#i'm sorry this is late i wanted to continue with these prompts with youswell's chapter fresh in my mind
just-absolutely-super · 8 months
MMBN/Fullmetal Alchemist crack:
Lan: So the guy responsible for taxing Youswell is called Bubbleman?
Hub: Büblemaan. Lt. Büblemaan.
Lan: Okay, Lt. Bubbleman, got it.
Hub: (This is going to be a problem.)
Lan: So, Lt. Bubbleman tried to bribe me.
Hub: ...You didn't.
Lan: Huh? No way! I wouldn't take a bribe from somebody who was terrorizing a whole town! I'm going to trick him into giving me the town, then I'm going to report him to that Chaud guy and get him kicked out. Maybe to Briggs...
Hub: That wasn't the part I was talking about, Lan. You didn't pronounce Lt. Büblemaan's name wrong, did you?
Lan: Sure I pronounced it right! It's pronounced Bubbleman!
Büblemaan: Ah, the Fullmetal Alchemist! So nice to meet you~
Lan: Yo, Lt. Bubbleman, right?
Büblemaan: *choke* E-Excuse me??
Lan: Bubbleman...isn't that your name?
Lan: Yeah, that's what I said, are your ears clogged or something?
Büblemaan: *steam coming out of his ears*
*End Flashback*
Lan: Yeah he got kinda mad for some reason, but then he calmed down enough to try and bribe me into giving him a higher status. As if I had that power!
Hub: Yeah, the colonel would veto it even if you did
Lan: Exactly! So, anyways, onto my plan to trick Bubbleman into giving us the town...
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