#i'm sorry this is probably not helpful aaaaaahhhhhh
heavensdog · 3 years
Could you describe the character’s facial features in detail? I’m tempted to make fan art
Hmm. .  I can do my best, but before I do I wanna say that when I started this project, I was heavily influenced by how much creative freedom people had in the fandoms for Samurai of Hyuga, Wayhaven Chronicles and Fallen Hero and the like -- so I really do want people to feel like they have a certain amount of free reign in terms of character design.
So when it comes to the visuals for each of the characters, I have some “key elements” and touchstones that I come back to, but in terms of specific details (like narrow eyes or broad noses or the like) I don’t really have anything pinned down.
But this is what I’m working based off of!
Iriel Lovelace: Iri is supposed to be kind of bulky -- they take up waaaay more space than they used to as a rabbit, and this shows in their height (they are the second tallest -- only Emi is taller than them!) and also in their body posture -- they tend to hunch over and try to minimize themselves physically. They give off a kind of “I used to be a delinquent but now I’m reformed” vibe in their dress -- lots of casual clothing paired with comfier pieces like sweaters and the like, and they wear too many layers for the circumstances. They’ve got rose gold hair and used to have silvery gray eyes but I might change them to pink for the Rabbit Vibes; extra piercings on their ears, possible facial piercings, and they always seem really sad. With all that in mind, I imagine broader facial features would suit them, as well as wider set eyes -- things that make them seem more like “prey” than like “predator”.
Aconite Rosewood: They’re meant to feel kind of like a fish out of water, and this shows in how they dress like they’re making themselves into performance art. They give off a very Innocent Demeanor, so rounder facial features in general fit them, but they also have a very hard-to-pin-down aura. My major themes for them, design wise, are a very on/off aesthetic (they’re either Vintage Magician or Grundgy Occult Graphic Tees) and their body language tends to be very awkward and anxious. They gangle, but not as much as Emi. Dyed pink hair (it’s naturally dark brown, so they bleach it like crazy too) and brown eyes that sometimes seem red in the right light. They wear a necklace with a jeweled ring on it at all times.
Emi Nymbostratus: They’re tallest and they gangle the most. They’ve got more angular features, probably, and they tan really fast, so combined with the fact that they used to bleach their hair, they give off very beachy/surfer vibes. They’ve stopped bleaching their hair since becoming an Agent of Heaven, so their roots are growing out, and they favor a lot of blue clothing. Kind of posh vibes -- Emilio, as mentioned, has an undercut, while Emilia favors more demure partial up-dos.
Abaddon is a shrimp and is to be treated accordingly. I think heavier features would be a nice contrast with their build and coloring -- they’re tiny, favor incredibly frilly clothing (masc!Abaddon still wears a lot of piratey blouses) and have long silver hair with red eyes. Perpetual angry face. Touchstones for them are just the juxtaposition of their constant grouchiness with the ridiculously frilly styles.
Lapis rocks quarantine fashion, let’s be honest. Back in school, they dressed very poshly because that’s what du Mirage wanted, but they’re more of a free spirit, so if they have the opportunity to go around in boxer shorts and a too big t-shirt, they will, and they tend to really like things that bare their midriff especially around the mc which has nothing to do with them being proud of their abs. They have dark hair and reeeeeaaaaally dark lashes, and their skin is tawny -- they’re whole vibe is supposed to bring to mind lost treasures, so gold and blue crystals and obsidian and onyx all suit them.
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Hetalia: World Series Episode #28 Transcript
This episode has Italy convincing Germany and Japan to stop their diet and China rebelling.
Narrator: Worried about Japan's ridiculously high salt intake and probable future heart attack, Germany started Japan on a strict diet and intensive physical training program.
(Germany: You better start running!)
Narrator: However, knowing he was setting an example, he decided to abstain from beer, which, as we all know, is his favorite drink.
(Germany: Thank you, but…give it to my big brother instead)
Germany: Nomnomnomnomnom…
Japan: Nomnomnomnomnom…you know, Mr. Germany, it is not necessary for you to join me in this endeavor.
Germany: It is. I was the one who started it, and I will be with you until the very end.
{Caption: Munch munch munch munch munch}
Japan: I can do anything, right? This is for my health, after all.
Germany: I know if it was for my health, I could make any sacrifice; and you will do the same, trust me. I will make you.
German soldier: Huh?
Italy: Hey, you guyyyyssss! I just talked to Prussiaaa. Why aren't you two drinking beer?! And why are you both only eating tomatoes? Who am I?! WHERE am I?! I feel like I'm freaking out in the twilight zone! On top of that, if you eat too many tomatoes, you'll end up getting an acid reflux disease!
(Germany, Japan: Nomnomnomnomnom…)
Japan: Auh!
Germany: Huah!
Italy: Everyone should eat and drink all the time; it makes you happier! And I think it would make things easier for you to stay liking me too! Eh?
Germany: Auh…
Japan: Ohoh…
Germany, Japan: Nnh…
Japan: Nhhmph…
Germany: Nom!
Japan: Nom!
{Caption: Rumble rumble rumble…}
Japan: No way, I am Japan and I shall never surrender to food! Nh…nhh…
Germany: Well said. Once you commit to something, you have to go all the way! Nrrhh…
Japan: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
America: Dude, China, riddle me this. If I sent you blueprints, could you build me a radtacular airplane?
Britain: Right. Also, could you prepare today's lunch?
China: Aah! I've had it! I'm tired of you ordering around all damn time! I will not tolerate this behavior any longer! I refuse to live like this! Don't care if revolt myself, I revolting nonetheless! Hiyah! Heeeyah! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No!
America: Damn, China; calm down, man!
(China: Let go of me! Aaaaaahhhhhh!)
Britain: Auh! Hey, France, don't you think you should wake up and help us out?! Gahh!
{Caption: zzzzzzz}
France: Mhhhon…so cute…I love me some China…auh! Yay…
China: Ughhhhhh…
{Caption: Giving the "I feel bad for him" look}
China: Hetalia!
{Caption: Kichijoji, Tokyo}
{Caption: Japan and America}
Children: Japan and America!
Woman: Please take one!
America: Hm? Uh…
Japan: Auh…
Woman: Ehheh!
America: Dude, that hot chick gave me tissues and I don't even have a cold!
Japan: Auah…they are not for your nose.
Germany: Gulp gulp gulp…auh! I'm sorry, Japan.
Germany soldier #1: Huah!
German soldier #2: Huah!
Germany: I never should have pushed you so hard.
Italy: That's okay, you were just worried about his health! But next time, don't get so carried away.
Japan: Apologies. I wanted to get better too fast. Instead, I ended up becoming stubborn.
Germany: It's my fault. I am the one who started it. Please, forgive me; it won't happen again.
Italy: How nice, we're all sorry! Can we move past this now?
Germany: No. I still think it's important to consciously maintain a healthy lifestyle. But old habits die hard, so it's not easy.
Italy: I agree! Now let's get drunk!
Germany: Listen to me, you lazy wop. You should practice self-control and undergo significant training as well.
Italy: Aw…
Japan: Yes, he's right!
Italy: Oh?
(Germany: Eum…)
Japan: I’ll start new training! I'll learn to do what I want! NOM!
{Caption: Salted salmon}
{Text on bag: Salt}
Japan: Next, soak the salted salmon in water with a bit of salt. Then, add a pinch of salt to taste.
{Caption: Next time…}
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