#i'm so sorry i have no idea what this is ;lafkhajgh
voices-ringing-out · 4 years
@grccvy​ said,  ‘ stay down, or i’ll make you drown in your own blood. ’ 
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      Dean coughed, crimson spattering the ground in front of him as he struggled onto his hands and knees. All he could taste was copper, and he could barely see the man standing over him - vision blurred with blood and a pounding pain thrumming inside his head. He didn’t need to see to know who it was though. 
      If only losing his vision made it easier to intuit just why Ash was acting the way that he was.
      Barging into the safe house ranting about how sick he was of Dean and Sam, even the threats, could have been explained away by perhaps a high amount of stress or blackmail. But this? How brutal he was being?
      It had to be possession of some calibre. It just had to be. 
      Now wasn’t the time to consider it though. Right now, Dean had been knocked onto the ground for what felt like the hundredth time, bruises already blooming against his skin and blood both his and Ash’s covering his clothes and hands. He halted where he was, on his hands and knees, when Ash gave the order.
      After a few moments of hesitation, Dean continued rising until he was settled on his knees, hands hanging loosely at his sides as he fixed his gaze on Ash, a tangle of anger and pain fighting for dominance in his chest. “Oh yeah? Then what, Ashley? What’re you gonna do after that? Go back to whoever’s got you wrapped ‘round their little finger like a good little puppy? C’mon, man, you used to be stronger than this.”
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