#stuff that people very much wanted me to carry the belief in
Ateez Dynamics (San's Perspective)
Time to look into what San's perspective is for the group members. Let's take a look at his thoughts.
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Hongjoong (The Protector/5 of Swords) Now normally the 5 of Swords means conflict and arguments between the two. I mean it can happen between the two, but the keyword is controversy, so maybe Hongjoong protects him from that, because we also go the protector card, they may both do this for one another. There is a need to respect each other's boundaries. Okay, I am now being drawn back to their reading, this may help me a bit, because I am getting there could be arguments between the two that may have to do with boundaries. So, the keyword on the deck seems to be important, I respect people's boundaries and expect the same for them. I lowkey think Hongjoong may not do that at times, because he can be so protective, oh, okay, I am starting to get this. So, Hongjoong may not get why he is upset, if you go back to Hongjoong's perspective you'll see what I am talking about, the reason San is showing me why he is upset is because he crosses the line from time to time. Ah, this makes sense, this is why perspective is important ya'll lol This is where the arguments stem from, well allegedly, don't know them, but wow, fascinating stuff here.
Seonghwa (The Partners/10 of Wands) Hmm, there could be a sense of responsibility they put on themselves, they may relate in that sense. There could be a sense of responsibility he feels he has for Seonghwa, or he sees Seonghwa as someone who puts others first and carries the weight of others. I mean they both seems to be that way. Carry the weight of the team, because you have the partners here, so they are the same, a tandem, working together here. It is like they both put their friendship and members first, which carry a lot of burdens for them. So, he relates to him in that sense.
Yunho (The Benefactor/5 of Cups/The Hanged Man) He seems to see Yunho as a man who finds a way to rise to the occasion, or find a way out of a deep whole, or a dark period. He finds a way to reflect at what he lost or what he is disappointed about, work through that, and moves forward. He always takes steps forward, not backwards. He knows his value and worth and uses it for his gain. It is like he takes a step back, pauses for a bit, looks through the situation, he may take some time away to himself to gather himself, and then moves forward. I am not sure he meditates, but the one card gives me that. Anyway, he values what he brings to the team, and probably respects how he handles things. This is more how he feels about him, than the dynamic, but love seeing this. Yunho seems like such a cool dude.
Yeosang (The Angel/Queen of Swords) Okay, he is giving me that he shows more confidence and composure than I thought he had lol Why does he not give me that though? He sees him as very intellectual and very observant. He helps those in need, is a generally sweet person. He guides and protects those he cares about. He keeps his composure through all the struggles and difficulties. There is a strong confidence and belief in himself that he has. Yo, why is Yeosang so hard for me to get? This seems new to me. He did not give me this energy lol Okay, San, thanks for the new information here. He stands for his beliefs. Okay, I remember him being this way, head strong and kind of stubborn, this is ringing a bell now from other readings I did about him. He likes that he is cool, calm and collected. Not overly emotional or dramatic. He knows what he wants and sticks to it. He doesn't say much, but when he speaks it speaks volumes. Interesting
Mingi (The Dreamer/Strength) Not at all surprised by what I see. Well, the strength card is represented by Leo energy. He is a Leo. Powerful, strong, very confident, I heard loyal, okay. Very strong willed, has lots of strength to endure difficult times. He knows his power but knows not to go overboard with it. He is optimistic, hopeful, has lots of dreams, also a strong imagination. He could be very intuitive as well, and also may have vivid dreams and share that with him. He is a force to be reckon with I hear. Once again, more about his love for Mingi, but not much of the dynamic. I guess he wants to share how he feels about him lol
Wooyoung (The Initiator/Queen of Wands/7 of Swords) So, I was going to put back the 7 of swords, because it was behind the QOW's, but I kept it because I want the tea, and both cards flew out hard, they basically fell on the floor, so I am going to keep it. He definitely sees him as very passionate. He sees him as someone who goes after what he wants. He sees him as someone who takes the initiative to get what needs to be done. I felt like someone gave him the opposite energy in a dynamic reading, don't remember who though. Now with that QOW'S energy, girl, how do I say this, I mean he may see him as attractive with this energy, not going to lie. It doesn't have to be romantic thought people, not going there. I mean I see some girls as attractive, doesn't mean I date them. But he also sees him as a shining star, very charming, alluring, has a nice presentation, what that means, who knows, just channeling, but with this 7 of swords, I am getting looks can be deceiving here. So, what I am getting is he isn't what he showcases or appears to be in public, that is what this is giving me. Because the keyword in this deck for 7 of swords is deception, so yeah. I do think he likes him, he gave me more positive energy toward him than others, but he may not be as confident as he appears is what this is giving me, because the keyword for the QOW's is confidence. Interesting once again. Man, San spills the tea, love his energy and how he explains things, he takes me on a journey.
Jongho (The Lustful/6 of Wands) Once again this boy gets the lustful card, I believe he got this for Hongjoong's reading, and also doing his ideal partner reading. Boy is a playboy lol Because the keyword on the card is I embrace my sexuality as a sacred gift, boy stop, anyway. Ya'll he a Freak, okay, let me stop. Umm, yeah, I think he sees him as someone who goes after what he wants and is successful at whatever he wants to achieve. It is like he enjoys winning at all costs. Like whatever he wants he achieves. I mean this could do with potential partner, because man, the lustful card speaks volumes, like why he had to throw that one out lol
Okay, this was a fun ride. I love chatty energies like this. I can't wait to get to his perspective reading, because I know boy wants to talk, his energy is one of the stronger ones for me for that reading. I knew I would enjoy this one and he did not disappoint.
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darkersolstice · 11 months
Recognizing that one has been exposed to a huge amount of propaganda on a topic doesn't immediately flip a switch and remove the ways that propaganda has affected your thinking. I wish it did, though.
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sashisuse · 4 months
okay so what we’re not going to do is villainize shoko.
jjk 261 spoilers, thoughts, and a brief analysis of shoko. (and touching on some sashisu stuff. more specifically the sash part.)
i see a lot of people bashing her for not having a reaction to the body swapping plan and that satoru was like ‘i’m mostly surprised shoko didn’t object’ SO. here’s what i’ve got to say.
shoko didn’t object because she was fully under the belief that satoru was going to win. that it wasn’t going to happen. it was literally the worst worst worst WORST case scenario. she had SO MUCH faith in satoru.
let’s rewind back to the shibuya arc. what we knew about shoko at that time regarding her use of cigarettes was that she had quit five years (iirc) prior to those events. her smoking habits literally revolve around satoru’s wellbeing.
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mind you this was after she and yaga learned satoru had been sealed. she heard the news and immediately began smoking. why? because shoko is a person who masks her emotions and she does it well. she’s not the type of woman to break down in tears. she’s going to hide it and instead light up a cigarette.
we saw this with her interaction with suguru. she acted very nonchalant about his defection and the massacre he committed on the village and his parents. but when we fast forward ten years and go to jjk0, it’s made abundantly clear that she still cares about him. during the meeting where yaga declares they’re going to kill suguru — i’m pretty sure his words were ‘exorcise the curse that is geto suguru’ or something along those lines — shoko leaves. she flat out walks out. and during the night parade of 100 demons, we have a moment where see the most emotion out of shoko that we have for the majority of the series. she’s angry. she’s hurt. she has these thoughts of something along the lines of like ‘you sure made a mess for us’ regarding suguru. and it’s especially prominent because it’s the first time we’ve ever seen her like this and only time. the closest we get to seeing that again is during the sukuna fight.
she literally cares so much but she’s just emotionally constipated and doesn’t know how to show it 😭 it’s an issue both she and satoru have. they deflect. they mask. they move on and yet the carry it with them somewhere deep inside them.
so we go back forward to satoru and sukuna’s fight. where we do see emotion from shoko but what’s most important to note is the panels she’s in. when they focus on her, she’s either smoking a cigarette, lighting a cigarette up, or we see her surrounded by cigarette butts.
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we see her genuinely fearful at this point. she had full confidence that satoru was going to win. that’s why she said ‘do what you want’ and didn’t object. because in her mind, it wouldn’t happen.
it’s very important to remember that sashisu, whether you see it in a romantic or platonic way, was a group that cared so fucking deeply for one another. their bonds were deep. their love for their found family was deep. it’s part of the reason why suguru defected in the end. which i can get it into but not at this time. but at the end of the day, sashisu had ass communication skills and failed to properly understand one another.
and that seems to continue on with the satoshoko side of that, which was left after suguru left. and after he died.
also, it’s really important to remember that shoko is not like satoru and suguru. she’s a healer. that’s it. that’s all she does. she doesn’t get to fight or be on the front lines like they do. she’s the one who gets to wait behind and wait until the damage is done to do her job. she’s been doing this since she was (probably) 15, maybe even younger since we don’t know her backstory. she’s going to be emotionally detached. also, keep in mind this page:
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specifically her first piece of dialogue. ‘it’s more like we have to do it.’
and that’s the bottom line.
whew. this was rough. shoko ieiri you will always be loved by me.
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vcnillazelda · 2 years
can i req young! reader w 141, just like platonic headcannons and whatnot about like her being a rookie and sparring w ghost or konig or soap or alejandro n ect n stuff, ty!!
ghost team/141 + könig sparring with rookie! s/o
characters: ghost, soap, könig, gaz, alejandro, rudy, price
warnings: mild injury??? maybe?
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a/n: aw omg i love this!! + alejandro’s walk omg 😭
it was your first time sparring, and you went straight to him???
he’d rather watch you spar and give you tips, but the way you’re begging him to do it with you is swaying him
he’s so tense and worried he might hurt you but with your assurances he’s willing
he does it in more of a private setting, but he still makes notes on your techniques, strength, agility
gives you little tips if you’re dealing with larger opponents
at one point he had you trapped and he will never admit the way you let out a breathy giggle and struggled in his grasp made him fluster behind his mask
is all impressed if you manage to beat him, but on the inside he was going easy on you
ofc you find out after watching him spar with johnny and you’re like “why are you holding back with me???” and he admits he’s just scared he’ll hurt you
when you two are in private afterwards he’ll give you a soft kiss
at the end of the day, he’d rather watch you train rather than partake, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he hurt you, even in a controlled setting
unlike his lieutenant, he’s into play fighting with you, so he’s all the way down to spar
ofc he knows sparring is training for you guys and not like a sport, but he still thinks it’s fun and wants you to enjoy it too
he won’t hit hard, he’s a gentleman, and he pretty much always lets you win even though he shouldn’t bc it’s meant to be a fair fight
his old partner in sparring was gaz, but now he has you and he’s actually really enjoying being able to spend extra time with you
the two of you make little jokes to each other as well as trash talk each other, but at the end of the session you’ll hug and be like “you did great :)”
he’s got amazing sportsmanship, so if you genuinely beat him when he’s trying he’ll congratulate you and offer to get you a drink
10/10 best training partner
he’s a big boy with anxiety, he’s terrified of hurting you and (unlike simon) he will voice his concerns to you
it will take A LOT of convincing
he stays on the defensive and sometimes never even lands a blow on you, which leads to him getting scolded
you will have to sit down with him and state that you’re not made of glass and that you’ll be fine, so he eases up and genuinely spars with you
however… he got a bit carried away with adrenaline, and he pinned you in a way that pulled a muscle in your shoulder
apologies. all the time, even after your muscle heals
please assure him everything’s okay bc he will genuinely start crying as if you hate him now 😭
it will take him a while to start training with you again, and this time he’s more aware of his strength and keeps you from genuine harm
like johnny, he’s very sportsmanlike so if you beat him he’ll smile and kiss your forehead with some muttered congratulations in german
treats you to lunch afterwards all the time, bc he loves training in the morning, and will chat about techniques to help you out considering you’re still a rookie
contrary to people’s beliefs, he’s quite a chatty partner when he gets to know you, and will happily give you tips and tricks
yay! you’re both close in age! you both immediately click together. you’re like best friends
loves sparring with you, it’s his favourite activity when on base with you
it looks like the two of you are play fighting most of the time, but tbh kyle just wants to have fun with you whilst also working with you
you both need tips from price, who happily gives them, then observes as the two of you try to use them
you both get really competitive so it takes a while for anyone to tap out
i hc that gaz is into wrestling, so he’ll definitely imitate an announcer to make you laugh and hopefully catch you off guard
loves getting you in a headlock but never hurts you, as much as a goofball he is he’s very aware
if he manages to trap you under him he makes a few jokes in a low tone and steals a kiss
his eyes will always be slightly flirty, and he will 100% flirt between jokes
11/10 amazing partner in general
immediately agrees, and because he’s been serving for a long time, he takes on the role of teaching you about sparring
always praises you, loves praising you for every little thing
he’s totally not using this as an excuse to be close to you
at one point in time he had you stuck in his grasp and the way he whispers to you is just 😩
(he definitely knows you’re weak for his voice and uses it to tease you)
no matter what happens in training, even if you’re the one who taps out, he will kiss your forehead and say that he’s proud of you
he’s another one that’s extremely aware of how much strength he’s using, but he won’t hesitate to be a little more forceful with you
you need to learn somehow
if you try to kiss him to distract him he’ll chuckle and ease up before getting back to training
he’s such a good teacher that when you’re not training with him you’re winning most of the time against other opponents
he’s so proud :,)
this poor boy is such a soft lover, so the idea of accidentally hurting you is always in the back of his mind
tries to go slow, but sometimes he doesn’t remember his strength and immediately backs out if you let out a small pained noise
hugs you after bc he feels bad
he’s skittish, but overall a good training partner once you two have a talk
uses techniques that alejandro taught him, and tried teaching them to you
he’s not an amazing teacher though…
still praises you
he’s quite young too, but he’s been serving longer so he’s meant to be able to teach you things
however… he still has a lot to learn, so sparring is a learning experience for both of you
wont admit it, but he gets a little jealous when you train with other people
cuddles 100%, cuddling is mandatory after training
if your muscles are strained he’ll give you a massage too bc he’s such a sweetheart
will 100% tell you to go rough with him bc it’s still you learning as a rookie, but if you don’t want to he understands
he just wants you to succeed :)
this papa bear is the one who offered to train with you
he saw you and gaz mucking about and decided to mentor you, much like alejandro he’s your teacher
gives you genuinely good advice and tips on how to break out of someone’s grasp and take them down
wont go soft on you, but he won’t go too hard either
he knows your limits and adapts around them, therefore he’s a really good teacher
will always assure you that backing down is okay, there’s nothing to kick yourself over
there’s no chance he’d ever actually hurt you, he’s confident in his abilities and knows his strength and limits
however, he can get too rough if you’re seemingly fine, he’s just trying to test you.
if you’re being quiet about him being a little too rough he’ll sense somethings up and encourages you to talk, sparring is meant to be affective and good for both people involved, it’s training after all
will apologise if he accidentally hurt you without realising, even if it’s just a minor bruise
always aspires to get you to the best of the best, wants to watch you rise in ranks because he knows you have what it takes to be an amazing soldier
he’s so good at sparring and enjoys it so much that sometimes it doesn’t even feel like training and wants you to feel the same way, he’ll help as best he can
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kayadrake123 · 6 months
Tim Drake x Reader long Headcannons
Hey guys! Hope you’re all good. I haven’t posted for a while and I thought it would be nice to make a come back with a long head cannon about you and Tim’s relationship. Here you go! I will be posting more stuff soon!
Contrary to belief, Tim is actually a very affectionate person
And he has different ways of showing it depending on who you are
With his siblings he always makes sure to ask them about their interests and to get frequent updates on their lives 
He doesn’t mind them talking his ear off, even though he pretends he does with them by groaning and rolling his eyes 
Might get them a gift here and there
For example whenever he sees a book Jason may be interested in, he sneaks it into his apartment later that night with a note that says ‘hopefully this will make you leave me alone for a while’ 
He’s just kidding of course
With his friends he does pretty much the same thing, but he makes sure to add in a lot of reassuring hugs with them
Now with you his lover, he’s the softest he has ever been. 
He didn’t even think it was possible for him to be down this bad, I mean he’s been in other relationships but NOTHING will ever compare to the love he feels for you
He finds himself being vulnerable without even wanting to because you just have this effect on him where he instantly melts and feels safe in your presence
He has many love languages, but his main three are definitely physical touch, quality time and acts of service
He wants to be near you all the time
You radiate warmth and beauty and he finds himself being pulled towards you, that’s how you met in the first place 
He loves hugging you 
The feeling of your arms wrapped around him as he clings to you brings him immense happiness 
A hug from you can heal anything and everything 
He has a habit of crossing your body parts when you sit next to each other, with or without people around 
What I mean by this is that you’d be sitting next to him in a booth at a restaurant and Tim would make sure to cross your forearms together on the table where your hand is resting and hold your hand 
He drapes one of your legs over his when you’re sitting next to each other on a couch 
Neck kisses. 
He loves the way you squirm when he kisses you there and the beautiful smile that spreads across your gorgeous lips
He loves when you kiss him on random places of his body, such as his back when he’s facing away from you or his arm when it’s positioned above your head
He loves when you drag the tips of your nails across his arm or his back, he falls asleep to that all the time, especially on the hard nights 
He loves giving you massages, anywhere at anytime 
Whenever you guys go on walks he likes to link your pinkies together because he thinks it’s so wholesome and gentle - you’re both very independent but still want to be close to each other even if it’s the slightest touch 
Always opens the car door for you. ALWAYS 
He actually gets upset if you don’t let him do it 
He will hold your bag for you DO NOT EVEN TRY TO FIGHT HIM ON THIS 
Loves that when you do your nails (if you get your nails done) you ask him what colour you should get 
Loves it even more when you listen to him and choose the colour he chose 
Your feet are sore after walking in heels the whole night? He will pick you up bridal style and carry you. No questions asked. 
At galas when he can see you’re getting hot, he’ll grab a fan that he stored in his suit jacket and wordlessly fan you 
He loves laying his head in your lap and when you stroke his hair
Loves when you give him kisses on the tip of his nose 
When you first bit him he was like ???? What are they doing ??? 
But he got used to it and understands that you get a cuteness overload that makes you bite those you love
If you’re also a vigilante he always wants to be your partner on missions and patrol 
Hates when you get hurt like he actually cries I’m not kidding 
Not in front of his siblings (unless you’re dying or the injury is very severe) but later when you get home after confirming you are in fact okay 
Once you got shot in the knee when he was all the way across town from you on patrol
He dropped everything he was going to see you and make sure you’re okay (bailed on a lead he’s been following for 6 months) 
When you told him you were okay he nodded but you knew he didn’t believe you
The truth is Tim heard your scream over the comms and how in pain you sounded - he also knew you were still in so much fucking pain because your body was tense and with every movement he could see you forcing yourself to not cry out in pain 
Hates to see you upset when he gets hurt and will spend the next few days, weeks if he has to, reassuring you that he is okay 
He worships you. 
In and out of the bedroom 
He takes his time with you, kissing up your legs, your stomach, your chest and then he captures your lips in the most desperate and passionate kiss that leaves you breathless and wanting more of him 
He loves the feeling of your body against his, skin-to-skin 
He always picks positions where he can feel your body against his
He also likes cuddling skin-to-skin 
He thinks you are the most beautiful and amazing human he has ever met and he feels so privileged and lucky to have you as his lover 
He loves being loved by you and he loves loving you 
You help him with a lot of things such as his anxiety, anger and his overcompensating 
Tim wasn’t ever really good at letting people love him, with his parents not being very affectionate and loving with him when he was younger 
He’s always been the one who loves and doesn’t get that love back 
But you, you changed that 
You let him know everyday that you love him and that you genuinely care about him and want to be with him 24/7
You’re his best friend and his soulmate and he will love you till his last breath and even beyond the grave
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headspace-hotel · 1 year
Y'all want postcards from my visit to Twitter? Full disclosure all of these people are Nazis so be aware that I mock them without the slightest minuscule grain of good humor
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Normal things to type with your hands huh
Anyway I'm hit so hard these days by how contemporary fascism shares like 90% DNA with Conservative Evangelicalism.
And that's really what frustrates and frightens me about contemporary Christianity, because there are people in it whose political beliefs uncertainly approach "liberal," who want to grapple with racism and sexism in the Church, but a lot of the writers and thinkers that were foundational to their worldview are now viewed by them as good-naturedly misguided, when their ideas were Very Much Fascism. Being a philosopher or theologian with a mild mannered affect doesn't make them not a fascist. Being well-intentioned in a twisted way doesn't make them not a fascist. Failing to realize that what they were supporting and proposing is fascism doesn't make them not a fascist.
There is just not a sufficient recognition of the horrible seriousness of the "culture war" and how the topics that were battlegrounds in the "culture war" were selected for monstrous political purposes.
There is a continued effort to "save" or "salvage" things like being pro-life and supporting abstinence until marriage, and this, to me, reflects a continued failure to seize the fascist abomination Evangelicalism has become and truly tear it up by the roots. Can you be personally uncomfortable with abortion or personally in favor of sex within a committed relationship? Of course. But these things would not be political issues without the influence of fascism in culture and politics. They would not occupy your head like this. They would not be the main subjects of your moral universe without the consuming sense of anxiety that your society is increasingly descending into moral degeneracy, partly to the increased visibility and dominance of groups that are culturally "other," posing an existential threat to the integrity and stability of your culture—which is an INTEGRAL CHARACTERISTIC OF FASCISM
It's at the point where exchanging ideas with conservative Christians, as a more progressive Christian, drags you down more than it could ever lift them up. It's like you're trying to carry a backpack attached to a chain and the other end of the chain is attached to a rabid wolf.
It doesn't matter how important the stuff in the backpack is to you. You cannot go back for it. And if your buddy insists on going no further unless the backpack can come with you, you'll have to make a decision, because that wolf's eyes are lit up with sightless sickly fire and his jaws are foaming and snapping.
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sstardustt3 · 4 months
Johnny cade headcannonsss
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Authors notes- um so my writers block is gone (yipeee) and I decided that from now on this is just going to be a general writing account instead of something focused exclusively on one fandom (I'm still gonna do creepypasta stuff dw) but I didn't realize how much writing for one singular thing burns the fuck out of you so I'm doing this because it's much more easier and I'm gonna upload more because I'm on summer break. Anyways I'm on an outsiders kick rn so this is the result of it
tags/ warnings- mentions of abuse, johnny being a gossip whore, angst, fluff, johnny thinking negatively about himself, brief mention of romance, someone please give him a hug-
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-Johnny is really fucking strong despite looking kinda scrawny but he believes no one when they tell him this (he thinks they're just trying to make him more confidant)
-If he did have a s/o then nine times out of then they've asked him to carry them everywhere
-he hates physical contact he can't stand it especially if he's not ready for it like if you hug him from behind. mostly because everytime someone touches him it's to hurt him but also another is because he just hates being surprised
-his body is so unbelievably cold all the time that even if there was a heat wave in the area at like 120*f he would still feel like he's on the brink of dying from hypothermia
-something he picked up from Dally is being rude to people for like no reason he doesn't even do it intentionally he just kinda says the most outlandish rude shit about people and does not even realize it
-adding onto things he's picked up from hanging with dally is how to talk to girls, contrary to popular belief he's actually not (completely) clueless with girls and he can sweet talk if he really wants to (he starts off stumbling like an idiot though)
-he's failling a good percentage of his classes for half the year because he figured that he wasn't gonna go far in life even if he didn't end up dead by 18 and his parents don't care about him enough to check his report cards
-at the end of the year the week before you can't do any more retakes and turn in late work he'll just do everything in one go because he doesn't really wanna be held back (he ends up passing with b's and c's)
-he's actually really good at making shit he has a drawer full of small little trinkets he's made in his spare time
-he learned how to make things to pass the time because before the gang he really didn't have friends and he didn't have a good excuse to go out anyway so he just locked himself in his room and began making things out of paper and rearranging action figures he stole from the junkyard or from second-hand stores
-more than half of his creations look like the shit Sid from toy story made
-he's so oblivous when people like him it's ridiculous and when he does realize they like him he just kinda is like "oh...oh...OH?!!!"
-even when he does like them back his first instance is to distance himself from them he thinks it's something that'll like pass
-he's dyslexic which is why he always makes Ponyboy do his English homework and read his homework to him in general
-adding onto the headcanon about him being cold all the time, for that very reason you'll never catch him out of him dead out of his jacket (well I guess that's not true bc he died without it but wtv)
-another reason is that he has a lot of scarring and bruises from his parents that he hates seeing
-dally was the first person to meet Johnny and he was kinda like "damn look at that little possum...it's coming home with me" and when he asked Johnny his name he had mumbled it so when he said it it sounded like Johnny cakes so for like half a year dally called him that before randomly correcting him
"yeah, so johnny cakes here-"
"Johnny Cade."
"huh? What you say, little man?"
"My name's Johnny Cade, not Johnny Cakes."
"are you serious-"
-Johnny's a gossip whore whether he admits it or not. the perks of being quiet and going unnoticed is that people will say there business loud and proud in front of you because they have forgotten you were even there.
-he will without a doubt tell Ponyboy after.
-and since Ponyboy has little to no understanding of the meaning of keeping things to himself he will in fact tell the rest of the gang
*requests for hcs/ or fics are always welcome*
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nightwings-robin · 9 months
Some of y'all act like Tim hated Jason when Tim was Robin and Jason was still dead but I disagree.
Not a lot of people do this but I've seen it enough times that it's gotten to bother me a little bit.
Let's take a look at some early Tim opinions on Jason.
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Detective Comics (1937) #618
"Just a boy like me... One day I'll be as good as Jason."
This issue came out in 1990, so it's rather soon after Jason died and Tim was introduced (which happened in 1988 and 1989 respectfully). This is what Tim thinks about Jason very early one. This doesn't read as even remotely like hatred to me.
But wait, there's more!
The very next issue shows Tim having sympathy for Jason.
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Detective Comics (1937) #619
Tim is noting the similarities between Dick, Jason, and himself. This issue is in the same arc when Tim's parents get kidnapped and his mom is killed. He has sympathy for Dick AND Jason, who both lost their parents. Tim is faced with the same pain and it shows his compassion for Jason.
Now this isn't to say that Tim was unaware of some of Jason's problems and maybe did blame him for his own death a bit, as shown with this panel:
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Batman (1940) #455
Tim knew that Jason had times of anger and says he won't let that happen to himself. I don't think Tim is being quite fair here in claiming that he won't let his anger get the better of him like Jason's did, but Tim is hardly the only character to think this way about Jason and, again, this doesn't read as hatred to me. If anything, to me this reads as a character with preconceived notions about how another person died and not wanting to make the same preconceived mistakes as that person.
Is he being a bit harsh and 'holier-than-thou' here? Yes. Do I think this is hatred or some other malicious view of Jason? No.
There is also that time Tim hallucinated Dick and Jason, and they gave a sort of "pep-talk" to him about being Robin.
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Batman (1940) #456
These are Tim's own thoughts manifesting through Dick and Jason. I do dislike that he imagines Jason blaming himself for his own death but think about why Tim would think this about Jason. Tim never met Jason. Wasn't there when he died. He only knows what he read and what he was told about Jason from other people. People like Bruce, Dick, and Alfred. And while those three loved and cared for Jason, they also unfortunately reinforced the belief that Jason was responsible for the Joker murdering him. It's not great but it does stand to reason that Tim would think this about Jason.
But it's not all bad stuff. Tim imagines Jason cheering him on alongside Dick:
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Batman (1940) #456
Tim imagines not just Dick but also Jason telling him he can do it. That he can figure it out and be a good Robin. I feel like if Tim really did hate Jason, he wouldn't imagine Jason rooting for him.
Tim goes on to imagine Dick and Jason later helping him out with a fight:
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Batman (1940) #457
Again, Tim imagines both Dick AND Jason encouraging him during a battle. He imagines that they both want him to succeed as a hero. Why would Tim want Jason's approval if he dislikes Jason? Because he doesn't dislike Jason. Tim respects him enough as Robin to think that he wants Jason's encouragement.
and then at the end when he officially becomes Robin:
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Batman (1940) #457
"Dick made it a symbol... Jason gave his life for it. Failing them... what they fought so hard to build... worries me."
Tim sees being Robin as not just carrying on Dick's legacy, but also Jason's. He wants to live up to Jason just as much as he wants to live up to Dick. He wants to be a Robin that both of them can be proud of.
Like none of this says to me that Tim hated Jason. Did he look up to and idolize Jason the way he did with Dick? No, but that also doesn't mean that Tim hated him.
I get the feeling that Tim viewed Jason's death as a tragedy but since they never met, he didn't have any personal feelings about him, only wanting to live up to the Robin name that Jason left behind.
Now I DO think that Tim did eventually end up hating Jason after Jason came back and tried to kill Tim and others multiple times but this post is specifically referring to the time before Jason returned from the grave.
And I guess I should make it clear that I've not read every single comic issue of Tim Drake ever so maybe there are moments that refute my claim that I just don't know about. I'm simply going off of issues that I have read and I've only read Tim's very early days as Robin.
Feel free to disagree and add on if you want.
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dustylava · 2 years
English is not my native language, so, i'm so sorry.
You're marrying the man you love, even despite his reputation. And this man, too, loves you very much. And after the official acquaintance, his mother, too, was imbued with tender feelings for you. And in the end, you have a possessive stalker-husband, who always finds out where you are, literally by smell, and his mama, who is your obsessive yandere, ready to follow you anywhere. Oh, and of course don't forget about the reproductive pressure on you from both sides. Your mother-in-law really wants grandchildren. Grandchildren, that you will carrying and give birth to.
These two will blow away dust motes from you. Your husband will kiss the ground you walked on. Your mother-in-law will give you anything you want. They will do anything for you, just be a good, decent wifey, do as they tell you. Your husband tells you not to look in the direction of those people - turn away from them, look at him, smile at him, purr to him, how wonderful he is, and your husband will melt in your hands. Your mother-in-law is calling you to her chambers, to discuss something - go to her, let her comb your hair, let her try on her jewelry on you, thank her, for giving you such a wonderful son, and your mother-in-law will be in heaven with happiness. Look at them with love and care, tell them, how happy and grateful you are, to become part of their family, and these two will unleash wars, arrange an apocalypse, they will reshape it, as you want, and put this world at your feet. You have no right to make a mistake.
They will love you forever, they will always take care of you, they adore you. They will always protect you. They are your family, and you don't need anyone else. Except for your future children, of course. Although they love you in different ways, but do not bring it to the point, that mother and son will start compete with each other for your attention and affection. It will be worse for you.
Forget the people from the past, they never loved you. Don't think about that pathetic, soulless and lonely life. Now, you have a family, that loves and appreciates you. The family, you've always deserved. And if, suddenly, one of the members of your real and only family will be harmful to you - leave it to mammy, treasure, she will sort everything out. You can't trust your husband with this kind of work, mammy will do everything herself!
Aemond Targaryen and Y/n, too, a Targaryen now: quarreling.
Alicent: doesn't know what's going on, but there is not a pleasant feeling, that something is wrong.
Aemond: accidentally says something hurtful and offensive.
Y/n: "oh... So, that's how it is... Very well, whatever you say, my husband..."
Aemond: "my soul... That's not, what I meant... It just happened to slip out of my mouth, please, wait!"
Y/n: upset.
Alicent: "Do you want me to stuff his face?"
Aemond: "mother..."
Alicent: "And you shut up! Scoundrel, how could you say such a thing, to this innocent treasure?! It's very treacherous!"
Oh, and don't be surprised, that one day, when you succumb to their persuasions. To their very insistent beliefs, and when you agree to take care of the creation of a child, you will see your mother-in-law sitting peacefully in an armchair, opposite your marital bed. With a soft smile and approval in her eyes, she will be sitting there. No-no, don't pay attention to her, don't get distracted. She just wants to make sure, everything is done right. Oh, don't be embarrassed, dear child, of course she trusts you two, just, please, understand, grandchildren, heirs are very important. Who better, than you, can give her and her son a beautiful, strong and healthy legacy. She's just so worried about you, what, if something goes wrong. And you, her dear son, don't be snide. You know, what is needed from you, so, come on - work, son.
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bugcatcherkit · 2 months
very curious about your thoughts on a tome teru ritsu shou friendship. you are one million percent correct but i am also extremely curious what you think her individual dynamics would be with everyone in the group, how she starts hanging out with them, and the general vibes of their private minecraft server
oh my god thank you hfhhehvhe i lovee having space to ramble about my interpretations !!!!!! I am trying so hard to make this short and coherent (I didn't sleep at all last night) so bear with me ok. This got long sooo ...
Tome and Teru bond first by virtue of being work besties turned regular friends. Well, work besties as in Teru hangs out there and helps out a lot but would never officially take the job. Anyway they get along great because they can match each other's weird and eccentric vibe while also having an underlying bit of Understanding between them due to the whole "tried to rationalize their isolation with specific escapist fantasies that indulged it instead of addressed it" thing. I think they help each other bridge whatever gap remains from their difficulties in connecting the supernatural/extraterrestrial/super-powered world and experiences with the regular/normal/ordinary world. like theyre a good balance for each other. Theyre both So Much that it kind of cancels out. I just like to think they help ground each other. This is very important for their enrichment.
Some of their enrichment activities include: Tome trying to get Teru to fucking Relax For Once by introducing him to video games like pokemon but it kind of backfires when he gets Way Too Into It (this is where minecraft comes in also). Making a super expansive OC world and continually referencing it to each other much to everyone else's confusion. Trying to cure their intense boredom by hanging out together but never really knowing what to do, so they're just bored together. Their text messages are mostly funny images they found, not actual conversations. Their solidarity with each other is almost unmatched. They have a warriors bond.
Anyway. ANYWAY. I think Tome is just kind of absorbed into the Teru-Ritsu-Shou friend group mostly because of Teru, and partly because sometimes, very occasionally, Shou will be at S&S because of Ritsu, who is usually there only as a favour. Ritsu and Teru do the exorcism stuff and Tome and Shou have to sort the filing cabinets for the 5 millionth time because Reigen is running out of things that Tome can do. Shou does not mind these tasks. I think Teru and Shou both like having little menial tasks to do whereas Tome doesn’t. For Ritsu is depends on the task and who it’s for a think. But ANYWAY. Anyway they just grow closer from there probably unless I think of something better.
I like to think of the Tome and Shou dynamic for similar reasons as the Teru-Tome dynamic (character comparison reasons). Shou craved normalcy and decided to chase it post-canon. Tome wanted the complete opposite. So I don't think they would exactly see eye-to-eye immediately (why would she want to give up that normalcy vs why would he want mundane normalcy). I think Shou might even find her View of Things a little bit annoying, mostly because I think he'd be high-strung post canon and she is just not helping that, as opposed to him actually disliking anything about her. But because they are both quite considerate of other people, they work through these things and become bros. He actually probably really appreciates her Severe Genuineness and (mostly) unwavering will regarding her passions/beliefs. She probably likes his appreciation for simple normalcy and relaxation because it hammers in again that doing stuff like that isn't a waste. They love doing so much Nothing together because they both like to take it easy. I think they would enjoy parallel playing.
When they hang out they have to stop EVERYTHING they're doing to watch an ant carry something 4x its size across the sidewalk because it is so exciting to them. Shou is in on the OC world by the way. Tome and Teru and Shou develop it like they're in the writers room of a high-budget TV show. He updates her on every little thing his hamsters do.
For some reason I found the Ritsu and Tome dynamic like the most difficult to think about out of all of them. They're probably the least close? Ritsu treats Tome as Mob's friend in the same way that Mob treats Shou as Ritsu's friend -- with immense care and consideration, but not a lot of close contact outside of a group. He tries to be sooo polite with her but she Does Not match his energy. So after a certain point Ritsu just kind of gives it up. Then they start annoying the shit out of each other. I do think that Ritsu looks up to Tome based on what he knew about her in middle school and how he knows her post-canon. Because she never conformed to people’s expectations in the way that he did, and she is committed to a Fun and Meaningful Existence in similar ways that he wants to be. My ideal dynamic is a Ritsu who gets Weirder and a bit more childish around her, because he deserves it I think. I know I said they wouldn't be close but this is how they can bond more.
I HAVENT EVEN GOTTEN TO THEIR MINECRAFT SERVER YET. Tome and Teru are the powerhouses of the server because they are so cracked at the game. the only difference is Teru takes it so damn seriously and Tome actually likes fucking around. She's putting herobrine portals around and convincing Ritsu he's on the server. Teru is doing it all he's farming he's mining he's building elaborate builds he's setting up economies because probably has the most consistent resource supply. Where's that post where it describes him and Ritsu as "they keep making more elaborate redstone powered industrial farms" I swear I saw something like that. That is them.
I wouldn't say Shou sucks at survival mode but he probably isn't terribly good at it either. He seems like a "load in a flat world and build stupid things and spawn in the max number of mobs allowed in any given range." He's always asking people for stuff because he keeps dying and losing his. Or he gets lost frequently. He's followed by at least 7 tamed wolves at a time and every time he loses one he makes everybody stop whatever they're doing to come to the funeral he puts.
The only thing stopping Ritsu from basically speedrunning the game is the fact that he is scared of the cave noises/the monsters/the nether. Also him and Mob have to share an account so sometimes he'll load in with nothing because Mob got them killed last time he was on. Tome and Teru both suck at bringing beds with them when they go out on in-game days long adventures and everyone else is soo mad at them. Is this too elaborate. I could probably go on I just haven't played minecraft in a while.
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anonzentimes · 2 months
Hi there! I stumbled across your blog randomly, and I’m so glad I did. I’ve gotten into DR recently and I’ve been hooked on Nagito’s character for many of the reasons you are! I’ve already read a few of your analyses and I love them, it’s amazing getting more insight into one of my favorite DR characters from someone who really understands him!
I’m not sure if you’ve already done this, but if it’s not too much trouble, do you think you can do an analysis on just how fucking smart Nagito is? I think he’s one of the most intelligent and observant characters in DR2. I’m rewatching DR2 and bro lk carries the trials with his hints, a lot of times it seems he figured out the culprit before anyone else. That’s not even mentioning the entirety of Chapter 5!
Sorry if this is a weird ask, it’s an aspect of Nagito’s character that I personally don’t really see talked about too much (then again I haven’t been in the fandom for that long lol) I’d love to hear your thoughts! Thanks again for all your lovely analyses!
I’d just like to start this out by saying sorry it’s taken me a while to answer this, I like to articulate big stuff like this when I’m able to and less tired (at my best) so apologies for the wait!
Thank you so much! I’m really happy you enjoy my rambles, especially as someone who just got into the series! I’m honored to be told I understand him by so many people since he means so much to me. Your request actually hasn’t been asked before so don’t worry! I’ll try my best to express that Nagito is Really Smart, and god Is he Really smart.
I don’t know why he ended up so intelligent, but I like to believe that from thinking so much and forming his beliefs it caused him to be pretty smart. That paired with the obvious life experiences that his luck gives him, and just being born with that type of mind results in him being pretty smart. Honestly I want to say I think Nagito is a very emotionally strong character for going so much trauma and still at the end of the day being able to form a coping mechanism and live on, or if you want to put it into other words to be able hold onto hope despite everything. But of course, too much of anything is a bad thing and over time it becomes obsessive and unhealthy as we can see. He’s also extremely tragic in that sense as well. But anyways, that’s all just to say I think Nagito’s insane life experience helped him become smarter. He also seems to read as a hobby, given how there are an immense amount of books in his cottage. If I recall he also spends a lot of his time at the library on the island usually, but the books in his room are already enough to support the fact he reads anyways. This is to say I’m sure his intelligence is also helped by how he reads lots of books.
So far this has all been my thoughts on how Nagito became to be such a smart person, but now I want to talk about some of the things he actually does with it. For starters, I feel like there’s something to be said about how he through living his unfortunate life understands he has luck and uses it to his advantage. He views himself in a very negative way that isn’t entirely setting himself to the standard of the talentless, not that he’d ever be outright aggressive to the talentless, or with the talented to him he’s in this worthless middle ground. He’s low enough where he would criticize the talentless for being too bold or not being a stepping stone given the hierarchy be believes in, but he also isn’t entirely equivalent given he does have a talent. He just believes his talent is awful because it has given him so much trauma and more so killed everyone he’s ever loved, but even so he uses it to his advantage and uses it as “the one thing he’s capable at,” although he would never use it for selfish reasons given how selfless he is. This is all to say that he’s incredibly smart for not only recognizing this, but coming up with plans and ways to achieve his goals by using his own luck. It’s his thing, be believes it’s awful and by extension he is worthless himself, but it’s the thing he has and he uses it, trusts it, and relies on it whole heartedly. He’s able to achieve his goals by abusing his luck, and the plans he comes up with to use his luck to get an outcome he wants showcases just how Intelligent he really is constantly. In Danganronpa 3 when he wants to postpone the test because he wants everyone to be at their best, he comes up with an entire plan for multiple options if some of them fail to get what he wants to achieve. He knows due to his luck that he will get what he wants by following through with any of these plans, and thinks of possible ways he can get what he wants. In Chapter 1 of Danganronpa 2 he relies on his luck, figures out what to do, and plans everything out using his intelligence. His good luck directly impacts him while his bad luck usually impacts everybody else unless it has nobody to go after, so in that case his plan technically doesn’t work like how he hoped but he still got what he wanted in the end. Nagito is able to also entirely clear the final dead room easily with his intelligence, and again relies on his luck because he’s smart enough to understand how his own luck works to use it. The biggest display of intelligence probably is the entire suicide he plans out, I don’t think I even have to say much on it for the point to be conveyed that he’s INCREDIBLY smart for being able to come up with something so elaborate. Just like the things i’ve mentioned here, he trusts his luck in the process. But the way that his plan doesn’t work, the way that it fails unexpectedly is that Hajime despite being so conflicted is able to finally not put it aside and use his understanding of Nagito to put himself in his shoes, see the world how he thinks, and solve the case. He has to trust in Nagito’s luck like Nagito does, something that he couldn’t have accounted for, to solve the case. That’s one of the major reasons Chapter 5 is so amazing, we have to trust his luck just like he does to get to the bottom of things. Even so, all of these things are a testament to just how smart he really is. This isn’t even mentioning how he’s smart enough to know things about the case, help out, but not fully solve it for them because his goals center around seeing the ultimates shine and be more capable than he can be, at least he believes he can’t be as capable but his beliefs are what actually hold him back. He is incredibly smart and this is shown time and time again, he is a wonderful character and his intelligence is only one aspect that contributes to how amazing and interesting he is.
He’s incredibly observant as well. He’s more observant than he is able to fully grasp social cues, or more so due to his absolute beliefs it prevents him from fully grasping other people’s perspective and his trauma making him more numb results in difficulty coming off as he intends to mostly when he’s at his worst or coping. For this reason he is usually the outcast but doesn’t understand the true reason he is hated and just thinks it’s because of the factual hierarchy, his absolute beliefs, he doesn’t usually comprehend things that center around them not being believed or being factual and is conflicted or frustrated when things put them into question or go against it. I try to explain this and bring it up because he relies on observation of people’s reactions more than anything. He is extremely observant in general and he uses his observations especially in social situations to help himself. Even when he doesn’t understand the reason why or feels it is an out of place reaction because he doesn’t fully understand the other’s perspective, he can absolutely observe other people fully. This is mostly just an add on to everything else in my massive statement to express how smart he is, but I just want to mention how observant he is. It helps him with solving cases and social situations extremely often. It also is shown how absolute his beliefs are by how his observations sometimes confuse him or cause him to feel as if the hierarchy is proven right because he cannot see it as anything but fact because he is so far gone. Most people believe in the hierarchy subconsciously but he believes in it as fact and is more expressive and honest in general as a person. Anyway, again, just main point here is he’s incredibly observant.
Hopefully this is a good short summary or way to express how intelligent he is, if there’s anything more you’d like me to cover about his intelligence that you think I missed or didn’t summarize well enough let me know! Sorry again that this has taken a while. Side note: I’m just posting this without revising it much, so I may edit it later or remove typos but for the most part if there’s any weird wordings or typos sorry about that, haha! I don’t have the time to revise it at the moment.
Thank you for your ask!!! <3
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strip4kaneshiro · 3 months
Cole Cassidy x Texan! reader domesticity headcanons
hiii it’s Kay again LOL. My first comeback piece and it’s Overwatch head canons LMAO. Felt some type of way about writing headcanons about real people so we’re moving on to fictional characters as the lord intended. As of rn, I’m fixated on Cassidy, Reaper, and Lifeweaver as my faves. So expect me to write about them TRUST
You and him defo live on a small ranch back in his home state of Texas together
this takes place in a universe where Overwatch is a lil more flexible with him than before, so don’t worry too much about the logistics ok???
Not close too his hometown though ( he’s still wanted there, rip), so you end up choosing a ranch set of land south enough to still be able to reach the coast if wanted. Cole was adamant about being able to take beach road trips
Let’s you do majority of the interior decorating, while he focuses on upkeeping the outdoors of your home
In the process of choosing yalls house and moving in, contrary to popular belief, Cassidy was the super picky one
I swear you had to change real estate agents twice because he wouldn’t stop nitpicking LMAO, but all for good reason, He just wants the best for his darling <3
He will NEVER wake you up earlier than 9 am for any reason unless it’s a doctors appointment or a road trip. Babes just wants to watch you sleep
“Cole! It’s 10:30! You weren’t gonna wake me up?!” You chastise, jumping out of bed and pulling stray hairs out your face
“Now why would I disturb your peace?” and he flashes that damn cowboy charming smile smh i hate him so bad
If your into skincare stuff, he simply watches you in amazement as you go through a multi step routine
Begins asking you to help him, not because he cares much about his skin, but he loves to see you yap about what you love
(Please free this man from the 14 in 1 in the shower)
Bro CANNOT keep his hands off of you for any reason and it makes everyone both envious and uncomfortable
If you’re in the kitchen, hands wrapped around your waist from the side. Doing laundry? He’s leaning on your shoulder and simply watching.
Depending on if Overwatch needs him, he will force them to give him a 14 hour notice so he can tell you. Cole never wants you to wake up confused and alone like how he did Ashe and Deadlock gang
Speaking of, expect to see the, very often in your house. They all just decided y’all’s house was the hangout spot like a bunch of high schoolers
He doesn’t appreciate how Ashe and you team up to tease him
Ended up getting two dogs and a cat with him.
The cat loves you but cannot stand being near Cole unless it’s bribed (male cat)
“Oh, did your wife give you those scratches Cass?” (Baptiste)
Cole begrudgingly acknowledges the scratches on his shoulders and back during a training session.
He forces you to trim his claws and get him a scratching post when he gets back home
If you drink coffee/tea/matcha, he leaves enough hot water in the coffee pot so you can make whatever you choose. Or if he knows, he just does it himself and leaves it for you warm cold (ik some of you r iced coffee fiends)
Cole takes you on shopping trips every couple of months because he loves to spoil you, he even carries all the bags without one single complaint! (He gets to flex his ranch muscles)
Don’t let it be a nice day over 70 degrees, this man will take any chance he gets to have as little clothing on as possible around you (Why he does this we don’t know)
Catch him in a tank top or no shirt at all doing yard work while you lay in a chaise , tanning or quietly reading.
He wouldn’t have it any other way though, he loves working hard for the ones he loves.
So as the day comes to the end, and you come outside with some iced tea for him, he wipes as much sweat as he can off of himself before leaning over and kidding the top of your head.
“I love you, darlin’.” He’ll mutter, before wrapping his toned arms around you and embracing you
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thejournallo · 5 months
Explain the basic: Symbology
Desclaimer: Everything I will talk about is information that I got from books and sites online and even videos on YouTube. In my years of practice, I learned as much as I could out of curiosity and what works best for me. I suggest you do the same by learning as much as you can on your own (I will be here making posts teaching this kind of stuff) from multiple sources.
As always, I will love to hear your thoughts! and if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them! If you liked it, leave a comment or reblog (that is always appreciated!). If you are interested in more methods, check the masterlist!
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what is "symbology"?
Symbology is the study or interpretation of symbols and their meanings within various contexts, including cultural, religious, spiritual, and artistic. Symbols are visual or conceptual representations that carry specific ideas, beliefs, or values. Symbology involves understanding the significance, origins, and interpretations of symbols, as well as how they are used and perceived by different individuals or groups. In fields such as anthropology, psychology, literature, and religious studies, symbology plays a crucial role in analyzing and understanding human culture, communication, and expression.
why is symbology important for a witch?
Symbolism is extremely important for a witch to learn because there are many ways in which you will need it.  Symbolism is one of those things that is everywhere because everything can have a meaning. A good example could be the interpretation of dreams. Even if the dreams seem so strange and stupid, there is always a meaning.  Another great example is receiving signs, and by that, I mean receiving signs from deitis, entitis, the universe, etc. But those are not the only cases. symbology comes in handy for a witch; knowing what symbol to use is also very important for a witch because you don't want to attract a bad thing to you. 
There are symbols for everything, and they are everywhere.
how do i know is a symbol i use is good or bad?
It always depends on you and your culture. A quick search could help you avoid a lot of damage on you and your culture. A quick search could help you avoid a lot of damage to yourself, but this also depends on what you believe in. For example, I don't believe that satanism is bad, but I believe in bad people practicing satanism in the wrong way (and that goes for every religion and culture). I work with Asmodeous, and I don't see anything bad with it or his symbol (in demonology, every demon has a symbol with their name; it is pretty cool), but another person may see it as bad and dangerous and will avoid using it. It is as simple as that.
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some realy popular symbols and their meaning:
-Pentagram/Pentacle: The word "pentagram" refers only to the five-pointed star, not the surrounding circle of a pentacle. Pentagrams were used symbolically in ancient Greece and Babylonia. Christians once commonly used the pentagram to represent the five wounds of Jesus. Often used as a symbol of protection, the pentacle consists of a five-pointed star within a circle. Each point represents an element (earth, air, fire, water, and spirit) and the circle symbolizes unity and wholeness.
-Moon: The moon is a powerful symbol in witchcraft, representing cycles, intuition, and the divine feminine. Different phases of the moon (waxing, full, waning) hold different meanings and energies.
-Triple Moon: This symbol consists of three moons—waxing, full, and waning—enclosed within a circle. It represents the phases of the moon, as well as the stages of a woman's life (maiden, mother, crone).
-Crescent Moon: A symbol of the waxing and waning moon, the crescent represents growth, change, and transformation.
-Ankh: Though originating from ancient Egyptian culture, the ankh is also used in modern witchcraft as a symbol of life, fertility, and divine protection.
-Symbols of the Elements: Various symbols represent the four classical elements—earth, air, fire, and water. For example, an upward-pointing triangle represents fire, while a downward-pointing triangle represents water. An equal-armed cross is often used for earth, and a stylized swirl or feather represents air.
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airshipvalentine · 2 months
I have seen you post about it forever and yet I still haven’t been able to parse what it is or what it’s about. What’s Fremont County?
HAHAHAHA i was wondering how long it would take for someone to ask this!!
fremont county monster hunters is a monster of the week rpg campaign i've been playing sporadically for the past 2.5 years. (and when i say sporadically i mean we've played 4 arcs in about 6 or 7 ~6 hour sessions over the past two and a half years). and because of how long we go without playing (and because we are moderately obsessive people), we get reeealll hiatus-brained in the interim. i am irrevocably obsessed with it.
the premise is that the party is a group of people who can see through the Glare (like the Mist from pjo), who all attend fremont county community college in *mumble mumble* pacific northwest america. i always imagine it as northern california but i honestly don't know if there's a more specific location?
there's a prophecy involving the world ending in fire, and the five people who are there for it. (presumably to stop it, but the prophecy is pretty vague and the only person who has access to it recently lost their clairvoyance) but before that happens, we fight vampires and stuff
that's the short version. i'm gonna talk more about it though bc i can talk about this campaign forever
i play shay song, photo/journalism major first, reluctant Chosen One second. he found a meteorite sword in the woods a few weeks after his dad died under mysterious circumstances, and he's been fighting monsters ever since! he's down to earth and moderately neurotic, and desperately wants to just be normal. (sucks for him though, because that is straight up not going to happen)
also in the party are:
shamsiel, the divine. she's a cherubim sent by The Bureaucracy, a consortium of angels that's essentially a corporate office. she's been tasked with protecting shay and ensuring the prophecy comes to pass. she's a fish out of water who doesn't exactly know how to interact with people, and she's devoted to her cause above all else. i talk about her and shay most on here bc her player is also on tumblr (hiiiii sofie)
levi, the monstrous. a obnoxious rich boy and literal demon. he's sent by his demonic father to do ?????? carry out his demonic bidding? it's unclear. he likes to hang around the party and make passive-aggressive comments and be helpful when it's convenient for him. he's also shay's roommate! they had a homoerotic streak going that was probably a thinly veiled excuse for my partner an i to flirt with each other in the most roundabout way possible before we started dating. he also kidnapped a beloved npc in the most recent session! we're gonna beat him up
anna baker, the spellslinger. absolute sweetheart and heart of the party. she started learning magic and took on a superhero moniker to fight monsters and crime! (<- this doesn't come up nearly as much as it should, btw. i want a tales of ba sing se episode about cold turkey asap) oh yeah, that moniker was "cold turkey". her catchphrase is "you're about to quit crime... Cold Turkey." she's the best.
claire fitz, the mundane. currently in the "denial" stage of realizing she's a lesbian. she's a culinary arts major who carries around a fireaxe. she's kind of weirded out that she's part of this prophecy, but she's very capable and helps about as best she can. she's also lying to all her high school friends! they all think she's going to yale right now! what's that about???
and mila, the seeker! former cheerleader, constant conspiracy theory enthusiast. she's 100% convinced that aliens are real and will do her best to make sure you believe too. psyched beyond belief that she was right and monsters are real. will hold your hands and say "i don't need you to believe. i just need you to trust me and open your mind to the possibilities." kind of miffed that she isn't part of the apocalyptic prophecy, but it's fine.
also, notable npcs!
don powers, shay's former soccer nemesis. business major. kind of a dick, but we're trying to reform him. buried the hatchet with shay recently due to, uh, a common enemy forming. canonically in love with alder as of arc 4.
alder caine, don's roommate. my favorite. got into some shady deals with demons, and now they're hunting her down! levi kidnapped her in the most recent session!
nin, former clairvoyant. elected to give up their powers recently, with aid from the bureaucracy. it was sus as fuck! also dating anna. they're cute
there have been four arcs so far
from rush till prom, the vampire frat arc
the vengeful spirit stick, the cheerleader ghost arc
the switching hour, the doppelganger bottle episode
the deck of many flings, the tarot/love spell episode
ok that's the broad overview. i could talk about this for hours but i will leave it at that :) there's an in-character twitter feed i made though
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lucysarah-c · 2 months
hi! thinking abt starting up my own little writing projects on tumblr (obv with levi as the star) but i was wondering how ur experience was with building up your page?? also love ur work 🤍🤍
Hi, dear! How are you?
Aww, that's lovely! When I see little new Levi blogs, I always feel so much tenderness and love. The new blogs are the ones who keep the fandom going, so all my love and success to them!
I... don't know if I'm the best blog to ask for advice? Like, I think there are Levi blogs out there that are more known or loved, I guess, than me. Like, I feel deep down I'm a little blog too haha.
BUT, my only three pieces of advice are: write what you want. Look, as a person who gets a lot of comments like "your Levi is so canon," and stuff like that, I always, of course, feel very touched by those. But also, I feel like "what's canon Levi truly?" The whole point of fandom is having fun and connecting with people. Writing what I like has gotten me friends of many years. Yes, sometimes I've gotten comments like "your Levi sucks, bla bla," but the truth is that when you write what you want, people notice. Yes, you can write trendy stuff, but the truth is that only writing what you want will get you people who deep down love you for what you truly like.
Following the previous one, don't get sad or disappointed by stats. Look, some fics get more, some get less. Some blogs are well-known, some blogs aren't. But that doesn't define you. Yes, we all love to be recognized for what we do. But I usually tell myself and others, you should only compete or compare yourself to your version of yesterday and nobody else. AND also, the internet makes us feel like no numbers are ever enough. So think of reading your story out loud in a room and suddenly five, ten, thirty people come inside, take a seat, and listen to you. You'll think, "Wow, ten, thirty people dedicated a spare of their day to listen to my idea. Isn't that amazing? Wouldn't you be nervous?" Think of it that way, and if some of them leave in the middle of the lecture, the show must carry on and keep going for those who are still sitting down.
Finally, and certainly not least. This is MY personal approach. DO NOT reply to haters. Delete their comments, delete their asks. Those people don't want to have an exchange of opinions, they want attention, they want YOUR attention. Do not give it to them. Why waste time and energy on them when you can use that time and energy to create more content? Plus, this is just my personal belief, but I want people to log into Tumblr, go to my blog, and have a safe space to read about Levi and enjoy. I don't want them to have to log into my account and see that I'm picking fights with everyone. The difference between you and a hater anon is that you're using your time to create something you and other people are going to love. They are using their time to try to ruin someone else's day. That's the difference.
Wish you the best of luck with your blog! Have fun! Enjoy! I may see you writing around any time soon!
Have a lovely day!
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dailybbq · 1 year
You think Qtaro’s orphanage ACTUALLY raised him well, in a comfortable healthy household or was he just manipulated into thinking that? Bc I remember him saying in the Mishima Fondness events that he had a ‘great’ childhood due to the support from the people of his orphanage.. but.. I really doubt that since his orphanage was owned by asunaro.
KAZUMI: Then... you had a difficult childhood...? Q-TARO: S'not that at all! I was burnin' bright! KAZUMI: Because you had the support of everyone at the orphanage, I take it.
I was raised up in an orphanage that’s just a mite bit weird. Had people from all sortsa countries. I got a lotta dialects and stuff mixed in me… 'Course, they sent me to compulsory education up 'til high school. Can’t thank the place enough.
From Kai… I sensed the scent of a lonely person. Dunno nothin' about the guy, but… As somebody of the same kind, I wanna see his dying wish through.
(placing relevant quotes here for easy reference!)
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Personally, I read Q-taro to genuinely believe that the orphanage was making the best of an all-around awful situation. On an individual level, this is very true! On a management level? ...buddy, Asunaro's not even paying for your high school because it's not compulsory.
Due to what little information Q-taro's given on the orphanage he was raised, I'm inclined to believe that it was an organization specifically centered around aiding native-born stateless orphans. Now, it already creates difficulty finding basic (legal) healthcare and education; but this same situation is what works best for (what we now know of) Asunaro. Within the orphanage, it's much easier to scout out possible future agents (for their resilience in spite of the situation they were granted; or possibly to take in young children to raise as agents; or... worse, experimentation), as well as... hide their own. As Asunaro's essentially functioning as a yakuza group, they are involved in the 'underground' of society and there are many who may give up their children for safety—whether it is temporary, to fully disconnect them from the yakuza (in being given another name), it's easier to feign being another person within an organization like that.
Additionally, as Asunaro is not simply funding the orphanage, but has their name attached to it—I believe they're also taking advantage of this to idly test everyone there. Despite their yakuza origins and various other connections to separate organizations, they are first and foremost a research agency on humanity. As Q-taro agrees to... he didn't consider himself to have a difficult childhood because he was given support from everyone at the orphanage. Asunaro in their experiments are proved again, and again, that emotional bonds are what uplifts humans and (typically) makes them stronger/more successful.
This is partially what interests me in Q-taro and Kai's 'similar' dichotomy.
Q-taro's orphanage had little resources to work with, yet held such loving people he wanted to do right by. Despite his hardship, and the anger Q-taro carried when he was younger toward his parents, he eventually realized it doesn't... matter if his biological parents thought he was trash to be discarded; he still has family in the orphanage. He was never as lonely as he thought he was, and this is what eventually opened him up. From this, he considers them to be his 'family' and the 'light' of his life; even after he left to pursue baseball, he consistently returns to the orphanage to provide the kids there hope. The very same hope that he (wishes he) had at that age. He's a pillar of unconditional support for them, as one of the few adults who stays.
By contrast, as confirmed in the ministories (though this was my belief before simply on the basis of. how his father acted + Gin's one line lol), Kai was granted a 'richer' life when he hadn't yet stained his record as an assassin. Whereas Asunaro must keep a relatively low-profile with the orphanage, they could indulge within their own faculties. However, most of these funds come down to what was used to train Kai; meaning food and the like were all negotiable variables dependent on his progress and must be permitted by his guardian (Gashu). There was standard neglect in place for those who fell too far—unlike the orphanage, everything within the facility is conditional. The only moment when Kai finds 'light' (or, as he says: 'a reason to live' - one Asunaro failed to provide) is when he meets the Chidouins and is finally granted a chance to love and be loved in turn, but even that hangs in the balance and... inevitably falls through, due to his own failure to protect them.
In a sense, due to neglect, they both struggle with staying close to those they love, for fear of emburdening them. Which they recognize causes more harm, but this isolation is what they are accustomed to coping with.
Q-taro doesn't wish to hoard resources or make conversation 'heavy' when the situation is already dire. This is why he refused to see those who cared for him when he was hospitalized; he feels that proving "orphans can realize their dreams" is his responsibility alone and seeing him in such a state would put a stake in that dream. Meanwhile, Kai doesn't wish to impose himself on the Chidouins because he's been conditioned to believe he isn't worthy of civilian life, though he still dearly wishes to uplift them where he can. As another agent, he's been used enough, and doesn't wish to be an extension of Asunaro any more than he must—he doesn't wish to damn those he cares for simply because he's been raised in 'darkness' (...as Sara doesn't want to drag people she loves into 'darkness' - or 'danger'). As it is, the Chidouins have caught Asunaro's eye. Only Kai, of darkness, can only serve as a barrier because he's well-accustomed to its ruthless cruelty. This is his sole duty.
Their isolation, this loneliness, is born of their intense love and desire to have someone else they can freely connect with but are unable to due to their perceived responsibilities so no one else may suffer hopelessness as they once did.
...but I digress!
All that said, this is my long-winded way of saying: I don't believe Q-taro's living conditions were the best, but I think he tends to focus more on the people rather than the situation. Friends within the orphanage could help him gather money, would encourage him when he struggles academically, so on, so forth! Ultimately, he feels he's better off for his strife, so he doesn't blame the orphanage.
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