#i'm sitting here staring at my tv like i might be able to manifest new episodes lmao
softestaries · 8 months
fr what am i supposed to do every week now that Percy Jackson is over
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neon-wisp0831 · 4 years
Healing broken hearts: continued
Chapter four: when I see you again
(This is more on Tai's point of view, figured I'd switch things up a bit)
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Tired... Sad... Empty... No amount of words could really explain how I feel these days.. Just really numb... And alone...
I really messed up it doesn't get any worse than what I did... I can't even bring myself to look in the mirror anymore..
Worthless... Pathetic... Idiotic.. Stupid!
Everything that is happened is all because of me...
I was supposed to be a hero.. To be something good to the world... To Y/N ... But no... All I did was ruin them, I ruined what we had, there's no excuse no matter how I look at it..
A soft mew broke the large man out of his thoughts, looking down at his feet from his perch from the couch, he noticed his new acquaintance, a little Kurilian bobtail kitten he had got recently to keep himself company, he picked up the small little guy, giving him a few gentle strokes to his back before lifting him up to give him a small kiss "Hey buddy..." He spoke to the little one, getting up to head to the kitchen, knowing what that cute little mew meant, he looked through one of the cabinets of his home, having it stocked just for his new little house mate.
"There you go.." He set a plate of food, just enough to satisfy the little one's hunger, down onto the kitchen floor, watching with a smile as he ate, but his attention was then caught at the sound of the doorbell to his home, walking over to open the door, he heard two familiar voices on the other side, his smile grew at the sound of his boys, grabbing at the doorknob opening up his home, ready to greet his interns.
He wasn't prepared for this this however...
My whole body froze when I saw them, the fact they were even here shook me to my core, and it felt as though a hard punch had been waiting for me on the other side, directed towards my heart.
It felt like I was seeing them for the very first time... Like how I did when we first met... How I wanted to see them again... How happy I was when they were finally with me..
And how much I loved them so dearly all this time..
"Tai.." They spoke first, I could see it in their eyes, how hurt they are just looking at me..
That feeling in my chest was starting to be more unbearable by the second, tears were starting to spill from my eyes, it was starting to feel like my office breakdown all over again
"Y/N.. I-" I hardly got a word out before they were already attaching themselves to me, sobs muffled against my body, gripping tight on my tank top as they cried, it was a major relief feeling their arms around me again, so much so that I couldn't resist hugging them back just as tight, the ache in my chest slowly subduing to less pain until all I could really feel was the shaking form of the one person who was able to heal the pain I had felt all this time.
"I'm so sorry Y/N...I'm... I'm sorry I put us into this mess.." Looking up I saw Kirishima and Tamaki, giving a small smile, I beckoned them over to join the hug, they did, eagerly, it was a nice a moment, a moment I'd cherish for as long as I'll live.. Just me, my two boys..
And the person I love most..
"Here.." You were given a cup of warm tea, giving your thanks to Tai, you soon turned your attention to the little one being entertained by the two older boys, Tamaki had manifested some vines from his fingers, having eaten a salad earlier while in the cafe, and was using them as a make-shift cat toy as Kirishima took video of the cute ordeal, watching the tiny feline swat and bite at the greens with absolute awe in his eyes
You gave a small smile at the sight, feeling Taishiro's figure sit next to you, his hand rubbing your shoulder and turning your attention to him, in his hand he held two of the sweets you had picked out for you all from the cafe, the smile grew as you took the offering, biting into the sweet treat, enjoying the amazing taste. For a shop that just opened up, the pastries were already to die for.
"Wow.. These are amazing Y/N! I might have to stop by during one my patrols" Tai spoke up seeming to enjoy the little gift you and the boys had brought him. You gave a soft laugh at that, leaning back against the couch as you stared at the hero
"Oh is that right? Well maybe I'll have some prepared for you when you do decide to stop by, because God knows it'll take us forever to prepare stuff for you right on the spot" You both shared a laugh at that sentence, before it slowly died down a bit, looking to the side, you both sighed softly, still unable to face each other properly.. The sounds of the boys playing with their new friend being the only noise at the moment
The silence was too much, and you decided to make a bold move by leaning against the man next to you, earning a small flinch from him before he eased into your touch a little bit, wrapping an arm around you, lightly rubbing your shoulder as he rested his head on yours, the feeling of being this close to him again, it was overwhelming, but you loved it, a smile coming to your face then a sigh while the sound of the TV turning on caught your attention, deciding it would be nice to just stay like this a little longer in his hold, you got comfortable on the couch while Kirishima and Tamaki had decided to join you both in watching the highlights of the best hero rescues and villain takedowns played by the afternoon talk show.
It was like that for most of the day, watching shows or movies, eating snacks, playing and thinking of names for the kitten, while talking about how how things are in life while trying to avoid.. Other subjects.
"So fellas how are things at UA? Is Eri doing ok?" Taishiro was the first to make conversation with the two boys over some takoyaki (of course) for lunch
"Oh yeah! She's doing great, check it out!" He mumbled pulling out his phone and flipping through something before landed on a photo and turning his screen to face the small group next to him.
Looking at the photo, Kirishima was looking down at the silver haired horned girl, who looked back up at him, both holding the same pose, fists together, toothy grins, showing off the manly stance with pride
You smiled at the sight, seeing the happy smiles, you couldn't have been happier yourself.
"That's adorable Kirishima, and very manly, you're starting to be more like a big brother figure" Taishiro mumbled, ruffling his hair a little earning a small chuckle from the young boy
"What about you Tamaki? Anything happened with you at UA?"
"Not really.. Things are.. Pretty well I guess.. I-i'm sorry I'm not that i-interesting to talk about.." He started to clam up a little, and you reached over to lightly rub his back "it's alright Tamaki, I don't have anything interesting to talk about either.." You reassured the shy boy, hearing a small chuckle coming from Tai until his phone ramg from his room, excusing himself from living room he headed towards his own, closing the door once he was inside.
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I was able to get to my phone in time before the ringing completely stopped, but due to the rush I didn't really have time to see who was calling, figuring it might have been an emergency of some kind.
"Hi sweetness~"
That voice... I knew it well.. Too damn well..
"Y-yūwaku?! Why are you calling me now?!"
"Aww Tai.. Come on, can't check up on a friend?~"
Friend? Seriously?? After everything that been happening, all those texts, the flirting, everything that had led up to this, I was no better.. Giving into her that night... Thinking about it now, I feel so stupid, and helpless..
"So here's the thing.. It's been a couple of weeks and.. I was sorta wondering if you're free right now we could grab lunch together! Just the two of us? Maybe... Catch up again?~"
The very thought of the idea, made my heart ache, knowing where this going, I decided to just hang up, throwing my phone onto the bed before sitting down onto the floor, covering my face with both of my hands.
Yūwaku Yokubõ.. Her quirk: Desire... The quirk she was born with made her a temptress.. She gives off a luring aura, making her irresistible to anyone caught by it.
We had been friends since high school, but lost contact soon after.. And just when it seemed like we wouldn't have seen each other again, fate couldn't have done enough to me already..
My phone buzzed, and I turned to look at who was calling, it was her again, I grabbed my phone and declined the call, deciding it would be best to turn it off for now, I fixed up myself, stoning my shaken face with one of more calm and collected, not wanting to worry the boys or Y/N with my troubles.
All I had to do was not let it bother me
You look over at the two exhausted boys, leaning against one another, eyes slowly closing to give into the temptation of sleep, and watching as the little kitten in Tamaki's arm didn't fail to follow right behind his older brothers
Hearing footsteps you looked up to see Taishiro coming back, taking notice of his now, three boys dozing off
"Well.. It is kinda late.. We should get these guys to bed.. I'll call their teachers and tell them they'll be staying with me.." He mumbled before scratching his head "um.. You uh.. Have their contacts?"
You seemed confused by that question, but answered honestly "Yeah why?"
"Oh my.. My phone died and I can't find my charger at the moment.." He explained as you handed over your phone, letting him use it to call up the school teachers
You turned your attention over towards the young ones, leaning over to brush some hair out of Tamaki's face. Watching a smile grace the shy boy's face
You saw Taishiro coming back from the kitchen, handing your mobile device back to you, with a small "thank you" Before he went over to take Tamaki into his arms, mindful of the tiny feline as he took him to the spare room, deciding to help him out you took Kirishima, following after him to settle the young hero into bed.
You came just in time as Tai was about to come out to get the boy, you both stopped in your tracks, startled by one other's sudden showing, laughimg a little before he took the hardening hero from your arms, settling him onto the spare bed near Tamaki's own, he turned his guest room into one meant for his boys when they stay over, able to get two separate beds for them both so they could sleep comfortably.
Taishiro leaned down to give Kirishima a small kiss to his forehead, smiling before getting up and turning towards you
"So.. I.. Guess you're heading back home then?" He asked, bringing you out of your thoughts
"Oh.. Oh! Right.. I.. I guess I should.." You mumbled looking down, rubbing the back of your neck, looking up at him with a small smile, which he returned
"Will.. Will I see you again?" He asked, rather hopefully at that.
You smiled at him before shaking your head, taking the chance to walk over to him, looking him in the eyes while placing both your hands on his shoulders, his arms came around your waist, pressing his forehead against your own
"You know it's hard to stay away from a great guy like you Taishiro... It's unfair really..."
"No... I was unfair... I was unfair to you.. You didn't deserve that Y/N... I was just.." He gave a small sigh before continuing "I just missed you.. I missed your company, I missed things with us... There's no excuse for what I put us through though... So.. I can't say I'm that great of a guy.."
"It happens Tai... It was in the past... I don't wanna think about that I..." Your arms moved to wrap around him, hiding your face into his chest, he didn't hesitate to hold you closer to him, nuzzling into your head
"I just wanna stay with you..."
"... Do you... Have to go?"
"I don't have work tomorrow.. So.. I guess not.."
"Then... Do you wanna stay?"
You looked up at him, looking into those golden eyes, unable to look away, they seemed to come closer, slowly closing as well as your own before you felt his lips press against your own in a soft kiss, one that didn't really last long, but left you breathless.. Hungry...
Wanting more...
He seemed to have read your mind, pressing his lips against yours in a much more deeper longer kiss, your arms moving back to wrap around his neck, he lifted you into his arms, walking out of the room, shutting the door behind him to leave the boys to rest, running your fingers through his hair as he took you to his room, only pulling away from you to allow much needed air into your lungs, soon enough he opened the door to his bedroom, setting you onto the large bed as he continued to steal away your breath with deep longing kisses, his hands trailing up your figure, sending a shudder through your spine,
You couldn't get enough, and you didn't want him to stop, but he unfortunately did to ask you once more
"Y/N...do you wanna stay with me?"
It didn't seem like he continue any further if you didn't give him an answer. And to be honest.. You already knew what you wanted to say, with or without his addicting affection.
"Yes tai.. There's no where else I'd rather be..." You leaned up to give him one more kiss to his nose
"Than here with you..."
❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃❃.✮:▹ ◃:.❃
(So i finally got this chapter done! After what? I don't even remember- but this is by far probably my longest one yet- I'm so sorry for the wait everyone, I hope it was worth it I really tried with this chapter after leaving you guys with nothing, I hope enjoyed this one, chapter five may be the last one, but hey we'll see. Anyways, I've got a ton more ideas on the way, so definitely look forward to those in the future. Till next time though. See ya!)
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