fatesdesign-archive · 9 months
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Anastasia and Pooka!
Please share this and help me grow my new blog <3
I'm still making icons and finishing a few things like tags and icons but I'm itching to get started on here!
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fatesdesign-archive · 9 months
I think I'm going to have to delete this blog - or archive it and never come back.
I just can't be here.
Everything feels weird and it's uncomfortable.
If you want to follow me here are my blogs:
Hanji Zoe Erwin Smith Jean Kirstein Isabel Magnolia
Blue Exorcist: Shura Kirigakure
Sports Multi with: Kiyoshi Teppei, Gou Matsuoka, Alex Garcia, and Kotaro Sato.
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fatesdesign-archive · 11 months
im sorry i dont have much muse to be here without @riidcr around.
so im going on a break
hmu on discord if u want : hanjithebae
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fatesdesign-archive · 11 months
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“I didn’t want to do this, but you leave me no choice… Here comes the smoulder.”
Join the magic! Find the rest of the Disney!Daggers moodboard series here!
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Rapunzel heard the warning but also knew that Pascal was just as excited about this flight as she was. He would be safe with her. As the chief held out his hand to the Chameleon, his own green hand wrapped around his finger tip, nodding at the promise to hold tight. It was nice to see the way Hiccup interacted with Pascal, it was obvious he spent his life around other animals.
"I'm so excited!" she squealed, spinning around due to the extra energy, knowing she had to put the gear on first. She made light work of what he wants her to wear, most of which was too big for her but it didn't drown out her enthusiasm.
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"Sir Toothless, thank you for letting me take a ride on your back" she curtsied to the dragon.
fatesdesign​ :
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Of course, she understood what the issue was with Gobber, she tried her best to stay out of his way and just watch him work. It was fascinating, nothing like this was made at Corona. Only the things for the guards but it was smooth and shiny, no spikes involved.  Rapunzel would never say no to safety, if it meant she could go for a flight with Hiccup and Toothless. 
“Okay! Can Pascal come if he holds on tight?” she asked, having had the Chameleon tug at her hair to ask, “Pleeeease”. Big eyes only got bigger, they never failed with Eugene, hopefully it would help her request this time. 
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“Well I suppose that would be alright. So long as he does hold on tight. Toothless can get pretty fast when he wants to show off and I would hate your poor little friend here to get lost at sea.” The viking looked over the chameleon as he carefully held his hand out to the little reptile. 
“You’ll promise to hold on tight won’t you little friend?” He was sure Toothless would love to have the little chameleon along for their flight. Calling Pascal a tiny wingless dragon which amused him to no end. 
“Let’s get you geared up then and we’ll be off.” 
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Concept art by James Lopez
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Rapunzel might have felt more embarrassed if she wasn't around Eret. He was the calmest man she had ever known. His appearance might have been intimidating at first glance, but he was gentle with everything from his boat, to the way he talks about his kids. There was no chaos around him, and even if there was she could understand why people trusted him and followed his calm lead on and off the water.
She knew that Hiccup was the one to ask about dragons, but she enjoyed listening to Eret, to get caught up in his tales, his unique way of speaking was mesmerising. She pictured a version of each dragon he explained, her sewing paused as she found herself listening completely. It was amazing to her the way Eret spoke about Hiccup, how he was so proud of the chief and how he approached dragons even Eret wouldn't.
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She looked down at the sails, fingers running over the material, "Eret, I'm so sorry you've lost so many people" Rapunzel spoke gently and looked across to him, "You've been through so much". A pause as she threaded the needle.
"I hope now Hiccup has created this bond with dragons, that your decks and sails survive with your men. I wish there was more I could do to ensure good luck" she really did wish there was a way to help him, but she new it would come to her at the right time. It had to mean something for it to be real.
"Perhaps you could teach me a good luck song, we could sign it together as we fix these? Pour our song into the thread. If I still had my hair I might even have used a strand to thread your sails with" she chuckled at the idea. It would have turned brown once it was cut, but it was the thought behind it.
fatesdesign· :
Every time he answered one question it gave wave for three more. There was so much to learn about here, she was glad Eugene had brought her along this time. Her eyes were glued to his movements, seeing how his big hands can be so gentle to the sails. It must mean a lot to him and he clearly held so much pride with it. And yet, he was trusting her to help patch it up! She would listen intently and do her best with whatever task he was asking of her. 
There was a little disappointment that there were no major meanings behind the design but he made up for it with the tails others have said about them. She wasn’t sure if the patterns could make the boat unsinkable but it was a nice thought to keep hope alive in the dark moments. Rapunzel just hoped Eret didn’t find himself in any situation that called for that hope. 
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Once she was given instructions and tools her whole face changed from amazed to focused, her legs folded under her, delicate eyebrows furrowed in concentration. He was right about the needle being different, curved was new, and she had gotten past the fact that they used bone for a lot of items, she couldn’t deny the amount of skill they had to manipulate it into something as small as the needle. She practiced a little, making sure she got the co-ordination right with the new tool before starting the patching, mouth tight and to the side before she settled into a rhythm and a question made its way out. 
“You said water dragons earlier. What are they like? Do they fly or just swim? Do they squirt water at you? Do you have any here at Berk? Why don’t you get one attached to the boat like out horse and cart?” Okay so one question might have made way for a few more, a pause in her work as she looked at him, a little embarrassed once she realised how many came out. 
“Sorry. I guess I’m just interested”. 
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The sailor merely listened as she listed off her questions. He honestly didn’t mind it meant she was listening and he was appreciative of it. Between his crew and his young child he wasn’t sure if they listened to him half of the time. Especially his little one she had better things to do but was constantly asking him questions. But he wasn’t sure she really wasn’t listening. But that was kids for you. 
But with Rapunzel she was genuinely interested. She had mentioned growing up elsewhere. Probably not accessible to these types of things but he wouldn’t pry into it or question about it if it made her uncomfortable. He wasn’t that type of person. 
He could only chuckle as he continued fixing the patch as he thought about it for a moment. “Ye know lass , the chief be the one ta ask ‘bout dragons.” He teases as he really didn’t care about answering it. 
“Dragons of the sea…are ‘ifferent than the land ‘nes.” He had the scars to show the battles he had gone up against the creatures marked across his body. “Thunderdrums ‘re ‘ugh dragons. Look similar ta manta rays but with ‘listerin roars that make ya deaf.” He had many run in with thunderdrums. While now he found interest in watching them swim under the water surface, and the occasion he’s swam with the now gentle giants when he did swim along the surface, but there were the memories of nearly going deaf from their roars as they attacked his ship. 
“Then ye ‘ave scauldrons. Shoot scoldin’ hot water at ye and burn ye. ‘iccup and one of the twins ‘ave a way with em ya can’t ‘magine. Won’t go near em. Lost good decks from em.” He could have counted it worse. At least holes were easy to patch. A ship being broken in half though from a beasts roars ripping pieces of your ship off was another thing. 
“Worse never liked were Seashockers. Two headed beasties that zap ye. Kill a man in seconds. Seen it ‘appen many times. ‘iccup’s not ta fond of em either.” And Hiccup wasn’t fond of skrills either. For obvious reasons. 
“Plenty of sea or well what ‘iccup tells me is the tidal class. Ye need ta talk to ‘im bout what they do. See ‘im feedin em from time ta time. Course when Eira is ‘ere. The gentle giant of the sea. Bewilderbeast is ‘er species. Never seen a babe ‘fore coming ‘ere though.” 
He never really spoke this much with people in the village because they always had something to say when it came to his accent and the fact he was an outsider. “No need ta ‘pologize lass. Don’t mind it with good company.”
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@riidcr asked the question x
Settled in his arms, away from the castle, away from her duties and watchful eyes, just here with her favourite person. Their story may have started with a gentle whack with a frying pan, taking a priced possession and blackmailing him to help her. A lie to her mother, and an adventure she would never forget. She had learned love, sacrifice, watched a thief turn into a hero, a selfish man give his life for her. He hadn't stopped there though, he had given up his lifestyle, the ability to go anywhere anytime and decided to settle down with her.
A rock which Rapunzel could depend on, broad shoulders fit to cry and sleep on, a strong back to carry her on when she was tired. He never made her feel less for not knowing something, he always let her make her own decision and supported her with that. There was no other person she would want by her side for the rest of her life.
The answer was obvious.
And the way he had asked her. The home made dinner, the story book he had written about them, the words he had chosen to say before asking her to marry him. It was more than she could have ever dreamed. She looked down at the ring, and grinned again, suddenly she wasn't close enough to him. Rapunzel moved, climbing to sit on his leg, arms wrapped around his neck as she kissed his lips once again.
"You sat through a whole warning from my father for me?" she giggled, "Now I know you love me" the princess could only imagine what was said, and how serious her father was, the threats that came out of him. There was no need for them, Eugene wasn't going to hurt her and she had every faith in him. No doubts at all.
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"You really have nothing else planned?" she asked, laughing still from how happy she was. Her cheeks ached from smiling but she couldn't help it, "The mess in the kitchen can wait until tomorrow, we have to celebrate tonight" the princess hummed in thought.
"How about a dip in the water?" she questioned, looking over his shoulder at the stars reflecting on the top of the river, "A nice bath to warm us up after and then we go to bed?" A mischievous grin on her face, her intentions were clear to him on where she wanted this night to lead, not wanting the romance to stop. After all, he had really shown her just how romantic he could be.
"As my fiancé, I'd like you to carry me everywhere too" she laughed, just wanting an excuse to not leave him, and to call him her fiancé.
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i like eugene fitzherbert much better than flynn rider.          well, then you’d be the first.
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@riidcr || x
It was more than she could have ever imagined. A life beyond dreams. A kingdom under her rule, and a man whom she loved completely. She took it all in her stride, moulded well to the idea of being a princess, never changing herself to fit in, only growing more into the gentle woman she was. But even the most patient and understanding of people had their limits. She looked over the bridge, watched the water ripple from the ducks gliding across it's surface. The reflection of a moon so solid and dependable in the sky became wrinkled and distorted in the water.
Eugene was beside her, and despite trying to hide behind her smile he was always able to see right through. There was no doubt with Eugene. Their love was strong, it was real, he wasn't going to go anywhere. But that was the issue. Was she restricting him now she had duties and responsibilities here? Eugene had told her many stories about his travels, the different parts of the world he had experienced, and every time he spoke about it his face would light up, his words became animated.
Who was she to keep him locked up in this tower?
His hand held hers, reinforcing the yes from his mouth, she kept her eyes watching his. Eugene wouldn't lie. If he said yes then he was telling the truth. He could be happy here. Rapunzel let her hand move to his jaw once he had kissed the top of it, her head tilting as she took in just how handsome he looked in the moon. Are you sure? Rapunzel thought to herself, almost daring him with her eyes to take the opportunity to be free.
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"I don't ever want to be without you" she replied, her fingers moving into his hair as she stepped closer, "But is it fair to ask a wild animal to settle down?" the princess asked quietly. Her fears coming out now, scared he will suddenly feel trapped and run. "I want to go with you if you have the urge to run. Promise to take me with you wherever you go?"
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Rapunzel by NoEskape
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Rapunzel by NoEskape
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I think I'm just a little overwhelmed on Rapunzel ever time I go to my drafts...
I'll be cutting some threads I'm sorry
It doesn't mean anything personal I just need to not shut down every time I attempt them
We can still pick up new threads <3
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     @fatesdesign​     ›     “ you’re here so often, i figured it was about time you had your very own mug! “
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      𝐀𝐍 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐘 𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐖𝐒 𝐔𝐏𝐎𝐍 𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐍𝐄𝐀𝐑,   a simple joy of companionship he had grown to miss in those few years of separation.   She had changed since then,   so much so he could hardly believe she was the same girl he met in that old alleyway,   evidently more confident,   a lot more happier,   almost glowing like a wilted flower finally nourished by sunlight after a long period of darkness.   That air of realized freedom,   that carefree smile,   they suited her well.   The former thief often lost himself in reflection with a case as curious as hers,   occupying his now specially reserved seat for him in the small shop where her long dream in baking was thriving.   He never missed a chance to drop by ever since he met her through the clamor of medics and scouts tending to the fallen,   he resolved to stay by her,   and had indeed kept true to his word with his frequent visits and uncharacteristic commitment to lend out a helping hand.   For he too had changed,   so much so that he fails to recognize his own visage in the mirror,   although what stared back didn't give the feeling of belonging he knew for certain it was him and not the carefully constructed image of a daring adventurer.   A side of him she seemed to prefer and didn't shy away as much from whenever it came to show.   She had a preference for the natural,   an earnestness of feeling that came as second nature to her that he had grown to respect once he banished the idea of naivety established by first impression.
   As she busied herself behind the counter he took to watching her with a softness in demeanor and a glance so dreamily cast upon the girl,   so absorbed in daydreams lulled by the sweet hum of her tone as a siren would capture the heart of a passerby.   But the train of unreal imaginations is bound to be broken with the gleam of her eyes as she turned towards him,   a slice of pie freely given when all he asked for was a cup of coffee,   [   an excuse to spend an hour with her no less.   ]   the drink in question hadn't been poured in a plain cup of her own set,   it was one crafted by hand,   decorated with various colors that were clearly his preferred color schemes.   Eugene blinked in confusion,   chocolate hues inspecting the pride in her expression.   He would think he had grown used to her generosity with all the treats she had given out so freely but to outright make something for him ?   It's new   ...   but pleasant.
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        ❛❛   Careful,   if you spoil me too much i might think I'm special.   ❜❜        he teased with a charming smile before lifting the mug carefully to observe her handy work,   this girl surely is something.        ❛❛   You really didn't have to but   ...   thanks,   I love it.   ❜❜
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"Simba that's the scariest thing I've ever heard" she confessed, even Gothel hadn't told her of any such thing as the Zimwi. Rapunzel sat there a little longer before sighing, coming out of her cocoon and opening the door for the lion cub, "You ever see it?".
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"The Zimwi isn't that scary. Sort of." Sure, it had eight legs, teeth as sharp as a crocodile, and giant spikes, plus one can't forget that it's as tall as two giraffes but it wasn't around here. "You're really that scared of it?" Simba asked from behind the door which he'd been left behind due to Rapunzel running off and shutting it.
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"I'm never leaving my bed again!" she called to the person behind the door, the recent spooky stories had been too much for her.
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