#i'm still 100% sure stncy is not endgame though and that will only change if i see nancy say wow steve i wanna raise your six nuggets in s5
maddy-ferguson · 2 years
Ppl who think that jncy is 100% endgame and there was and is no feelings from nancy towards steve sounds like ppl who refuse to see that el, mike and will situation is a love triangle. I am sorreeey but it aint making sense with the logic here chief
not you sending this to me, someone who thinks there was and is no feelings from nancy to steve💔 i mean it's not like i think she was never into him i just don't think she ever Loved him. and continuing that line of thought, in season 4 i genuinely dooon't see her feeling anything deep enough for her to uproot her relationship with jonathan.
to me either way they brought stncy back to remind us that no relationship we've been used to since season 1 is safe.
which could mean, for this particular love triangle, that they're gonna have steve and nancy end up together (which just doesn't make sense. thematically. i don't see it happening. at all. which is why a lot of people aren't really worried about jncy). or that while stncy doesn't come back the relationship we've been used to since season 1 (jncy) is still not gonna be endgame. or that this is all gonna strengthen jncy and that the no relationship we've been used to since season 1 is safe thing only applies to mlvn
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maddy-ferguson · 2 years
i am not anti jncy but i see no point in bringing stncy back in s4 and showing that nancy still feels some sort of attraction towards him if stncy is not gonna be a thing again? like why bring that plotline back in s4 for no reason in the same season jncy still are having relationship problems?
also nancy obviously is shown to feel something for steve whether or not ppl dismiss it or not. you could say that s1 was just not that deep sort of attraction, but then how u explain s4? there is no point in showing nancy's confusion and attraction towards steve in this season (and it doesnt make sense to bring the stncy tension back either).
this was sent to me before i talked about being a jncy endgame doubter yesterday and so for a minute there i was like oh my god single nancy truther ask? they know? but it wasn't that actually.
i don't know why you sent this to me specifically but you came to the right person as i am neither a jncy lover nor a jncy hater. i loved them in 2016 but season 2 kind of made me...stop caring. don't ask me why. i do however hate stncy so i'm not 100% impartial but it's not like i'd bend over backwards to make sense of jncy ending up together. i agree that it's really funny that people (on this side of the fandom especially!) don't seem to find jncy fighting and talking about "not understanding each other anymore" in season 3 and then lying to each other in season 4 at all worrying
as much as i despise the stncy comeback, i see a couple reasons as to why they would bring it back in season 4 when everyone thought the love triangle was behind us and assumed jonathan and nancy were endgame.
it makes us go "oh? this couple i've been used to for four seasons might not end up together after all?" which applies to the Other love triangle as well. and it could be for a myriad of reasons, maybe it's just for the drama, maybe it's because nancy is gonna end up with steve after all, maybe it's only meant to be applied to the other love triangle, but i think it's because jonathan and nancy are gonna break up. i expect them to break up. i think nancy's gonna end up single.
the only reason i'm confident stncy isn't gonna happen isn't because i'm sure jncy is endgame because as i just said i'm not, it's because it makes no sense thematically. and i know that doesn't sound like much when you get scenes of nancy staring at a shirtless steve, but i really just still don't see her checking him out as a deep (meaningful) attraction. if they'd shown us steve and nancy having deep personal talks maybe but what do we get all season really? sexual tension? nancy checking him out? an act of "unambiguous true love" that's just nancy trying not to let someone close to her die on her watch again?
and sure that's not nothing but nancy ending up with steve just doesn't make sense for her arc that's about not repeating her parents' mistake, not settling down with someone just because they're a good enough prospect (from a good family, rich, jock, wants a family) and just because you like them fine and aren't in love with them. non-conformity etc. steve's her el, to a lesser extent. this has been said a lot and i can see why you don't feel like that's a compelling argument, especially after s4 stncy, but to me season 4 really doesn't change the essence of the love triangle! it makes more noticeable even, especially when you compare it to mike's love triangle. also see my addendum at the end of this ask. maybe i'm overthinking it but that's the way i see it and all that added up makes me, i'm proud to say, 100% sure that steve and nancy are NOT ending up together
i'm sorry this was just me rehashing stuff that's been going around for months i'm having a hard time explaining what i mean even though it's all very clear in my head <3
now onto our jncy doubt agenda and my personal single nancy agenda.
stranger things likes to subvert tropes right? how in the hell is "the self-insert underdog weirdo freak gets the girl" a subversion of tropes? it's like THE sci-fi trope, it's more prevalent than born sexy yesterday! nancy and jonathan are the perfect example of the trope come to life, though since it's a 2010s show nancy has more agency than the regular 80s sci-fi love interest and doesn't exist just as The Woman and The Love Interest. but they still very much fit that trope. by not ending up with steve, nancy breaks the cycle and doesn't repeat her parents' marriage. that's great. jncy itself still isn't groundbreaking at all. and maybe they don't have to be, right, in terms of archetypes, jopper isn't groundbreaking either, i know, but it took them four seasons to get together and they haven't spent the last two seasons not working that great as a couple so i'll leave them be.
you know what is subverting a trope? the girl not ending up with the self-insert underdog weirdo freak. and not ending up in a relationship at all. it's 2023 so it isn't THAT crazy anymore and the idea of her not ending up with either of them has been floating around and i don't see anyone loving the fact that nancy's been in a love triangle for three seasons out of the four we have but i feel like ending the show with nancy being single would still make waves. especially because it's The love triangle, it's the one everyone in the cast has an opinion on, i just think her not ending up with anyone is fun.
i think nancy not ending up with either makes sense for jonathan and steve's arcs too (even though the concept of steve having a series-long arc is...debatable. but let's say he does) and i really just think it works on every level. this was mostly me talking about nancy because she's in the middle of the love triangle and because she's like a sister to me.
in the end maybe jonathan and nancy will end up together. you can say they have their goal of going to college together binding them together for instance, she wants to be a journalist and he wants to be i don't remember what exactly but a photograph and work in journalism too, and there's other things i'm sure, i just really don't expect them to. 60/40 maybe. or 70/30.
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