#i'm so sorry if this is the cinderella story you want prinxiety to be made into i'd advise against it lmaOOO
yourmypenguin · 3 years
AKDJDHSHSJDBDGDJ I LOVE VIRGILS VIET OUTFIT ITS SO PRETTY!!!!!! Also your tags for that post got me thinking about a Vietnamese Cinderella story with prinxiety and Virgil gets to wear the pretty outfit you made him and I’m so excited to see romans outfit aaaaaaaaaaaaa
Thank you so much Blue!!! And because I'm excited, little story telling now. I'm just gonna tell you our own version of Cinderella because it's super fun and it haunts me ever since i heard it
(cw: long ass text, death, murder, violence mentions, animal death)
Basically Tấm is the Cinderella character, she's a poor orphan who lives with her stepmom and her stepsister Cám, and they abuse her by forcing labors on her. One day Stepmother tells the two girls to go fish at the ponds, whoever gets more fish will be prized with a red yếm (uh, an old kind of bralette, looks pretty). Tấm of course works her ass off but then Cám just tricks her so that she can steal all of her fishes, runs home and leaves Tấm to cry at the ponds. A Budha appears and instructs her to take the only single little gobie fish left inside her basket and keeps it as a pet fish in her home's well. He gives her a magical fish calling spell, she just gotta say it, the gobie would rise above the water, and eats the rice she feeds it. She has a cute little pet fishy, but Cám and Stepmother just can't stand Tấm being happy and kill the gobie for food. Tấm is sad again, so Budha appears and instructs her to bury the fish's bones into 4 clay pots, and bury them under her bed.
It's festival arc! Meaning Stepmother is an asshole and force Tấm to sort out the lentils stuff, so that she and her daughter can go to the festival. Budha is having none of that shit so he just appears and let his magical birds do that for Tấm, and now Tấm you can go dig up the pots under your bed, there you shall find, ooooh! Beautiful clothes to wear to the festival, and a pair of pretty shoes, and a horse too!!! Tấm reigns the horse and gets to the festival, but she drops her shoe into a pond on the way. The KING!!! Coincidentally passes by that same area later on and picks up the shoe and declare that whoever fits it would gets to be his wife. And the classic story goes as you might expect it, Tấm gets back her shoe, becomes the Queen, and Stepmother and Cám is pissed.
But holy shit it does not ends there. No. Tấm is too much of a good girl and returns happily to her abusive home to attend her father's death day anniversary, and climbs an areca palm to get the fruits for the altar. She does not doubt her stepmom at all when she sees her at the foot of the tree, chopping the shit out of it, and lets Tấm (and the tree) fall to her death (areca palms are really tall). Stepmom takes that opportunity to bring her daughter into the palace and just like, hey, your wife is dead, how bout her sister for a replacement? The king just fucking goes along with it. Cám lives her life in luxury, unknowing that her stepsister reincarnates as an oriole bird and meets with the king again. The king loves his birdie a lot and it sings to him, he asks it if its his wife then it should cuddle up into his sleeve, which it does. Cám is pissed, she kills the bird and bury its feathers in the palace's garden (these people have no problems killing animals lmao)
There in the place of the feathers grows two magnificent trees, and the king likes it so much he brings his cot there to lay. Fucking Cám can't get over her jealousy and cuts down the trees and makes a cloth weaver out of them. But the thing fucking curses at her when she tries to use it like the weaver just tells her that "don't you fucking rip my husband's clothes or I'll gouge your eyes out". Cám and stepmom burn the thing to the ground for good. Still, the spirit is resilient as hell as it follows the ashes of the burned weaver to a faraway land, and a tree grows where the ashes blew. The tree bears beautiful golden fruits (Diospyros decandra if you wanna know the specifics)
An old lady who sells beverages, passes by the tree, amazed by the golden fruits. One drops into her basket and she brings it home, let it lay around and heads off to the market, only to return home, and find... a girl?? A pretty young lady who's so polite and kind and offers to do her chores? Oh she'll take her as her daughter now. They live happily in their little house. One day, mr King appears again, passes by the old lady's shop and orders something. Noticing the placement of his food is familiar, the king asks old lady to let him meet the preparer of his meal. Old lady brings him to meet her daughter, who is, holy shit Tấm, his loving late wife holy shit you're still alive??? He takes her back to the palace after she says goodbye to her adopted mom. Cám and Stepmom is so fucking blown out of their brains.
You think it ends there? Oh no, Tấm is back and more powerful. She meets up with Cám, three times her murderer, and just tells her: Hey, you wanna know my secret beauty tips? Just go sit in a ditch and tell the servant to pour boiling water down onto you. Now I'm just gonna assume that Cám is spoiled into stupidity and does not know that when hot boiling water pours onto you, you fucking burn to death, and she does exactly that, no joke. And Tấm fucking takes her dead stepsister's body and makes her into fish sauce, and cooks it into a meal for Stepmom. Stepmom is at first "Hey, this meal is good? What's the secret ingredient?" and looks down into the fish sauce pot, and there she sees her own daughter's skull. Stepmother dies of a heart attack. End of story.
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