#i'm reconnecting with my edgy 14 year old self and fellas i have never felt more alive
igneouswyvern · 3 months
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me after i let my anger get the best of me and accidentally kill someone who could have been purified and the resulting gut-wrenching guilt consumes my every waking moment and my terror that it might happen again is so severe that it manifests as horrible nightmares that plague me every night and the worst part about them is that i actually enjoy killing my victims in the nightmares which is a thought more horrifying than any foe i might face and that's why i can never tell any of my friends about what im going through because if they knew the full truth they would surely think me a monster and, honestly, i couldn't blame them and so all i can do is suffer in silence and wait for the guilt and shame as well as what are sure to soon become full-fledged psychopathic tendencies begin producing malevolence in me until i am completely consumed by it and wind up destroying everyone i love and leading the world to certain catastrophe. but it's okay haha im totally fine you don't need to worry about me
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