#i'm on a swf2 kick so i had to include redy in here LOL
danaxbe · 1 year
the unseen scene
a last minute lime entertainment audition tape. jk dance studio. dance ref: greedy by ariana grande - dana surprises herself by auditioning the prestigious entertainment company, lime entertainment.
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She knows she really shouldn’t(whether that’s the insecurity or the bitterness talking is anyone’s guess). She knows her reasoning, at first hadn’t been the most genuine, and really that’s enough to make her hesitate for the longest time before being convinced by new-found friends she even had a shot in the first place. And even then, it had taken a week of sitting in, her legs going numb from sitting on the hardwood floor her classmates were practicing until their muscles ached to even really get the idea somewhat planted in her head. It wasn’t that different from performing anyway, except– it was entirely different. The idol life isn't simply a dance recital, or a gym meet. It wasn’t performing at a football game, or stepping on stage for some dramatic theatrical number. No, being an idol was something else entirely. So many of her friends had been practicing for years just to get one but hopefully both feet through the door. Of course, it hadn’t been too entirely successful, considering they were trying despite all the rejections, they were here auditioning for lime entertainment. She knew they were a big company, and actually, she liked a lot of their stuff. 
Really, it’s her older sibling that slips up over the dinner they manage to make time for with their parents. This time, the younger one is present too, for once he didn’t have lessons to attend. And as usual, it’s a normal dinner, one that is filled with talks about the future and how classes and/or work is going. 
And then she says it. 
It seems like the rejection is just another day really, as if her older sister isn’t used to everyone fawning over her skills. While she manages to put up one hell of a front, one that has the rest of her family fooled, there’s a way Dana’s stomach tightens at the fact that for once, it was her sister being looked over, and not her. She can tell that she isn’t too happy about it by the way she pushes the peas more onto the plate rather than onto her fork. 
For once. For once, there’s something that her older sister can’t do, and it makes her heart thump in her chest. 
That had been her initial reasoning for hopping up one late evening, seeing them go through a basic combination instead of sitting and half- playing on her phone. The moves aren’t entirely too difficult, but the style is different, and even after everyone is gone, she finds herself having ‘one’ more go at it… which quickly turns into several. 
Now she sits in front of the camera, shaking her hands out in an attempt to maybe shake some of the nervousness she had felt. She had been practicing like crazy for the last week, and she’s not quite sure why. It wasn’t like anyone really knew she was auditioning anyway; her own little personal secret. That way, if she failed… it wouldn’t be like anything changed; she wouldn’t see her sister roll her eyes or hear her mother’s disappointed but not surprised sigh. Life would be just like it is now. 
It was likely they’d probably see a million different dancers, but she knew that would be without a doubt the best skill to showcase. She may not be the most powerful dancer out there, but she was fluid, with flexibility, and a love for rhythm that had been rediscovered in this need to prove herself. 
What’s the worst thing they can say? No? 
“Hi there, I’m Dana Kang, I’m currently 19 years old, and I’ll be turning 20 on the first of October. I’m from San Diego, California, but my family has recently relocated to Seoul, and I’m currently studying at Yonsei University, where I’m studying engineering.” Dana takes a deep breath, putting on a soft smile. “As a trainee of Lime Entertainment, I think I could bring a few things to the industry, but I definitely think one of things would be… freshness. I’ve been told my dance style is rather unique, and a nearly blank slate, I think I’m extremely adaptable. I’ve done a little bit of everything, from sports to choir and cheer, and I’ve always been a hard-worker. I would love to see what freshness and brightness I can bring to your company. I’ll be dancing to an original piece now, and thank you so much for watching.” 
There’s a hair flip, then, backing up several steps before she’s at the stereo, and pressing play. Instantly, there’s a game face on. The song is fun, not too serious, and while she knows there’s not a million acrobatics or turns to play here– she’s hoping that it was a good showcase of not only where she was starting, but all the possibilities. She’s got long limbs, flexibility, and she’s hoping for at least decent stage presence on her side. She only goes twice, making sure not to look tired at the end, and finishing off with a ninety degree bow before the camera shuts off. 
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