#i'm not saying being jewish was anything like hardcore evangelism
darkersolstice · 11 months
Recognizing that one has been exposed to a huge amount of propaganda on a topic doesn't immediately flip a switch and remove the ways that propaganda has affected your thinking. I wish it did, though.
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! Devil & God !
God Has, Heaven a A Few Angel's & Made The Earth, is Omniscient & Omnipresent & is Said to Be Omnipotent ?
But, The Devil Has :
99% of all of the Angel's, Becuz Most Rebelled !
All of Space & Time
The Faery World aka Insectoid. ( Hive World )
All Alien's
All Realm's
All Dimension's
The Entire Multiverse
Air, Earth, Water & Fire <- All Nature Power's
All Divine Power's
All Wealth
Basically, Omniscient
Forgiving <- is Said in Theory ?
is Said to Be Loving ?
is Said to Be Compassionate
is Full of Passion
Has All Soul's Witch is over 100 Trillion Googolplexian Soul's !
Has ALL Demon's on Command & On His Side
Has, The Entire Spirit World
Is All Other Deity's
is The Primordials Deity's aka The Ultra Deity's or Super Deity's
is, The Titan's
is Both Male & Female
and is the enemy of God
Yet, God Created Everything ? But it was the Devil ?
You are to Love God But Hate His Creation
? ? ?
God is All Powerful yet Satan is all Powerful
God is Love yet Satan is Love
God Will Forgive YET Satan will Forgive ? ? ?
God Want's you in Heaven, Yet his Omniscient Ass Didn't Know A Perfect Angel Was Going to TURN ON HIM AND START A RIOT & A REBELLION
The abrahamic faith is fucking Nuts.
. . .
By no way am I saying that spirituality is bullshit I'm just saying the abrahamic faith is absolutely fucking nuts, I'm not saying they are not elements to the store that aren't true but I'm saying that abrahams are are a good example of what Insanity truly looks like.
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Edit :
I've listened to an amazing amount of Christians Catholic evangelicals Saint avenues actual Jewish people I've actually been through a lot of Muslims I listen to a lot of people my life I listen to an amazing amount of people of the Abraham and faith and I've even read all three other goddamn books and multiple copies and versions of books I've read I've gone to the entirety of the fucking religion and I got to say
This fucking religious God damn nut's.
. . .
It only makes things fucking worse on these people get violent with their religion they don't even give you the chance of the choice to pick something else these motherfuckers hardcore will murder anybody that does not follow their ideology I don't even think that's a fucking religion of that God damn point I just think that's fucking Mass terrorism.
Is one thing to have a spirituality that you're that you're trying to desperate get others to understand and follow and I understand the violence comes out of desperation but when your religion is complete and absolute bullshit and you go around murdering people cuz they don't want to follow your literal bullshit at that point you're a Schizophrenic Terrorist.
Schizophrenic <- I hate this ugly evil disgusting fucking word, I tried to go through a whole bunch of other goddamn words that fight but I couldn't find a single one crazy wouldn't work insane wouldn't have worked I had to find a more pinpoint accurate way to describe something even though the diagnosis schizophren schizo is extremely inaccurate many times and it's been debunked multiple goddamn ways I still have to find a way or language a way to explain things and I didn't want to use it I know how much I was going to fucking hurt, I wasn't trying to hurt, anybody.
Spirituality is a Science and Scientism and won't let you practice that
Extra Edit :
The devil is described to be the primal instinct of a person or anything out there is it to be animalistic entirely, the devil is defined as the ego and God is defined as the spirit.
This makes absolutely no fucking sense, because animals are spirits just extremely under evolved Spirits things develop over time things change over time that's fucking Evolution religion needs a Goddamn embrace fucking evolution.
On top of the fact the devil is ascribed as a trickster in a liar but then going to heat and then going to all the Christians have spoken to and the Catholic and the Muslims and all the intense amount of Jews I spoken to in the extreme differences of each and every different part of the abrahamic faith
By the way I want to let you know and I've been with these people the Jews believe Christians Catholics and Muslims are all fucking demons
Christian's Catholics Saint August and Evangelical Christians believe each other or demons and the Jews are demons and the Muslims are demons
And the Muslims believe the Jews are demons the Christians are demons the Catholics are demons the evangelicals are demons the same amethyst or demons and basically everybody else is a fucking demon
On top of the fact the devil is described the fucking have every goddamn thing in existence cuz every single time I get talked to a Christian they tell me about the Bible they teach me about their fucking religion I don't want to criticize them I don't want to raise an eyebrows to them I don't want to show them any kind of suspicion as well I just want to act like I give a fuck when I really don't but I want to hear why this is insanity is continuing on.
I'm not a wolf in sheep clothing I'm Seriously & Really tired of this bullshit and and the Extreme Unfairness and not being allowed, to break away !
. . .
And yes I have read through the entire Bible it was a very disgusting book that was trying to be as unbiased and unemotional as possible and refrain to let my emotions persuade me too much and actually just read it as what it is and then judge it I've read the entire Bible I've read the Jew Bible I've read the Muslim bible I've read the Mason Bible I've read all kinds of fucking Bibles in my life and I hate every single fucking one of them
I haven't seen the inside of churches I see the inside of synagogues that's in the inside of seeing Christianity and and the Muslims and the Jews I've seen their entire abrahamic religion inside and out and I fucking hate every fraction of it
And I seen all of Satanism and I think that's unbelievably stupid as well
🤨 - I really wonder what day on the earth will the abrahamic faith completely go extinct like the fucking dinosaurs I really wonder when the fuck the Abraham and faith will truly get erased like snow as we go into winter to summer, just suddenly disappear as an exist nowhere
😡 - and, Then, I wonder what other Shitty goofy fucking full of shit religions going to pop up next ?
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