#i'm reading one chapter per night so we can savor it together
noirandchocolate · 6 months
I just started reading Terry Pratchett's "Nation" out loud two days ago and I just want everybody to know I'm doing SO good at not crying my eyes out and ruining the flow so far. I wanted to share this book and I'm being so brave while I do it.
Also Mau is my son and god Pratchett is so good at describing how emotions and experiences feel by showing actions and thoughts.
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It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way, you're happy without me... (Chapter 3)
Hunterverse AU
Sy, Walter, Curtis (Lumberjack & the 2 bears) x POC Reader "Havoc/TG"
Ex Dean x Reader
Platonic Sam x Reader
Numerous SPN Characters
A simple day of research takes a turn no one anticipated.
Angst and Fluff and Smut, Jealousy, Hunterverse AU, Polyamory, Humor, Fluff and Humor, Inappropriate Humor, Angst and Romance, Fluff and Angst, Domestic Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Additional Tags to Be Added
Divider @firefly-graphics Banner @cafekitsune Happy Reading!
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You had all decided to spend the majority of the day researching. Six heads were better than one and all that. Sam made himself comfortable in your library after Curtis brought in a table from the garage storage. Dean was surprisingly quiet as he combed through the case file, connecting some leads and gathering their information so they could follow through on them tomorrow when their Fed suits were fresh and clean.
Around lunchtime you decide it was time for you to take a break and check in on your old man. You’re not sure if he knows the boys are in town yet. With the amount of hunters that love to gossip at TPK you can only assume he’s at least heard whisperings of them showing up last night. Knowing your history with them, he most certainly wouldn't have text or brought it up with you on his own. Per usual you’ll have to call and inform him of what’s going on. 
“My eyes need a rest and I’m starting to get hungry. So I’m taking a break.” You announce as you get up from your seat. “Let me know if you need anything.”
“Beer if you have any to spare.” Dean requests.
“I’ll ask Sy if he has any left in the barn of his homebrew that’s bottled.” You let him know as you leave the room. You spot Walter in the kitchen as you make your way out to the patio to head to the barn. As you go to pass him by, he wraps a thick arm around your middle and pulls you close to him, laying a kiss on your lips. 
You melt into him, savoring the sweet moment before he pulls back, placing another kiss to your forehead. “Where you heading off too? I thought you were helping with research?”
“I am.” You look up into his azure eyes. “My eyes and stomach decided I needed a break. Plus I needed to check in with Dad. Dean wanted a beer so I was just heading out to the barn to see if Sy had any homebrew left.”
“You sure you weren't heading out there to watch them spar?” He teases. “Maybe get in a little rough and tumble yourself.”
“That does sound tempting.” You husk out. “But I’ll have to be strong and hold out. I really do need to call dad. Why don’t you come with me to make sure I behave and we can all call together.”
He lowers his mouth to your ear, voice low and husky. “What makes you think I want you to behave?”
“Naughty naughty bear.” You tease as you back away from him and open the patio door. “You comin’.”
“I wish.” He grumbles, following you out to the barn.
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The sounds of flesh connecting with a mat, combined with deep grunts and groans, as you approach the open barn door, has your panties dampening. You saunter inside, leaning up against the wall as you enjoy the show.
It never ceases to amaze you just how strong and powerful these men are. Although Sy may be bigger in width, Curtis is large in his own right. Both stubborn and strong willed, unwilling to back down unless made to. Which leads to these bouts of competition that always end up with them sparing until someone gets pinned and has to yield. 
“Don’t waste all that pent up aggression, boys.” You call out. “I may need it later.”
Upon hearing your voice, Sy turns his head to look in your direction, opening himself up to allow Curtis to slip his bicep around his neck and capture him in a chokehold. “Say it.” He grunts out, tightening the hold.
“Not gonna happen.” Sy grits through his teeth.
“The sooner you say it the sooner she comes over here.” He replies, winking over at you.
You purposefully yawn and make a show of stretching out your limbs, arms high in the air, back arched, chest lifted. 
“Yield.” Sy states.
“What was that?” Curtis squeezes a little more.
“I yield.” He says louder. “Now get off me so our woman can tend to my bruised ego.”
He releases him and with a speed only he possesses, quickly makes his way to you. He pulls you into his sweaty shirtless body and takes his victory kiss. Leaving you a panting mess when he pulls away, heading over to the bench to towel off and down his water.
“C’mon man. You couldn’t just make me yield, you had to go and make her all twitterpatted too.” Sy yells at Curtis, still prone on the mat.
You chuckle to yourself as you make your way over to the grumpy bear of a man. You make a point to toss your leg over his torso before lowering yourself down, straddling his thick abdomen. You run your hands up his furry pecs, until you reach his bearded cheeks. You lean forward, arching your back, leaving your ass on display, as you nip at Sy’s bottom lip. “Poor Beasty. Looks like the Axeman came out on top this time.”  
His growl vibrates against your core, the only warning you get before he grabs your waist and flips you, spreading your thighs and pinning you beneath him with his hips. “Babygirl, I always end up on top, sooner or later.” He captures your mouth in a brutal kiss. Tongue teasing along your lip, asking for admittance, which you gladly grant. You make out for a bit, bodies dancing a tango you’ve performed many times, before Walter pushes Sy aside with his boot and lifts you into his arms.
“As much as I’m enjoying watching this unfold.” He places you on your feet. “You came in here for a reason. So let’s get that taken care of before you lose yourself to your hormones.”
“Spoilsport.” Curtis taunts as he joins the rest of you. “What did you need Dewdrop?”
“Nothing special. I’m taking a break from research. Wanted to call and check in on Dad. Also Dean wanted some beer. I came to see if you had any homebrew left Sy. Figured I could ask and then call dad.”
“I have a couple bottles left over from the last batch. I’ll bring em when we head inside. Let’s get your dad’s call out of the way and then we can make some lunch. I’m starving.” Sy replies.
“You're forever hungry.” You state.
“For you, Sugar. Always for you.” He winks at you.
“Such a charmer.” You pull your phone out of your back pocket and proceed to call your father.
Only the third ring he picks up. “I was wondering when you were going to ring me. How are your house guests?”
“Hello Dad. I knew those gossips couldn't keep their mouths shut. Yes Sam and Dean are staying with us while they work that vamp case Garth brought us. They’re currently in my library doing research as we speak.”
“I assume the lumberjack and two bears are on this call.”
“You know it.” Sy imparts.
“Good. So I can tell you this and I know for a fact it will be upheld.” Your father quips. “You are to take the damn night off. I don’t want you anywhere near this bar. You all worked the last eight days in a row and helping them Winchesters get that Vamp nest squared away is important. But not as important as you boys making good on your promise and giving me a grandchild or two before I croak.”
“Dad!” You groan. “When are you going to ease up on that already?”
“When you show me an ultrasound picture.” He proudly states.
Your men just laugh. “We’ll get right on that, Sir. You have my word.” Walter apeases him.
“I’m holding you to it. Now get off this phone and I better not see you until at least tomorrow evening.”
You sigh. “Bye Dad.”
“Goodbye, Hun.”
“Well that went a bit farther than expected.” You whine.
“Oh I fully expected him to try and take a hit to our manhood. He was pretty tame this time around. Betty must have paid him a visit last night.” Sy chuckles out.
“Come on, Dewdrop. You can warm my cock while I get clean. Promise I’ll fill you up so good you’ll be leaking me all afternoon.” Curtis slaps your ass and walks out of the barn toward the house. Not deigning to put a shirt back on.
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The afternoon was spent with everyone putting their heads together to come up with a plan based off of the information that you had been able to gather so far.
“Listen.” Sy states. Captain voice initiated. “The intel we currently have does not leave me feeling one hundred on a plan. There is no room for contingencies. We need to do some recon during the daytime. If not by us, then by trusted sources closer to the possible nest location.”
“Do you have someone available to do that?” Sam inquires.
“I can give my nephews a call. They’re close by working a haunting a couple counties over.” Walter answers.
Dean and Sam look at each other, having one of their silent conversations.
“Alright.” Dean relents. 
Sy claps his hands together. “Great. Now supper time. Curtis, start up the grill while I get a fire going.” He turns to you. “We still got all them steaks Jimmy bartered with us?”
“Sure do.” You reply.
“Steaks and potatoes it is then.” He smiles mischievously, scooping you up and placing you in a fireman's carry, as he makes his way out to the extra fridge in the garage. 
Dean downs the last of his beer as everyone takes their exit, trying to chase away the tendrils of jealousy he’s feeling. They’ve been happening more frequently since last night.
Sam pauses at the door, turning to look at the sullen face of his brother. “Don’t take forever moping, alright. At least try to enjoy yourself tonight, okay.”
By the time Dean drags himself out back, he finds you all mingling around the fire pit, sans Curtis who is manning the grill while tossing a ball around with Booga. He can clearly see that his brother and Walter are deep in discussion about something he can only imagine is nerdy.  
The sound of classic rock being played on an acoustic guitar has him seeking the source. That is when he spots Sy, guitar in his lap strumming along and serenading you with some tune that has you beaming. Clearly the song has meaning to you because he watches as you dance around the fire. 
You're swaying your hips, letting Sy’s smooth voice run along your skin, warming you from the inside out. Dean can’t help but be mesmerized by your display, caught off guard by how safe and comfortable you must be to just let your guard down like that. He realizes that he’s only ever really seen you like this once and it was a long, long time ago. How blind and selfish was I all those years ago?
Curtis subtly watches Dean out the corner of his eye for a bit, taking in the effect you have on the hunter. He could give him hell for ogling his woman, but that’s just not who he is. “Domesticity looks good on her doesn't it?”
“Huh?” He’s snapped back to reality by Curtis’ question. Choosing to go lend a hand to one of the men that get to call you theirs. 
“When she lets herself go like that and just be.” He tosses the ball for Booga once more. “She looks like a damn goddess luring you in.”
Dean swallows and nods his head. “Yeah.”
“That’s his main objective everyday.” He points to Sy. “Well all of ours actually. Giving her what she needs to just be free, even for just five minutes. She’s so damn self sacrificing, helping any and everyone that she runs herself ragged from the stress of not saying no. Here she’s not allowed to just say yes. She gets a call, we ALL talk about it before a decision is made. Hence why she doesn't go out hunting much or alone anymore.”
Dean just nods along, sipping his whiskey.
“Plus, we can’t have her all stressed out when we're trying to knock her up.” He calmly states. “Not good for her or the future baby.”
Dean chokes on his next sip. “You're trying to have a baby?”
“Mmhmm. Have been. Wanna give her a family. Little ones to love and dote on. Plus we promised her pops and were falling behind on, as we are reminded quite often.” He chuckles to himself as Dean’s mind flashes back to a time that seems so far away now.
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I’m searching for the pie she grabbed when she went into the last gas station when my hand bumps a rectangular, non-food- like package that crinkles. I take a look inside and notice a bright pink box that reads First Response Pregnancy.
“Did you grab somebody else’s bag by accident? Why is there a pregnancy test in here?”
“No, that bag is ours. Never left my possession since it was handed to me.”
“Ok. So why is the test?”
“Cus I’m late Dean.” I freeze at her words.
“How late?” I manage to ask.
“Bout two weeks.” 
“We’re always careful. Plus we havent had sex in a couple weeks.” I state.
“Pull out method isn’t always effective Dean.” You snatch the bag from his hands and remove the test. “I’d rather be safe than sorry. That’s why I didn't say anything. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go piss on a stick now before Sam gets back.”
I set the bag down and begin to pace the room. I never was good at being patient and the longer she takes in there the more anxious I get. What if she’s pregnant? We aren't even a couple. Yeah we hookup when the mood strikes and she’s one of the few people I trust with my life, but a kid?
Before I can spiral further, I hear the bathroom door open. “What’s the verdict?”
She steps back into the room, test in hand, stopping before me. She holds it up for me to see one single pink line. “False alarm. My eggo is not preggo.” She gives me a little half smile, but it doesn't reach her eyes.
I can’t help but to wrap my arms around her, placing a kiss on her forehead. “Beers are on me tonight.”
She burrows her head into my chest. “Make it top shelf whiskey and you got yourself a deal. It’s only fair.”
“How so?”
“It’s your weak pull out game that got us here.” She chuckles out.
I smack her ass for the sassy retort. “I didn't hear you complaining when you were coming all over my dick.”
She looks up at me, eyes full of something I just can’t place, but I really want to figure out. I lean in, running my nose along her cheek when the damn motel door opens. 
“Oh. Shit.” Sammy stutters out. “Am I interrupting something?”
“Yes.” “No.” We say at the same time.
She gives me a look, stepping away from my body and heading over to her duffle. “I hope you're done with whatever errand you were on Sammy cause I need a greasy burger and a thick milkshake stat.”
“Uh, yeah.” He looks over to me and I just shrug my shoulders. If she wants to move on from our little scare, who am I to tell her otherwise. “I saw this diner just down the road, a real greasy spoon.”
“Perfect.” She grabs her leather jacket and heads towards Baby. “Let’s feast boys!”
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The unmistakable beat of Blister In the Sun is filling the air from a hidden speaker, presumably by Sy. "Come on sugar. Hit me with that sweet sweet voice." He shouts.
The smile that spreads across your face is full of nothing but mischief. “Looking for a little razzle dazzle Beasty?”
“Gotta get my entertainment somewhere.” He quips back.
You shake your hips to the tell tell beat, sending him a wink as you saunter over to Walter singing along to every word. You grab his hand and pull him into you. Turning so your back is to his front as you shimmy down his frame. Purposefully grinding your hips against his growing bulge. 
When he moves a hand to grip your hip, you spin on your heel, backing away, crooking your fingers in a come hither fashion. He follows like the sweet puppy that he is. You place him next to Sy, turning over your shoulder to Sam. “Come join the party Sam. I know for a fact you secretly love this song.”
He shakes his head at you, downs the rest of his drink and gets on his feet. You sing and dance around with your best friend without a care in the world. It doesn't matter that you mourned the loss of him. He’s alive and back in your life again. This time you’re not letting him go. Even if that’s only through text and phone calls as he trips around the country with the man you never fully got over.
It’s no secret that Dean broke your heart. Your men have done a great job of stitching it back together. But you all know that there’s still a piece that remains his. Somehow, Curtis, Walter and Sy do not feel threatened by the hunter being around. Maybe it’s because they already share you with each other and have no visions of letting you go. Or maybe there is something they’re holding back? Only time will tell.
This whole situation is all very overwhelming and you're thankful for this moment to just dance around the fire. Watching Sam make a fool of himself while you pull laughs from them all, is just the medicine your soul has been needing.
Your eyes scan over Dean’s stoic frame before quickly moving on to lock eyes with Curtis. “Enjoying the show Axeman?”
“You know it Dewdrop.” He shouts back. “Steaks up, so why don’t you shake that ass over to the table. It’s time to fill you full of something to soak up all that whiskey you’ve been sippin’.”
You blow a kiss in his direction, before sashaying your way to the porch, Jet and Booga hot on your heels. Dean swears that your eyes caught during the motion. Wishful thinking that maybe it was for him too. You are clearly feeling the effects of the liquor in your system.
You take a seat, dogs surrounding you as you watch all five men set the table. As you lean forward to grab a plate to fill, it is quickly snatched from your hand by Curtis. “Sit.” He growls out. “You’re not moving a muscle unless it’s to place food on your tongue. We have promises to make good on that start well before we head up to bed.”
You squirm in your seat at the authority in his voice. You love when his Dom slips out around others. Makes ya all mushy and submissive. You do as you told without putting up a fight, which results in a raised brow from Walter and a chuckle from Sy. “Curtis I’mma need ya ta use that voice more often. She never sass’s back when you do it. For me she thinks it’s a game.”
“Isn’t it?” You innocently tease. “Victory tastes much sweeter when you work for it. Right Beasty?”
He sets a glass of water before you and grabs hold of your chin. “To the victor go the spoils. And yours are ripe for the picking.” He lays a soft kiss to your lips, pulling back before you can take it further, leaving you chasing him as he backs away to take his seat next to you. 
Dean has been sitting, plate full, watching this exchange. He’s bewildered by how seamlessly nonchalant you all are about your relationship and showing affection. He’s not against PDA by any means, but he’s gotta admit that watching you be so open with them definitely stings. 
He regrets that he took your open affection for granted. Especially since he only ever really let you do it behind closed doors. If you were at a bar, unless you were hooking up that night, he never let it go past friendly touches. I would give my right arm to take that all back and be touched by her again.
Before he can sour the mood around the table, a phone begins to ring. Everyone checks their pockets, but it’s Walter who holds up his phone. “It’s Clark. Give me a minute.” He gets up and heads into the house to take the call.
“Who’s Clark?” Sam asks.
“His nephew.” Sy replies. “I assume he’s calling him back about him and Mikey doing recon for us tomorrow.”
“They idolize Walter. I’m sure it won’t be a problem.” You watch him pace the kitchen from your spot at the table. “Although this call is taking a bit longer than I expected.”
Just as you're about to get up and see what’s going on for yourself, Walter ends the call and is walking back to his seat.
“Verdict?” Curtis asks.
“They’ll do the recon for us.” Walter answers. “They’re having a bit of a time finding the bones for the haunt they’re on though and could use some extra hands to get it over with tonight.”
“Mikey couldn’t flirt his way into the good info I see.” You chuckle to yourself.
“Town historian’s a married straight man. Even his charms couldn’t pull that one off.” Walt explains.
“Well, looks like duty calls then.” Sy imparts. “Not that we need this many hunters, but who wants to help out? I’d really like to get back at a decent time. I have business I need to take care of.” He winks at you.
“I’m sure we can find and burn the remains before it gets too late and still enjoy the rest of our night before recon tomorrow. Might even get some extra hunters on the case. I’m down to go.” You respond.
“Where you go, we go.” Curtis states.
“Count us in too. I’m itchin’ for some action.” Dean throws out.
“Eat up. We head out in forty.” Walt declares.
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You pull up outside your standard no tell motel, next to a red and black 1970 Dodge Challenger. “I see Mikey drove this time.” You snicker as you get out of the Durango.
Walt walks up to the room directly in front of the muscle car and bangs on the door until it swings open revealing a tall yet baby faced man. “Geez Uncle Walt. You still knock like the po po.”
He ignores his nephew and walks inside, nodding his head for all of you to follow. As you pass Mike you can’t help but to squeeze his reddened cheeks. “Loving the hair length Mikey. The ladies must be getting a real kick out of it.” You tap his cheek and continue on inside to find Clark’s large frame overtaking a chair, huddled over a table.
He looks up from his computer as you enter. “I see you decided to bring trouble with you.” He quips.
“Aww, Clark you still hung up on my little joke?” You tease.
“Joke?” He huffs. “You pretended to be my ex-girlfriend and exaggerated my prowess in bed to Lois. It took me weeks to work back up the courage to finally ask her out.”
“But you did end up asking her out right?” You retort.
“And…” You gesture for him to continue.
Mikey wraps his arm around your shoulder. “And now they’re a gross ass couple. He’s always on the phone with her. And don’t get me started on when I try to bring someone back for the night.” He rolls his eyes. “One time he was all mopey cus she wasn’t returning his text and my date spent two hours listening to him bitch until she finally called. By the time I went to seal the deal she was too tired. Fucking cockblock.”
“She was too good for your pump and dump ass anyway.” Clark snorts.
“Alright boys that’s enough.” Sy pipes up. “You’re both pretty.”
Clark looks over your shoulder to the two unknown guests in his room. “You brought company.”
“Oh them?” You shrug. “They’re hunting buddies from another life. Clark, Mikey, meet Sam and Dean Winchester.” 
“Winchester?” Mike looks between you and them. “Like the Winchesters. Been to hell and back literally Winchesters?”
“That’d be us.” Dean imparts. “It’s nice to meet ya.”
“Likewise.” Clark responds.
“Hear you’re having some trouble with a haunt?” Sam queries. “We’re here to help.”
“Well shit. Sounds good to me.” Mike whoops. “If anyone can get that historian to talk it’s TG.”
“Tell us what ya got.” Curtis requests.
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You were able to get the information you needed from Frank the historian. Minimal flirting was necessary actually. You went in, accompanied by Dean, posed as a couple on a honeymoon road trip, looking for fun unusual facts about each town you slept in for the night. 
It was interesting how hands on Dean played his part. He made sure to always be touching you in some subtle way until we're out of the building. It had your nerve endings going haywire by the time you got back to your men.
“I know that look.” A smirking Walter pulls you close to his leaning frame by the hips, whispering in your ear. “Need me to take the edge off for you baby?”
You subtly nod your head. “We’ll meet you guys back at the motel. Mikey. Clark. Head back with Dean and Sam.” He reaches into his pocket and grabs his keys, tossing them to Curtis. “Axeman you’re driving. Sy get in the back.” 
He pulls on the handle behind him, opening the door and ushering you in with a hand on the small of your back. He climbs in after you, closing the door with a thud. “Turn towards me and lean against Sy babygirl. Curtis queue up Tear You Apart. ”
He undoes the top of your jeans, pulling them down to bunch at your ankles, and spreads your thighs as wide as the seat will allow. He runs a thick finger over the sticky patch of arousal seeping through your thong. “Your soaked little one. I’ll have to thank Dean later.”
You whimper as he increases the pressure. Tilting your hips to get him to give you what you need. “Hold her still Sy.” He commands, ghosting his left hand along the hem of wet fabric. “When Curtis hits play, I’m going to fuck you with my fingers. You have until the end of the song to come at least once. If you don’t you’ll be shit out of luck until we get home. Understand.”
“Yes, sir. Want your fingers. I’ll be a good girl.” You whine out.
“Curtis.” He gives him a look in the rearview and the song begins. He yanks your thong to the side and sinks his middle and ring fingers to the knuckle with a growl. “So wet and fucking tight.”
He wastes no time setting a quick pace, attacking your sweet spongy spot, rendering you a mess in under a minute. You were already spun tight from all the innocent flirting and touches from your ex that by the halfway point of the almost 4 minute song you were digging your nails into Sy’s bicep as you came apart.
“Good girl.” He praised you. “Give Walt one more babygirl. I know you can do it.”
“Too much.” You whimper. “C-can’t.”
"Oh yes you can.” Walt growls out. Doubling down on his efforts, thumb circling your over sensitive little nub.
The next thing you know, everything goes still. Colors begin to dance in front of your eyes and you feel a distinct wetness coating your thighs.
“Did she just fucking squirt all over the back seat?” Curtis grits out.
“What?” You look up at Sy bewildered. “I can’t do that.”
“You can and you did Sugar.” Sy informs you. “And it was hot as hell. Just look at Walters' face. You he’s drenched baby.”
You look between your legs to find Walt grinning from ear to ear, beard clearly covered in your essence. “Worth the change of clothes.” He kisses your thigh and pulls himself back. “Why don't you cuddle Sy for a bit while I clean up and redress you. We’re almost back at the motel.”
“Kiss first.” You pout. He obliges your request and lets you taste yourself on his lips. He takes off his damp shirt, using it to remove the wetness from your skin, before ripping your thong off your body and tossing it up to Curtis.
"Hips up." He pulls your jeans back in place, zipping and buttoning you back up. Reaching into the back he grabs a shirt from the emergency duffle you keep on hand and quickly shoves it over his head as Curtis pulls in next to the Impala.
You all exit the vehicle, Walter making a show of wiping off his mouth and beard before he places a kiss behind your ear. "Thanks for the snack Sunshine."
Dean stares on, curious as to the reason for the shirt change when he spots Curtis putting something in his pocket and Sy readjusting his belt. Clearly something went down in the 8 minutes it took to get here. 
"Y'all get debriefed?" Sy asks Clark.
"We did. Now we just need to formulate a plan."
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You all decided that splitting up was best. One group to distract. One to salt and burn. You, Curtis, Dean and Mikey were left to play hide and seek with the scorned female ghost, looking to avenge the life stolen from her by her fiance and best friend. While Clark, Sy, Walter and Sam were off to search the grounds for her makeshift grave marker and finally set her free.  
The thought was to lure her out with you and Curtis as bait. So there you were, making out on a dilapidated couch like a pair of horny teenagers when the temperature significantly drops. You can see your breath before as you sit up further on his lap.
You watch Curtis’ eyes track something behind you and still yourself. The next thing you know, you’re sailing through the air and slamming against a wall. You resonate the sound of your head connecting on impact before the world goes black.
Upon hearing Curtis’ bellow of rage Dean runs into the room just in time to see the ghost dematerialize from his strike. He searches the room for your smiling face, only to find you lying prone against the wall, blood oozing from a cut on your head. 
He is instantly overwhelmed by the feelings seeing you hurt has pushed further to the surface. He’s thinking crazy things, like what if he still has a chance at a life with you. Could he keep this life on the road and have you as a home to return to? Knowing you were being taken care of and loved when he was away. Sharing you would be better than never having you in his life again. He’s lived that once. He doesn't want to again. But those are questions for another day. Wishful thinking at best.
Right now the most important thing is to set this ghost free and get you the hell out of here. At that thought the specter rematerializes near your body, ready to finish the job. “Hey Bitch!” He shouts, shooting her full of rock salt as Curtis creates a salt barrier around your body.
Mikey rushes into the room, getting cut off by the ghost appearing once more. “Shit!”
Dean pumps the shotgun, readying to take the shot when the apparition lets out a shriek and bursts into flame.
“What the hell happened man?” Mike ponders as Curtis scoops up your limp body into his arms with care.
“The bait was too good.” He grits out. “Ghost tossed her like a rag doll, within moments of appearing. She never stood a chance.”
“Fuuuuuck! My uncle is gonna wring my neck.” He whines. 
“I swear to God, Mikey, if she doesn’t wake up, you’re Uncle is the least of your worries. Anything he does to you, will pale in comparison to the depths of darkness I will go to avenge her.” Curtis threatens.
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