#i'm spiraling i cant stop thinking about this bye
mountain-lion-gremlin · 8 months
Tiny vent (not really, venting about my horrible social akills.)
So lately I've been feeling like sort of someone who just can't text. I just cant, im so bad at doing it and I've never been able to fix it.
Ive always been awkward irl and have had trouble keeping in contact with people. I don't have loyalty it feels like I just move where the wind takes me. Genuine amazing people become friends with me but then they realize I'm too much, or im not right, or I'm just not worth talking to, and I end up forgotten. Nevermind the fact that I do the same thing to others.
Ive never been able ti keep friends around. It's a shock I even have a friend that has lasted more than 2 years.
All I've ever wanted is friends that i could be around and at least listened, and accepted me. I have that now irl, but I'm scared im going to lose them too. I try not to think about it because these people are people I care about so much.
And sometimes i wish I wasn't nonhuman. That I was a normal human and I was perfectly okay and was just.... idk normal to societies standards. Maybe I would keep people around. Maybe I wouldn't lose online friends and others because i knew how to react to things. Maybe it would be much easier for me to hear others and finally be able to understand what people are saying.
I learnt recently that I have an issue hearing people. (As if I didn't know) When i don't know people well I only catch 25% of what people are saying (guesstimate, because for the most part I only catch less than half of what others are saying)
It makes me feel so shallow. I hate having mental shifts halfway through a conversation and people's words becoming garbled nonsense even when they are being clear.
I hate how horrible I am at comforting people. I hate how I'm unable to understand people through text. I hate it I hate it I hate it.
And god the perfectionism. It's horrible, it's so bad I will spend so much time rewriting a single message to someone. I have to always send the perfect text. I can't let myself just text either, because it won't be good enough.
Am I expecting too much out of others? I feel like I've been pushed to my breaking point when it comes to online relationships. Nobody sticks around. I want them to, so bad, but they always leave me. Always.
I just can't click with people. Im angry and it hurts and I feel like giving up on people and friendships because it's just not working and-
ugh. Whatever. I need to stop this is spiraling into a rant. bye.
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willowser · 2 years
okay, but. single dad!bakugou has such a quiet and shy son. listen to me.
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obeyme-headcanons · 3 years
Now this is something I really want to do in the game. And I'm so dissapointed that we cant. So....I've written it down!! :)
What if MC helped clear ALL of Mammon's debts??
A/N: Much fluff, a G/N MC, and possible TWs.
TW: Much fluff, blood, some cursing, mean witches 😡, some bullying, and a wholesome baby Mammon 💛.
Please enjoy!! :) 💛
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Mammon comes into your room all bloody and bruised. He staggers a bit before plopping on your bed next to you.
"M-Mammon...are you okay??" You question. You hear a muffled grunt from your left side.
"Mammon? Who did this to you?" You hear silence. Mammon must not want to answer. You think about who could've done this. His brother's are abusive, but only mentally. No lesser demon would dare mess with the second-born. Hmm. Wait, wasn't Mammon summoned by the witches earlier? It must have been them. They're always attacking him in some way,
"Mammon? Did the witches do this to you," you ask. "Please tell me the truth." The second you finish, Mammon lifts his head to you, and you see tears running down his face. From his reaction, it's safe to say the witches did it.
"Why would the witches do this?"
"It because of my DAMN debt!! I don't know what I did to them...*sniff* I never even met them before they came up and told me I owed them!!"
Poor Mammoney. He didn't deserve this. Every day, he either came back with nothing, bruised and bloodied or so emotional. Mammon kept talking about the witches, and what they'd do to him. He was spiling his heart out.
"And one time...OH!! I can't forget about...then they said..." Mammon kept going. Eventually, he stopped talking, realizing what he'd just said. You getting more furious, you kept thinking if a plan to get Mammoney out of debt. Getting more furious at the witches with each of Mammon's words, you can't think of anything. So you decide to try and make him feel better at least,
You fix Mammon up, get him emotionally stable and watch his favorite movie. He rests his head on your shoulder, and you die inside. How the hell is he so cute?! You slowly take out your D.D.D, set the brightness all the way down, and snap a few pictures. You head over to devilgram, of course stopping by your settings to update your wallpaper, and scroll around. You find a certain demon's page, supposedly the owner of ristorante six, and scroll.
You see a post of the demon stating that they need more workers. The pay seemed pretty good! 10 hours a day for 10k Grimm! Sure, it'd be hard. And painful and annoying. But you already had quite bit of Grimm saved up. About 666k (😈) to be exact. And you'd do anything to see him smile. So you DM the demon and ask for an interview. They accepted and wanted to see you the next day after 2. You smiled and sighed, praying to Lord Diavolo you could get the job.
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"Hey, human. Where are ya going?" Of course Mammon had to barge in. Not that you hated it, now just wasn't a good time. All dressed up, you glance around nervously.
"Ahh, I'm just...going..." You couldn't find the words. You had to make up an excuse for this man. "Ahhuumm..."
"Jeez human. Just say you're going out! It's not that hard, ya know?" He sighed. With his hands on his hips, he pauses, and walks out. You're confused, but understand when he comes back with your backpack.
"H-Here you go. Sorry I took it. I was looking for Goldie-"
"It's okay Mammon." You walk over, kiss him on the cheek and walk out the door. His face turns red and he's very glad you walked out. After he's calmed down, he knows something is up. Everytime you go out together, you never dress up. Are you going to see someone? Do you not like him?? His thoughts spiral until he convinces himself that even if you did find someone, at least they made you happy. Not like a scummy, stupid brother would be able to do the job. But hey, he could hope. Right?
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"So that's why you want this job..." and you nod. You see them ponder for a moment. "Okay. You're hired!!" You jump. It was unexpected and surprisingly very easy. You thank them over and over again and ask them when you can start.
"Right now if you're up for it! We're short on staff today, so I'm paying whoever works a little more today." You eagerly nod, and you're shown to the staff room. You put on your apron, and get to work. At the end of the day, you get 2k more than you should have. And including the tips you form in total you got 15k Grimm. Not bad for a first day! Exhausted, sweaty and hungry, you walk home with a coworker and head inside.
It's a good thing no one was awake. You make it to your bed and melt. To help pay off his debts and give him a little extra money, you're going to have to work-overtime. Meaning you can't hang out with the brothers anymore. Especially Mammon.
"Sorry Mammon..." You whisper, before falling into sleep.
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It's been 5 months since you've started working. Luckily, Mammon had also been trying to pay off his debts. Which has helped you alot, but now you have enough money to help pay Mammon's debts off. But you're tired, and he can wait until morning, right? You slowly walk home and luckily no demons come to pick on you. You thank Lord Diavolo. You slowly open the door so it won't creak.
Luckily no one is awake. Except for Lucifer and Beel. You practically zombie walked into your room because you were so tired. Your about to open your door, but you hear a small sob. You stop in your tracks and listen.
"T-They don't love me. Why would they? I'm just a s-scummy second-born..." it sounded like Mammon. And by what they said, it confirmed your beliefs. And you're pretty sure he was taling about you. You open your door and walk in. Mammon looks up at you in surprise.
"Y-You weren't supposed to be back for another hour." He says while sloppily wiping off his tears.
"Well, they let me go early," You respond. You need to tell him. "Mammon..I have something really good to tell you. I-"
"Save it human. I already know, I don't want any details."
"You do? Mammon, isn't it wondererful?! Now you won't be bullied by your brother's or the witches!"
"If anything, they'll bully me more..."
"W-Why would they continue...?"
"Because they know I love you," he slams his head onto a pillow that oddly looks a lot like you. " And now you're going out with someone. I don't want any details. But...do they treat ya well?" His head pops back up, and you can see the tears in his eyes. His question hurt. Why would he think that?
"Going out with someone? Why would you think th-" you finally connect it all together. Leaving at 2 to get home at 12, if not later. Always dressing up and giving Mammon less and less time and attention to Mammon. It doesn't help that this has been going on for 5 months. And now that you got your last paycheck, you thanked them, quit and wished them well. You were free of that hell.
"Mammon, I'm not seeing anyone." You walk closer to him and rest you're hand on his cheek, and he blushes a little.
"Then why were you gone so much?"
"Silly demon. I was helping you pay off your debts!"
"You what...?" You could see the confusion in his eyes. But you also saw a glimmer of hope.
"That's right. I was gone for 5 months to help you pay of your debts to your brother's and the witches! And...I may have put a little money of Goldie."
"B-But why?" He realized there was no reason to lie about this. His eyes lit up and he perked up. But he was still so very confused.
"Because, I see what they do to you. And you just take it, like a man." He blushes at the word 'man', but gladly takes your compliment. You climb onto your bed, make room for him and pat the side next to you.
"Now come on Mammon. I'm tired, and I need snuggles." He blushes but gladly climbs in. He wraps his body around yours, pretty much pretty much protecting you from anything to come.
"Goodnight Mammon..." You whisper, before falling into the best sleep you've ever had.
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The next day, Mammon is more than ready to pay off his debts. He pays off the witches and each of his brothers. You loved the look he had on his face. The witches could no longer attack him and his brother's could no longer verbally abuse his either. At the end of the day, he was excited to find out he had 500k Grimm on his card. He thanked you and pulled you into the biggest hug ever.
"Thank you MC...I feel more safe than I have been in decades." The comment made you sad, but made you smile. No one could hurt him, because you'd be there to protect him.
"I love you Mammoney...💛💛"
"I love you MC..." And you share a tender kiss.
The end~!!
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Did you enjoy it? Give me more ideas please! My brain is too smol. Bye my little Grimm!!
💖 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤
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