#i'm running out of quotes from the show... i'll have to steal from the movie if i make gifs of ALL my fave pairings
cerealbishh · 1 year
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He's been searching for a mate And now it looks like fate A gift from God above!
🎥: @starcuffedjeans
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jjclopelover · 3 months
How he talks to/about her v.s. How he talks to/about him
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I'm back with more analysis' about JJPope and why it's better than anything either of them had with Kie.
Today I'm talking about JJ and how he speaks of and to them and why the difference in how he does it speaks VOLUMES.
JJ talking about Kie (S1): "Of course, I'm hitting on her. She's a super-hot, rich, hippie chick, slumming with us. Why? I can't figure it out either, but who cares, bro? I know that door's locked because I tried it. Have you?"
JJ talking about Pope(S2): "Ain't all that bad. Just look at the guy over there. He would do anything for us. That's a Pouge if I've ever seen one. Bone-deep. That's just one man's opinion, though."
JJ talking to/about Pope:
"For once in your life, trust someone else."
"You're the golden boy."
Topper: "Hey, I just wanna make sure everyone here is okay with ending up in federal prison."
JJ: "Uh, if it gets to that, yeah, I'll do it for Pope."
"I'm here for you, Pope. Welcome to my world, okay?"
JJ talking to/about Kie:
"And you--I mean, you're already rich as fuck anyway. Why would you bother?"
"Okay. Not all of us can afford unlimited data plans, Kiara."
"Hell of a job melting it down, Dr.Frankenstein."
(I don't need to put anymore as all of JJ's quotes for Kie are from the first half of S1 lol.)
As you can see, JJ speaks highly of Pope and lowly of Kie. He sees being a pouge as a badge of honor and gave Pope the highest honor. He sees Pope as someone he can relate too and shares a deep connection too.
He doesn't see that with Kie.
And I hear Jiara stans saying "What about S3? He was so worried about her and went back to get her!"
And to that, I say, "Yeah...cuz it's JJ."
His number one trait as a character is his loyalty. It's his best trait as it shows how much he will do for his friends. But also his worst trait as he puts his friends over his own being and in the end it only hurts him.
JJ would have reacted the same if it was anyone else in that situation.
Like when John B was a wanted criminal, JJ did anything for him. (risking to get arrested himself, shooting cops, and being by his side when he was on the run)
Or when Sarah is dealing with Ward or Rafe, JJ is always watching over her. (running after a car that held a drugged Sarah unconscious in the back, jumping in a shipping crate to get her and the cross back, staying by her side, and keeping an eye on her when John B was found guilty in court.)
And even Cleo who just joined the crew, JJ makes sure to treat her like the rest of the pouges. (like when he praised her for convincing Pope's parents to let him go to South America)
And we all know that he would do the same if not more for Pope. (going to jail for him, almost getting arrested for him again, taking over an entire boat of men to get his cross plus Sarah, risking being seen with him at Midsummers when he was supposed to be undercover, taking a beating from his dad for him, fighting for him at the outdoor movie, being super protective about him anytime he was around Limbrey and Renfield, keeping the secret that Pope was the one who actually sunk the boat and lying to the others, bringing Pope to his cousin Ricky's house to save his life even tho Ricky was still pissed at him for stealing his ambulance.)
And many, MANY, more.
The way we are introduced to JJ who loves and protects Pope but pushes Kie aside
The way they "built up" S3 JJ for a toxic relationship with Kie but as a result of that he has to push Pope aside.
The writers and creators gave us s1 JJ, that's how his character was made and supposed to be portrayed. S3 JJ was built off toxic fans who threatened their way into an unfortunate canon ship.
Toxic stans = Toxic ship.
You Jiara stans wonder why JJ felt out of character, or why the Jiara chemistry felt forced or fake. That's because it was.
You can't force chemistry.
All the OBX cast did chemistry reads to see which duos worked together as a couple and which didn't. But the one duo that did not do a chemistry read was JJ and Kie (Rudy and Madi)
because the creators saw no need. as they weren't even thinking of getting those two characters together. JJ was supposed to end up with Cleo. That was one of the many reasons Cleo came back as a main character.
What they would do with Kie and Pope, I don't know and I don't care. But Any ending would have been better than canon Jiara.
JJ treats Pope like he's his partner
JJ treats Kie like she's his sister
But let's be honest...we all see that, don't we?
Editor's note: Sry this took so long lol, life's been busy :)
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bia-wayne-west · 4 years
Stolen kiss – Wally West
Synopsis: You are Wally's tutor of English literature, because you were in need of money to buy a dress. Iris would buy the dress if you helped Wally get a B+ in school. Wally realizes he has a crush on you and decides to steal a kiss from you
Characters: Wally West, Barry Allen, Íris West and Reader [Touch]
Warnings: None.
A / N: Sorry for the mistakes in English, I wrote this in a few minutes and I didn't have time to correct the words. I'm a Latin girl and I'm still learning English. Sorry.
I'm watching YJ and I'm completely in love with Wally's cuteness and how he becomes an idiot around girls. Lol. I hope you like my fic.
Requests are open
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[I imagine Wally is like that. Ginger, beautiful and cute.]
Wally West was never good at English literature. He always got C- or D, and that wasn't pleasing Batman or Aunt Iris. Batman decided that all members of Youth Justice should do well at school and get at least one B- at school to stay at YJ.
Your mother is best friend of Iris West and she commented to Iris about how you got A + in every class. Iris offered you $ 400 to teach her nephew and you agreed, since you needed $ 400 to buy a dress for your sister's wedding.
You went to Iris' house and Barry opened the door, a handsome blond man who was trying to be funny. You struggled to laugh after he told the third boring joke.
Iris called you to introduce Wally. You smiled when you saw the red-haired boy with pink cheeks and freckles on his face. He seemed to be cute and funny. Wally stammered when greeting you and you smiled at the scene. Wally wondered if you could hear his heart beat as fast as he could run.
— Wally, this is Y / N. She's my friend's daughter and will be your tutor. — Iris said, with a beautiful smile. She was so beautiful with red hair and bright eyes. Barry, her husband was a very lucky man.
— Hi, Wally. - You said, placing your backpack on the kitchen chair. You approached the boy and held out the hand that was taken by Wally's hand. He squeezed your hand slightly and you could have sworn he vibrated with the contact. — In the coming weeks, I will make you love English Literature.
— Ahh... — He said, trying to find words. — I'm good in other classes but I don't see anything interesting in English Literature.
— When we study Shakespeare, you will be confused at first but then you will love every word and poetry. - You said, trying to sound sweet and sincere.
— Y / N, do you want to have a drink or do you want to go to Wally's room to study? — Barry asked, entering the kitchen holding a shopping bag.
— Thank you, Mr. Allen, but I already had lunch. If Wally wants, we can start now. — You questioned Wally, who was looking at you as if you were a goddess and did not hear what you said. — Wally?
— What? — He asked, looking scared to you.
— Do you want to drink something or do you want to go to your room to study?
— To my room? — He said, it seemed that you spoke Greek. You giggled, grabbing your backpack from the chair and walking over to the redhead.
You put your hand on Wally's shoulder and squeezed it lightly. He was even more ashamed.
— Can you show me where your room is? My backpack is heavy and I have to be home before 7 pm.
— Of course. My room is upstairs. — He said, finally leaving the kitchen and heading towards the house stairs.
You followed the redhead, with your backpack on your back. Iris's house was large and there were several rooms. You followed Wally into a room with the blue door, that was full of band stickers and a big “DO NOT ENTER”.
The inside of the room was gray and had a double bed with a Simpsons sheet. A bookcase was full of comic books and teen books.
A black desk had an expensive computer and a gaming chair. You thought he spends the day playing video games. He turned on his bedroom television on a cartoon channel.
— Wally, I came to teach you English Literature and not to watch cartoons. — Your voice was in a high tone, showing that you were angry. Your body sat on the redhead's bed and started taking some books out of his bag. Wally also sat on the bed and you started teaching him some things about poetry.
It had been three weeks since you went to Wally's house every day to be his tutor. He was very hardworking and always looked at you with bright eyes. You were lying on Wally's bed while he read a poem he wrote about his favorite video game. As soon as he finished quoting the poem, you applauded him. He was learning fast.
— It's great, Wally. You'll get an A. — You celebrated, getting up from the bed and giving the redhead a hug. He stood and did not return the hug. He was always blushed next to you.
Did you ever hear Barry make a joke when Wally blushed when you said the boy was cute. You were so embarrassed by Barry's comment that you stopped looking at Wally's uncle.
It was only a week before Wally's grades arrived and you stopped being Wally's tutor. He looked sad that you wouldn't be going to his house anymore.
— Wally, I can come here to spend time with you, if you want. Can we be friends. — You said, still hugging the boy.
— I don't want to be your friend.
— Did I do something you didn't like? It's okay if you don't like me. If you get an A in English Literature I will be very happy.
Wally looked you in the eye for a few seconds. Your mouth opened to say something but you were stopped. Wally's lips beat against your lips. The redhead's hands went so quickly to your waist that you wondered if it was human speed.
You looked scared at the boy when he stopped kissing you. His cheeks were as red as his red hair. You let out a breath before you speak again
— Wally, what did you do?
— I like you, Y / N. You are so beautiful and cool, when you smiled at me, I felt my legs shake and it was like in the movies when a beautiful girl walks into the room. — He said, with his hands shaking in an odd way, they seemed to be vibrating. He was smiling like a fool and his lips had a bit of your MAC gloss.
— I don't know what to say, Wally. You are so cute and kind, I thought you were just being nice to me.
— Y / N, you are so amazing that all the guys in the world wanted to go on a date with you. - He said, still with the stupid smile on his face.
— And do you want to be the guy who is going on a date with me? I heard that an ice cream shop opened near my house, I think it would be a good idea to have an ice cream in the afternoon. — You said, running a hand through your hair while looking at the floor in Wally's room.
— Of course, it will be an honor to eat ice cream with you. — The red-haired boy said, taking your hand.
— I will let Iris know that you are taking me home. I bet your Uncle Barry is going to make a joke about it. — You said, ashamed. You picked up your bag and collected the books with Wally's help.
You went down the stairs, listening to Iris talking to Barry about putting a sprinter in the garden. When she saw you and the boy coming down the stairs, she smiled.
— Have you finished studying? Wally's teacher said he was doing great. Thank you, Y/N.
- Wally worked hard to learn. He will get a good grade. - You said, adjusting the bag strap on the shoulder.
— I will take Y / N home. - Wally said. Did you hear Barry hold a smile.
— It's a great idea, Wally. It is dangerous for a pretty girl to walk alone after 5 pm. — Iris spoke, while mixing a cake batter. — If you want to wait, I'll make a delicious banana cake.
— Sure, Mrs. Allen. All the cakes you make are incredible.
— Thanks for the compliment, dear. — Iris asked you to butter a cake pan so that she could bake the cake batter. — You are such a sweet and kind girl. I'd love I would love it if you and Wally were together.
You blushed and looked at the floor. Barry laughed and squeezed Wally's shoulder.
You helped Iris make the icing on the cake and make coffee. After you had a piece of cake and watched Wally and Barry eat 6 pieces each, you decided it was time to go home.
After you said goodbye to Iris and Barry, Wally walked beside you to your home. He looked nervous and he had a beautiful smile that made your stomach full of butterflies.
At some point along the way, you decided to hold Wally's hand. The red-haired boy was shaking and sweating. He was so cute.
As soon as you got home, you smiled at the boy.
— Thank you for accompanying me home. — You said, still holding Wally's hand. The boy looked at you intently and seemed to want to tell you something. Before he said anything, you leaned over and placed a small kiss on the redhead's soft lips.
Wally returned the kiss quickly. His hands went to his waist and his hands went to the boy's red hair. The kiss was so good.
As soon as his lips came off, he stroked your hair and gave you a bright smile. You gave the redhead a hug before walking to your front door.
— Come pick me up at 7:30 pm to have the ice cream.
Wally waited for you go into your house to do a victory dance. He checked that no one was looking and used his speedster speed to get home.
That was the beginning of your love story with Wally West.
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