#i'm on willys lore which the lore is what takes forever
lockedtowers · 7 months
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Because, I am one of them.
Ind. Sel. Headcanon based and multi canon influence, WILLIAM AFTON/PURPLE GUY/THE KILLER from Five Nights at Freddy's, featured on mendinggashes, a dual muse blog.. NOT SPOILER FREE. Please read pinned before following. Template Credit.
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averageartistamber · 7 months
My Thoughts on the FNAF Movie (Will Contain Spoilers)
Managed to watch the movie last night, and I gotta say, despite being someone who's not a fan of horror movies, I really enjoyed it. Though a massive part of that enjoyment is of course being a huge FNAF fan and that I have a huge soft spot for practical effects.
Okay, so the first thing I wanna say is that I appreciate how the movies seems to be it's own separate continuity from the games and books (although it does heavily reference both), and if we get the sequels, it'll probably be the most coherent version of the story.
Honestly, I think the movie's probably a decent place for a newcomer to start (albeit if they are made aware of there being differences between it and the games). I do feel like modern FNAF is starting to get a bit overwhelming for non-fans, since there seems to be this expectation withing the fandom that everyone is up-to-date with the "lore" as it drops in real time. This is already a lot for someone coming in, and with the ever-growing reliance on the spin off books to give contextual information, things feel like they're complicated...kinda for the sake of being complicated?
So, yeah, I really appreciate that they made the movie's plot followable, while still throwing in a lot of background details for long time fans and lore nuts.
Now, I could make a whole comment on the people saying it's not "scary enough", but honestly, I think they pretty much got the right level of "scary", considering the source material. Like, people are talking about the scare factor and lack of gore as if their aren't several pretty violent deaths that are at least partially onscreen (and in my opinion, the "censorship" makes some of them more effective. The dude who gets locked in the room with Bonnie comes to mind).
I think the "scare/gore dissonance" is coming from a lot of the fan-made content that's been hanging around the internet, and people wanting the canon material to be "like that", then being disappointed when they're reminded that it isn't.
The third thing I really appreciate is how the animatronics are portrayed. Despite common criticism, I think that seeing them alternate between violent and childlike actually makes them more unnerving. Like, in all the scenes where they hang out with Abby, first, it reminds you that they're children, and probably just wanna do, like, kid stuff, and the Fort scene was great for that.
At the same time, I was kinda waiting the whole time for them to turn malicious again any second. This very much applies in hindsight when Mike realises that the kids want to kill Abby so she'll stay with them forever, which casts a lot of their "nice" scenes in a much darker light (though still a very tragic one).
Wonder what'll happen to them now they're (probably) free from Williams control. (Unless Goldie Kid usurps the leader position. Unlike the others, I feel like he's more genuinely malevolent).
Also, Vanessa was done so dirty in the games, so I'm really happy that she has a major role in the story, and I think making her subservient to William via "mundane" means rather then supernatural brainwashing is a better take on both Vanessa and Williams characterisations. Makes him way scarier in my opinion.
Also having Mr. Cupcake be an absolute menace AND the one that finishes off Willy is freaking hilarious (ironically so if you follow the theory from the games that Chica was one of his earlier victims.)
Uh, yeah, I've said quite a lot. I might come back with maybe a theory or two on what the sequels could entail. So, I'll see you all again soon, thanks for reading. :)
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kebriones · 1 year
are you against mythology retellings? if yes, would you mind telling me why? (in my opinion they are harmless and each one of them adds something new to the ‘source material’) just asking since i’ve seen a lot of classicists harassing people just minding their business and having fun 💀
-Absolutely not at all! I came very near to spending all my savings to go watch hadestown a couple years back, and at the very beginning I even enjoyed lore olympous (the story lost me at some point).
-Do I think they're harmless? No story is harmless and all of them are. It depends on what you consider harm.
-I don't think they add to the source material. If we're talking about ancient greek mythology specifically, it's been dead and burried for centuries. Whatever new is created, is a modern thing and seperate, in my opinion.
-However, it is the very nature of mythology, that people are meant to make their own stories inside it freely. If anything, I enjoy retellings, and even more than retellings I absolutely love the taking of characters (heroes gods, whatever) and making completely new stories with them. "retellings" as a concept can fall into the trap of trying to fix myths, to make them more palatable and enjoyable to a modern audience, which is what rubs me the wrong way.
-But there's no storytelling police so that's up to me to avoid reading those stories of course. Others may enjoy them, and not everyone has to care about the historical contexts or original messages of specific myths. I certainly think there are benefits to it and personally I find it adds to the enjoyment , but each person enjoys different things. I have spent many years stewing in my overprotective feelings towards ancient greek mythology but recently I decided I just want people to have a nice time. I'm also trying to teach myself to understand that other people are completely different to me, so if I find somethign sickeningly bad and others like it, that's just how subjective things work. So I might complain, half-jokingly always, about stuff but it's just to blow off steam and deep down i'm chill about everything.
I specifically don't like what I've heard about the song of achilles, plus I'm extremely, extremely biased when it comes to the iliad, so I am very picky about retellings for that specific part of mythology. the iliad has been my baby since I was very young and it's the one thing I allow myself to be completely crazy over, so when I say I cannot get through the movie troy because it's too painful, I 100% mean it. if you enjoy it, that's great. I will complain and bitch about it forever. I slept with that book under my pillow for my entire childhood and to have some randos come and spend millions to butcher it and drag its corpse like achilles dragged hector, for the whole world to see is too much.
As a last point. I think sometimes with retellings, especially of ancient greek mythology, we're a bit too sensitive because it has been too oftenly taken out of its cultural context and used willy-nilly to tell stories that reflect nothing greek, be it modern or ancient. It is a flashy topic for people to use however they want, and it's been changed to fit western cultures so so much, that I wish people would just leave it alone. Ancient greek mythology isn't about flashy god powers, it's about the values and experiences of a culture (or more correctly, multiple cultures), whether those align with modern ones or not, but when "retellings" are first and foremost made to be sold as products, the stories have to be altered to hell, to be nice and tame for the audience, to sell well. Which is a whole other discussion.
so yeah that's why I prefer all-new stories that maybe use mythological characters, over straight up retellings. But, as most ancient greek myths were very regional, had a million variations of which we know a tiny amount of, and were told and made for a long period of time, I don't think that retellings now are in any way inherently bad. But all the nice marble aesthetics (tm) and hot dudes will not fix a bad story, is what I wish people understood. Also I wish they didn't think they know or even claim to like the mythology from having read only retellings.
Anyways I am not a classicist, I am a fine arts student, so I might be saying absolute nonsense, my brain is too fried. on the other hand, i am born and raised in greece, and I have grown up with these myths everywhere around me and I really like them, so I have a lot of feelings about them, but that doesn't really mean anything. And I haven't noticed much harassing going on (lots of complaining, but that's the lifeblood of the internet) but then again I'm here on tmblr only a very short time. That all said, I absolutely do not condone harassing people for what they enjoy, especially for things that can only "harm" the person doing it, like reading stories.
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blackevermore · 4 years
Oh, okay!! I'm so sorry if I came across as rude!! I never meant to upset you with my question, I was just curious, so I apologize again for upsetting you! I know that Mikey is over 18 in the 2007 movie, so it was my fault for not assuming you self shipped with him in the first place! I hope you have a wonderful day and once again I'm so sorry!
I legit thought it was troll mail and wrote out a really long response that had a lot of no so kind words (no surprize honestly) then deleted it and wrote my simple response.
You are completely fine and are in the right to know how I feel. It was just a question. At the same time, you could have DM me, I’m like totally chill if you would have just DM me and asked, also it doesn’t the community look like there is a “problem” going on.
Anything anyone dm me STAYS in the dm, just like Vegas baby.
[Am I making a long post out of nothing? Hell Yeah! Are people gonna read it?  Ehh Maybe.]
First off lemme just address that my Mikey comes from the tmnt movies of 14/16 which state that their birthdates are either the same year as mine (1999) or a year before which would make them either my age (turning 21) or 22/23. 
Personally, I mix all formats of media. My Mikey is the age of the movies, but he is aesthetically and his behaviour does come form Rise! I really love Rise for it’s more urban city kid appeal (and also it gives off the vibe that the boys are poc).
No I do not ship with a minor, yes I’m aware it may come off that way with how much reblogging I do of Rise! I just really love the show compared to the others. But if you go through my tags you’ll see that someone else already asked me something along the lines of what you said asked.
To answer your question from before “How do I feel about age uped f/os” I’m fine with it. I know countless people that are on this site that ship with older Steven Universe BEFORE it was confirmed he would age past 15. I’ve seen people ship with characters from animes that never canonically age but they age them up. I don’t have a problem if someone takes that time out of their day to redesign and make new lore for a young f/o who is now legal. Power to them. Shit, not my fucking relationship and as long as your not making cp or purposefully making them look young I don’t care. I have my own problematic internet behaviours to indulge in than to public someone else. Tumblr used to be the hot pocket of hell for people and no one cared, now everyone is woke and ready to kill.
Hell this goes the same way with having an older f/o who is the same age as either your father or your dad. Do you de-age them to fit into your age range or keep them as you are. And lemme tell ya I LOVE older men, then youngest I’ll go is 23 (In Mikey’s case) but normally I’m head over hills for anyone older than me by years. My first established ship was with Willy Wonka who I set the age to 45 while I was 17.
People are going to have a problem with both no matter what. I’m legit on speaking terms with a mutual who hates aged up f/os and I don’t think she realizes that the construct of my Mikey sits on “is that allowed” vs “it’s allowed” bc no one has made it a big deal yet. Or They just don’t give a shit.
What I don’t fuck with is keeping your f/o young forever, if you are an adult you either need to rethink some shit or log off the internet for the rest of your life. Another thing I don’t fuck with is if your f/o is like fucking 12 and your 17+ like nooooo get that away. Catch a fucking case, mate. Loli are bad, shouta is bad, the whole nine yards of “well they are mentally an adult but just look like a child” is HELLA FUCKING BADDDDD
Since the time I woke up I’ve lost two follows due to my last ask and it’s fucking whatever. But whoever this maybe I hope I didn’t scare you off to the point you’ll never try to talk to me. 
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