#i'm still gonna roblog meme about it
chidoknowshit · 2 years
A very Netflix Sandman
So, I just finished The Sandman, it's probably one of the most accurate renditions of a book I've ever seen, except maybe 1985 Pride and Prejudice, which also means that it doesn't really add more to the story. All in all it was a good production and I can see those who have never read the comics enjoying it very well, to me though it was just putting a real human face to Morpheus and the rest. A good way to pass a couple of days but nothing to really write home about.
More thoughts on it under the cut
So while I enjoyed it pretty well there were two major problems to me:
the first was how utterly Netflix the show was. I am no cinema expert and I admit freely that I understand very little about framing and cameras but there is something very specific about Netflix shows that I'm sure everyone who has watched more than one series has noticed. It's how utterly likely they are to one another. I believe it has something to do with the shooting, but if you take The Witcher, Stranger things and The Sandman and ignore the plot you can actually believe that everything happens in the same universe for how similar the general atmosphere is and while in the first two it didn't really impact how I experienced the show, in something like The Sandman, where the atmosphere is half the appeal of the comics, the clean and cut way in which Netflix shot it really bothered me.
the second thing is how human the Endless and the other creatures were. Do not mistake me, most of the actors did a really good job but they lacked everything that made them such iconic characters: Dream looked like a guy who didn't get over his 2001 phase, Death was a woman with a nice necklace, Johanna Constantine with her white coat looked like a cosplayer (I loved her, still cosplay though) and the less said about the demons the better. They had one really great shot of Dream at the end of the first episode but the rest was rather disappointing, the only characters to emerge for design were Lucifer (I cannot be objective about Gwendoline Christie), the Corinthian and Desire.
Now that we got that out of the way some more ramblings about things in no particular order:
the show is way less gory than the comics which, whatever
24 hours was probably the episode that suffered the most for the lack of atmosphere imo, reading it in the comics felt like a fever dream (or better nightmare), this one didn't
I loved the outfits of Dream across the century, special mention to 16th and 17th century for being very hot in very different ways
if this Lucifer asked me to renounce Paradise and go fight the Endless i would
also the painting of Villa dei Misteri in Lucifer Palace ??? I want to believe they put them there because Lucifer has good taste and not because painting depicting Mysteries= satanic rituals
Yes, I cried during The sound of her wings
I would have liked to see John Constantine, i know they couldn't do it for copyrights problem and i liked Jenna Coleman but still, it would have been nice
Desire. Just Desire. The cat suit? "Next time I'm gonna draw blood"?? Helloooooo
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