limeentertainment · 1 year
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the internet has been abuzz for the past week as more and more hopefuls share their experiences auditioning for studio delta, but it was all set on fire for good as lime entertainment announced its own set of public auditions through their social media accounts, all with the tag #thelimeplanet. multiple accounts reported that axis labels’ main pages were completely down for almost an hour after the announcement. 
in similar fashion to studio delta’s process, lime entertainment will be hosting open auditions consisting of two phases. phase one will have participants submit a 120-second video: the first minute should be an introduction followed by the answer to one of the questions listed on their website, and the second minute should then be a performance that covers the contestant’s main skill of choice. remember to choose a well lit environment to shoot your video, as a spokesperson for the company has already made clear that they are looking for fresh charms!
phase two is a round of private auditions with the company, and more information on that will be revealed only to those selected to move on in the process. 
we wish you the best of luck participating in lime’s auditions! 
welcome to lime entertainment’s first official audition event! this is for wannabes only and will run until september 20 at 11:59pm EST. any threads or solos posted after the deadline will not count towards participation. no points will be awarded during this event, so there is no form to submit. 
please note that, although you may write with other muses in order to be counted in the event, even if different muses come up with a performance idea together, your muse is still expected to submit an individual, separate video focused solely on them. 
please use the hashtag #BE:THELIMEPLANET for all posts relating to this event.
TO PARTICIPATE IN THE AUDITION PROCESS, please write a 300+ word solo or a 4-post thread with another muse about the audition. opposite to what studio delta has asked for, in order to audition for lime entertainment, your muse only needs to showcase one specific skill.
muses are allowed to participate in this event even if they have chosen to audition for studio delta already.
here is the list of questions lime entertainment has made available on their website. you need to answer only one of them. 
which k-pop artist or group do you admire most, and why?
what unique qualities or talents can you bring to the k-pop industry?
can you express your passion for k-pop in one word, and why did you choose that word?
can you share a concept or music video idea you've envisioned that's never been done before?
imagine you're given a magic power related to your performance skills. what would it be, and how would you use it to captivate your audience?
! IMPORTANT: once done with your solo or points, please submit the link to this blog so it can be counted as your audition!
good luck!
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kianbe · 11 months
𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒔𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏.
𝒍𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒆𝒏𝒕. 𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌. lime ent hq, october 2023. 𝒕𝒍𝒅𝒓.  kian suffers from indecision, tries his best.
kim kian's brain is like a jukebox. since childhood, he's committed so many songs to memory. his ears absorb the melodies, his fingers are quick to translate them into strums, and after figuring out the gist, he's also able to infuse parts of himself into them; a superpower he's seemingly always possessed. with both of his parents being talented musicians, it makes sense as to why this comes so naturally to him, but all of this knowledge has made choosing only one 60-second snippet from his repertoire almost impossible. somehow, some way, he was able to narrow his vast collection down to roughly ten songs, but it took a lot of effort, and what seemed like an eternity of over-thinking.
each contender has been on loop in his head recently, and as they're the freshest in his mind, he figures that opting for one of them would be wise. however, most-all of the time, kian feels like it's best if he trusts his intuition. thinking too hard over trivial things has never yielded positive results for him, so he decided to make up his mind on the spot; to feel it out with emotions instead of intellectualize it too much. that approach was completely derailed upon arrival, though. once the staff instructed him of what he had to do, he learned that he had an additional five hours to prepare, which, to him, meant that he had an additional five hours to obsess over what his strongest "siren song" should be—great.
it's been hours of singing through his entire shortlist of options, and there's still been no progress made, and suddenly, now that it's cutting down to the wire, his stomach roars audibly. sighing, he's annoyed that he's feeling hungry right now, and that he wasn't earlier. he wanted to remain free of distractions, so he elected to ignore the refreshments table entirely. besides, the breakfast his mom made him earlier that morning had kept him satiated for quite sometime, so he honestly didn't think he'd have anything to worry about.
though, at the mere thought of it, he recollects the memory of he and his mother eating at the kitchen table a few hours prior to where he stands now. it plays in his head like a movie, and he smiles fondly recalling their conversation. after wishing him luck, she wandered back into the kitchen to clean up, and while she worked, she began humming a song—a catchy girl-group tune that she latched onto after hearing it only one time. it's then when it hits him.
knowing exactly which one it was, a lightbulb flickers on above his head, and after he sees that he only has about two minutes left before he needs to perform, he knows what he has to do. tuning his guitar quickly, he takes a few seconds to breeze through the chords and lyrics, gathers himself, and settles on showcasing the song's final third; beginning mid-chorus until its closing. without further hesitation, he stands up, opens the door to the room he's in, and turns on the intercom system; ready to go.
"hey, this is kim kian—hope you enjoy..." that's all he says before he begins playing the chorus to his own acoustic rendition of "dolphin" by oh my girl (1:41-2:41); all inspired by his mom. in a way, he thought leaving the choice up to her was a good idea. she always knows what she's talking about, after all.
remembering the rules he was given to follow, he pivots away from the open door behind him and plays to the back wall of the room; not wanting to see if anyone has come searching for him. it takes some of the pressure off, and he's able to more comfortably deliver fresh, agile vocals; his high-tenor range beautifully carrying the melody with care, soul, and his signature style. when he's done, he takes a deep breath, chirps out a sweet "thank you," makes himself brave, then turns around...
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behaneul · 1 year
THE GREATEST in which haneul auditions for lime ent. choreo
he had really struggled while deciding on what song he should use for this audition. when studio delta had dropped their audition information, he had thought about sending something for it but he had ended up running out of time because of general work and assignments from school. it wasn't that he had wanted to miss it or that he didn't want to audition, but he really had just ... forgotten. and by the time he had checked, the deadline had passed.
he hadn't expected lime entertainment to put up something as well, though he feels like he probably should've thought it could happen since the merger had been announced a while ago. he also wondered whether the companies were specifically looking for trainees to debut or something, but he decides he's not too concerned about that right now. not when he should be focusing on preparing his audition tape.
it had been a while since he had been in the studio and he rents it out and goes through his repertoire of choreographies that he knew. since lime entertainment had only requested them show one skill, he knew he had to pick carefully. originally, he thought about singing, since he had been successful before.
but, he knows he has to be true to himself. he has to get in with dance.
and also, since it's lime entertainment, he really doesn't want to botch this audition. he wants to try to make it in if possible, and be a trainee there.
he starts filming the video on the dslr that he always used for dance practices, and looks into the lens to make sure he's not being all shifty-eyed.
"hello, my name is cho haneul," he starts, feeling a little bit awkward because he's not sure if he should act like he thinks they should know him already or not.
"i wanted to answer the question of imagine you’re given a magic power related to your performance skills. what would it be, and how would you use it to captivate your audience? and my answer would be that, i would want to be able to move in a way to catch everyone's attention. to draw people in with my performance in a way that no one else can, something like controlling water." he grins here, the thought amusing to him but he thinks it would be a legitimately cool power for performance, since there were so many times that people would perform on platforms full of water or even at something like the waterbomb festival where there were waterguns and sprinklers. he thinks it would be kind of cool to be able to do that on his own, without needing an outside source. "like when you dance in water, it's always extra captivating and people like watching how footwork looks different there, so i think it would be a good superpower to have."
he ends there, grinning and pretending to shoot a 'water'gun at the camera before he gets into position to dance.
"i'll be dancing to 'the greatest' by sia today," he says, before he presses play on his phone and places it to the side and lets the music play. he performs the choreography, trying his best to show what he's passionate about. it's a choreography that he had learned online but he had added his own little bits and twists to it to try to make it unique. he holds his ending pose for a few moments before the video ends.
hopefully it would do well.
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bejinyoung · 1 year
visit the lime planet audition by moon jinyoung answering questions & showcasing dance
is it greedy of him to not be satisfied with just one audition? is he a fool for throwing his hat into every possible ring, chasing down every lead until hopefully one returns something for him? jinyoung didn't used to ask himself these questions; in fact, rapidly sending out audition tapes to anyone who would accept him was his m.o. before the hiccup that had been his recent failures. maybe he's just not confident in auditioning for studio delta again after two failures in front of them already; he's only failed in front of lime once so far. plus, if he had the choice of all three, he always imagined himself a lime boy; he always wanted to be known for his skill.
he finds it fascinating that despite now being under the same umbrella company, each axis subsidiary seems to have a completely unique audition process. studio delta hadn't required a full minute for questions and answers. surely this is something jinyoung will be decent at; he should be quite comfortable in front of a camera after surviving the whole of next gen. briefly, he just laments the fact that he's filming on a barely functional iphone 5 instead of something halfway decent; he's already deleted almost every application on the device just to have room to film anything new.
again, he stays late at the studio he works at, the hallways and practice rooms eerily quiet after the other dancers and their classes have gone home for the day. it might be echoey, but at least it's well-lit and jinyoung is used to the space. perhaps it will make a difference, maybe it won't.
regardless, he presses record, and backs away from the camera as quick as he can to get this done in the time limit.
"hello, i'm moon jinyoung," he remembers his manner and to bow to the camera, flashing his brightest, most charming smile as he straightens up again. "there was one question i was really interested in answering, about how to express my passion for k-pop in one word. i don't know if this will make sense, but the word i think of is... home. that sounds cheesy, right? but when i was growing up, i didn't really have a stable home. what i did have was a hand-me-down ipod and dollar store headphones. i didn't have money to buy a lot of music, so i just listened to what my cousin had already downloaded on there, mostly kpop. so on the days when home didn't really feel like home, or when i was feeling lonely, or scared, or sad... music was there for me. that's why i started to dance too. and, i guess, i kinda always dreamed of being that home for other kids like myself someday in the future too."
he laughs briefly, perhaps a bit embarrassed by voicing the thoughts aloud even though no one else can hear him. moon jinyoung is not typically the most open person, but he is a terrible liar; a more genuine answer could not have been given if he had tried.
"anyway," he shakes out his whole body, equal parts brushing off that emotional moment and warming up his limbs for the second part of the requirements. "i'll be dancing."
with any luck, he times everything just right and the slug he had put into the playlist for exactly sixty-seconds is over, and the song starts exactly when he wants it to. there was no way that he could have been as honest as he was with another person in the room; plus, he thinks there's something symbolic about the fact that it's the same exact ipod that he carried with him all those years ago that still comes in clutch now.
it's not his own choreography this time, rather something that he picked up at someone else's class, but he figured it was impressive enough to showcase his prowess as a dancer. that's what lime wants, right? jinyoung hopes so; he would have called them his dream company once upon a time.
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danaxbe · 1 year
the unseen scene
a last minute lime entertainment audition tape. jk dance studio. dance ref: greedy by ariana grande - dana surprises herself by auditioning the prestigious entertainment company, lime entertainment.
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She knows she really shouldn’t(whether that’s the insecurity or the bitterness talking is anyone’s guess). She knows her reasoning, at first hadn’t been the most genuine, and really that’s enough to make her hesitate for the longest time before being convinced by new-found friends she even had a shot in the first place. And even then, it had taken a week of sitting in, her legs going numb from sitting on the hardwood floor her classmates were practicing until their muscles ached to even really get the idea somewhat planted in her head. It wasn’t that different from performing anyway, except– it was entirely different. The idol life isn't simply a dance recital, or a gym meet. It wasn’t performing at a football game, or stepping on stage for some dramatic theatrical number. No, being an idol was something else entirely. So many of her friends had been practicing for years just to get one but hopefully both feet through the door. Of course, it hadn’t been too entirely successful, considering they were trying despite all the rejections, they were here auditioning for lime entertainment. She knew they were a big company, and actually, she liked a lot of their stuff. 
Really, it’s her older sibling that slips up over the dinner they manage to make time for with their parents. This time, the younger one is present too, for once he didn’t have lessons to attend. And as usual, it’s a normal dinner, one that is filled with talks about the future and how classes and/or work is going. 
And then she says it. 
It seems like the rejection is just another day really, as if her older sister isn’t used to everyone fawning over her skills. While she manages to put up one hell of a front, one that has the rest of her family fooled, there’s a way Dana’s stomach tightens at the fact that for once, it was her sister being looked over, and not her. She can tell that she isn’t too happy about it by the way she pushes the peas more onto the plate rather than onto her fork. 
For once. For once, there’s something that her older sister can’t do, and it makes her heart thump in her chest. 
That had been her initial reasoning for hopping up one late evening, seeing them go through a basic combination instead of sitting and half- playing on her phone. The moves aren’t entirely too difficult, but the style is different, and even after everyone is gone, she finds herself having ‘one’ more go at it… which quickly turns into several. 
Now she sits in front of the camera, shaking her hands out in an attempt to maybe shake some of the nervousness she had felt. She had been practicing like crazy for the last week, and she’s not quite sure why. It wasn’t like anyone really knew she was auditioning anyway; her own little personal secret. That way, if she failed… it wouldn’t be like anything changed; she wouldn’t see her sister roll her eyes or hear her mother’s disappointed but not surprised sigh. Life would be just like it is now. 
It was likely they’d probably see a million different dancers, but she knew that would be without a doubt the best skill to showcase. She may not be the most powerful dancer out there, but she was fluid, with flexibility, and a love for rhythm that had been rediscovered in this need to prove herself. 
What’s the worst thing they can say? No? 
“Hi there, I’m Dana Kang, I’m currently 19 years old, and I’ll be turning 20 on the first of October. I’m from San Diego, California, but my family has recently relocated to Seoul, and I’m currently studying at Yonsei University, where I’m studying engineering.” Dana takes a deep breath, putting on a soft smile. “As a trainee of Lime Entertainment, I think I could bring a few things to the industry, but I definitely think one of things would be… freshness. I’ve been told my dance style is rather unique, and a nearly blank slate, I think I’m extremely adaptable. I’ve done a little bit of everything, from sports to choir and cheer, and I’ve always been a hard-worker. I would love to see what freshness and brightness I can bring to your company. I’ll be dancing to an original piece now, and thank you so much for watching.” 
There’s a hair flip, then, backing up several steps before she’s at the stereo, and pressing play. Instantly, there’s a game face on. The song is fun, not too serious, and while she knows there’s not a million acrobatics or turns to play here– she’s hoping that it was a good showcase of not only where she was starting, but all the possibilities. She’s got long limbs, flexibility, and she’s hoping for at least decent stage presence on her side. She only goes twice, making sure not to look tired at the end, and finishing off with a ninety degree bow before the camera shuts off. 
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namube · 1 year
lime ent. audition tape; ref. namu's bedroom. namu records his audition tape for lime entertainment, showcasing vocals. he does a cover of iu's/nana's through the night. word count, #1,002.
it's a song that namu already knows, one that sits on one of his playlists; one of the ones that are filled with many ballads, the ones he liked to listen to when he really felt like he needed to relax. it's a song that he's practiced a few times before, but he didn't really full on practice it until he saw the lime entertainment audition get posted online. truth be told, he was incredibly excited by it and knew that it would be one of his chances to do try and get signed; to try to chase his dreams. plus, some of his all-time favorite idol groups are underneath lime entertainment, such as cherish and lightspeed. though, obviously, his all-time favorite is cherish, after all. he used to have an entire forum account dedicated to cherish, where he got to talk about how much he likes their songs and what their songs really meant to him when he was younger. he was almost jittery in a sense with excitement as he thought about the entire possibility. but, he shakes it off, simply because it was time to get serious.
namu had set up in his bedroom, the place where he had always filmed youtube videos for his channel, namu's song forest, whenever he would have the inspiration for covering a song. he gets the camera all set-up, making sure to set up his microphone, and everything of that nature. he tidies up just a bit, though not much really needs to be done, simply due to the fact that namu was always the type to keep his area nice and clean; he could never quite do things in an area that was dirty, so he was simply cleaning pretty often. nonetheless, he grabs everything he needs, makes sure that he's in something nice enough - which kind of just meant one of the many oversized sweaters that are too big for him that looks like they're straight of the 2000s; a style that he seemed to quite like. he fixes himself just a bit, before getting in front of the camera.
he tests the sound for a few moments with the headphones upon his head and when it was all good, namu had reached over to press record on the camera. it felt different from recording for his youtube videos, considering the fact that he was recording an audition instead. he almost felt nervous, but namu was never nervous about auditioning or singing. he mentally shook it off with that usual big smile upon his lips. "hello!" he said, giggling softly before bowing towards the camera. "i'm park namu and i'm nineteen years old, i'll be twenty this december!" he says, his smile growing a bit wider. "in the world of k-pop, i have always looked up to cherish and admired them the most! their music has always meant a lot to me and always could bring me back up after a bad day. i've always really liked their style and i look up to them a lot vocally! i think cherish is really, really cool. i've seen them in concert a lot and they're the reason i want to become a k-pop idol myself! i hope i can follow in cherish-sunbaes footsteps and make them proud in the future as well!" he says, his smile growing a bit more as he giggled softly.
"i've always looked up to nana-sunbae too in her solo career! she's made a lot of really good songs, especially ballads, that i've really loved to sing over my course of being vocally trained since i was young! i've always picked her songs, ever since she came out as a soloist, to learn over time," he says, his smile growing a bit more. "which is why, today i have decided to sing through the night for you!" he says, another soft chuckle leaving his lips. namu had situated the song to sound excellent for himself and to fit the time criteria. which meant he needed to get moving, and so namu did; he starts playing the song itself.
he carries it through beautifully, making sure to hold the notes in that way that he needs to. he sings a lot of the song with his eyes closed, almost adding to the element of the song itself, the emotion that sits behind through the night. a little added high note, just to show off his beastly vocals, his vocal power. but, most of it was... well, to put it simply, beautiful and pretty because namu is really good at emotions. he can do the sad really well and he can do the happy really well, though right now, he was really showcasing the sad type of emotion in some way, the love that's there. he had really wanted to showcase his beautiful voice and he thinks he picked the perfect song for it. plus, it went along with the question of who he looks up to and everything like that - so, it ended up being perfect. he just hopes that those watching at lime entertainment thinks so too. he finishes in the allotted time, chuckling happily when he finished.
"thank you for your time and thank you for your consideration for my audition tape! i look forward to hearing back from you!" he said, before bowing towards the camera again, and turning it off. maybe namu was a little too formal, but it was fine, nonetheless. he opens up his laptop on his bed, plugging in his camera to get the footage, and looking it over. he's happy with it, so he edits the video to start it after he turned the camera on and to end at the end of his bow. the timing was perfect, so he was happy, and he moved to upload it. he really does look forward to hearing back and he wonders if this was going to be his chance to start chasing his dreams.
he's really crossing his fingers here and hoping.
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kianbe · 1 year
𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝒕𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕.
𝒍𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒆𝒏𝒕. 𝒂𝒖𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒂𝒑𝒆. kim family music shop, sept '23. 𝒕𝒍𝒅𝒓.  kian records his tape for lime entertainment's open call.
he ran through the song a couple of times, and before his voice gets too tired, kian decides that it's a good idea to hit the record button. it's golden hour, and the sun's aurulent rays drench the interior of the shop; the wide variety of vintage vinyl records behind him setting the mood just right before he launches into his introduction. "hey!" he beams in center-focus; his beloved six-strong acoustic resting in his lap. his arms embrace it with tenderness, showing a deep love and appreciation for his instrument. "my name is kim kian, and i'm twenty years old. in this video, i'm going to show you my superpower. i call it 'siren song' because, after you hear my voice, you'll be so enchanted that you'll come looking for me!" offering a charming grin, he readies himself and starts strumming, delicately—knowing his cut of the song he's covering is over a minute in length, so he needs to get to the performance swiftly.
it's a ballad with strong romantic intent, which sits perfectly in his wheelhouse. no one performs a love song like kim kian, and his confidence is reflected in everything he does. there's an ease to his approach, one that only someone whose been doing this a long time can possess. it's effortless for him to play and sing at the same time, and his vocals hold overwhelming amounts of soul, yet still remain technically sound. he's had just shy of two decades of practice, and his level of experience is obvious. his voice is a labor of love, hard work, and passion, and it's conveyed beautifully here.
as his time comes to a close, he plays a quick outro and bows to the camera. "thank you for listening to me. i'll be waiting for you!" he teases, emphasizing his playfulness with a soft chirp of laughter. all he can hope now is that he did a good enough job to get a callback, but even if he doesn't, he'll be alright. he's in dead calm now, too.
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