#i'm not saying anyone shouldn't feel sad i think the opposite it's completely natural to be upset i am too
himalayaan-flowers · 11 months
so many people adored Matthew Perry,
in the uk 200 funerals a month are unattended
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stiles-hoodie · 2 years
HSMTMTS - TAKE TWO 2x2 Typecasting
Season 2 - Episode 1
Ricky vs Bowen Count: Ricky [6] Bowen []
This Episode: None
Ribbon Count: Nini [2]
This Episode: Nini - 1
Ashlyn assuming she's gonna typecasted is so upsetting
It's a Friday seniors get to wear hats
EJ totally took the moment to boast about Duke. It's understandable why thinks he'll get in though not just because his dad got in but because he's probably working hard to get in as well
Gina seems looks taken aback that Ricky's not gonna be in the show and EJ looks taken aback once clues into what he said. Ricky looks like a deer caught in the headlights when he admits it out loud and realizes EJ wasn't actually doing the same thing.
Ricky doesn't want to see or genuinely doesn't see the wrong in Nini's actions. He completely takes full blame.
Ricky losing the motivation after genuinely seeming like he wanted to do it is upsetting. He even tries saying he's just a skate rat in front of everyone and they all seem genuinely confused or taken aback by it because they know he's more then that. But in this moment Ricky doesn't feel highly of himself at all. Thinking about he never really has that much in season 1 either this is just the first time it was properly made it clear. Cause even when he was getting down on himself when getting EJ to take over for him he kept bringing up Nini.
Lily basically had her target on EJ and Ricky right off the bat. She found the two leading men and tried getting on their good side. She claimed tobe newbie so when she got up she'd come across as a natural talent. She is overall a pick me hands down.
"You've never disappointed someone in your life." It's such a cute Redky moment but also shows Rickys feelings he feels towards himself as well. BIg Red even looked confused in the cafeteria. He knew how much Ricky was actually practicing.
Ricky wants to do it but he really doesn't have the motivation to bring himself to do it.
What Mr. Mazzarra says really upsets me, because no one has actually said anything about Ricky being unreliable up until now, like yeah Miss. Jenn says something after this scene, but if either of them actually knew what happened it would totally different. He had an anxiety attack. Some people saw, but I guess Miss. Jenn never asked Ricky what ended up happening or if anyone knew what happened. I just think Mr. Mazzarra shouldn't talk to a student that way. Ricky now thinks nobody can rely on him for anything even though Big Red pretty much told him the complete opposite. In this moment he probably started feeling bad and guilty. He basically guilt trips himself into auditioning for the show. He didn't audition for himself, he auditioned for everybody else. He auditioned for BIg Red because he was most likely thinking of Big Red at this point and what he said about Ricky being there would make him feel better.
Carlos in Belle still makes me laugh. Actually that whole Gaston section hahaha
Ashlyn and Lily really kill it same with Seb
Emily should've mentioned that they couldn't change it, but you can tell she wanted to take the risk to.
EJ supporting Ashlyn was so cute, I'm pretty sure he knew the before the performance
Sofias earing getting stuck
"Now I'm little sad we're not doing Dream Girls." Imagine though
Supportive EJ of Ashlyn again
I like that Carlos points out that Miss. Jenn was being rhetorical but part of me still thinks part of wasn't being
Ricky knew he did bad you can tell he really forced himself to be there. He was only staying for BIg Red and that's why out of that whole thing you can tell he felt more comfortable actually interacting with Big Red then he did throughout the entire auditions. Same with Big Red, he was also really uncomfortable throughout the auditions and when he fell he looked so defeated until Ricky calmed him down.
EJ looked so proud of Ashlyn when he looked at the sheet.
Ricky probably didn't think he got a part so I think that's why he originally wasn't in the hallway
Lily had her target on Ricky from this moment on. He got the lead, saw that he was well like, could also tell he was in a weird place if his auditions didn't make that clear and pounced. She spotted someone who might be slightest bit vulnerable and took the opportunity.
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