 2 see it!! The scene with 3gs when he was saying "please... don't" when Knife + Suitcase left referencing his earlier "Please Cobs don't.." oughhh that was gold I'm glad they added that/ didn't pretend like it never happened.
ALSOOOO MORE STEVE COBS and his SONGGG!!! LOVED IT!! and he felt pretty in character too like he's still a little silly and comedic which is such a relief especially since I fully believed they were just gonna make his character Entirely Evil with no qualities of his actual personality 🤷 
Contestant wise I loved getting 2 see them all (mostly) get along at the Hotel OJ party (Microphone is unbelievably gay for Soap Omg. AND ALMOST EVERYONE GOT A SPEAKING LINE!!! POINTING FRANTICALLY AT CHERRIES AND BOMB.)
Also I. LOVE. Love. Love love LOOOOVE MePad not taking Any Shit from morphine4 anymore (and focusing on helping the contestants)Do u Kmow how Long I've waited 4 tjis. 
And MePhoneX was actually Scary??? And what hes DONE 2 THE CONTESTANTS??WOW?? like I will not lie I low-key jumped in fear a little during the OJ MPX scene Ok✋✋Like ooook!! AnimationEpic crew are starting 2 make things a little scary and I honestly think that's so cool that they aren't dumbing this down
However ... despite all those things I felt mostly disappointed and Empty after watching this episode 😅? I'm not trying 2 be mean hateful or a party pooper when I say all this These r just my own personal opinions and how I felt abt this But! I don't really like where the lore is going ....like at all😞
I don't know... maybe it's cause the whole "the contestants/show aren't actually real and were created by MePhone4 ☝️☝️" Feels a little too close to those "*childrens cartoon character* entire life was JUST A DREAM/COMA/IMAGINATION etc etc" 2 me and Honestly i expected something More?
It's totally unexpected, (especially for something that was planned) I'll give them that!! And maybe that's what they were going for- but I just feel like there's so many other ways they could've gone with the lore but they went this route, it's just not my cup of tea And that's just a me thing😅! (Again I'm not trying 2 be mean and No hate to the crew they've done so much for this show!!)
And on another personal note ...I'm so upset over Toilet still not being shown in an episode💔 I suppose I'm biased over this since he is and has been my Absolute favorite for Years (and I've waited years excitedly hoping 2 finally see him revealed in an episode just for it to Not happen Ever lol), but the AE crew have been avoiding him Like the Plague for forever atp... like I get that they don't necessarily Gaf abt him but I DO😢😢
And I felt like it has been heavily implied that he was going 2 be important 2 the plot but maybe that was wishful thinking/theories getting 2 my head? I don't know maybe he's been hidden 4 so long bc he's gonna have an awesome important role in the last part of the movie Or he's just never going 2 return🤷🤦 (REAL TEARS BTW.😢😢😭)
(Or maybe he's just Tipped over on the beach Somewhere. But I highly doubt Memphis4 created him. Also I'm so sad no one has thought 2 look 4 him or be worried abt him but I guess everyone believes he got fired and went on with his life they don't know he was in danger) OK ANYWAYS I'VE RAMBLED 4 TOO LONG IM GOING OFF TOPIC
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azzie-tangerine · 11 months
Taranza 8, 16, 38, 44. Susie 16, 20, 24, 27, 50. Magolor 2, 31, 32, 37
This one is gonna be long, sorry in advance anon.
Taranza: Unpopular opinion about them
I'm not sure if I have any unpopular opinions on this boy. He's one of my favorite characters, and a lot of popular headcanons I enjoy or agree with. I don't like when he's reduced to just "depressed", but even I have done that in the past before and I'm not sure if it counts as an unpopular opinion.
Taranza: Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves
You won't have him admit this ever, but he's terrible at dancing. If he had legs, he would have eight left feet. This is a secret that most people can tell just from hanging out with both him and constantly-dances-after-completing-something Kirby. But a lot of Taranza's friends just don't wish to tell him the truth, as he always seems happy dancing and even talks about how he's learned from the best in Floralia. At least he enjoys it.
Taranza: Favorite holiday
This is 100% me being biased about my own culture. But it's Dia de los muertos. It's celebrating the missed and there's always marigolds around. He loves it.
Taranza: Their happiest memory
You could easily say his happiest memory is one featuring Joronia. And I would agree, they're probably up there. But nowadays? His happiest memory draws back to a time the Star Allies were celebrating their defeat of Void Termina. Taranza was in the corner for most of it, but a lot of the allies constantly praised his skills or just made conversation with him, like Susie and Magolor. The relief of saving the world and joy from everyone else definitely got to him. His new friends aren't so bad.
Susie: Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves
A part of Susie still admires her company's old ideologies. Being hammered in that robotics is better than everyone can't be erased thanks to one day, after all. She doesn't mechanize planets anymore (unlike what a mistranslation says), and she does use her company for good. But sometimes a thought enters her mind about lower lifeforms. Ones she pretends not to think about.
Susie: Scars
Love the way you think anon. Susie definitely got some scars from Another Dimension. There is no way she spent her childhood there without a single scratch. She definitely got eye damage from some lasers. Maybe a couple burns on her hands from some faulty inventions of her's after joining the company. I also imagine her hands have been completely replaced with robotic parts, so that could be a scar too.
Susie: Most annoying habit
Annoying not for Susie, but to everyone around her. She talks like a coworker would talk to you. Overly friendly to the point you gotta wonder if she's being paid to be nice to you. That's just how she is, a result of being a secretary for a while. A lot of others find this annoying about her, or question her sincerity.
Susie: Their guilty pleasure
Susie definitely enjoys some trashy romance stories. Those stories with definitely not healthy relationships, made toxic for the drama. She likes to laugh at them (and also idolize the more romantic parts). She also loves true crime documentaries.
Susie: A memory they’ve blocked out
ALL of Another Dimension has been blocked out of her memory. Her choice too. She probably found a way to delete it out of her memory files. It was a lonely, scary time for her. One that Magolor understands a lot. And to her, there's no point of remembering it.
Magolor: A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
I don't care what RTDLDX says, Magolor has halcandran genes. He has too many similarities with other halcandran citizens, and even ancients like Hyness. I like to say that his "didn't come from Halcandra" to mean that he did not grow up there. I spent too long with Magolor being a halcandran, I am not giving that up. For me specifically, I see him as not fully halcandran. But he still is.
Magolor: If the had a tumblr what would it look like?
Magolor would have a troll account. He would purposely say hot takes just to piss people off. He would advertise his shop/theme park in reblogs. All the Star Allies would have him blocked. He has a sideblog just for posting pictures of the Lor Starcutter featuring Marx.
Magolor: Something guaranteed to make them smile/laugh
Anything the Lor or Marx would say, really. He finds the two's sense of humor very amusing. Even a kung pow penis from Marx would make him wheeze out loud.
Magolor: What they really think about themselves
Magolor genuinely thinks he would make a good overlord of the universe. He's smart, he understands what it's like to be weak, he has good ideas! He would be a good king. He has given up taking over the universe, but he still thinks he would have done a good job at being an overlord.
Magolor has a bit of an ego, he sees himself highly. Is it unbearable? No, it's been knocked down after RTDL. But he still thinks he's great. And he's sure everyone knows.
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
I had a convo with a friend last night about this rising urge in people to dismiss everything older than [insert arbitrary number] as "cringe" or "bad" and it got me thinking as to why. I think people have an urge to be accepted, and nowadays (as i think it always was), the way to be accepted is to be hip and cool and with the times. The issue comes when one fails to understand that "hip" and "with the times" also falls under the inevitability of passage of time. People love to take things out of context in which they were made and apply modern standars of acceptability to them and then pronounce them "outdated" and "cringe", as if there is an ultimate authority on what is acceptable to like and what isn't. There isn't, that is also mutable and succeptible to modern trends and standards, and [insert noun here]-washing the media to fit the modern narrative and make it acceptable and marketable to new generations only produces frustration in the past generations, because we were there, Gandalf, and we remember. I think that in the age of tik tok algorhytms and being spoon-fed the narrative that is deemed most profitable not many people bother, or learn how to search for information themselves, much less want or feel the need to try and develop their own taste or opinion. Why would they, when they are being fed the Right and Moral and True narrative, because internet wouldnt lie to them, right? Internet and people on the internet wouldnt skewer and manipulate the facts to fit a narrative, because to Lie is to Not Be Good, and that goes against the Good Narrative. This would be the moment where most people fall into a trap, because we all like to think we are good people, and to admit and accept that we are being manipulated would mean we aren't, by certain standards, so most would I believe choose willful ignorance and double down instead of examining their biases.
This is many topics pushed into one because I'm tyoing out what i think of and im not bothering to proof anything bcs this is gonna be my personal rant, and I don't quite want to go into details because I honestly don't want to write an essay here, but the bottom line is - Han shot first, and no matter how much you want to pretend he didn't, and no matter how cringe you deem that to be, it does not change the facts that a) it HAPPENED, b) we were there, c) we saw it, and d) we fucking enjoyed it, and still do.
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sometimesrosy · 7 years
Rosy I need your amazing advice for my relationship. I'm starting to feel differently towards my boyfriend of 7 years on and off. He says the N word and thinks he can get away with it because he's hispanic (not afro-latino) and bc he makes these 'jokes' 'sarcastically.' I'm white and tried explaining why he should cease that and he just thinks I'm overreacting and getting offended for 'people who aren't even here.' He thinks I'm stiffing his humor and got really defensive. I'm repulsed (part 1)
(part 2) However, he’s been more family to me than my family has and he’s my only friend. I’m scared of being alone. I feel like it’s kind of silly to end such a long relationship over a difference of political opinion. Or is it more than that? I’m not sure. Otherwise we got along fine. He’s a feminist and has similar interests to me. Also, I’m in recovery for mental illness and he hasn’t even started his and doesn’t want to so there’s that wedge as well. The last wedge between us is that…..
……. (part 3) I’m more academic and he cares more about making enough money to have fun. I guess you could say I have more aspiration than he does. I think I know what I have to do, I just don’t know how to start doing it and I don’t know how to not be afraid of it. I truly love him and I want him to be the person I know he can be, but in the meantime it’s become hard to put up with him. I really care for him. He’s my best friend. :( But I’m starting to fantasize about life without him.
Listen, let me tell you a secret. Minority communities are not pure. They do not avoid racism. It’s not “okay” when they are racist because they are also POC. We are, all of us, a part of this racist society, and it affects POC also… not just as the victims of oppression but also as the perpetrators. 
If someone ever tries to tell you that a POC can’t be wrong about racism because they are POC, they are selling you a bill of goods. We are all fallible. And we ALL are tainted by racism. We have to question our own racism all the time. But, as long as we think we are pure and always correct and good, we won’t ever question ourselves or call ourselves on our biases. 
Internalized racism is a HUGE thing and it is almost more devastating than external racism. Because it attacks us from the inside, family members, parents, it’s horrible. It takes apart your self worth. I’m not gonna lie. I’m light skin. I didn’t get. I saw it directed at other people and I saw that I was given better treatment because of my silky hair and pale skin and european features. It’s all bullshit. And I’m not going to pretend that it was correct because I benefitted. I never wanted it. It made me feel sick. 
And let me tell you also. The latinx community is very often racist. Skin color is a big deal. Hair texture is a big deal. Nose width. Where your family is from is a big deal. Accent is a big deal. Freaking whether you wear socks or not is like a whole “thing” that never made any fucking sense to me. Dominicans were, apparently too close to Haiti, compared to Puerto Rico, and therefore lesser. And it is about who is is more black and who is less black. He doesn’t get a pass. I’m a New Yorker, and I’m sure those on the west coast (more mexican, less puerto rican/dominican) have their own race issues, that I couldn’t really speak about. 
 It’s so freaking stupid. You’re not supposed to talk about racism towards other races when you’re a poc, and you’re not supposed to talk about the internalized racism that we suffer. But it’s real. We’re a messed up country, and racism is insidious. 
But here’s the thing, and this is the advice for you… or I don’t know if it’s advice. It’s something to consider. Right now in time, we are being confronted with all these horrible charges about people we used to respect. And we’re seeing people we thought were worthy, showing their ugly sides. The thing is, we ALL have ugly sides. We all have ugly thoughts and we make bad choices sometimes and we say things that aren’t sensitive. And it doesn’t matter HOW hardline you are about moral purity (actually, the harder line people are about moral purity, the more I kind of expect them to be hypocrites, because there’s no way they’re pure and perfect) people are STILL going to fail you.
One of the things about love is that you have to accept their flaws. That doesn’t mean you have to say it’s okay and not challenge them (this thing about you being too over sensitive and stifling his humor? Screw that,) but it does mean that you accept this thing as something not so great about an otherwise great person. MAYBE as a person who can grow and learn and come to realize that racism is not ok just because he’s POC and joking about racism is not funny. This is the guy he is. A guy with this flaw. Doesn’t mean it’s okay.
I just got into a fight with my mom about her archaic ideas about how girls should dress. And how men shouldn’t get to dictate how a 10 year old girl wears a shirt because they’re pervs. She thinks that’s who we need to cater ourselves to, and I”m like, NO. 
So here’s what I’m saying. This is an antiquated belief that is part of rape cuture and blaming the victim and objectifying girls and women. Does this mean my mom is a horrible person? No. It means she is a product of her life and her times and the society she has been living in all her life. 
And it means I live to keep this battle going, and change the people around me. Yeah, my family thinks I’m a radical. But you know, I got my uncle to not vote for Trump, because he listened to my reasons. 
I can’t tell you what is too much for you in your relationship, or what’s a deal breaker for you. But I can tell you that if you don’t want it to be, this doesn’t have to be a no. This can be a process for you. If you want to build a life with this man, you want a person who can change and grow. You want a person who thinks what you say is important and doesn’t treat you like you don’t know what you’re talking about. A man who lets YOU influence him sometimes.
Do you think that this man respects you enough to allow your thoughts to affect his beliefs and actions? Is this a man who is considerate enough to go away and think about what you say? Or to consider things in the world or valid points.
In other words. Can he learn? Can he change? Can he grow. THAT’S the kind of man you want. Not a perfect man, a man in process who is trying to be a better man. 
If he has racist ideas? You need to consider if this is just who he is, or if he is the kind of person who is looking to be the best man he can be. Or is he just looking to be better than other people?
That’s an important question too, because if he treats other people with disrespect, then that is going to come out in your relationship sooner or later. 
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