#i'm putting jikook in the tags because jimin is one half of jikook but feel free to block me if that drives you crazy i understand my dears
roo-bastmoon · 1 year
Jimin needs your help
Puppykitties, Jimin is up for an award. He worked for ten straight months on FACE. He earned the highest first week sales record. He made history as the first Korean soloist to capture BB Hot 100 #1.
This award show is three days before his birthday and it's very likely he will attend. As a show of ARMY's love and appreciation, we shouldn't let him leave empty handed.
I'm going to walk you through how you can help under the cut.
A few things to know:
We have less than five days. Voting stops at 6pm KST 10/02 (5am EST).
Voting resets every day at noon EST.
One email account = one vote per day.
Gmail lets you make an unlimited number of free email accounts. (Hint: I have 10 gmail "fandom personas" I use for buying, streaming, and voting.)
You go to this link HERE.
Go ahead and select your device settings so that it auto translates to English.
Go to LOGIN. Create an identity using one of your Google email accounts. It will ask you for a name, birthdate, country, and phone number. I like to use things I can easily remember and that are in the right area code for where my computer is set up.
Once you have created an identity for this site (it remembers you later), you go ahead and scroll all the way down to select JIMIN and then NO.
You say no because you are not trying to get a ticket to the award show--you just want to quickly get through the vote.
It will ask you if you are sure because you can only vote once per day. Click you are sure, and you can scroll up to see CURRENT STATUS if you're curious to see how Jimin's doing in the poll.
Then you LOGOUT and repeat these steps for each gmail account you have. You do this every day until the clock runs out.
At this moment in time, Jimin is right behind Lim Youngwoong with a 5% gap. (For perspective, we made up a 10% gap just today, but it requires everyone to PUSH.)
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You know those lovely Korean ajumas love them some Lim Youngwoong, and he seems like a straight-up decent fella, but our Jimin deserves to be recognized for his hard work on his first solo project. The ajumas are currently asleep, but they will wake up around 9pm EST and start voting again, and they take it Real Serious.
We need every ARMY to make at least five accounts (ten is better) and vote for Jimin once a day for the next five days. BTS should always win fan-voted awards.
Side Note: I recognize there was some controversy because during the first two rounds of this survey, Yoongi fans had voted him in the lead. Then yesterday, haters started dragging Jimin to hell and back in the award site comments and on Twitter. That, of course, was a rallying cry for Jimin fans. You can love or hate Jimin solos, but you have to acknowledge they are organized and dedicated.
Now Jimin is in the lead, and ARMY must pivot from voting for Yoongi to voting for Jimin, if they wish to follow the "vote for whoever is in the lead" guideline. Splitting the votes will assure the ajumas win. I'm not going to argue with you if your conscience dictates you vote differently. It's YOUR vote; that is your private business.
But I believe that no amount of distaste for fans should overshadow your love for a member. And of all the BTS members, Jimin is the only one who has never won an end-of-the-year award, and he will likely be in service the next time the opportunity comes up, so I hope we can all row together and get this race won.
I wish you best of luck, ARMY. Let's get it!
Love, Roo
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kanmom51 · 1 year
JK 3D TikTok with Mingyu
JK uploaded the new challenge after his live last night.
And we have Wonwoo telling us he's been their wingman - well cameraman, lol, for all their challenges.
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Clearly they are good friends. JK and Mingyu. And with that, when a Mingyu comment about his haircut came up during the JK kind of shut that one down. Oh, and we know why now, don't we? People are just weird with "JK breaths next to someone so they must be fucking". And JK's answer was, not in these words, but the gist of it, "really? I have no idea. I should meet up with him. I don't see him all the time and most definitley don't fuck him." (JK most definitely did not say that, lol, those are my words)
But now seriously for one sec.
After their cute short live people were being so damn stupid, and continue to be. Then it was JK and Mingyu. And we know what came after 3D was released. This idea people have in their head about him. He's a hunk and a half. He's tattooed. Has piercings. Smokes. Drinks alcohol, like a lot. So he must be fucking around too, right? Because that's a given.
Get real.
Not going to rant anymore. Just this. Mingyu is JK's friend. A very good friend. One of the 97 liners. Eunwoo is as well. And they hang out and drink and eat and spend time together. With other 97 liners as well. They literally spent a couple of days in Busan together. Friends. Enjoy each other's company. They are all idols, all know the life, the struggles, and they are people he can spend time with outside of the group. Same age friends.
Why is there not an inkling of doubt about Tae's friendship with the Woogas, friendship, nothing else? Those men sleep together in one bed when together on occasions. But every single person that happens to breath next to JK, JK is fucking? Man or woman. Is he not allowed to have friends? Good ones. Those he likes to spend time with. With his bf there too, or without him being there.
People are just weird.
Anyway, we have JK CK head to toe?
And the GCF tag again.
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Before I'm off.
I watched the live last night.
Some interesting things happened, and I have things to say. But I am going to wait patiently for the official translation for my post, given JK had a moment during the live. Said some things that I do feel I need to see the full translation to understand or figure out their meaning.
And yes, he chose to read out the Jeon Jimin comment again. And yes, that part was not translated. I heard it straight away, he repeated it twice. But no translation, lol. Anyway, I will probably repeat this in my post, but I don't think with him it's about how it's conceived here in the West, you know, the taking of your spouse's name. It was about putting both their names together. A little like Jikook or Minkook or Kookmin.
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Anyways, will wait for the full translation. But I do believe that's how he sees it, and that's also why he's unbothered by it or why it brings a smile to his face. Anything that connects them, you know...
Golden promotion schedule was also posted overnight. Will talk about that separately, of course.
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vminkookminv · 10 months
🔞snippet: patreon monthly fic - jikook: brat jk, spanking, cock slapping (3000 words)
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Jungkook: busy?
Jimin: yes, what’s up
Jungkook smiles, tapping on the camera icon. He positions his phone high up and lets the jacket fall open over his chest. His bare chest. He makes sure his face is in the shot too, because his makeup is pretty. 
The reply comes instantly. 
Jimin: whatn the fcuk
Jimin: they’re letting you wear that?
Jungkook: yeah
Jungkook: well not like that. im letting you see more
Jimin: I see…
Jungkook: you want to see more?
Before Jimin can reply, Jungkook gets up and marches to the bathroom. They still have five minutes to go, and it’s just enough time for him to do what he wants to do.
Locking the bathroom door behind him, he checks his phone and giggles.
Jimin: don’t…
Jungkook checks himself in the mirror. Jacket unbuttoned, fully displaying his chest and stomach, and jeans low enough to show off the band of his underwear. He knows he looks good, but he’d look even better with less clothing on.
So he unbuttons the top of his jeans and takes a picture of himself in the mirror. And sends it.
Immediately, his phone lights up with a notification of Jimin calling him.
Should he pick it up? Jungkook lets it ring for a few seconds contemplating, before he finally decides to pick up. 
“You want to die?” Jimin’s voice comes crisp and clear, sending a shiver through Jungkook’s body. "What are you playing at?" 
Jungkook giggles, because he’s in a playful mood and Jimin is funny when he’s mad. He can't help but find Jimin's ire amusing, even as he tries to hide it.
"I'm not playing at anything," Jungkook responds, trying to sound innocent. "Why do you ask?"
Jimin sighs, clearly not amused. "You know why," he says. "I don’t get off work for a few more hours at least. You think you can keep it in your pants until then?”
Jungkook raises an eyebrow at that. “When you say it like that…”
He hears a sharp inhale from Jimin’s side. “Jungkook, don’t.” But it’s too late, and Jungkook knows Jimin can hear him adjusting his jeans, pulling them down further. 
“The new Calvins underwear is so soft, hyung,” Jungkook whispers, running a hand over himself. He’s not hard yet, but he could be, for Jimin. “It feels nice.”
The phone makes only a beeping sound which means Jimin has hung up. Jungkook laughs.
He stares into the mirror at his half-opened jeans. It couldn’t hurt to be a little more shameless, could it? Jimin is busy right now, and he can’t get out of whatever schedule he’s in. Maybe he won’t even open his messages to see what Jungkook sent him.
Jungkook runs his hands over his bare stomach, thinking, thinking. Should he or shouldn’t he? 
If Jimin does open it, he’s going to regret being stuck with work. And that would make Jungkook laugh, and tease him more.
And there’s the thought that Jimin might be funny right now, but later, when they’re together and Jimin’s glare sends him kneeling, before his hand grips Jungkook’s hair… Jungkook shivers just thinking about it.
The punishment—it would be worth it.
So he pushes his jeans the rest of the way down, and takes some classic shots. Makes sure to bend over and show off just how well the Calvin briefs fit him. 
And then he puts his phone away, grinning.
Jungkook sends one too many teasing photos from his Calvin Klein shoot to Jimin while he's modelling the clothes. He doesn’t expect Jimin to drop by—and teach him the lesson he so desperately needs.
Tags: brat jk, spanking, cock slapping, punishment, riding, creampie, mild exhibitionism
🔗Click here to read the full version on Patreon. (3000 words)
Note: This is the April monthly fic for Tier 2+ patrons! This is the prompt that won the poll.
Link to my Patreon
Unlock 70+ exclusive subkoo drabbles at the lowest tier ($3)!
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chim-chim1310 · 1 year
you don't have to answer this if you're not comfortable, but as a fellow ex-jikooker (i've stopped for quite some time now), i've been scratching my head seeing some of the jikookers' posts since the past week. they've been bombarding the jimin tag and gods i wish i can just unsee some things. i can't believe i've been a shipper like them before. that i liked their posts, theories, all that shit.
don't get me wrong some of their points are valid and jikook could still be real, but the way these people operate now is such a downgrade. there has to be a connection in everything when there is nothing to connect. they've romanticized everything that can be romanticized under the sun. most of them has no questions and did not even call out the differential treatment. it's pathetic.
there's this group of jikookers that i never particularly liked too. i eventually unfollowed them in the middle of my shipper journey. they've been acting all high and mighty in these spaces—as if they're better than anyone around. they're condescending too. they need to get off their high horses for real because who do they think they are? no wonder dogpiling has been happening in the jikook bubble for some time now.
tbf there still are sane jikookers left who are rational and are brave to raise points. that's a good sight to see. i've seen some who totally stopped shipping too, and that's good for them.
for me, going out of the shipping bubble is a relief. it's like i can finally breathe better. yes i get melancholic once in a while because i miss enjoying jikook's bond but i can't appreciate them anymore like i used to. and now that we've witnessed the promos, ugly feelings just intensified and come out every time i see them again. i can't stand the other half anymore. but it's all good and i've been coping. i've been wanting to leave for a while now anyway.
thanks for letting me rant here. i like your blog and i'm glad you're freely expressing your thoughts and are doing what's best for you. 🤍
Ngl, to me it actually feel so good after getting out of shipping. I'm kinda embarrassed too that I used to believe those theories even the one which sounded very delusional because I was looking from my shipper glasses.
Now that the glasses are broken, I can finally see the reality. And now when I look at their posts (which literally fills the whole jimin tag) I just can't help but laugh and think "How come I used to even believe all this?" lol.
Jikookers think that everything is rainbow and sunshine. Or maybe they pretend to think that while ignoring everything that is actually going on. They can't seem to understand that just because they're so deep in a ship, it doesn't mean that other people can't get over the shipping culture.
Like some people have brain which they use to question when things aren't looking right. I don't look at things like we're in some movie. When I was a jikooker I was very torn and confused about what was happening.
And then I began to put jikook's situation in real life. And I realized that if I was in jimin's place and something like this happened with me and my boyfriend, and if my bf acted like jk is acting, I would be so fucking angry and would instantly break up with him.
And if I was in jungkook's place then I would feel so guilty I wouldn't even be able to look my bf in the eyes. And I definitely wouldn't act so arrogant like jk is acting these days.
So yeah that's when I stopped being a shipper. I just can't bring myself to like jungkook at all.
The world must be crumbling around them but jikookers wouldn't care as long as jm and jk look at each other for 0.5 seconds.
Like they are so out of touch with reality it's actually funny.
And you must've have noticed that as more and more unfairness btw the treatment is increasing, as jk is getting more and more fame hungry, these jikookers are getting more and more delusional.
They're literally scrambling now to keep living within their fantasies. It's pathetic.
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supertunanana · 3 years
Saw this in the Jikook tag and thought I'd add what I have seen. What I've seen isn't that people think they're fighting or broken up even though I'm sure there's a lot of that going on but for some they now believe Jikook were never a couple and are just close friends and they feel foolish for buying into blogs that have their own theories that Jimin and Jungkook are an actual romantic couple. Not entirely sure why this NY trip and middle half of 2021 in general have people changing their minds but I guess only they know. It happens every so often but this time I've seen people make permanent changes to their accounts whether it's on here or another sm platform. I just know some are comparing those blogs to the one who shall not be named in the other toxic shipper base. It's not that they see Jikooker blogs as toxic and horrible as that other person but that these Jikook blogs offer their own brand of manipulation only this time using facts instead of lies. No idea if that made any sense lmao How do I put it? Like taking events that have happened and making them out to be a bigger deal than they actually are which in turn gets other people to go "Really? I didn't see it that way but these people are older and wiser and maybe see things clearer than I do" then gifs or clips are usually provided and it all becomes pretty convincing. The thing is no one knows if they're a couple. Could they be? Yeah sure. Could they just be close friends with their own set of personal boundaries? Absolutely. When someone tries to offer up that suggestion to many Jikook blogs, they don't want to discuss that most of the time. Personally I've seen anons suggest a close friendship and are met with comments that that anon must not be experienced enough or anyone who can't see that Jimin and Jungkook are in a relationship must be blind or are choosing to ignore what's right in front of them. That's messed up. That's acting as if the opinion that they're dating is no longer just an opinion. I can see how that can be a mild form of toxicity in itself. Nobody has the right to belittle somebody because they share a different opinion. Even after this NY trip, I've seen many Jikook blogs erupt in anger, calling anons stupid and ridiculous for having doubts or changing their minds and coming to their own conclusions that Jikook aren't a couple but close friends. It's odd to see "Why does no longer car sharing convince you they're not dating?" When actually we've never known if they are to begin with so someone changing their minds over something that's never been confirmed in the first place isn't a problem or "stupid". Maybe the reasons for changing their minds might seem a bit hasty but they're still allowed to change their minds. So yeah I see people are feeling foolish for believing these blogs who hold the opinion they're dating and I think in time the negative feelings will fade away and I have already seen some move on from those types of Jikook blogs and make changes. Perhaps they'll be able to enjoy BTS content without worrying about Jikook's status? As for me, I've never believed they were a romantic couple to begin with but their relationship whatever it is in reality has me aww'ing so that's why I follow Jikook tag. Their interactions are very cute. Sorry for rambling on so much!
You're good, Anon. And I agree with most everything you've said! However, I'm not so convinced they aren't a romantic couple, but then again, I'm not convinced they are. As I told a friend, I'm pretty agnostic about this (and as an actual Agnostic in the religious sense, that's on brand, lol). I'm pretty bad about seeing things in black and white. I used to, but then law school happened, and I've mellowed out a lot (which is ironic, because I think most of my fellows only got stronger in their opinions, lol! IDK I think my ENTJ is slowly dying into an ENTP; the world has beaten me down into seeing the gray). But I don't really worry too much about it. I did at one point, simply because I think it's human nature to want absolutes, to want labels and definitions especially when something is "other" or "unusual", but I got over it. Do I think they do some suspicious things that make me raise an eyebrow and question them? Yes. Does this definitively make them a couple? No. Will my world fall apart if they are just friends with weird boundaries? No. I understand those blogs that are CONVINCED seem a bit dismissive of doubts, and I envy their conviction. I think they feel they are seeing a truth and supporting/defending a truth that is screaming to break free. That Jikook ARE IN FACT a couple, desperate to be seen as such, but muted by their careers and the socio-political climate of where they live. And I am sympathetic to that. It's why I cannot simply dismiss Jikook as NOT being a couple or forcing heteronormative expectations on them. If they are, I do indeed see signs, and I support them if it's true. BUT, that often leads to looking at a lot of what they do with confirmation bias. That is, you believe your hypothesis "they are a couple hiding in plain sight", so everything they do or say supports this hypothesis, and I find that equally faulty. I see some Jikookers who get just as silly about Jimin and JK being near each other or looking at each other as Taekookers. Sure, they'll spin a more eloquent web using those odd and unusual things that make me side-eye ("SE") to support this, but it often boils down to the same thing. Not everything Jimin and Jungkook do equates to some magical, romantic relationship! I get that they are often trying to cite patterns of behavior (eg JK gravitates towards Jimin) which could be seen as innocuous and BFF stuff and then couple it with "SE" stuff (eg JK sucks on Jimin's ear) to give more meaning to the former as being more romantic and legit than a Taekooker possibly citing similar, but it's not. Not fully. I know the BEST romantic relationships have partners who are BFFs, but that doesn't mean that BFF behavior equates to a romantic relationship. Or even the "SE" behavior equates to a romantic relationship (as you said, it could be BFF's with weird boundaries - I've made out with a few of my friends and I was in no way attracted to them physically or romantically). It's not the transitive property of relationships here. So, that's where I see more wiggle room, that's where I think a lot of people question or have doubts, but that's where these blogs are so convinced. I don't necessarily think they're trying to be rude (but they can be and that sucks), but I think they're just stuck in their confirmation bias loop. They are convinced and they use the strength of that conviction to put emphasis on a lot of things. I don't think they're trying to manipulate anyone, because they genuinely believe it, and that's where they can be dismissive when questioned. And again, I don't think they're inherently wrong, but I also don't think they're inherently right, either. I will say, that if ANY pairing in BTS were to be legit, Jikook have the strongest argument, but it doesn't mean they are (but it also doesn't mean they aren't). And that's ok, to me at least. I'm fine living in the gray and seeing Jikook as each other's person, regardless of what that fully entails. They have a beautiful relationship, they make each other better people, and as my double biases (Jin is my bias wrecker - my chaos trio!), that makes me happy.
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