#i'm so happy about all the requests i've received so far 😭 i'll do them all asap <3
arknights-imagines · 8 months
Exe's Current WIP and Requests Queue 📝💕!!
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Hiya everyone evsgshe 💕! I hope all of you have been well 🥰~
I wanted to share what I have in the works right now and also what I have planned ahead aaaa 🤔!
Firstly, what I'm working on currently is this request for Jaye 🥺!! I haven't written for him since my Valentine's Day event, and he was v fun to write for aaaa 🙏 so I'm happy to do it again!
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As for what I have that I'd like to do afterward svdhgde please continue reading if it the news interests you 🥺 If not, then please have a good day and remember to take care of yourself 💕~
Mostly, I picked requests for characters I've been wanting a long time to write for wbsjhe 😭
There's a cute request for Enforcer aaa (my first 'kissing session' piece with Executor and SilverAsh was lots of fun so I'm happy to have a reason to write another one 🥰~):
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And also, a v v adorable and creative request for Lumen 😭! I thought this idea was super cute and fit Lumen well, so I most definitely want to do it!:
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Then, this sweet and fluffy request for Czerny 🥺! Since that post I made about his skin lolosljske and also the rerun of the Lingering Echos event, I was hoping for an opportunity with Czerny's character as I haven't written for him before svshhs 🤔!:
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And finally, I'm considering sneaking in this request for Executor the Ex Foedere 💕😭! (It's the first and only request for 'Rico's alter I've gotten so far sbsjhde so tysm for sending it in 🐲 anon!) I'm Exe after all, so of course I've been really hoping for an opportunity to write for Executor the Ex Foedere...😖💞!
I have a few ideas of my own for pieces I could write for 'Rico's alternate, but you guys always have v creative ideas sbsjsh so I'm also waiting on more requests for him from anyone who's willing 🙏🥺!!:
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As usual, this queue is subject to change and additions svshhs 💕! I always like to have a balance between female characters and male characters, as well as more popular characters (such as SilverAsh and Phantom!) and more underrated characters (such as Czerny!), so I tend to center my request queue on said balance 👍
(I'm hoping for some Arknights wife requests to balance out the husband requests lololsbsjs 🥺)
Anywho, please do continue send in requests svshhs 🤲 they make me v happy to receive and I'm always v grateful for each one~ and my work for the blog wouldn't be possible without them!
That's all for now 💕! I hope you'll all look forward to what I have upcoming and I'll promise to do my best for all of you as always 🥺🥰~
Thank you v much for your time if you've read this far aaa 🙏 Please remember to take care of yourselves and I hope you'll keep sticking around 💕! Please have a good day 🌼!!
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Yours Truly,
- An Exe at work 💕! (and a 'Rico/Executor who kindly reminds everyone that we both love all of you lots svhdhdd!!)
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melandrops · 1 year
20 Questions Writer Ask Game
Inspired by @thesymphonytrue
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 wordcount?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
In published works I have 5:
DSMP/RPF (I count them as the same fandom even though they are tagged differently in my works)
Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse
Stranger Things
Legend of Zelda (BOTW/TOTK)
White Collar
I have wips in probably 2 or three other fandoms including Shadow and Bone, Purple Hyacinth and The Magnus Archives
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Hey Lover (Pavitr/Hobie)
Three Rings (Karlnapity)
I'm not a praying man (but I'll kneel to that) (Pavitr/Hobie)
Dancing Barefoot (Robin Buckley/Nancy Wheeler)
We're Sleeping Together (Dnf)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Very rarely to be honest. If it's a mutual or someone I know or they give a comment that I think warrants a response (request, questions, etc) then I respond. Otherwise, I never know what to say and how to thank them for commenting without sounding like an automated message lmao. But if you have commented on my fics trust me I have happy screamed about you <3
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Love Causes Trouble. 60s/70s era dnf where george gets killed at the end. Very tragic I think.
Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the wildest one you've ever written?
Nah, no crossovers. I do have a hunger games/spiderverse idea, but I'm not sure if it will come to fruition.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
No, god bless. Which is a little surprising sometimes considering the amount of rpf I've written lmao. But my dsmp writing was never that popular so I should count my blessings.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Sure. I prefer quick and easy fade to blacks which I've done before, but occasionally I write smut.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I would be open to the idea. It would have to be a long fic if I did that.
What's your all time favorite ship?
Oh god. I've never written for it but ngl wolfstar has a soft spot in my heart. But there are so many and for the sake of not providing a documented list of everyone I've shipped before I'll leave it at that.
What's a WIP you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
My Purple Hyacinth fic. I love it so far, but I just got so burnt out in the middle of working on it. And I have trouble picking up fics when I haven't touched them in too long. I still have it outlined and probably like 1/3 of the way done. So I'm holding out a sliver of hope. But realistically, I probably won't finish it.
What are your writing strengths?
Uhhh no idea. Over the years I've definitely seen a lot of improvement in my descriptive style. Showing, not telling. And I think I've gotten a lot better at making my writing compelling. The first time someone told me that my writing made them cry I also cried.
What are you writing weaknesses?
So much. 😭 I find that dialogue often runs away from me and I get sidetracked, or it sounds clunky and unnatural. Also characterization. I tend to want to make my characters 1 million percent soft and huggable and forgetting that they are quite flawed. Also plot. I can write out a series of vignettes like nobody's business but an actual plot is hard. I've only written something with a genuine plot a few times, and only one of those got published.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
It's why I didn't include any of Pavitr speaking in Indian associated languages. I don't want to do a bad job on it, and would be too nervous about accidentally appropriating someone's culture. Or just generally making an ass out of myself by writing something silly. Maybe something to work on?
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Wrote and published? Dsmp. That fic has been deleted (it's for the best) but my first fic on my profile is still a dsmp work. Unpublished, my first fanfiction was probably for the Lunar Chronicles. Specifically Cress and Thorne.
What's your favorite fic you've ever written?
Love Causes Trouble
It is not the most popular of my fics by a long shot, but it's one of my favorites. If I went back and rewrote it there are a lot of things I would change about it. A lot. It's very imperfect but I'm just such a slut for 60s/70s queer love, for artists and writers falling in love and for tragic endings. A bit kill your gays, but I'm at peace with that.
If not for you (I couldn't get off this floor)
I also like this one because it has a few personal ties to me and because it got such a good reception. I got so many comments saying that this helped them process their grief or it was really cathartic to read so it means a lot to me.
I'm tagging a few people but please feel free to continue the game, even if I didn't tag you.
@avi17 @maybeebeee @wulfspyd3r @sunkraken
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vampcubus · 4 months
Your fabolousness Queen Ashi, it is I, poll nonnie or a nonnie named desire.~ just kidding you can call me whatever. Anyways I thank you ever so kindly for giving me the chance to share my tragic story and unburden myself. Oh and that phrase you like is a spanish saying. One of my favorites that i try to live by. I believe you could use it in this time of need, because though I haven't expressed it you have my support. As I said previously fuck dem kids. Best thing you can do sometimes is not acknowledge the squealing, don’t give foolishness a platform. There's enough of that already.
Now, I will try to make it brief, but I tend to ramble, so I may require two parts. But I'll try to get to the point. So, without further ado, hit it with the sad violin music or Sarah McClellan.
I must begin by saying that I do not receive much male validation... like ever. Which is strange because I have an ample bosom and a winning personality, but alas men will fuck a mcchicken sandwich but they won't fuck me. I have found however that they do fuck with me quite often. See, ever since I was a girl, I've been the object of cruel pranks where I would be asked out as a joke. Boys had no qualms using me as a sort of penalty of a low bar of attractiveness if you will and that remained through grade school. Thing is everyone said you will thrive in college and that happened to some of my friends, but not me. Even in college nothing ever really happened, and I was always more invested in the interactions than the men were. So I've learned to pick up cues and behavioral patterns to know when I'm being led on, or when they're waiting for me to put out.
This all leads to a couple days ago. You read that right. Mere days ago I reconnected with someone from early college through Facebook, a den of foolishness and evil. Being graced with male validation I was gleefully happy for the first couple interactions. I returned to my youthful girlish days of squealing when I got a message.
My grave sin, is I caught myself simping. *Simping* for a human male when I swore to myself and vowed by the queens Ruby and Teresa that I would *never* be caught simping for a man unless that happened to be Leon Sexy Kennedy in the fucking flesh. Needless to say, the man I was tragically simping for is far from a Leon. I wouldn't even consider him an Ethan Winters (less beloved but perhaps equally devoted lover). I decided to stage an intervention and request assistance in this endeavor from some bad bitches because that could not stand. No it would not stand. Homeboy was leaving me on read. Taking hours to reply. Sending single sentences responses? I knew the signs. I knew them well, I had not put out. Or perhaps he had realized that he'd drunk messaged me. Regardless it would not stand that interaction though only days brief would end by my terms dammit. I just needed some reassurance that I was doing the right thing, because a softer. Weaker part of myself kept making excuses for this fool. So thank you again your fabolousness, and if you've made it this far you are a real gem. I sincerely thank you for helping me remember my worth because Queen Ruby didn't get her face burned so that I would simp for a common peasant who can't be bothered to send a timely reply.
“alas men will fuck a mcchicken sandwich but won’t fuck me” TOOK ME OUTTTTT 😭😂
PLEASE I JUST GOT HOME FROM A HARD DAY AT WORK AND YOU GOT ME DYINGGGG /POS. “i wouldn’t even consider him an Ethan winters” DRAG HIMMM 👹
i could listen to you ramble about your life all day i am so entertained. your storytelling skills >>> i’m glad metaphorically kicked that guy the the curb cus you deserve better queen 😤 especially with a personality and sense of humor like yours.
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