#i'm sorry if it's not a lot thrjetrre i have more about juno but uhh ideas foggy it's not ready i guess?
artichow · 2 years
in chances like these I always love to know about peoples ocs, so please tell me a little bit about Tatsuki, Jasmine and Juno
yep! I talked a little about Tatsuki in this answer
Juno is one of those characters I really love despite their problematic personality and history. She’s just a human disaster but I love her. She was Ryo’s partner and also Gingka’s mother.
She is sort of a mix between a mercenary like Chris, who uses beyblade to complete missions sometimes, and also an adventurer like Ryuto? She also doesn't shy away from robbing tombs or people in general, her list of crimes she committed is very long I imagine.
As a head’s up: she’s not a good person, pretty much abandoned her family to continue living the life she had before them. It’s a little more complicated than that, and I didn’t come up with every details yet, but yeah :( In my au Gingka has some father issues but also mommy issues that he isn’t aware of until Juno shows up in his life again. They have a lot in common for characters who didn’t interact with each other in 14 years. I like to think about the fact that Gingka spends a lot of his early adult life being a vagabond, pretty much always traveling, like his mom always did. Of course their lives are very different, but that need to always move and not settle down is a big part of them, even if they come from different histories.
She comes from a very impoverished family and had a very tough childhood, had to fend off for herself very young. Her father had trouble with the law and abandoned his family, leaving Juno to live with distant family relatives. She set off on her own very young and started working as a mercenary shortly after.
Gingka has the same eyes as her.
I have more about her and Ryo’s backstory I wrote once on my priv twitter to not forget it but I think I need to rewrite it, maybe I’ll do a special lore post dedicated to her.
Her bey is an Inferno Sagittario. I gave her a name and theme related to the goddess Diana/Artemis, I really like that aesthetic and it suits her well I think.
Jasmine is the head of the European WBBA division. She’s french and is fluent in English, Arabic, litany, Japanese and Spanish. Just a girlboss really, she worked very hard to get to her position, so you can imagine that her reaction to Ryo becoming the head of the Japanese division – with little to no qualifications for it – was… something. She can’t stand Ryo and he can’t stand her either, I love them for that. Jasmine’s very snobbish and never misses an opportunity to belittle Ryo and his work at the WBBA. Every time they have to call the other for meetings and important decisions it’s a competition of who can make the most passive aggressive comments, and Jasmine always wins.
I think she took Sophie under her wing, which is funny to think about if you’re a Hikaru and Sophie are sisters believer. They’re just the best of friends and so happy to see each other every time, knowing full well that their boss/mentor hate the other’s guts. But also Sophie doesn’t like Ryo either and Hikaru is very much done with the way Jasmine talks about her boss and, incidentally, HER work at the WBBA.
But yeah, love her, she’s a very petty and sarcastic person but she’s very very good at her job, very hardworking and has a lot of charisma. I think she plays the violin and the piano too.
Her bey is a crane, Night Crane UW145ES
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