#jotting down the changes and everything takes forever
lockedtowers · 7 months
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Because, I am one of them.
Ind. Sel. Headcanon based and multi canon influence, WILLIAM AFTON/PURPLE GUY/THE KILLER from Five Nights at Freddy's, featured on mendinggashes, a dual muse blog.. NOT SPOILER FREE. Please read pinned before following. Template Credit.
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deandoesthingstome · 11 months
No Matter How Far
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Pairing: Syverson x Fem!reader
Word Count: 1.1K
Warnings: pretty much same as before: just some talk about sexual situations, a little pining
A/N: Thank you to everyone who wanted to know what Sy thought about the letter in Heart Wide Open. He jotted a few things down for you.
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Hey Darlin'
Hope it's okay I start off that way. I mean, you went and put yourself all out there like that. How could I start any other way?
And I'm sorry if it's taken what feels like forever since you wrote. I got your letter as soon as I got back. Got all of 'em, actually. Can't tell you what it meant. It's okay you had a hard time sticking to day-to-day. It felt real nice reliving some of those moments and seeing what else you have in mind for us.
We had a mission, headed out - must've been right before your first letter showed up, that letter I had hoped would come. I had started giving up after a few weeks. Anyway, I was away from post for awhile. By the time I got back and read your first letter, I was sure the rest were gonna show you'd gone through a whole change of heart. But you didn't, did you?
If I thought it was hard not to get hard reading some of the things you wrote in that first letter, it wasn't nothing compared to the rest. You oughta be glad the US military doesn't make a habit outta reading my mail. I probably shoulda stopped opening your letters right there in front of mail call, but I couldn't wait to get back to my bunk. I wanted to know right then and there if you still thought everything you said at first.
But believe me, darlin', I'm gonna take my time reading those letters over and over again when I find some time alone. Unfortunately, right now that isn't often. Not nearly often enough. But my superiors say they have their eye on me. A few more successful missions, I could be pulling another rank or two soon enough. So I'll just get all this down and ship this out and hope you still want a whole lotta my love when I get home.
Hell yeah I remember bumping into you that night. I thought it was a dream. I could tell you seemed a little out of your element but I didn't want to let you run. There was just something about you... And I'm real glad you took me up on that drink.
You and your friend (sorry, I don't remember her name at all. Had something a little more important on my mind that night) were a riot. The easy way you bantered with each other once you let go of a few nerves. The way you included me. Then my boys when they came along.
And it's okay. I knew when my buddies showed up at least one of them would be taking at least one of you home. That's just how they do. I guess it's my luck I showed up first to stake a claim. Believe me. They understood not to mess with you.
So yeah, darlin', I think about that night, and the rest of 'em, a lot. l couldn't wait to get you home, but I'm glad we stayed and talked the whole night. In your letter you made it sound like we drank the night away, you know? But we barely had time to drink between all the stories. I remember that because if it had been any other way, I probably wouldn't have had you on the couch that night, or anywhere else for that matter. I wouldn't have wanted you to regret anything that night. It sounds like you and me both don’t.
Oh, and I definitely plan on taking you up on that offer, though I can't really decide how I want you first when I see you again. Bent over the arm of the couch is nice, but I also wanna be looking into those beautiful eyes of yours the first time I make you cry out my name again.
Yeah, I think about all the ways I wanna make you come for me. If we're talking couches, I could definitely do with having you straddle my lap, legs wide and hips sunk low onto me while I kiss you with everything I have and run my hands over the sweet cheeks of your ass. And I do like to think about my mouth on your pussy. You tasted so sweet on my tongue and don't you ever go thinking that ain't something I'll always want to do.
I really, really hoped you'd write. It's funny you say you held back, 'cause I know I felt like I did, too. And it was all I could do not to ask you to wait. I know what long distance can do to new relationships, but if I'm honest? It didn't really feel new. It felt like I'd known you forever.
Darlin' I know we don't exactly see eye to eye on a lot of things. But that heart of yours? Reaching out to me from all the way over there? If I'm honest, it's one of the things keeping me going. If it takes some hippy dippy yoga to make you feel that way for me, well, maybe it's not as bad as I've made it out to be.
Which was weird, knowing there was so much about you I didn't know. Everything really. But now that I know how you feel, I don't feel silly at all telling you I want to learn it all.
All of it, darlin'. Before I got your letter, I spent a lot of time, when I wasn't taking care of business and the team, thinking about taking care of you. I wanna know how many more ways I can make you come on my fingers. Wanna know how many new positions I can put you in and make you scream your head off. Wanna see you move underneath me and sway above me.
But I also wanna know how to make you happy, wanna know how to cheer you up when you're sad, or at least let you know I'll be there whenever you decide you need me. I wanna know what else you like to get up to on a Friday night with your friends when we aren't fucking like there's no tomorrow.
I love the idea of taking you out to eat at that new restaurant.  (And you're right. We're never going Dutch.) I can't wait to sit next to you in a dark movie theater and not watch the movie. And getting you out on a trail in the woods? With no one else around? Well, a man's gotta have some secrets, doesn't he?
I gotta sign off for now, but if you keep writing, so will I. Every chance I get.
Oh, and just in case it wasn't clear: yeah I want your heart. All of it. Keep sending it my way. I'll keep it close no matter how far away you are.
Yours, Sy
Taglist: @sillyrabbit81 @kittenofdoomage @raccoon-eyed-rebel @mayloma @geralts-yenn @fvckinghenrycavill @kebabgirl67 @beck07990 @itsrubberbisquit @sweetdreamsofgelato @liveoncoffeeandflowersss @alexakeyloveloki @marantha @aireraume @angelmather1 @lizzystuffsthings @enchantedbytomandhenry @omgkatinka @littlefreya @avengersfan25 @thesaucynomad @just-chirpin @henryownsme 
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anzynai · 5 months
Oh, are requests open? Weeell, maybe a little something with the Leech twins and lee!reader (platonic), if you're okay with it? 👉🏻👈🏻✨
Have a nice day Jai <3
Two Times the Trouble
Jade & Floyd & Reader (Twisted Wonderland)
a/n: ANON I LOVE U SO MUCH FOR THIS. i love this request!!! anyways i did pour my heart onto this fic!! i struggled a little more that i thought i would?? the idea was a bit difficult but i think i made it work! this is the first request from the batch of TWST requests ive received (a long time ago, unfortunately, but im choosing to blame it on the fact i was doing my SS fic..) so sorry the request took forever but at least its here now LOL hope u enjoy!! ALSO FIRST FIC FOR THE NEW YEAR LETS GO
summary: when floyd learns of your ticklishness, you are already on edge around him. you didn’t know you had to be wary of his twin, too.
word count: 1.5k
You might be in trouble. You might really be in trouble.
It all started just a few minutes earlier. You were in class, minding your own business! Of course, Floyd was in the class, but so was Jade. Azul.. was not, and the only reason you noticed because somehow the three of them were almost always together, unless they weren’t..?
Anyway, Floyd usually only interacted with Jade or Riddle, if he was in the mood for teasing the housewarden. He didn’t really talk to you all that much.
So obviously, you were surprised when he apparently had decided to change his target for the day to you, plopping down in the seat next to you. Grim often sat there and you could hear his protests, but Floyd either didn’t hear or pretended not to. Eventually, Grim grumbled and just moved to sitting on top of your desk. He was small enough.
“What’s up, Shrimpy?” Floyd drawled, a small grin on his face, showing his spiky teeth. It must be a Moray thing, you thought offhandedly.
“Oh, hey, Floyd.” You greeted him back with a small smile. Mostly out of politeness because you had no idea what he was doing there.
“M’ bored. Jade won’t entertain me. And Goldfishie’s not here.” He sighed, sadly, though, it did not sound genuine at all.
“That sounds annoying.” You said, but you start focusing your attention away from him and to Professor Trein, who began speaking. And… you really didn’t want to get on his bad side.
“Yeah, you get it, Shrimpy. That’s why you’re gonna entertain me today!” Floyd grinned, a large toothy smile, almost like an innocent child.
“Am I?” You asked, though it was more of a “response” than a question. You looked down at your notebook, jotting down notes as Trein lectured, pouting when you saw Grim snoozing away. Usually, Trein noticed right away, but he seemed very invested in his lecture today.
“Mhm!” Floyd said, slowly, before he decided to try annoying you. From taking away your notebook so you couldn’t write it down, from kicking your chair, from grabbing every little thing he could get his hands on. You began feeling pity for Riddle. You had always thought he was exaggerating, but you swore you could feel yourself popping a blood vessel every two seconds.
Suddenly, Floyd decided that stealing your items were too boring and he resorted to poking you instead. Again. And again. And again.
“Would you sto-AH!” You tried whispering but then he poked a spot on your side and you couldn’t hold back your squeal.
“Everything alright over there?” Trein asked, seemingly annoyed that his class was disrupted.
“I—uh yeah!” You stuttered out, embarrassed as everyone turned towards the two of you. You glanced over, hoping that Floyd didn’t notice, but the scary grin on his face told you otherwise. For the rest of class, he kept poking your side and you found yourself unable to focus on the lesson, trying your hardest not to giggle.
“I’m gonna squeeze ya!” Floyd exclaimed, though a bit quietly. When the bell rang, you were the first one out the door.
You didn’t notice that Jade had been watching the two of you the entire time.
“Floyd, leave me alone!” You shrieked, running around the mostly empty lounge. You decided to get a quick snack from there since you were about to dive headfirst into an all-night study session for the Alchemy test coming up and you figured that making sure you weren’t hungry would.. help.
It was supposed to be in and out. Quick and easy.
It was not in and out.
Floyd was clearly still interested by his discovery, which even you had thought he had forgotten about. Really, he got bored of most things so quickly so why not now!?
So brings you to the present, him chasing you, wiggling his fingers menacingly and you running as far from him as you can. Azul sighed, used to Floyd’s antics.
“Just don’t mess up the lounge… or you’ll be cleaning it all by yourself.” He said, before walking away and into the kitchen.
You, on the other hand, ran towards Jade, who had been watching you guys with amusement. He seemed like he was wondering whether he should continue watching or help you and well, you decided it for him.
“Jade, help!” You exclaim, ducking behind him and using him as cover. You guys hopefully seemed friends enough to be able to do this, so you were obviously gonna use it to your advantage!
“Now, Floyd, don’t be like this..” Jade started, a pleasant smile on his face that had you sighing in relief and Floyd groaning in disappointment.
“Come on, Jade, just let me squeeze 'em..”
“Look at them, don’t you think they’d be too sensitive to endure your wrath?” Jade added and you could see the exact moment Floyd’s gaze lit up and all hopes of mercy on your poor, unfortunate soul were shattered. But before you could move, Jade grabbed your wrist, locking your arms up easily. You struggled in his grasp, but it was no use. It wasn’t even as if you were weak! What did he eat anyway?! Were moray just stronger?
“Jade.. How could you do this to me..?!” You shouted, betrayed, gulping when Floyd walked towards you, menacingly. It was fast-paced, but to you, it felt like he was walking in slow-motion.
“I must apologize. However, I should indulge both myself and my dear brother at times. You must understand.” Jade said, though there was not an ounce of guilt on his face. Your arms, which were hooked up from Jade’s arms were suddenly released, but that didn’t mean you could escape. Instead, Jade wrapped his arms around your waist and began tickling your sides. And Floyd, well, he pounced and started tickling your stomach, your armpits, pretty much anywhere he could get his hands on.
“N-nOHOHOHO, w-why?!” You cried, feeling overwhelmed by the fact that the Leech twins were so easily tickling you.
“Oooh, Shrimpy, already broke ya, huh?” Floyd teased. He was more on the rougher side of tickling, pinching and squeezing your sensitive skin, while Jade was more gentle, with light grazes and scribbles which were still so evil.
“Ehehehe shuhuhut uhuhup!” You looked around, feeling embarrassed, but the lounge was mostly empty and those who were there seemed occupied with other things so they didn’t pay attention to you. You looked back at the Leech twins, flailing in their arms, but Jade managed to pull your arms above your head with his hand, despite your flailing.
“You’re really going to say that to us? Now, don’t be so mean. You might hurt my feelings.” Jade chucked, deep and low. You knew that what he said was complete bullshit, but you couldn’t comment on it, too caught up on the hands on your body.
They were relentless, that much you could tell. It felt like they were trying to find the spots that made you tick and react the most and you could feel that this wasn’t the last time they’d tickle you like this.
“Plehehehease!” You giggle instead, unable to find the words to respond.
“Please what, Shrimpy? You’re so ticklish already!” Floyd giggled, his hands grasping against your sides and occasionally drifting over towards your stomach.
“Now, now, Floyd. I’d say that they are faring quite well.”
“W-WAHAHAHAHH!” Is your response, apparently. You could just die right now. You never imagined that today would be the day you found yourself being tickled to absolute pieces, by none other than the Leech twins! You began wondering how Azul ever put up with them! Knowing how they’re acting now, you’re sure the three of them have engaged in some sort of tickle-fights, if the experience they very obviously had was anything to go by.
“Sure about that, Jade? They’re like a squeak toy!” You tried to put your lips together. That.. lasted about half a second before you found it hard to keep your mouth shut, eliciting the noises that Floyd had just compared to a toy. “Squeak, squeak!” Floyd chirped, squeezing like you were, in fact, a toy.
“Nohohohoho!!” You shriek, laughing and laughing. The fingers on your body were unrelenting and you could feel tears of mirth begin to prick at your eyes. They hadn’t even gotten your worst spot, and Jade was barely even tickling you, more focused on holding you so Floyd could get more access. Still… you were feeling a bit overwhelmed.
It seemed Jade was watching your reactions, though, because he muttered Floyd’s name. Either that, or he just conveniently and coincidentally noticed at the exact time you were reaching your limit. It didn’t matter, because he had let go of you and Floyd, instead of tickling you, slung his arm over your shoulder, leaning. You felt exhausted, so you just dropped your head, using his arm as a headrest.
“That was super fun, Shrimpy! We gotta do that again sometime!” Floyd laughed, heartily and cheerfully.
“Hopefully not too soon…” You muttered, under your breath, causing Floyd to laugh harder.
“I agree. I wouldn’t mind this scenario happening again.” Jade nodded, poking your side and smirking when you flinch and glare.
“Not you too..” You pout, though you couldn’t hold back a smile. You hadn’t really thought about where you stood with the twins before, but you found that you didn’t ever mind their presence either. In fact, you could feel yourself hoping for times like this to occur more, as well.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Let's get Steven some therapy! After Miki's death someone tells the Therapist!reader, that Steven's not doing so well, so they ask him to come by and talk to them. After talking with him for a while the reader pairs him with a traumatized Wigglytuff (DISABLED) and the two end up helping each other get over their respective traumas.
Hell yeah therapy time
"Hello, Steven. I'm Dr. [L/n], Kanto's therapist for people and Pokémon alike." You greeted as you walked into the room. Sitting down in the chair near the couch where your new patient was, you looked at him with a polite smile. “But I’m not crazy about formalities, so you can just call me [y/n].”
Steven didn't answer. 
All he did was just...stare down at the floor; with his hat and long hair obscuring his face, you weren't sure what expression he held, but his posture told you enough.
You didn’t take it as rude at all. You’ve had other patients behave similarly during their first sessions.
"I appreciate you responding to my letter and coming in today. I know it must’ve been hard, but..they say that wanting help is a good first step towards progress. For a lot of people, it’s tough to overcome that." You tried to start with optimism, though nothing about his demeanor changed--as expected.
For the next few minutes or so, he remained silent. You just jotted down some notes and questions to ask him, debating on whether you’ll use this first meeting as a way to get to know him (not that you didn’t already) or if he wanted to get into the topic of why he was here.
That being...the sudden death of his Charizard and lifelong companion after a freak accident with a faulty trading machine. It happened a few weeks ago, but obviously he was struggling to cope with the fact that she--his precious Miki--was gone forever
A Pokémon passing away from age or natural causes was one thing, but this was something completely unheard of until now. Nobody even thought it was even possible for one to die mid-trade. 
But since then, trading in Kanto has been banned for the time being until every machine in the region had a thorough inspection done.
You knew Steven could not have been doing well, especially knowing he was the champion who endured the toughest of battles with Miki by his side.
Who would’ve thought something regarded as totally safe would be her sudden end?
Yesterday, a concerned member of the Elite Four informed you of his sudden change in habits. He apparently surrendered all of his badges, money, and Pokémon to whomever was willing to take them--essentially throwing away everything he worked for.
Usually people who gave away their prized possessions were either leaving Kanto to start a new life....or had some kind of “plan” for themselves.
That was incredibly concerning, so you sent him a PM on his computer, hoping he’ll see it. You also had your messenger Pidgeot deliver a letter just in case, telling him to come see you for a session free of charge.
Steven himself didn’t like the idea of therapy too much, but given how concerned everybody was for his mental state, he decided it was worth a try and responded to your message, scheduling an appointment.
Though now that he finally showed up, he found himself sitting in silence..and shame. It felt pointless to come here when he had so much on his mind and wondered if you could truly help him.
Not to mention how pathetic it was for him, the most famous person in all of Kanto, to hit rock bottom with nowhere else to turn except here.
You could be helping a Cubone cope with the loss of its parent instead. He was just a lost cause.
As you were about to ask Steven some basic introductory questions, you heard a very quiet murmur and perked up, wondering what he said. “What’s up, Steven?”
“..I-I’m sorry, doc..”
“Sorry? For what?”
“I just..I-I can’t do this. Not today.” He abruptly stood up, pushing the bill of his hat over his eyes as he headed towards the door. “I’ll be okay. Really. I’m just wasting your time-”
“Steven, you’re not wasting my time at all...and I know you’re far from okay.” You frowned slightly, though you noticed he was hesitating to leave right away. “I can’t stop you from walking out, but I truly do wanna help you through this. I know in your heart that you want to be here, don’t you?”
With his hand resting on the doorknob, he glanced back at you. Now that you could properly see his face, you also saw his red eyes--exhausted, puffy, and teary. 
"...I just..I haven’t talked to anyone in weeks. It’s so hard...knowing they all once saw you as this great champion, only to let them down...and make them pity you.” He spat the word out.
“Champion or not, that doesn’t factor into how I treat people. You’re okay here.” You reassured him softly, praying that he’ll stay. “This is a safe space, you don’t have to hide anything. If you only wanna have one session, that’s fine. Whatever you’re comfortable with. But please..at least give this a chance.”
After having a long internal battle with himself, he decided to return to the couch, removing his hat. He sighed shakily and buried his hands in his hair, taking a few moments to think of what he wanted to say.
“There’s no rush.” You reminded. “Just take your time, okay?”
“I..feel so pathetic. Can’t even get through a damn sentence without.....” He choked back tears as he stopped, before laughing sorrowfully. “Fuck, I’m sorry [y/n]. I just..miss her a lot, y’know? Just thinking about her hurts.”
Your heart ached for him, knowing he's kept so much of this pain and suffering inside..and for him to break down during the first session showed he needed a release badly.
"I know she misses you, too. And she’ll always love you, Steven..that’s a fact. Nothing could sever the bond you two share.”
Sniffling, Steven managed to calm down a little bit, laying back on the couch to get more comfortable. He heard your pen scribbling against a paper--but he was grateful to know you weren’t some emotionless therapist who did nothing but that the entire time.
You cared. Truly, you cared for him.
“W-We..did have a lot of good times.” He spoke after a minute or two, already looking a bit more relaxed than he did before. “It feels like only yesterday when she was...a feisty little Charmander.”
‘Hm, that seems like a good place to start. Talking about the incident might be too heavy for a first session.’  You thought, jotting down a quick notation before responding to him.
“If I may ask, what made you choose her over a Bulbasaur and Squirtle?”
A month or so had passed since Steven became a regular client at your office, coming in to talk about the incident or update you on the coping mechanisms you've suggested for him. He wasn't taking all of your advice, but some was better than none.
Obviously, he still held a lot of resentment towards Mike--though he was more overwhelmed by his own guilt, believing he should've been more stubborn when his brother begged him to lend Miki over temporarily. 
He confessed to having intrusive thoughts about strangling him, but insists he refused to act on them.
Of course it’s easier to blame a person than a faulty machine, but with time he learned to let go of some of the anger, coming to understand that Mike didn’t tamper with it in any way.
It was simply a tragic accident that never should have happened. Through no fault but a technical error. Not even a psychic Pokémon could’ve predicted that going wrong.
Ever since making that leap--and talking more about the good times with Miki--Steven had made good progress. You were able to tell it affected the people around him while going into town on your day off; you overheard some folks say how he looked better, and how he was even talking to his friends, Daisy, and Mike again. 
It made you smile, knowing you’re helping him come out of such a dark place little by little.
During sessions, he no longer stayed silent for long periods or have as many breakdowns, though of course he was still extremely depressed over the situation. It’s not something that would magically go away.
He didn’t want any of his badges back despite being offered them, and he never attempted to care for another Pokémon or even catch one. Considering his guilt in letting go of his last team, he didn’t think he deserved any.
Since that was weighing heavily on him, you had a plan.
It’s a strategy that you’ve been using for years to help people cope with the loss of their Pokémon, and Pokémon who lost their trainers through death or abandonment--by bringing them together in a way that helps them heal in each other’s presence. 
In the last session you explained this method and its high success rate to Steven, but he immediately got defensive, assuming you were trying to get him to replace Miki. 
That was far from the truth, you reassured him. It took a lot of convincing, but he eventually agreed to it under the condition that the Pokémon wasn’t anything along Charmander’s evolution line.
You had a particularly unique one for him, believing that they’ll be a good match for each other once he hears her story.
Hopefully, he wouldn’t be intimidated by her appearance like past trainers were.
"Steven, this is DISABLED, a level 26 Wigglytuff. But I usually call her “Dee”."
"....huh?" Steven was confused by the odd name, looking at the Wigglytuff you brought into the room. 
Immediately he was taken aback by the haunted expression on her face. Not to mention her dark fur, red eyes, and wounds on her back and ear....plus her mouth seemed heavily scarred as well.
It looks like she went through hell and back.
You noticed his alarmed look and gently pet DISABLED’s head. "Don’t worry, she’s completely harmless. She’s been my patient for about a year.”
His eyes remained wide, although he relaxed his shoulders. “Oh, so um..what’s her story?”
“I just wanted to SING...”
The raspy ethereal voice she emitted slightly startled him. ‘This one can speak..? That’s rare..’
“She lost the vocal cords Jigglypuffs and Wigglytuffs use for their SING ability.” You explained. “We don’t know how or why since we’re still trying to track down her original owner. But she was reported scaring the local Ponyta population away from their usual habitats. And then she just...showed up here one day, looking for help.”
DISABLED glanced up at you, pointing to Steven. “Can I have his SING?”
“No. Remember what we talked about, Dee?”
“...people don’t have SING.”
“Correct. Good job.” Smiling, you knelt down and fed her a berry, which immediately made her chirp in happiness. Then she hobbled over to the couch, taking a seat on the opposite end of the man. He was surprised that you were able to turn her mood around just like that.
If only it were that easy--if only food could solve all of his problems.
You stood up and returned to your chair. “She used to be hostile to trainers, but she’s been making good progress. As for her move set, she can only do Struggle. For some reason, she can’t use any others even if she wants to. It might have something to do with her past trauma, so I’ve been trying to show her how she can be helpful in other ways.”
“[Y/n] helped me feel better, but...I still miss my SING.” She pouted.
“I know how you feel,” Steven remarked, looking at her in sadness. No longer did he fear this strange Wigglytuff, but instead came to realize that they may have more in common than he thought. “I lost something important to me, too..”
“And that’s why I brought you two together.” You nodded. “I believe Dee needs someone like you, a good and loving trainer, to give her confidence in using her abilities again...and you’ll gain a friend who’ll look after you. She agreed to this, though you have the final say, Steven.”
He was quiet for a bit, before looking back at you. “You trust me? Because..you know I gave up on my own Pokémon-”
“You weren’t in the best state of mind to care for them, and I’m sure they understood that.” You pointed out. “But if this doesn’t work out, it’s okay. We’ll just try something else.”
After a few moments longer, he decided to try out your method and work with DISABLED. Maybe she could be the one to help him through his pain, too.
“Alright.” He turned to her with a small smile, slowly putting his hand out. She seemed surprised, though the look on his face put her at ease, knowing he wasn’t scared. “I’ll be your trainer, Dee. Just..don’t steal my “SING” ‘cuz I don’t have that. Okay?”
Nodding silently, she reached out to shake his hand, managing to smile back. She was happy to find someone after being with you for so long, hoping for a better trainer.
Seeing that they were both ready for this, you also smiled and jotted down some notes in your book:
You’re eager to see how things will go for them.
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Small Town Christmas
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credit to @masnmount for the gif x 
This is based on the film ‘Small Town Christmas’ I have changed a few details. Let me know if you want part 2? John Stones  - Word Count: 1,541  “How is this even happening? I have my first book here, look it is all published and in my hands” you grinned as you took your book and felt it with your own hands.  Your agent passed you yet another book to sign for your book signing when you headed to Liverpool.  “I feel like my arm is about to fall off, I can’t believe I am doing this. Going to the village where this book was based off finally. It feels like this has been forever in the making” you smiled as you finally put all of your signatures on your book, breathing a sigh of relief as you looked at all the books and what an achievement that you had made.  “So we ready for tomorrow?” she asked you as you lifted your glass of water and nodded, before taking a sip. 
“I am actually, but scared” you replied as your agent Sophia raised her eyebrows. 
“Why would that be?” she asked as you took a deep breath.  “I haven’t been there for years, Liverpool. My ex and me, well yeah that story. I met him there when he was playing football. I guess he is the main reason behind the story behind this book. He inspired me I suppose, I don’t know how I feel if I’m honest. Makes me feel all emotional” you bit your bottom lip, to try and stop yourself from crying.  “See you in the morning” she gave you a quick cuddle before watching her leave as you packed everything away and headed back home.  The next arrived, your taxi beeped outside your apartment complex as you peeked out of the window as you picked up all the books and suitcase before heading downstairs.  “Morning y/n, ready for your long journey” the taxi driver smiled as he put your cases and box of books in the car for you.  “Morning, yes I am ready. Thank you” you smiled as you climbed into the car and put your airpod in as you knew it was going to be a long journey.  Making sure to make notes for any upcoming book ideas that you had, jotting them all down for future references.  - The journey was finally over, getting to your hotel making you stretch your entire body out as your driver took out your belongings.  “Have a safe trip ma’am” he smiled as you nodded before handing him a tip for driving you such a long way and handing him some snacks that you bought him.  “Oh thank you, you don’t need to do that” you shook your head.  “No I do, I wanted to show you how appreciative I am of you for taking me here. This has been so far and it was such a smooth journey. Take care of yourself” you handed him over all of the snacks I got.  You took a deep breath as you walked into the hotel and went to the check in desk as you had a lunch meeting soon.  “You made it, let’s go and get lunch now. But how does it feel to be here again?” your agent smiled as she approached you in a warm embrace.  “Hey, it feels okay I think. It does bring back bad memories but I guess that is just natural. Let’s go and eat, I am starving” you smiled as she pointed to the closest restaurant to have your lunch meeting.  You sat down at the table, scanning the menu as you both ordered the same thing, chicken fajitas with a side order of fries as you got your notepad out as you showed her all your notes you’d taken in the car.  “Wow, you have planned a lot here. I wasn’t expecting that-” she paused as she scanned the page, pointing with her manicured nails as she let out a loud laugh.  “This one is hilarious” she smirked as you re-read your idea. “Oh yeah, I love that one too. I have so many planned, I can’t wait to get started once this is over with” you smiled as you both finished your meals and drinks.  “Right, onto the book shop” you smiled as you walked along the road, recognising where you and John had your first date while he was still playing for Everton.  “You okay?” she noticed that you’ve stopped and were no longer walking beside her.  “Yeah, just looks familiar with some of this” you smiled as you carried on walking with her as you made your way into the cute little bookshop.  As you walked in, the smell of books hit you as you saw your books on the side with your face on.  You laughed as you walked over to them. “Excuse me, would I be able to sign these books?” you asked the staff member as she looked over at you puzzled.  “Oh right? Sure” she smiled, carrying on with her work as you signed all the books and people were looking over as they wanted to see what you were doing as you took a step back to see people buying the book. Which instantly made your heart melt.  Meanwhile at training, John was sitting in the canteen scrolling through his phone as he always did at lunch time.  While he was scrolling, he saw the most recent photo of you appear on his Instagram feed. His heart melted a little bit, knowing that he was so proud of you even though the break up was very messy but he knew deep down that this was your dream and to see you achieve it was amazing.  As John investigated some more, he noticed that you were doing a book signing later that evening.  He picked up his jacket and sprinting to his car, ignoring all the shouts from his team mates as he knew he needed to be somewhere.  “So we ready for this signing?” you got changed into another outfit ready to meet everyone.  “I am nervous, this is my first book signing. I hope people come and see me” you smiled as you fixed your hair in the mirror.  “Course people will, come let’s go darling” she smiled as you made your way out to go and see how many people turned up.  The book signing was incredible, there were just so many people turned up and even gave you gifts which completely shocked you.  As you were finishing up at the book signing, you were collecting your bags.  “Hi” you turned around as you heard the man’s voice which confused you as there were no men in the room at the time. As you stood up, you noticed who was standing there. “John” you mumbled as you looked straight up at him.  “What are you doing here? How did you know where I was” you asked him as you waved to your agent who nodded with a small smile appearing on her face.  “I wanted to see you, I saw online that you had your book signing here” you laughed as you shut the door behind you.  “So when did that mean you had to come and see me when last time I checked we haven’t spoken in about 4 years? Or however long when you fucked off” you sighed as you checked your phone as you paused.  “I am sorry about that, I can explain” John nervously replied as he itched the back of his neck looking anxious for your reply.  “Sure you can” you shrugged as you carried on walking at a fast pace as you wanted to try and get some dinner before you headed off.  “Are you ignoring me or something? When did you all of a sudden become Usain Bolt?” you rolled your eyes as you thought by now that he would have gotten the hint that was staring at him in the face.  “No, I just want to get food. I don’t want you here John, just get the picture” you felt him grab your arm as he walked alongside you.  “Just hear me out, I am sorry for what happened all those years ago. I promise I did try and contact you” you nodded and waited for a better response from him.  “I sent you a letter when I left, assuming how frosty you are being with me that you never got it. I said everything I wanted to in that letter. I never ever meant to hurt you, I guess I was stupid and should’ve spoke to you sooner. I regret that now and what I did to you. I hurt you and i shouldn’t have” he shrugged as he tried to grab your hand.  “I didn’t get a letter at all John. I accept your apology but I don’t want to see you, you are dating someone else. How would they like it that you are here grovelling to me?” you sighed.  “I am not seeing anyone, haven’t for a while” he shrugged.  “Mm okay, well I would just like to go and get dinner now John. Thanks for coming to see me and saying sorry, have a good night” you waved as you walked off leaving John shocked that he hadn’t got the response he was intending to.  What was going to happen next....  Part 2 maybe? Taglist: @footballffbarbiex​ @odegaardsblues​ @football-and-fanfics​ @percervall​ @bluemoonstonesy​ @laurasstufff1 @leddows​​ let me know what you think of this imagine and if you want to be tagged x 
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tutuandscoot · 9 months
(Just some thoughts I’ve jotted down while I thought of them bc if I leave them in my drafts telling myself to do a proper essay out of it it’ll never happen so sorry this doesn’t flow amazingly).
VM danced without making it look like dance..
I don’t follow ice dance closely anymore so I can’t speak on all the specifics but from the comps I have watched/ clips I see.. all this… adding of ‘dance’ to it.. like the use of the boards- as in using them kinda as props, the knee slides, handstands… it’s taking away from the essence of the sport which is the marriage of skating and dancing.
I know.. ironic this coming from a dancer, but they (the ISU) are compriseing the skating part of the sport for.. this… modernisation???
If you go watched the full SD replay from 2018 on the olys website, the commentary talks at the start about how ID needs to modernise and represent the culture and youth of today.. NO IT DOESN’T IF IT MEANS SACRIFICING THE WHOLE POINT OF THE SPORT!
Idk, I watched clip from the juniors just now and it was just plain bad. These people arnt… as with dancers like me.. classically trained
This is hard to explain..
VM are not the best dancers in the world off the ice- their knees/rhythm/coordination works differently to actual dancers- this is because they are skaters and in order to do what they do with knifes on their feet on freaking ice.. they can’t dance as if they were on the floor.. they made ice dance it’s own form of dance- a perfect hybrid of skating and dance.
Ice dance now looks like people who aren’t the best skaters in the world, and aren’t at all the best dancers in the world, trying to do regular dance on ice.. and that just ain’t possible.
VM, through their skating- their edges, control, musicality, emotion in the way they expressed movement.. they were skating.. but made you believe they were dancing.
The sport now-currently convinces me of neither of those things.
Bring back the freaking ballroom compulsory dances- that is ice dance. Bring back technically superior skating that is actually rewarded. Bring back (or let’s just actually reward it like it should’ve been for VM) an inspiring connection and relationship between partners.. I am no longer convinced this is an actual sport. Watching ice dance pre VM was questionable- especially in the 90’s/early 2000’s. VM forced it to become a sport and forced everyone to be as equally strong in both the art and athletic marriage of the sport (and I biaslly say no one ever achieved it like them) watching ID now I feel the same way. It does not make me think sport at the highest level. It does not make me think dance at the highest level.
How it managed to happen that VM came along at a finite time where the ISU actually got their shit together and made positive changes to the sport- made it a freaking sport, and then how quickly that went away- how quickly… idk - a combination of corruption/idiot judges/favouritism let it fall apart again..
This is why I can no longer enjoy the sport.. and why I struggle to believe it is still even a sport- it is not the fault of the athletes- they do what is rewarded, and if subpar… everything is awarded the highest marks then that’s the height they reach to.. they are not reaching their full potential, and the potential of the sport as a whole I believe for a verrryyy long time, and maybe even forever will stay with VM.. I want to believe they (S especially) can (have some part in) rescuing the sport they love so much.. I just don’t think it’s gonna happen and why I hold so close to my heart the love they had for it together and what they achieved- not in respect to the sport- but them as people- humans. artists. dancers..
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irafuwas · 1 year
Now that I finished putting up my translations for chapter 1 of Book 7 over on my translation blog, I wanted to come here and jot down some of my thoughts/observations/questions/ramblings I had while going through everything. Putting this under a read more 'cause it contains spoilers.
Anime Girl Lilia doing the "Oh no, I'm late!" bit was perfect
Malleus said he's been alone since long before he hatched from his egg, which provides credence to the idea that his parents had already passed away before he was born
Lilia said the house he raised Silver in was just a vacant home he came across in the woods. So did he have another home in town that he just chose not to live in or something? The guy's a decorated war hero so I would presume he'd have a proper house in the castle town, so why did he choose to raise baby Silver in a random, abandoned home he found in the middle of the forest?
Squatter Lilia confirmed
I think Lilia's weapon that Sebek found while cleaning out Lilia's closet is going to play an important role later in the story. They went of their way to draw up art for it and it was, like, the main focus of a whole episode so I feel they are drawing attention to it for a reason. The special characteristic of this weapon is that the stone blade is adorned with a magic type of metal that changes shape in response to the owner's magical powers. Maybe Silver will take up the sword from/for his Father later on, and it will transform in some way? Possible future Mulan reference?
I haven't been able to puzzle out if Lilia's beloved acorn bracelet is a reference to anything in particular. I can't think of any Disney movies where something like that was featured. Can you guys think of anything? It's literally just a bunch of nasty old acorns tied together with a piece of string, and Lilia said that even Malleus is jealous that Lilia has it.
It's absolutely and positively way too suspicious that Lilia is trying to leave so quickly and suddenly. I feel like whatever secret he's keeping from anyone is about to come to a head and that's why he's trying to exit stage left so quickly. Or maybe if he were to stay with everyone, it would be putting them at risk somehow? Idk I just don't believe his "i'M olD aNd mY mAgiC raN oUT" story for a moment.
I really don't think Malleus himself realizes his own feelings of loneliness. So often, he will say that he's used to being alone and that he prefers it (and he does indeed often split off from groups in order to do his own thing), but I don't he's conceptualized quite yet that yeah, he gets lonely sometimes. I feel his loneliness, and possibly that of the other Diasomnia crew will be the defining theme of this book (Silver's loneliness in his ephemeral humanity, Lilia's loneliness as a broken ex-soldier, and Sebek's loneliness in not having a place to belong in either side of his family (humans fear his fae-nature, and the fae despise his human blood)).
Loved the shoutout to Elsa with Malleus accidentally scaring others with his ice powers and almost turning his home (the castle) into ice forever. If/when he does attempt to prevent the people around him from leaving him behind, I'm now curious if it will purely be a sleeping curse or if his ice powers will also be involved as well? Maybe a combo of the two?
If Malleus is Elsa, who is his Anna?
One of the "rules" for TWST books is that whoever overblotted in the last book will use their Unique Magic to aid the main characters of the next book in someway. All Idia's UM does is just open and close the gate to the underworld, so I'm a bit concerned how that will come into play later on... Could Lilia's story about wanting to go to the Land of Red Dragons just be a cover up, and his true destination is... idk but somebody gonna end up getting trapped in the underworld or something and it better not be Silver 😡
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czenzo · 1 year
summary: Lucy tried to muffle her snort of glee and failed miserably. “Need a scarf?” The sequel to Consequences, in which Lucy enacts the revenge she so kindly promised.
words: 1514 rating: T
note: I hadn't initially planned to write this when Consequences was first posted, but I had a few people asking for the revenge sequel – so, here you are! enjoy ;)
Anthony Lockwood had a list of his favourite places to kiss Lucy Carlyle.
It stayed confined to the safety of his own brain – George would forever take the piss if he found a piece of paper full of cursive bullet points listing off Lockwood’s favourite makeout spots – which meant in times of great boredom, he could keep himself entertained by mentally recalling each entry on the list.
“So, Mr Lockwood…” his current client droned on, “we’ve been thinking of remodelling the master bedroom, see, but…”
It was remarkable how often clients insisted on recounting their whole life story before getting to the details of the haunting they’d called up about. From the comfort of his armchair, Lockwood could see both the middle-aged couple looking for help with a suspected Visitor, and Holly Munro neatly jotting down all of the key information. Judging by the wistful look on the man’s face, he had no intentions of getting to the actual ghost sighting for at least a few more minutes, which meant Lockwood had ample time for some memory exercise.
The basement, in the space between Joe and Esmerelda.
The office, sprawled across one of their desks.
The shadows of an alleyway, on their way to examine a haunted property.
“What do you think, Mr Lockwood?”
Lockwood blinked. Muscle memory kicked in, and his polite smile increased in brightness. “Come again?”
“Doubles versus kings,” the old man said. “The missus insists kings leave far too much mattress space between a couple, but I rather enjoy—”
“Mr Franks, if I could ask you to stick to the key details?” Holly interjected. “A death glow in the master bedroom, yes?”
“Yes, indeed… We’d like to remodel, but the workers refuse to do their job until it’s been looked into. We hadn’t noticed it ourselves, really, but we are getting on a bit, aren’t we, Janet…? But anyway, we were trying to decide on curtain colours when…”
Behind the buildings of the furnaces, faces still flushed from the heat of the flames.
“Mr Franks. Back to the death glow, please. Has the room temperature changed recently? Any unexplained feelings of dread?”
“Ooh, dreadful is just the word to describe our daughter-in-law’s idea of a good carpet colour…”
The back garden of 35 Portland Row, under the shade of the apple tree.
The door to the living-slash-client-meeting room cracked open, and when Lockwood saw the face that peered through, he resisted the urge to beam.
“Hi, sorry for interrupting,” Lucy said, lips awkwardly stretching into a polite smile. “I’d like to speak with Mr Lockwood for a moment. It’s— er, urgent.”
Lockwood hopped up from his chair with excessive eagerness. “Of course. My apologies, Mr and Mrs Franks. I will return as soon as – but in the meantime, our dear assistant Holly will take all the details.” With another smile and a subtle look of apology in poor Holly’s direction, Lockwood slipped out of the room and into the hallway.
He kept his voice to a whisper. “Everything alright, Luce?”
“Yeah. Just heard bits of the conversation while I helped George in the kitchen, and it sounded”—she took a breath—“God, Lockwood. It sounded awfully boring. Thought you’d appreciate a short break from it.”
“Lucy Carlyle,” he said, resisting the urge to grab her face and kiss her squarely on the lips (George had a full view of them from the kitchen). “You are the best thing that's ever happened to me.”
“Bit extreme,” she replied with a wobbly smile, cheeks blotching red.
“Fucking rude,” George called out. “What about me?”
“Keep it down, George!” Lockwood hissed. “The client will hear you.”
“The client will hear the two of you getting all mushy and gushy if you’re not careful. Would blow your urgent talk cover right out of the water. Hey – this Swiss roll’s almost done, I’ll take some to Holly before she keels over. Want a slice?”
“Save some for us. Be back in a few,” Lucy said, before grabbing Lockwood by the arm and dragging him along with her up the stairs. She hurriedly lead him to 35 Portland Row’s highest standing room – the attic, adorned with posters and polaroids and various jumpers and skirts strewn around the floor. It was a room so undeniably Lucy’s that Lockwood almost forgot to breathe every time he entered.
He watched as she softly shut the door behind them. “Why the hurry?”
“They’ll get suspicious if we’re gone for too long.”
“And why are we so busy?” he asked, a smirk creeping onto his lips and betraying him completely.
Lucy caught sight of it and scoffed. “You know why.”
“Wait,” he said, stopping her before she could reach him. “Is the skull jar in here?”
“He’s down in the basement. I’m not keen on being observed, either.”
Before he could even think of a witty reply, she grasped the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to her lips. It was quite remarkable how all but his most basic brain functions ceased to work the second he began kissing Lucy Carlyle; it was also amusing that despite everything, he still could recall his all-time favourite spot on his mental list:
Lucy’s bed, tangled up in her patterned bedsheets.
It was history’s greatest misfortune that they were in a rush, and couldn’t afford to move to that spot.
Hands came to rest at the soft dip of her waist and Lockwood gently tugged, pulling her body flush against his while they took a simultaneous gasp of air. He could feel the blood rushing to his face, making him woozy and warm and completely drunk on his feelings, and oh, God, she was kissing him so fervently he thought his lips might bruise.
“Lucy.” He rested his forehead against hers, desperately trying to catch his breath.
“Anthony,” she whispered, and he held back a groan.
“Don’t— Don’t do that to me, you know I have to get back to the client, I can’t stay—”
“I know,” Lucy said, breath hot against the shell of his ear. “One more minute.”
He huffed, knowing he could never turn her down when she sounded like that. “Alright. Alright, one more min—”
And Lucy’s mouth was on his neck, and then even Lockwood’s most basic brain functions shut down. Carefully, she backed him up against the closed door, nibbling and sucking at the tender flesh beside Lockwood’s Adam’s apple. One of his hands clutched at her waist with need, the other was firmly planted over his mouth, muffling the plethora of mortifying noises that threatened to escape.
The moment seemed to last for an eternity.
“There,” Lucy eventually said, backing away with a smile that was far too innocent for the situation. “All done. You can go, now.”
Lockwood blinked owlishly at her. It was as if a switch had been flipped – one second, she was just as needy and clingy as he had been, and the next…
“I’m done,” she said, brushing off imaginary lint from her front. “I’d call that decent revenge.”
“I did warn you, didn’t I?” One hand reached up to pat his cheek. “I’m a woman of my word.”
Realisation hit him like a double-decker bus.
“Oh,” he murmured, tentatively reaching for the tender spot on his neck. “Oh, no. Lucy, you didn’t.”
Lucy tried to muffle her snort of glee and failed miserably. “Need a scarf?”
“Oh, no, no, no—” He hurried over to her bathroom, knuckles white as he grasped the bowl of the sink and stared down his reflection. Right there – on almost the exact same stretch of skin as Lucy’s had been – sat the beginnings of a hickey. “No! Lucy! I can’t— how in God’s name am I going to cover that?”
“Plaster? Call it a rapier accident?” Lucy said through bouts of laughter. Lockwood couldn’t help but join her, though he was unsure whether his laughter stemmed from genuine amusement, or pure hysteria.
“No, no,” he said, once they finally calmed down, “what am I going to do? Genuinely?”
“Didn’t think that far ahead,” Lucy admitted. “I promised revenge, but, er… not a good cover-up.”
“They won’t buy the rapier thing again, I’m sure of it.”
“In all honesty, I don’t think they bought it in the first place, anyway. They know we’re a— a… a thing. That we’re, er—”
“A couple?”
“Yeah, that.”
“Yes,” Lockwood said slowly. “But I’d rather they weren’t privy to this. I am their boss, after all. That’d be unprofessional.”
“Holly talks about her girlfriend all the time.”
“I know.”
“And I’ve seen George almost nude more times than I’ve seen my own mother.”
“Yes, well, er— that’s George. And I would still prefer to avoid them seeing this monster of a thing on my neck.”
“Well…” Lucy detangled her hair and checked the colour of her cheeks before opening the door. “Good luck with that, then. Better be quick – don’t want all the Swiss roll to run out, eh?”
Then she left, and Anthony Lockwood stared at the door as it swung shut behind her.
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foolforharrry · 2 years
Strawberries & Memories - Chapter 3 - Sweeter Side
Hi. This is the third chapter of my new book. I'm really excited about it and it would mean a lot if you shared it or gave me some feedback on it.
Summary for Strawberries & Memories: Anna went to the Coachella Music Festival to finally see her idol perform in person. Little did she know that would end up changing her life forever in ways she never even dared dream of. But everything comes at a cost.
Chapter index
Chapter 2
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Harry has been a bit too cheerful.
Ever since I told him I’d be down for anything he wanted to show me, he’s had this extremely coy little smile on his face, glancing over at me every few seconds.
We’re on our way back to my hotel. Harry wasn’t happy with my outfit. He said I would need something more functional. And jeans aren’t cutting it for him, apparently.
When I pointed out that his trousers are tighter than mine, he smugly informed me that he has a change of clothes in the back of his car.
He still won’t tell me where we’re going or what we’re doing.
I’ve been trying to wrack my brain for the past five minutes, having given up on trying to make him cave and tell him what he’s got planned for us. But everything and nothing is what I’m left with.
Maybe he just wants to do yoga by the Hollywood sign. Or do water aerobics fully clothed at a random pool. Or maybe a fountain. It could be some rite of passage of some sort. You never know.
But whatever it is, I want to know.
“This is your hotel, right?” Harry points to the run-down looking hotel to our right, turning down the volume of the radio. The radio host’s chatter now drowned out by the sound of the engine still humming.
I nod, “Yeah. I still feel like I need to wash down your whole car now.”
I seriously do not understand why on earth he would let my dirty ass into this car. It’s white. And shiny. And beautiful. And more importantly, it’s a fucking Porsche.
“What do you mean?”, Harry asks confused. “Unless you threw dirt on it or something, there is nothing for you to clean.” He doesn’t let me explain, he just fully turns his body towards me, his expression turning hard and accusing, “Did you throw dirt? Why would you do that when I’m being nothing but nice to you?”
I raise my hands in surrender, “I’m sorry, H. it was just too tempting. Your car is so sparkly and expensive.”
“You’re a force of evil aren’t you?” Harry shuts off the engine, giving my shoulder a squeeze before he reaches for his door handle, “And you look great in my Porsche.”
Out of my say or control, I can feel blush spreading embarrassingly fast on my cheeks. But I ignore it, taking a deep breath to gather myself before I join him where he’s waiting patiently on the passenger side of the car, offering him a small smile as I carefully let the car door fall shut.
“Come on, then.”, I say when I hear the sound of the car lock. Harry trails after me when I make my way through the lobby and into the elevator, keeping his hands clasped behind his back the whole elevator ride. A comfortable silence blanketing us in the short time it takes the elevator to get from the ground floor to the 5th.
I turn around, walking backwards in the direction my hotel room is, making sure to look Harry in the eye when I talk. “There will be a few things. Here and there. And on the floor and stuff. You.”, I point at him to further my point, “Don’t judge. I’ve been busy.”
I have been very busy. Mostly holed up in there with my laptop and notebook jotting down every thought that’s passed through my head when I wasn’t sitting at the café or talking with Harry. Tidying it and cleaning haven’t really been a priority.
There has also been a constant do not disturb sign hanging on the outside of my hotel door. It’s still there.
Harry shakes his head with a laugh, “Ok, darling. I promise I’m not gonna judge.” “Do you pinkie promise?” I offer my pinkie, stopping momentarily to let him wrap his around mine and squeeze. “Promise
So it turns out Harry’s idea of sight seeing is quite what I’d pictured it would be.
“Come on. We’re almost there, Anna. I promise it’ll be worth it.”
I don’t even wanna look at him right now. How can one person be this cheerful while doing such a torturous thing? By choice.
I such in as deep breaths as I can, the sun making me have to squint my eyes. “You said that five minutes ago too, H”, I sigh. This is actually torture.
“It’s just up there, I promise.”, Harry offers me his water bottle. I accept it gratefully considering I finished mine a while ago, but just take a tiny sip. I’m not that horrible. After screwing the lid back on, I hand it back to him, thanking him profusely.
“Ready?”, he asks even though he’s already started walking again.
Reluctantly, I do the same, ignoring the burning in my thighs from the abuse the poor things have been put through.
This might be a sign that I should work out more often, because Harry is smiling at me when I catch up to him even though he is 100% doing this whole hike a lot slower for my benefit. Which is something I really appreciate.
Maybe this is a sign that I should work out more in general.
But one thing that’s for sure is that Harry wasn’t joking when he said the view from the top is to die for.
On one side there is ocean stretching as far as your eye can see. Different shades of blue mixing and blending together as the waves crashes against the shore. On the other side it’s green. Green with little spots and spaces of purple, yellow, tan and red. But it’s too far away for me to be able to see what it is.
The air, unlike on the beach where you could basically taste the salt from the ocean, is fresher than ever. Every breath feels like all the filth from the city is being cleansed from my lungs. The only form of civilisation I can see is the road we took here and the small town a little away from the small mountain we just climbed.
“I told you it would be worth it.” I don’t even have to see his face to know that he’s smug about being right. “You can say it, you know.”
This isn’t going to be good for my ego. “Yes. You were right. But.”, I turn on my heel so I’m looking at him and not the view anymore, “I still think you’re a horrible person for dragging my lazy ass up a whole freaking mountain for a view.”
Harry’s eyebrows raise in surprise, his lips pressing together to supress a smile.
There is a light sheen of sweat on his skin. But really, it’s just giving him a nice glow where the sunlight hits him.
I have no idea how he makes sweat look like that. I’m 99% certain that my sweat makes me look more like a drowned whale than anything. It’s unfair and there should be some rule against people making everything look good.
“You’re just hungry.”, Harry waves me off, “Once we’ve had something to eat, you’re gonna be able to appreciate me taking you here.” “Don’t sound too confident about it, pretty boy. I hold grudges.”
He doesn’t seem phased by my threat, instead he just nods, “Sure, grumpy. Let’s go.”
“Wait.”, I chase after him, careful not to trip over my feet or any loose rocks, “I thought we were going to enjoy the view.”
Harry is already walking at a fast pace down the hill again that we just came up.
I swear to God this man-
“You snooze, you lose, Anna.”, he just yells over his shoulder as I am tiptoeing as fast as I can after him.
If I survive this, I’m gonna cut off a piece of his hair.
It took us a good one and a half hours to get back to his car. My life flashing before my eyes several times.
I’m just thanking God that Harry has quick reflexes.
The journey down wasn’t much different from how we spent the one up. Only instead of me mostly keeping my mouth shut from lack of oxygen, it was out of either concentration in order not to die. Or to admire everything I didn’t have the patience to earlier.
Everything from the random, little flowers scattered to a wild animal we passed. I am not going to admit it to Harry, he doesn’t need to be told he’s right anymore today, but I kind of understand his whole thing about nature being freeing or whatever.
There was something oddly peaceful about not being surrounded by people milling around and cars packing the road.
Surprising, I know.
 “You don’t look like you want to kill me.”, Harry breaks the comfortable silence that’s been blanketing us since we settled into his car and he told me he had another place to show me.
I lift my head from the window where I’ve been resting it, turning to look at him. “It’s the Porsche. I’m telling you.”
“I see.”, he hums. “So, the best way to stay alive after dragging someone on a hike is to have a nice car?”
I nod, patting his hand, “I’m afraid so, H.”
Harry blows out a breath, shaking his head in defeat. “The world we live in, Anna.”, he stares right at me, “It’s beyond saving.”
“How about this?” I gesture to the small town we’re just entering. “This also beyond salvation?”
But it’s the stark opposite of where I’d imagined that we would be going today when he said he wanted to show me his favourite places. I’m not really sure what I did picture. But it was for sure not hiking or visiting a small town two hours out of LA with the sun starting to set in the distance.
Instead of there being busy streets and tall buildings everywhere with noise and smells that never lets up, it’s quiet. The houses are all charming and inviting. Every one of them with a front yard and one or two cars parked in the driveway. There are kids playing outside without a care in the world.
It reminds me of the kind of towns you’d read about in a romance novel. With the boy next door and the small high school. The town where everyone knows everyone and their business.
I can see why Harry likes it here.
A soft smile that can only be described as fond has settled on his face where he keeps the car moving slow enough to take in everything without risking running over something. As if he is taking it all in for the first time.
“I came across this place back in 2016, you know.”, Harry starts, making me straighten up in my seat so I can give him my undivided attention.
He takes a beat before he picks up again where he left off. “I had some time where I didn’t know what to really do with myself. It was weird, you know. So a friend of mine and I had seen some photos from the hill we were just on, and decided to go there.”
“He went straight home when we finished the hike, but I’d seen the lights from the top since it had started getting dark. I was hungry and needed to use the bathroom. That’s all I wanted here.”
I nod when he glances over to me for him to continue. He does. “I ended up going to this little bakery. And even though it was almost time for it to close, they had the best hot coco and apple pie I’d ever had. The woman who owns the bakery, Molly, she’s the sweetest old lady ever. Her grandkids help her out after school, but it’s mainly her and her daughter who handles it.”
“Sounds like you love it there.”
“I really do.”, he agrees. “I’ve been coming here whenever I’m in LA for more than a few days ever since. It’s nice to have a place where you can go to just relax and still not be alone, you know?”
I don’t even know what to say, so I sit quietly processing everything he just said until he talks again. “That’s where I’m taking you right now.”
Struggling to keep myself looking like a human being and not a goldfish, I clench my teeth so hard it feels like they’re going to break. Don’t cry is being chanted repeatedly in my head. Because I refuse to cry. I am going to take a deep breath and calm down right now.
Fuck Harry for making me emotional right now. I’m cool. I’m stoic. I don’t cry over someone sharing a personal, really cute story. That’s not me.
He must take my silence as me not liking his plan because he is apologising and rambling and by the time I can stop him, he has stopped the car and pulled out his phone.
I snatch it away from him, turning it off after noticing the notes app was open. “Harry.” I grab his shoulder to make him stop talking. “I would love to go there with you. It’s a brilliant idea. I was just taking a minute to not cry. Because that would’ve been embarrassing.”
Harry’s shoulders sag in relief, wiping imaginary sweat off his forehead while heavily exhaling, “Thank God. And yeah, I agree. Wouldn’t want you to embarrass yourself either.”
“Hey!” I shove him playfully. “You’re so mean today.”
He shoves me right back, his dimples popping out when he smiles, “Do you want me to stop?”
“Great. Then let’s go.” Harry unfastens his seatbelt, gathering his phone and wallet before he leaves the car. I do the same, reaching into the back seat to grab my tote bag. I take a moment to pat myself on the shoulder.
I didn’t embarrass myself that much.
The second I’m out of the car, I can’t help but fish my phone out of my pocket and snap a photo.
There is a small park with a playground and a pond. Flowers are blooming along the edges and in clusters. There are benches placed by the cobble stone path running through the park.
Shops and what looks like restaurants are one side of the park and more houses on the other. The sun set casts an orange glow over buildings.
It’s idyllic is what it is.
“This actually feels straight out of a romance novel.”, I tell Harry when I feel finished with marvelling at the simplicity of the town.
He grins at me, pushing his hair out of his face, “I see what you mean. Maybe that’s why I love it here so much.”
With that we make our way to the bakery.
“It’s so pretty!” I can’t contain my excitement when he points it out, nearly speed walking to get there faster. Harry laughs as he walks faster to match me in my hurry.
The walls are painted a light pink and there are potted, green plants on either side of the white, door. The windows are big and inviting and the name of the bakery is written on the sign hung above the door.
‘Sweeter Side’
Ok, if that isn’t one of the cutest names for a bakery, then I don’t know what is.
I’m surprised by the warm smell of baked goods filling my nostrils when Harry reaches for the door handle. The bell rings when he pushes the door open.
It has a bell.
The second the door closes behind us, a small, old lady with white hair and big glasses is peaking her head out from a door in the right corner of the bakery behind the display and register.
Her expression goes from surprised to complete joy as she hurries her short legs to us “Harry, love! It’s been far too long.”
“Molly!”, Harry matches her excitement, meeting her halfway to engulf her in a warm hug.
They’re laughing as they take their time, greeting each other and it warms my heart seeing the genuine happiness on both their faces.
Molly then seems to notice my presence and waves me over. Harry steps to the side so I can stand next to him as he introduces us, “Anna, this is Molly. Molly, Anna.”
“Nice to meet you, ma’am.”, I hold out my hand to her for a handshake, but she swats it away, pulling me into a hug.
“Call me Molly, sweetheart.” She’s warm and it feels like a hug your grandmother would give you.
“Ok, Molly. It’s so nice to meet you.” I hug her back, not letting go until she does.
The nervousness I had been feeling before I met Harry on the beach earlier today has been completely erased along with the little nerves I had about Harry taking me to somewhere special to him.
“This place is so nice.”, I praise her when she lets go of me. “And it smells delicious.”
“Oh, thank you darling. It’s small, but I like to think it is.”, she thanks me, humbly. “Harry here gave us the sofas over there.”
“He did?” I go over to the sofas she pointed at. Two identical, white, sofas with a floral pattern and soft-looking, pastel green and pink throw pillows. “They fit perfectly here.”
I settle into the closest one, sighing contently at how comfortable it is. It literally feels like sitting on a cloud.
And they do match the other interior and decorations perfectly.
The homey feel of the little plants everywhere as well as the paintings hanging on the wall. The shelf next to the bread display with framed photos. They’re too far away to be able to see what they’re actually of clearly, but I’m assuming they’re family photos.
Harry sits down next to me, his arm draping over the back of the couch. “Where’s Molly?”, I ask confused when I notice she isn’t here anymore.
“She went to the kitchen to finish making our coco and pie.” “Shouldn’t we go help her´”, I go to stand up, feeling guilty that we’re leaving the sweet lady to do everything herself. But Harry grabs my wrist, preventing me to go anywhere.
“She won’t let you. Trust me, I’ve tried.”
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pulchrasilva · 2 years
One Line, Any Fic
I was tagged by @ihasafandom 
Rules: pick any 10 of your WIP fics (or finished; go nuts), scroll somewhere to the mid-point, pick a line, and share it! Then tag 10 people.
These are maybe a bit more than a line but shhh
A mix of Sanders Sides, Roleslaying and Venom fics. Some of these are just single lines jotted down in my notes, some of them are fic I haven’t touched in years, and exactly one of them is actually finished and should be posted soon :D feel free to ask me about any of these because I’d love to talk about them it’s how I get inspiration
These are maybe a bit more than a line but shhh
No pressure tags: @fangirltothefullest @lost-in-thought-20 @theimprobabledreamersworld @remus-of-reston @ant1m0ny @lost-in-frog-land @kitausuret @soodoonimin @korruptbrekker @brandstifter-sys
1. I’m Yours
Of course, the dish had long since gone cold, and there was no way Logan would be eating it after he stepped in it, but the idea made him want to smile, or cry. Both actions were things he hadn’t done in a long time.
2. Don the Sash and Sceptre
Roman strutted down the school corridor like it was his own personal walkway carpeted in red. In a way, it was. Not literally of course, but the way heads turned as he passed by more than made up for that.
3. all i wanna do is take the sad from you
Patton conjured Roman’s orb, and sure enough, amid the scarlets and crimsons and wine reds, a patch of dark, dark red swallowed the prince’s positivity. A blemish on Roman’s courageous and hopeful personality.
4. every memory adds another piece
Steeling himself, the Janus seized Patton by the shoulders and pulled him into a hug – to hide his face, of course. He couldn’t let another side see him crying. That’s what this was about. It had nothing to do with how isolated he felt, or how the physical contact to grounded him inside his own skin.
5. An Alien Symbiote and a Very Resourceful Goat
Venom moved slowly, both to avoid scaring it off and because he physically couldn’t move any faster. When he was near enough to extend a trembling tendril, Venom wasted no time. He latched on to white fur and sunk past the skin. 
6. i know a place where the pain doesn't reach
It was so tender, so vulnerable yet relaxed, in a way that he'd never seen either of them. He'd been travelling with Youngblood for a while now, and slowly getting to know Noise since leaving Neon, but this was a level of familiarity and trust that he couldn't even dream of. The sight had his heart aching with a sudden craving for this, this intimacy, with them.
7. Unnamed
A road, entirely straight, stretches off in either direction into the distance, cutting through the bleak muted orange of the land on either side, dried mud with deep fissures and completely flat. A little way off to his left was what appeared to be a cactus, guarded and intimidating. To his right, a mountain range formed a paper thin outline along the horizon. Thomas started walking. Did it really matter which direction?
8. Unnamed
"You don't need him. I do. And like hell am I gonna let Cletus go after all that time we were separated. If you can't deal with that, you can go find another host that's willing to give up everything for you. Or you could help me save my husband."
9. Unnamed
Carnage grew, spilling out of the heart and into the surrounding veins and arteries, until he filled ever vein, every artery, every tiny capillary. Blood replaced entirely by something new. His body and Cletus's intertwined, forever.
10. A Tragedy with a Happy Ending
Their bones clacked together as Cross took his hand. It felt different from before - there was no warmth, no soft flesh padding out their grip. But even after all the years apart and all the ways they'd changed, their hands fit together perfectly - like they always had.
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takearisk-x · 2 years
ooo ooo ooo idk if you’ve answered these before but: 7, 9 (I am forever taking notes), 15
okay okay okay
7. how does receiving or not receiving feedback/support impact you?
it's pretty simple, a comment pops into my inbox and i get a big ole grin on my face. i know every fic writer says it, but comments instantly translate into motivation. the more feedback/engagement i get, the more i want to write. because its like we are all little kids, and it is so much fun to mess around and play pretend with our friends.
9. what's your writing process like?
oh god i feel like it changes daily. ideally, i spend a few weeks/months (depending on the complexity of the story) outlining and brainstorming. i have a journal for each story that lives in my head and i'm always taking notes or jotting down little pieces of dialogue and things. i try to have a rough outline of every chapter before i start writing. then there is draft 1. which is me trying to write as much action and dialogue into the chapter as i can. this is basically blocking out the scenes and the action. then comes draft 2 where i go back in and try to add internal dialogue and feelings and the overall tone. then draft 3, editing and pacing. btw this is where i am stuck right now with chap 11 for me the longest stage is usually stage 3 because i labor over each section/scene and try to make it perfect when i don't need to. then i post to ao3. then i do final edits about ten minutes after posting LOL i can't resist a final read through after its out in the world and i swear i always find at least six typos or changes in that final after post edit.
p.s. i always try to get at least one good night sleep between drafts. meaning once i finish draft 2, i put it away and sleep on it before opening it up again the next day for edits. same with posting, i always sleep on it one night after its "finished" so i can go back in and read it with fresh eyes the next day.
15. How do you think your writing has improved over time?
drastically!!!! i've been writing fic for ten years and you can't write for that long and not get better. my one improvement that ive seen most recently is that i trust my readers more. and i think this is also what i've gotten the most positive feedback on too. as a writer, you don't actually have to tell your readers everything, more often than not, the less you tell them, the more they get from the story. if your readers connect the dots on their own as opposed to you connecting it for them, they get to add their own personal experiences and imaginations to the story therefore it becomes more meaningful to them. this is a really long winded way of saying i've gotten a lot better about showing not telling. a great example of this is in dialogue tags. not every piece of dialogue needs a tag. but you can still tell the reader what your characters are doing? if that makes sense? i've gotten so much better about using body language and facial expressions to expand on emotions, instead of adjectives and adverbs (though i still use too many adjectives)
fic writer asks!
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bellecourageuse · 1 year
My mum and I are nearing the 4th season in our OUAT watch (and I know it's gonna hurt, a lot), so I thought, why not jot down some of the most important things that make my portrayal of Belle canon divergent?
So, the main thing is, as stated in my pinned post, that my Belle keeps her original, Enchanted Forest characterization in Storybrooke, which means that instead of maybe, not always but certainly very often expecting the worst of Rumple, Belle always believes in him, in the goodness of his heart. She might get upset and angry with him if he gives into the darkness, the allure of power or because he doesn't trust her enough to open up to her, but never does she ever stop believing in him and never does she ever turn on him or side with anyone against him.
The main plot-related thing is that, although my Belle does send Rumple over the townline, her motivation and attitude towads this action is very different from the show. She doesn’t do it because she thinks that power is more important for Rumple than she is (she knows that his loved ones – she very much included – are the most important things for him in the whole world and that his dagger is his weakness because 1) it can control him, take away his free will, and especially so soon after what happened with Zelena, Belle fully understands why Rumple is so afraid of letting go of it, which makes it his weakness now more than ever; 2) it is the symbol of his power and the one thing that gives him that power he's so afraid to lose because he's so insecure he doesn't see that he can protect himself and his loved ones without it). She doesn't do it to rid Storybrooke of the monster (speaking about that, that god-awful "Once I saw the man behind the beast and now there's only the beast"? it didn't happen; Belle might have sent him over the town line and might have wanted him to fight to get back to her but she would never say that, mainly because she would never even think this – she has always seen the man behind the beast and it's not going to change, period). She does it because when she finds out about what Rumple was doing behind her back and what he was willing to do to fairies and Hook, Belle realizes that the darkness is taking over him and that she needs to do something about it and fast or she'll lose him forever, so in a moment of panicked inspiration she decides that if she forces Rumple to live without his magic for a while, to find his way back to her without the help of magic, then he will finally believe in himself and understand that he can live without it.
Yes, that idea (or, at least, the way she brough it into life) was stupid and cruel but by the time Belle realized that and came back to the townline, Rumple was already gone, so all she could do is wait and pray she didn't accidentally kill her husband. She feels very guilty over the way she threw him out of town without so much as giving him his cane and, as a rule, doesn’t talk about Rumple or what transpired at the townline with anyone (so no teary talks with Hook). Under the right circumstances, she might talk about it with Snow, Ruby or Will Scarlett, but that's it.
Speaking about Will, my Belle, since she still very much loves her husband and is waiting for him to come back (and is dreading what he must think of her after such cruelty but hoping they can talk things through and fix everything), has never being romantically involved with him. He makes her laugh and he becomes a good friend for her but that's it.
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insecxreasalwqys · 2 years
people like to tell you what your gonna be, its not my problem if you dont see what i see.
All credits go to my lovely friend @thee-yunatic-pixie , she gave me this idea! (Go check her out, shes amazing :) also, if you see italics (they look like this) for a phrase, then its usually in chishiya’s pov, unless it is just one word italicized (which means emphasis), or is said to be otherwise.  tw! Blood 
There, he found himself at his desk, again. The clock next to him said it was 2:49 A.M. Yet, chishiya never cared. He was studying to give his hands a break. It was quiet, his parents were in their individual rooms, doing whatever. Chishiya didnt care. He looked at one of his pages full of what looked to be scribbles, and for a second, though it may sound silly, that was all Chishiya saw. He could read it, yeah, but, he felt as if he was just reading scribbles. Reading nothing. Sometimes, he wondered if he should even continue on. His parents didnt pay for his school, so he would be in a bunch of debt. He had a job, too. Somehow. He always overworked himself. He did all of this. He hated himself for it. He got up, and left the room. As he walked past the hallway, his fathers door was open. He saw his father typing on his screen. He walked past, but not without feeling slightly sad.  He looked beyond the balcony. There were buildings, high, and low. It was 3 in the morning at this time, so no one was driving. Or, barely anyone was. He lit a cigarette, and stared at the sky. He wondered, that, if he continued medical school, if his parents would ever care. He quickly discarded that idea, though, as, it was too late now. He was already in 100k+ dollars of debt. Chishiya put his hands on the balcony’s fence. He took a deep breath, and cursed himself mentally. He still, though, wondered if his parents cared at all. Did they care that their own son worked so hard for a millimeter of their attention? Did they care that he did things that couldve killed him if he continued to do so, for his parents? Did they care that what they did was cruel? Did they care that he exceeded in academics? He guessed not. He would always see kids having fun with their parents. He wondered if maybe, he was at fault. That he was the problem.  He woke up the next day, and checked the time. It was 5:24. He smiled, as he realized that was the most time he had slept in months. As the time changed from 24, to 25, he realized he should go inside. He had fallen asleep outside last night. Or 2 hours ago.  He brushed his teeth, washed his face, changed, and packed everything he needed for school. As he was about to leave the house, he almost shouted ‘bye mom! Bye dad!’ Before quickly realizing he barely had a father and a mother. If you could even call them that. Too much of a good mood today.  He was listening to a lecture and jotting down words. He swore he almost fell asleep. It was something about a disease he couldnt remember. His professor went on, and on, for what seemed to be forever. Chishiya didnt recall a single time he stopped writing. His hand cramped up, sure, but this was just per usual. He dealt with it fine.  He had an exam coming up next period, and he was really stressed about it for some reason. Perhaps he didnt study enough for it. Somehow. He figured he shouldnt have spent his time outside on that balcony.  After the exam, that was almost all he could think about. He doubted he spelt his name correctly.  When he got back home, he took off his shoes, washed his hands, and rushed upstairs. He sat quickly in his seat, and studied.  Few hours later, chishiya started to get really hungry. He hadnt eaten anything since Monday. Today was Wednesday. He thought to himself what he could make. Katsudon? No, that took too long for him. Ramen? That didnt take too long. Maybe. He walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. Ramen it is. He opened the cabinets and found a pack of ramen he bought the other day. Not the healthiest, but, it was something. He poured water in the pot, and waited in the kitchen. He went through his phone to check if he had had any emails from professors. When the water was boiling, he put the ramen in, and went through his phone again. Finally when it was done, he put it on his plate, and brought it up to his room. It wasnt as if he had time to eat it at the dinner table. Which, mind you, had two seats anyways. (Im rereading and i realize it sounds like i made low quality crappy instructions) 
He ended up falling asleep at his desk, at 4 in the morning. It was Christmas. Hooray? I guess? He didnt really care, though. He got today off, which was good enough for him. He got ready for the day, and went outside for a walk. It wasnt snowing, at all, so he decided he could be slightly productive. He saw kids walking by with their parents, because there was a festival nearby. When he saw the kids, his slight motivation to do anything went away.  He went back home, and sat on the couch. He let out a sigh, and buried his hands in his face. He went up to his room, opened his book, scolded himself in his head, before studying.  After a few hours, it was 11. He had went over almost all of the study material given by some generous teachers, and stuff he had written. He had to go over a few more pages. And so, he rested his head on one hand, changed the slide, and read. Yet, for some reason, he found himself reading the same exact sentence, over, and over again.  When he finally finished everything he could, his essays, reviewing slides, flash cards, and homework, he felt himself drifting away. He felt slightly dizzy. His head hurt, and the world was some what whizzing by. He figured that he had just been stressed, so, after a little bit of thinking, he went to sleep.  He woke up, but realized it had only been an hour. Probably because of his crappy sleep schedule. He was slightly less dizzy. He buried his face in his pillows, and after a few minutes, moved his hands where his eyes were on the pillow. And when he did? He felt something wet, and his vision got blurry.  It was a new day. He got up from his bed, and went to the bathroom. As he was washing his hands, he saw himself in the mirror. F.ck you. He thought when he saw himself. He hated himself. There wasn’t necessarily anything he liked about himself. His parents definitely helped with that. If their goal was to make him feel like a worthless f.ck, then they surely succeeded.  It was 4:57, and he had another exam today. He changed into new clothes, and he left the house. The school took about 1 hour and 40 minutes to walk to? 1 hour if he ran real fast.  When he got inside it was 6:40. He liked to get there early and so did many other people. If you got there earlier, you could spend your time in the library before school started. For him, school started at 7. He didnt get too much time today, but still, better then nothing.  He heard the fancy little school bell ring, and everyone in the library got up, and left. Chishiya followed, and thought to himself Here we go again.  He went to his locker, and took a notebook, his computer, and textbook. A N A T O M Y the book read. One of his favorite classes. Mostly because this was the easiest to him, and the teacher was very merciful with study material. Just then, he felt dizzy again. Just a bit, but it was definitely there. After his class, he went straight to the next class he had. It was his test in this class today. He rested his head against the wall, until he remembered he could come in if he was ready.  He wrote his name, and went through the questions. A, c, d, b, c, c, b, a, he heard the sound of his pencil against the piece of paper. Explain what to do in a situ- he read, but then, saw a drop of something red on a letter, then, came another. Seriously? Thats the third time this month. Couldnt have been timed better, too. He thought. He held his nose, and when he looked at his hands, there it was. His hands were covered in blood, and chishiya raised his hand. “Hmm?” She said, before looking at his hand. Her eyes widened for a split second, but then said “Yeah, you can go to the bathroom.”. Chishiya thanked her and rushed to the bathroom.  As chishiya was looking down, and replacing tissues, he felt dizzy. Again. But this time, it was 10x worse then it was at home. As the dizziness got worse, so did his vision. His eyelids closed gradually, before they were completely shut.  Well, he’s been gone for a while now. His teacher thought. “Hey, Kai,” She started. The boy looked up from his paper and raised an eyebrow. “Can you check up on Shuntaro for me?” She asked. “Yeah, sure.” He said, walking out of the room.  “Hey, chishiya?” Kai asked, walking in the bathroom. But, what he saw, wasnt what he expected. There, was chishiya, on the ground. There was blood running down out of his nose. Kai’s eyes widened, before checking to make sure he was breathing, and for a pulse. Kai felt a wave of relief when chishiya was fine. Kai didnt have a phone on him, as they werent allowed, so he ran back to the room.  “Is he fine-?” She started, but kai yelled out that chishiya was unconscious. Their teacher went to follow kai, and she told the others stay while she was gone. She ordered a girl by the name akira to grab her (the teacher’s) phone and follow them.  “110, whats your emergency?” The dispatcher asked. “I need an ambulance!” She yelled, followed by telling them the location. “What happened?” The voice asked. “A boy in my class passed out and his nose is bleeding a little still.” She said. “Whats your name?” The dispatcher asked. “Akira Kimura” She said. They kept asking, and akira kept answering.  When he woke up, he felt very stiff. He tried moving, but really couldnt. The doctor greeted Chishiya, and walked outside. What the f.ck happened again? Oh yeah, i passed out. He reminded himself. He sat there, and stared at the ceiling, trying to count the dots.  238, 239, 240- He was at, until he heard the door open. “Your okay!” His teacher said. Akira and kai walked in aswell. Chishiya gave a forced smile, and sat back. “How long has it been?” Chishiya asked. “A few hours.” The doctor said. “Im glad your fine.” He added. Chishiya looked down, and relaxed his eyes for a second, before looking back up at the doctor. “By any chance, were my parents here when i was unconscious?” He asked, with regret right after the words came out of his mouth. The doctor looked down as well, and looked back at chishiya. “Im afraid not.” He said. Chishiya nodded, and looked around the room. Then, he realized it looked alot like his parents hospital. Infact, it was their hospital. His parents decided they couldnt walk for a minute to see their son. Chishiya laid down, and sighed. When he woke up, honestly, he felt almost happy. He thought his parents would be there. Sure, people could call him crazy for that being the only thing he thought about, but they didn’t understand. They didn’t understand he couldve been with his parents right now who acted like he didnt exist for his whole life. Yet, when he heard the news they werent there, he wasnt too surprised.
As expected.
I cried a bit while writing this. Once again, all credits to @thee-yunatic- pixie bc she gave me this amazing idea. Have a good one, fellas. 
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madraleen · 2 years
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Lord of Chaos - Robert Jordan 4,25/5 stars
Jot-it-down-as-it-happens commentary under the cut.
-Wait, how did we capture Moghedien? We last left her in the Dream World, right?
-No shit, she was one of the three on the ship?
-”Can you blush?” Lmfao, poor Rand.
-”Heroes had a bad habit of getting killed.”
-Oooh, I see Mat has had some emotional development, nice.
-The book, less than a couple hundred pages in: “For once, everything would turn out as Mat expected.” Me, a seasoned reader: No.
-A Forsaken in the White Tower? Oooh.
-Wh… Why did Alanna make Rand her Warder
-No! Galad could be Rand’s half-brother then?!
-”What had to be endured, could be.”
-Did Mat just beat an Aielman
-”Elenia spoke of these people as if she knew them personally, but [Rand’s] head was spinning with names he had never heard before” - me when reading The Wheel of Time.
-Yay, Nynaeve Healed Logain!
-I can’t decide if Egwene as the Amyrlin Seat is a little too far-fetched for comfort. It seems terrifying to me, but she seems to be taking to it quite fast.
-Wow, Rand sure is very happy to see Min.
-Idk man, yes, the Black Tower pairs with the White Tower, but also with the Black Ajah etc…
-Man, who WAS Taim to Lews Therin?
-Thirteen Aes Sedai now :(
-It’s such an arguably small thing, but the sass of Rand calling Merana just Merana, we stan.
-Well, yes, the chest and the servants, Rand. As we suspected.
-Yay, Logain’s escaping!
-We are going after Rand, things are happening! 
-No no no no, I don’t like this, don’t torture Rand, I don’t like this
-The wolves are coming :’) [in retrospect, the wolves had surprisingly little mention in the battle]
-The saidin students! The saidin students!
-Yesss, Rand, break free! We’re soaring! We’re flying!
-Taim commanding male channelers, asnjsnjkdjn, this is so cool, stop.
-Whoa, Rand told Taim to make weapons and he fulfilled the assignment a little too efficiently.
-“The first nine Aes Sedai swore fealty to the Dragon Reborn, and the world was changed forever.” Ooh, I got chills.
-Thing is. By the time I get to the end, I’ve half-forgotten the meandering that it took to get to the last exciting 100 pages and I’m like FOUR STARS! FIVE STARS! STARS ALL AROUND! Like, “How did we get here?” “Idk, man, I’ve been reading this book for the better part of a month or something.”
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phoenixglacier · 3 months
Tips for maintaining/building art motivation!
Want to get better at art but feel like you're not getting anywhere? Have a sad folder full of unfinished art? Does it take you three months to finish a single artpiece if it ever does get finished? Here are some tips that worked for me to keep me interested in art!
Tip 1: Notice the goal markers in each project and consider that a piece!
If you're like me and take forever to finish one piece, you're probably spending ages on each part of the project. Maybe you do just the hair, then just the face, then just the clothes. Maybe you do a sketch, then another sketch, then another sketch, then another sketch, then flat colours then rendering. Each time you hit one of those, save an image/scan/video/gif/whatever you're making of that version. Put it in that folder where you put all your finished art.
If you do lose interest in that project, one day when you look back you'll see an "unfinished" artpiece with some pretty boss stuff. It will be a more accurate record of what you actually spent your time on. Sure, this sketch doesn't have a clean lineart on it, but you can totally tell what it is! Sure, this piece has super detailed hair but flat everything else, well maybe the hair is the star of the show and for that matter that's really cool technique you used for the hair! Art doesn't always have to be finished! Just look at the work out there you're aspiring to:
Tip 2: Look at how others use art to communicate
If you're here on tumblr, there's a wide range of art out in the wilderness for you to forage. You're gonna see some people that are probably gods painting the most intensely beautiful artwork you'll never be able to fantasise - but that's just one type of content. I'm constantly attracted to art that are absolutely not in the style I lean towards, but they express emotions or pitch a new design or honestly are just about characters that I'm starving for. Not all art has to be perfectly polished, often you'll see a sketch posted instead because that was sufficient to get across the idea. Focus on the idea. Aspire to create art that gets across these ideas in one way or another.
I would also say to read comic books. Webtoons are good too - there are many stories I've read where I was interested enough in the story, and the art wasn't all that appealing to me. But if the art gets across that story, mission achieved, and it's also motivating to see the change in the artists' style over time. You're a baby deer taking your first steps but you're not the only one; artists that you look up to are all doing the same.
Tip 3: Set staggering "finishedness" goals
Okay, so we've talked about treating "unfinished" artwork like finished work, and we've talked about how artwork doesn't have to look "finished" to be enjoyable for us. How 'bout we do it on purpose now?
Again, I'm gonna assume you're like me and take several months to finish one piece that maybe has background, lineart, full rendering, the works. Well, remember that that's not the only type of "finished" artwork. Here are a couple of mild suggestions:
Draw the proportions cartoonised or chibi.
Work on creating a really pretty background.
Skip the lineart. Just colour straight over the sketch.
Skip the colouring too. Just tidy your sketch up slightly.
Instead of colouring your lineart, add some fun embellishments in monocolour and/or change the colour of your linart.
Pick up a sketchbook (oops I've been assuming you do digital all this time) and do any of these. After being trapped in digital I find physical sketching quite freeing.
Do this for a concept/design that you want to communicate. Consider this the equivalent of jotting down notes in a meeting that you don't want to forget.
Tip 4: Break up your art projects with more art projects
Perhaps controversial, but I find that forcing myself to stay on a single artpiece is the fastest way for me to lose motivation for it. Plus, our brains do like the satisfaction of having finished a project, so we can't deprive ourselves of that for too long.
So we have our staggered "goals"finishedness" goals above. The idea is to plan break projects that won't last more than a day or two. For example, I'm working on a piece that's been going for a month already. On a day that I just feel stuck looking at it, I'll choose to maybe do a design concept art for a different character with just a basic sketch and messy flat colours. This took me about two 1-hour sessions, which meant it was done after a day. After that, I'm back to the main project. When I'm out, I do some physical sketches, nothing coloured or super lined, just new characters again.
Give yourself permission to do other art, with the only rule being don't plan a project that's gonna be just as long. The timing is going to be different for everyone, but no one's keeping track except you.
Tip 5: Draw for yourself
Art is subjective. If you're planning to be a professional artist then you might have to be harsher on yourself, but as someone who draws for enjoyment I implore you to make yourself your biggest audience. You don't have to scrutinise every piece you make. You don't have to wonder whether others will like it. You don't have to heed unasked criticism. If you like it, an enormous goal has already been reached. We are all already our biggest critics. Draw the weird idea and never show anyone. It's fine. It makes you happy. Now go out into the wild and create <3
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godzexperiment · 5 months
choose ten moments within your muses' life - moments that have impacted them the most - and explain why. moments can be good, bad, or both.
Coming into existence:
It really set the tone for the rest of forever (in Heaven at least), practically tossed into his duties immediately. Once the 'this is your job, you are to never do x,y or z' was over with. Which he doesn't look back on because to think of that brief time before it all feels weird. That being said he does fondly use it as an measure of how far he's come.
2. Picking his siblings/creation the 1st time:
Often it starts with an test. See where his loyalty lies; an hypothetical situation and he answers in such an way that it's sort of met with disapproval. He doesn't realize it was an test into much farther down the road. Yet it was just the start of him being all in for his siblings, creation+ how he acted later on tests or circumstances. 3. The 1st case of picking an angel over humans:
Put in the situation of either an town of humans, or an sibling getting punished for the compassion they showed. His choice shoved at him via his maker and he found himself picking the sibling. So they didn't get punished but that town full of humans sure got his maker's wrath as an result. And he knew he'd do it again, that he probably would find himself in such an position several times. Yet he didn't, would never fully regret that choice.
4. Sweet tooth unlocked:
It was not particularly special, just somebody breaking pieces off an candy bar for the people around to try and he took one in the name of fitting in, bonding. Not the greatest candy by any means (it tasted of factories and plastic) but it sure jump started his oh I really like sugar coating my mouth and tastebuds from that point forth.
5. Everyday humanity:
Witnessing somebody hold an door open for others the first time. How they stood there out of the way with an foot helping keep it propped open. And the person who returned the gesture.
6. Sunsets/Sunrises:
Finding himself perched up high, in awe of the sky changing color and getting to actually witness it. He sat there for probably two whole days just taking the sky in with wonderment. Awe which never fades; quite often he enjoys watching each and every one.
7. Soft contact:
Laughter, the pleasant noise of it and hands pressed together palm to palm. Having intertwined fingers before, held hands but every situation an different one. This specific first occurrence solidifying that he finds the articulation of hands actually rather fascinating in many ways.
8. Timing mishaps and heartbreak:
Also known as his first crush, which obviously only so many people post apocalypse and in Vega. No strings hookup situation; dissolved naturally just in terms of both being rather busy and about an few days after. Nix realized he'd had an crush on them the whole time which was an horrifying realization.
9. Faces to names:
Generally Nix knows about his siblings, but doesn't know them or have the faintest clue what they look like. Aside maybe the odd remark or trait obviously. So the first time he encounters an sibling he begins an sketchbook (where he does an really accurate sketch and then jots down some fun facts etc like doodles of favorite plants etc).
10. Everlasting sacrifice to the slaughter:
Also known as when it clicks inside his mind- that he'll give everything and more for creation. For his siblings, people who matter to him and yet there's no panic to the realization. He if anything happily scrawls it up onto an wall inside his mind. Though does make an mental observation it easily could create some 'are you serious' type of situations.
tagged by: @seekesotsibteadmist tagging: those who wanna (talk about your muses please i adore reading everybody's hcs and muse lore)
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