#i'm shooting both his parents in the woods so i think i'd prefer an indoor location for him to change it up
hirazuki · 8 months
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I'm an idiot and completely forgot that the only thing I was waiting on for a Maeglin cosplay was a longsword, which... I've now had for a month ^^;
SO threw together a quick costest for the lad today. Mostly pleased, though there are a few things I want to adjust; and I need to figure out if the reason his eyeliner/eyeshadow color isn't showing up properly is because it's too dark or because of this particular lighting/phone camera setup (I decided on dark blue for him, but it's not showing here the way it is in person).
Also, with thin clothing like this, compression bra/binding doesn't cut it for me, and I wear my silicone torso to change up how the fabric drapes on me -- so I wore it today, to make sure my clothes still fit with it on (as these are just my daily clothes lmao). Aaand, since I already went to the trouble of wearing it (it is a huge pain in the ass to take on/off), I figured might as well take some fun photos too -- enjoy, under the cut! XD
. . .
[Well, there were fun photos but tumblr won't make this post visible to y'all if I include them so T_T It was literally just shirtless + sword, good grief.]
Edit: I added them via a reblog, which you guys should be able to view below!
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