#i'm reminded that tumblr changed its tagging code so now i'll have to fix all my broken links in my profile lol
allenvooreef · 2 years
Catching up
So... hi! It's been a while, huh? I've been spending most of my time on twitter and instagram for these past couple years, but I'd like to be more active on here again, too. I've missed the kinds of interactions that can really only happen here. So I'm making an effort!
Lots has changed since my Dragon Age tumblr hey-day, so let me catch you up on my life a little bit.
The most obvious thing here being that the Dragon Age obsession void has been filled with Dungeons and Dragons and it's making me very happy. I thought Critical Role was gonna be the thing that fueled my artwork for the next couple years, but whoops it turns out it's my own campaigns and characters instead. This also makes me a bit more hesitant to post all of the art I make for it, though, because if it's not a fandom will anyone even be interested? However, I've decided it shouldn't matter, and I just enjoy sharing my art with you all either way. So brace yourselves for all the art about Raiden and Sigmar!
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Raiden is an arcane trickster rogue who is quite an asshole and too clever for his own good, currently trying to solve a series of disappearances along with a small group of chaotic characters. We don't record or air our campaign, but the session summaries, typed up by yours truly, are freely available. The campaign now also has its own tumblr page with these summaries, art, and character information, so follow @anywaymurder to keep up with all the shenanigans!
Sigmar is a warrior in the Dragon Age universe, in a campaign set in Tevinter around the time of the first Blight. He's been looking for his missing friend, and after months of escalating complications has now finally been reunited with him.
If you'd like to learn more about them, you can browse their tags -[raiden] [sigmar]- and you're always more than welcome to ask me questions about them, of course! These lads and their stories have grown to be incredibly important to me and I'm excited to share more of that with you.
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In other news, after much deliberation, I now have a new roommate in the shape of the most adorable pupper, named Soup. Yes, you read that right. She is a labradoodle (although she doesn't look it), and is about to turn one year old. It's been quite the challenge raising her all by myself (with a healthy dose of regular support from family and friends) but it's also been very rewarding, and I can't wait to see what more she grows up to be <3 I'll try to remember to post some Soup content here every once in a while, tagged of course, but if you want daily pupdates, be sure to follow my instagram stories.
Let's see if I can make an effort to post a little more often and get back some of that good ol' community feel this place used to hold for me. :) Hope you've all been doing alright in the meantime! Feel free to drop a comment to tell me how you've been!
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