#i'm still sad bc we never (officially) got to watch make a wish
pharawee · 1 year
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from lawsuit to love
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dinonuggiestuesday · 1 year
As a long time fan of the Lockwood & Co books I was really excited and nervous about the show. I kept up with show updates for months before it was officially announced as a trailer or anything. I remember looking at photos people took of the shoots from a distance and people theorizing the trailer would drop in October bc of halloween, and people messing around with IMDB (and an increasingly hilarious or convincing cast) until it was finally right. I remember people wondering about what they would include from the books and what they might change.
When the teaser trailer dropped I remember picking it apart and seeking what they changed from the book in just those short few seconds.
When the show dropped I watched it all in one sitting. Trying to figure out how they reworked the timeline and the characters. Even the new changes were natural and felt in character. I was so glad because the show had come out so well.
So I'm really really really sad about the show ending. Despite people's optimism about another network picking it up or people pushing for a new season anyways knowing how this works I highly doubt it will happen. I'm so glad I got to experience the thrill of the show and I'm so proud of how it was done. We still will never get to see the Skull's sass and my bestie holly and it really makes me sad. But I'm honestly glad the show got the chance to exist at all. And I'm really glad that it was done really well when it could.
So the last thing I wish from Lockwood & Co goes to it show only fandom. I urge showfans who haven't read the books to read them. The series is incredible and the characters, plots, and eventual ending is really really good. There is so much to love and learn about the world of Lockwood & Co that you miss in the short time we had the show. Keep the Lockwood fandom alive as long as you can because I really really loved the resurgence of fan support that came from the show and I would love to see more.
And thank you for supporting the show at all.
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Spoilers for Heaven Official's Blessing/TGCF
I've finished reading TGCF in record time (for me) and now idk what to do cause it was my hyperfixation and now that I'm done I'm depressed.
Anyways all that aside, since it's literally permeated my brain to the point it's rotting, any song I hear makes me think of it and here are my top few recent ones that I really love
Without further adieu, Songs That Remind Me of Heaven Official's Blessing:
1) Everything In You - HalfShy, Adventure Time. Lyrics:
You and me We got something to lose Boy, you got your dreams I got everything in you And I'll be there through all the reveries 'Cause I believe in you more than I ever believed in me Ooh, and I love you, love you, love you No, it's not so hard to tell And I love you, love you, love you Is it obvious to everyone else?
And maybe this is killing part of me But it ain't called love without a little tragedy
Explanation: Pretty straightforward, it's Hua Cheng's perspective. He's dedicated to the max. Though the intention here differs from the original context of the song in AT, it still applies. The tragedy here is not stemming from their relationship, but damn these two are poster children for tragic back stories.
2) J's Lullaby - Delaney Bailey. Lyrics:
Darlin', I'd wait for you Even if you didn't ask me to Tie a lasso around the moon And bring it on down to you I'd bottle the feelin' you give me And shelve that stuff for years to come 'Cause, baby, when your arms are around me I'd swear that I'm holding the sun I'd give you the sun if you asked me You could have all of the time You could have the stars and the trees When dividin' up the universe You could have mine You could have mine Darlin', I wish that you Could give me some more time To herd the whole sky in my arms And release it when you're mine
Explanation: again, very applicable to Hua Cheng's perspective. This song is one of the most intensely dedicated and heartfelt love songs and Hua Cheng is maybe the most loyal person to ever exist (800 years and not a single negative thought about Xie Lian, never a doubt in his mind of how much he loves him or if he should give up). Seriously, this song fits SO well I feel like to explain it would be redundant.
3) Little Life, Cordelia
Explanation: So, this one for me made me think of Xie Lian and the domestic little life he has with Hua Cheng and how much that means to him. This one isn't just lyrical, it's the whole sound and feeling of the song which is why I included it instead of writing the lyrics.
4) Slipping Through My Fingers - ABBA/Meryl Streep (both versions are good). Lyrics:
Schoolbag in hand, she leaves home in the early morning Waving goodbye with an absent-minded smile I watch her go with a surge of that well-known sadness And I have to sit down for a while The feeling that I'm losing her forever And without really entering her world I'm glad whenever I can share her laughter That funny little girl Slipping through my fingers all the time I try to capture every minute The feeling in it Slipping through my fingers all the time Do I really see what's in her mind Each time I think I'm close to knowing She keeps on growing Slipping through my fingers all the time
Explanation: This one's a lot different as this actually made me think of Xie Lian's mom. Seeing her son grow into a god and witnessing the distance grow between them. She was fully supportive and had so much love for her son, but he grew further and further away from her. This one gets me real sad, even if his mom wasn't super present in the story it's still heartbreaking.
And yeah, basically every song will remind me of the series ATM bc it's literally all that's on my mind but these 4 especially did and made me want to edit videos but I don't have that kinda time or energy or talent lmao. But the series is just.... Ughhhh it's such a beautiful story, even with any questionable moments/details, it's genuinely such a fantastically written series and GOD the love between Xie Lian and Hua Cheng is painfully beautiful. I don't love codependency but idec with these two they're both so supportive of each other and both fully want to be together at all times and you know what I also want them to be together at all times, they deserve it. I knew there was a lot of trauma since I first watched the show in 2021 and have been a fan, but actually reading all the books and learning everything is gut wrenching and heartbreaking and yet so beautiful and satisfying.
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survivor-north-sea · 2 years
Episode Six: "je suis tired" - AJ
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Aaaand another Tribal Council down. We've managed to pull it off again folks. Are we the drama? Yes, yes we are. Praying this challenge is something we can beat. I just want to actually go to sleep on time for once. Alr short confessional because je suis tired
Im scared
so Julia went home. Which was not supposed to happen. allegedly trinica voted for the wrong person. i don’t believe that for a second because how we split the votes was their idea. well at least arvin knows he’s at the bottom and we may be able to use that against Trinica, but idk. i still really want to trust them. we’ll see ig
AJ told me to sticker Champ and I'm tipsy so I did and I immediately got caught :( I'm honestly so sad because I would have stayed up all night for this challenge. But my self-fulfilling prophecy is coming true, we're probably gonna lose this challenge.
Also the way Zach and Jinx interacted with Tromoya makes me nervous. Sounding a *lil* too friendly for my taste! Something to think about!
Curse my inability to throw a challenge! By winning this challenge, OG Tromoya will be at a numbers disadvantage at the merge which could be pretty bad. Honestly, I can definitely see Bethany flipping back to her OG tribe. So, I am thinking that we should throw the next challenge to get her out? Of course, this means that the Tromoya on the other tribe (Zach or Arvin) is highly likely to be the one that flipped. Honestly my mindset is if they vote out Zach I should throw and get out Bethany, but if they vote out Arvin then I should not throw so they can take out Zach.
Again Hidra’s tribal council is split votes and another Tromoya goes home. I’m so disappointment that Julia went home and AJ couldn’t keep her promise to protect her. Also hearing Arvin’s voice sounding so defeated like that just heartbreaking 💔
I honestly think it’s Zach who flipped at one point and then I thought it was Julia but now I’m thinking it’s Zach again. I mean we were never close to begin with and haven’t had much talk.
Waking up, viewing tribal council VOD and then jumping off to a challenge right after (and a tricky one at that) surely made me go into a frenzy.
If we win this, Arvin might possibly go home next and that would mean the end of Red Rover Red Rover alliance.
Arvin Bentonon
I'm shaking the game.
Today's strategy, since we're clearly losing this sticker stalker challenge, is to get Zach to trust me (again? for the first time? who knows). I told them I want to work with them come merge, and all they said was "I was going to talk game with you at some point today too! our minds" which tracks because outside of ali/jinx/toni I haven't been able to successfully get anyone to actually commit to working with me lol.
I need to coordinate with Jinx, who I think is maybe sharing a bit more pink venom chat secrets with zach than anyone suspects.
At 2:21 AM my time, still up and awake watching TWD and Jinx pasted a sticker and BAM! Back to watching TWD now :)
Placed a sticker on Arvin to see if he’s up and he is LITERALLY 2 more minutes and I would have gotten a point but now that I’m out I can go to sleep.
Arvin Bentonon
I really wish they were too sensitive about my position in the game. I've made it very clear that I'm at the bottom, I thought they knew the meaning of what I'm saying.
Tyler Frazier
So we just won the challenge which you know obviously great! But my tribe (old Tromøya) seems to be a little apprehensive about winning bc one of the original Tromøya will be picked off again and it’s like at least say it in your alliance chat. Like don’t say it infront of me and just rub my position in my face. Come on people.
Arvin Bentonon
I don't trust AJ anymore. Flip Flopper. 2 tribal council in a row where she told the minority she's voting with us. And now she's trying to trick me. I know I have to push the votes on her. I would do everything.
once again, this challenge was not a slay 🤠n e way. see y’all at tribal
Alright so I need you to know that I didn’t really understand what this little confession thing was supposed to be but I went and looked at past seasons and now I know and feel so so so so embarrassed by my previous answers lol lol lol. We DOMINATED the sticker challenge and I was so proud I got the first point. I think we can keep riding this high till the merge and at that point…. I’m scared to see what will happen.
We lost again to literally no one's surprise. But honestly it’s really tough to lose so many times in a row. It really hurts morale. Especially when I know for a fact that I’m doing all I can for these challenges so we can get a day off. I’m staying up through the night, I’m putting my all in for each challenge, I’m making sure to read and clarify the rules as best I can for others. And it sucks to be putting in this much effort and still coming up short because other tribe members aren’t dedicating as much to this.
I’m really praying I make it to merge. Really truly praying. Because I feel like with how much effort I put into each of these challenges, doing them individually I’d have a higher chance of success than we’ve currently gotten. Fingers crossed I don’t get blindsided, I don’t think I will but I can only hope. The next challenge we’ve got the equivalent of a 10% disadvantage between us and the other tribe, BUT, it’s a challenge I know in my gut we’ll be good at.
It is so good to be part of the winning tribe 3x in a row. We need to play this lay low game. Two more rounds til merge. I hope we’ll make it.
Raffy is expressing his mistrust to the hidra 2.0 which is a good sign for me. He is even pitching a bethany boot already when we lose this round. Should we lose the challenge intentionally??? Naaaah. I feel good with jayjay, brandi,and hairie too. I am not certain with champ yet coz she might leaning towards bethany.
Also, considering Tyler and I in the bottom of both opposing ends is the best thing that happened to us.
PS. It has been a busy week to me. I am trying my best to keep up on the game and the confessionals.
Omg that was STRESSFUL! My strategy was to not be active and have everyone sticker me! It worked perfectly and I was able to eliminate 3/6 people on their tribe
Tyler Frazier
So ever since we have swapped I’ve been trying to make it a priority to build a relationship with Raffy and it took time but it’s finally starting to work! He seems to be telling people that he likes me now and I think that he is a good person to have your side in the game. He seems to have a good amount of sway which obvi makes him a threat so I am weary but right now I just don’t see him going anywhere no matter what I do so I might aswell make something work
I felt kind of left out of this last challenge since my strategy was to not talk much in the sticker group chat so the other team would sticker me. However I only got stickered once, lol. Whelp. I didn’t get to talk much to the other team members from Hidra that I haven’t met yet. Idk if that’s a good or a bad thing. I definitely feel like I’m under the radar rn but can’t say for sure. This challenge took me back to tug of war flashbacks of anxiety and alarms every 30 min however not so intense lol. Did have a mini heart attack when Raffy called me to let me know I was stuck but my body was in game mode and woke up almost instantly 😂 Love my tribe and their determination to keep killing it in these challenges!!! Woooo 🎉 I’m thinking Arvin or Zach will be the ones to go unfortunately but considering they turned on each other after tribe swap I’m not very concerned about it tbh. I will sleep peacefully tonight 😴
Once again, AJ and I are on the same wavelength. Last night, I realized that she has the old Hidra idol. There's no way it's not her. She searched near camp, had to insert a weird phrase into the main tribe chat, then claimed someone else had gotten there before her. Then for the next vote seemed unbothered about the idol, like saying probably nobody had one. There was too much going on for me to connect the dots, but now I realize- if someone else had gotten there first, they would have ALSO had to insert a weird phrase into the group chat. And nobody else did, I'd remember.
This morning I woke up to a message from AJ asking if I'd tell her if I had an idol. I DO have an idol, but no I wouldn't tell her lol since she hasn't told me. I'm 99% sure we both have idols which is hilarious.
Also- Toni messaged the vecepia chat (me, Jinx, Toni) about how iconic it would be if 3 Black girls made it to final tribal, which I'm interpreting as "hey don't forget this main alliance, and also AJ isn't coming with us." Which is great because I've been worried about her getting too close to AJ.
raffy is giving Boston Rob (non-deragatory)
love, pink venom
this tribe literally is so annoying to me but all i can do is hope we keep winning.
yesterday, raffy was telling tyler that i'm "sketchy" and brandi was telling champ that i'm "distant"
let's break down all the reasons that annoys me!! 1) hairie is the only og tromoya to EVER reach out to me first. we have been on this tribe for a week at this point. but i'm the one that is distant???? make it make sense. 2) I HAVE DONE NOTHING SKETCHY i literally have been so open whenever i am asked about the game, and i'm not even doing anything. i'm literally just standing here. existing. but nooooooo there's a spooky non-men hidra alliance so i'm sketchy just because i am a woman from hidra despite the fact that logically, i would have no incentive to team back up with them when they will be in the minority.
but with the way i am being treated on this tribe, they are giving me 0 incentive to stick with them at the merge if we win the next challenge! i will immediately be throwing esteban and every single og tromoya under the bus if things don't change real quick and praying that one of the hidras who stayed on hidra have an idol honestly because this is wack and i don't just want to stay on the bottom all game long not even having fun. so tbh they should hope that we do go to tribal and that they do vote me off because otherwise, i'm not going to be a number for them and i will do whatever i can to put a target on every single one of their backs. and i have enough info from champ to do that, with some embellishing of course :) i'd rather shake things up than just waiting around to be voted off after doing other people's bidding who have given me 0 reason to ever trust them once we do merge.
It's right before tribal and I'm paranoid I've not done one of these yet so here's a very short little one. Hoping we actually get Zach out tonight, love him but he's just so inactive that it's really hurting us especially with what the challenge is gonna be next.
Arvin Bentonon
I think I'm going home.
i’m excited for merge, but not for a creative challenge. 🥲
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embrassemoi · 3 years
(1/8) You're really out there publising new chapters in such a short amount of time and each chapter is better than the last one!   I'm seriously in awe of your talent! It's so difficult to pick a favorite chapter but this one might be one of my favorites. First of all, I loved what you did with the chapter title, whiskers literally taking padfoot's place in the order they were named on the map. It was sirius' worst fear and it happened. Also Remus and mc's chemistry is so great. I'm a big fan
I've had so much inspiration and free time this past week! and I'm going to start getting really busy this upcoming fall so I want to try and upload as much as possible!
(2/8) of how naturally their friendship and relationship grows and how different their dynamic is compared to mc and sirius. The way she was braiding his hair in common room and the way map practically flirts with her. Their little moment in the halloween party was so great as well, mc (who is dressed up as mcgonagall) drunkly playing with remus' (who is dressed up as FILCH) is probably one of my favorite moments in the sbtmas. Speaking of the costumes, I wish I was a good artist so I could draw
yeah! it's always a struggle to write two different dynamics when it comes to a love triangle because you don't want it to be:
a) the same
b) have it be unfair (although rn it's kinda unfair but hey, sirius will have a chance)
c) please both remus and Sirius stans (its been hard bc sirius stans are so mad with me rn LMFAO its kinda hilarious. I'm sorryyyyy! I SAID SLOWBURN DIDNT I? I WASNT LYING)
and oh my gosh - this chapter was literally so fucking fun to write and I think that really showed in my writing this time. the map - omg - since it's technically remus' magic for his little messages, the map is unable to insult her and I think it's just so cute :)
and I think dressing up as the professors would be so fucking cool! actually, fun fact - this idea was originally supposed to be for fifth year. Sirius was supposed to be McGonagall and MC was still supposed to be a cat but I obviously flipped shit around. for seventh year - I've had their costumes all picked since I started writing and I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT TO WRITE IT MY GOD
(3/8) a fanart of them. Lily as a 20s flapper, marlene as carrie, dorcas as dorothy (it's official, dorcas is the cutest person in this entire series) and sybill as the crazy cat lady (hands down best costume)! And of course marauders as teachers. Remus as filch was son unexpected yet brilliant! I almost died when marlene started flirting with mc for a grade and james called her hot (and also mcgonagall took a photo with her, minnie and marauders era students is always so fun to read about. Can
THE FACT that you would even think of making drawing fan art is literally the most ego-filling thing ever. woah. Thank you for even just mentioning that lmfao.
also, I love Dorcas. I love her. I adore her. the version of her that I created in my head - I'm obsessed. the same goes for Lily. omg I can't forget to mention Marlene! omg I'm a mess. I love them all.
(4/8) you imagine her keeping all of those memories in a box and looking at them after most of her students from that time period die in the war.) Peter had some really good costume ideas after all. But honestly, thank you for... giving peter a personality. In most fics he's just there, only eating in the background (similar to movie!ron). But in sbtmas he's so great and has a great sense of humor (he got his hands on a pen and chose to write "evans' bitch on james' face, an icon). I feel like
okay, that hurt my feelings. I can just picture McGonagall getting teary eyed as she stares at a picture of the Marauders after the second wizarding war, wishing she could have saved her students.
(5/8) this is going to make his betrayal so much better when it eventually happens. I mean, I was genuinely disturbed when james started to talk about how sneaky he was (famous last words). I loved all of the pranks they did in this chapter as well. The exorcist music and ballpoint pens were so creative (and they gave us that adorable scene with dorcas and nifflers) and also... funny. I feel like in a way, it showed how much marauders learned from "The Prank" and matured because of it. Last year
Peter was a marauder through and through. he was just as sneaky as the others, brimming with personality and just as smart. maybe not in academics, but the fucker had strengths in other areas. It was such a pet peeve of mine when they didn't include him in the fics I used to read. idk, sbtmas is everything I guess I wanted in a fic that I didn't get 💀 (I sound a bit egotistical here. If it comes off that way, I don’t mean it to)
(6/8) their halloween prank with spiders was a bit cruel. But this time, it's somethig that would make everyone laugh and maybe a bit annoyed, but still less harmless. Everything was funny and great and honestly, while I was reading this I was laughing the entire time... until I got to the "five years" part! Now that was cruel! You really did used costumes and pranks as a distraction and hit us with the angst! One second I was laughing and the next moment I was having an existential
oh definitely and I'm happy that you caught on to the change in severity from their pranks!
(7/8) how we have no idea about what future will bring and you can never know how much time you will have with your loved ones before it's all taken away from you. But I guess that's the appeal of the marauders era, we all know about the tragic ending they will have but still want to learn about their hogwarts years. And of course the song you chose perfectly captured that. It's halloween 1976, exactly five years before lily and james' death. And they have no idea about how they only have five
(8/8) years together. James and lily was laughing along with peter! There was something so beautiful yet disturbing about the innocence they have and you captured it beautifully. I can imagine sirius, sitting by himself somewhere, thinking about how he lost his friends and not having any idea about the tragic things that'll happen to him (or how he'll try to break into hogwarts on halloween 1993 to kill one of his friends). Okay now I made myself even sadder, I'll just shut up. -🌸
aw, sirius :(. I obviously didn't add him in this chapter but while writing, I imagine him to be in Padfoot form, silently watching the fireworks. just thinking. :((((( I just made myself sad again :( I think I even wrote a small blurb of that part but I can’t remember if I deleted it. If I didn’t, I’ll totally upload it to the outtakes eventually
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its-chelisey-stuff · 4 years
Love and Redemption, eps 31-40 (painful thoughts lol)
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I love these posters, they’re beautiful. 
Well, I officially hate everyone who likes to claim they're such good guys. Because in this drama, chances are, if you have to say it over and over again or you have justify yourself in the name of the greater good, you're actually full of shit. I feel like an overdramatic after watching these last ten eps, because before I clearly didn't know how much more bad things could get and I still haven't seen the worst, but I made such a fuss and now I can't even be angry lol I'm just so worn out, so tired and want my happy ending now. Yep, this is totally a fun drama to watch!
Anyway, no matter how bad things ended after these ten eps, I feel like this has been the most rock solid the relationship between the OTP has been. And with such good moments, and I don’t mean hot and heavy makeouts, I’m talking about trust and loyalty. I just wish Sifeng would’ve told Xuanji the truth about him being a golden bird demon, that way she would’ve never doubted him or be in pain because of it. And it was so heartbreaking to see that moment. All went to hell, people were dying and fighting, their parents (in retrospective it was obvious that the sect leader from Lize was Sifeng’s father but wtf who puts a lover’s curse on their own child? especially if you have been through it?) telling them the other never cared for her/him and they were just there, in the middle of the battle with tears in their eyes. So saaaaaad.
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I loved that Dijun heard this bit! Of course that only makes him angrier and super jealous, but I love to see it gets to him, it’s a little win.
It was obvious the drama was going to go the “his father killed her mother therefore they cannot be together” route *facepalm* Of course! Because the world and the 3 realms are against them! His father didn’t really do it, as we found out later but that was enough to shock Xuanji for a good while. She still trusted him, but she was wary because Sifeng lied to her. I get it, but at the same time, Xuajin dear, can’t you see this is exactly what he feared? There was a reason he didn’t tell you.
I feel like I’m a step closer to finding out how Sifeng and Xuanji came to know each other when she was still a God and why he followed her to the mortal realm and had to get through 9 lifetimes together. Didn’t fanfic writer from heaven told Tengshe that, when Dijun married another woman (and btw isn’t he still married? the heck?), God of War went away and her only company were some golden birds? Am I reading too much into it? But, isn’t that weird? That was after the big war with the demon realm, where she defeated the Star of Mosha... so is Sifeng really him? I’m super confused.
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HAHAHAHAHAHA The audacity from this man knows no limits. I couldn't believe he dared to say something to Tengshe when he has been sticking his nose into Xuanji's mortal life for years! I HATE HIM more than the bad guys. To me, he’s the number one enemy and I fear my hate for him will only grow more. I want to see him fall, real bad and real hard, from glory. I want him to suffer and to be punished. I don't care by whom or by what (but can I suggest OTP for the job?) I just need for him to end on a really really bad note. 
Also, I love Tenshe. That episode where he met OTP, was gold, from beginning to end. I laughed so hard and I’m documenting here that it was ep 32, so that I can always go back and watch it when the story gets too angsty or sad. It was amazing and it had so much smiling/amused Sifeng, what else can you ask for? Also, Tengshe became a powerful ally and moved forward the plot: he helped rescue Linglong (more on that later), he told OTP what he knew abut God of War/Dijun “love” story, which left Sifeng thinking (and I’m sure will come into play later), he had the softest interaction with Linglong when everybody else refused to tell her where was Minyan. And he protected Xuanji so many times, despite saying he wouldn’t do it. He’s the best, he loves food and notices important things when there’s drama.
Demon fox and Merman doctor continue to rank high on my list of favorite characters as well. It’s the mortals from the “good” sects the ones I’m having issues with. And Xuanji’s father. For a moment, when he gave his blessing to OTP I thought I could forgive him for torturing Sifeng, but not anymore.
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My sweet badass Linglong finally got rescued, but after 15 eps of being kidnapped, the weird thing would’ve been that she returned as if nothing had happened. I felt bad for the flower demon that helped Minyan and traitor friend from Lize, because she thought creepy bad guy actually had feelings for her and in the end, she got killed. It was terrible that Linglong remembered everything that happened when she was captive, but of course, this drama doesn’t spare anyone. I thought she wouldn’t! My poor girl was so traumatized, felt so guilty and was so depressed that she tried to kill herself but thank God Minyan stopped her. Oh, Minyan, okay, okay, I apologize to you, I misjudged you. You’re not a favorite yet but I like you and I’m so glad my Linglong has someone like you by her side. Just give Sifeng a chance (I’m not asking that of Linglong bc my girl has been through enough, I understand her).
*deep sigh*
Now, the biggest problem. I have raised my eyebrows so high at all the people from the sects they almost reached my hairline bc, from what I've seen, Xuanji is way more unhinged and dangerous when she is in God mode than my dear Sifeng, a demon, has ever been (till now I've never seen him with as much more than an distant and cold attitude let alone really angry), he is always in control of his emotions and a big part of that is thanks to the fact that he keeps his mind clear and is able think with reason and logic something everybody from the sects lacks. So why are all so angry and scared of Sifeng when they should be fearing Xuanji?
I'm not saying "lock her in the dungeons without food" they did it with Sifeng though but maybe like, I don't know, get some magical therapy to see through her head, advise her to meditate or something. As much as I love that girl, she's a ticking bomb and I've seen her about to kill her friends and the people she loves a few times now, because she doesn't recognize them in that state and Dijun loves to delulu himself into thinking he knows what’s best for her ugh. Why does no one find that scarier than a bunch of demons who disguised themselves through centuries just to avoid being killed and have been lying on the low trying to keep peace with the other sects? Oh, I know, because you're all a bunch of prejudiced racists assholes.
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Tbh I kinda want Sifeng to go bad. I don’t think he has it him but I’m just so tired of him always being so good... what for? Rise, demon Sifeng! Be angry!
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fluffi · 3 years
i think it was because god's menu was released around the same bp and svt made their comebacks. same thoughts tho on gm > bd and i was also glad that bd got the wins gm didn't. and same with the streaming mvs while studying : ] ahh, the easily distracted people we are. (reading cut and litol font bc poor ppl who see this on the dash TT)
i've heard chinese ballads (usually osts of films and from a chinese friend) and their songs really tend to tug on my heartstrings. i hope sm gives shotaro more stuff to do soon :[ with some of the units being active and sungchan being an mc on a weekly show, it makes me wonder what he's doing. do you think nct will form a new subunit?
no, i'm not lactose intolerant so it really took me by surprise. it was a one-time thing. hopefully it doesn't happen again. i can't really say i'm a big fan of ice cream but it's good occasionally yk as a treat to yourself. and ahhh, i miss drinking smoothies. my favorite stall has been closed for nearly two years now, idk if they ever re-opened since our city mall burned down :[
i think it's an nct thing? it's why i never get tired of them bc they're always active in a way. you should've seen how things went down last year! march 127 album, april dream mini-album, may 127 repackage, june wayv album and the whole nct 2020 thing. it was a wild year. about the track, i listened to it once and forgot about it. might give it a few more listens but it might not grow on me at all. yes! wasn't a big fan of hot sauce at first too bc i thought the intro was weird (not jaemin's part, like the first thing that plays). and yes, that hook loops in my head 24/7. i even made it my instagram bio.
stray kids world domination indeed! and i agree that their performances were really impressive (specially the deadpool one, best one yet) but sometimes i would fancy ateez' more. i didn't watch kingdom too bc it stressed me out as a multi. always caught between being happy for one group and being sad for the others. and atz and tbz! you're still getting into nct and you're thinking of adding 19 more boys! judging from what i know your taste in music is, i think you'll like tbz's music better since there are a lot more soft songs there than in atz. but do give both discographies a listen in the future!
oh izone! i've only heard of them at music shows and dance choreo compilations bc of them being in sync. they're really satisfying to watch! i thought their title tracks were catchy as well! quite unfortunate that i never got into them really. but again, i dont think i can handle stanning temporary groups.
i'm starting to see a pattern in your biases :D i wouldn't be too surprised if you'll be drawn to jeno at some point in your dream venture. dream is soooo easy to love so if you really end up ulting them, i would understand why. and also, YES PLEASE WRITE FOR DREAM AND TAG ME IF YOU WILL. THANK YOU ><
thank you! :c don't get your hopes up tho, the masterlist must've been interesting to browse but are the fics truly worth it? XD i think not. since you already know koe, i'm reccing users @/rouiyan, @/nsheetee and @/loonacitys. i don't have that much fluff in my ficrecs blog. i think, i've heard of lvdsc before (maybe even read a fic or two) but i can't find their blog now. be careful in privating your works, you might end up losing them forever if you don't keep track of their links...(?) that's what happened to the works that i privated :/ take me with you if you move blogs ;n;
seungmin frequently left updates abt what he was doing, left good nights and good mornings, the occasional i miss you. he called fans 'baby' once. not sure if it was a mistranslation, or really just a one-time endearment. other than that, nothing beyond the usual. seung vlives always make me cry ;n; he always look so adorable and precious. also the gif, the fic was more on fake head-butting really but yes you could say it was also a fake nose boop bc it sounds cuter. i'll make sure to tag you on future seung content on the dash. (time to officially claim him as your ult, yes. dont make him secret anymore :3)
sorry it took me a while. tumblr went batshit. the ' werkl;' stopped working midway and i got busy with school yesterday. also haechan birth today and i'm so emo abt it. it's literally just a boy turning 21.
little font and cut saga lets go!!
(just kidding, i cant do little font typing for long periods of time, makes my eyes go beserk haha.)
true true, im afraid for txt on music shows now because theyre going against some big names (literally bts like whatj jsdf what was hybe thinking). yeah, streaming mvs while studying aka watching mvs on loop lmao. i still want to stream skzs final kingdom performance on instinct but i remember that theyve already won!! hehe
ah chinese ballads always make me emo, i like to scream out lyrics to the songs at the top of my lungs and sit there on the verge of tears. its a cultural thing maybe *sobs*. ooh, what show is sungchan mc-ing in? ill check it out. i thought sm would make nct japan for sungtaro (i heard sungchan speaks japanese) so it was a shocker when they made...nct hollywood lmao. given the current circumstances we're probably not going to get a new subunit anytime soon :( hopefully taro will have stuff to showcase during that period of time.
burned down?? oh my, what happened to your mall? that sounds terrifying. i remember when the front of my school caught on fire and we were all ushered out but we thought it was a drill and didnt find out till years later lmao.
oh true, since theyre such a big pack too. constant comebacks and promotions haha, nctzens never catch a break with 23 members. i listened to the new track again (ive forgotten the name already) but i cant- i cant do it. its just not my style hhh. i rewatched the mv for the godly visuals though. i dont know if youre talking about that 'bibididibibidiododo' part by that female morphed voice at the beginning of the song, because i wasnt a fan of that too. it grew on me though.
same, actually! im not an atiny and dont stan any other group in the show besides skz but i watched each groups performance and ranked them haha. at times ateez would rank over skz, it was wild. also yeah, my other multi friend was freaking out about kingdom and ended up abandoning the show because she was so scared of the fanwars and having to deal with her 'conflicting feelings'. about the stanning thing, in my defense, i have a list of groups i want to stan and ive recently added tbz and atz. the list is long, i have a long way to go! also yeah, i dont prefer ateez's songs and i have a bunch of tbz title tracks in my playlist but if i approach their discography like i did with nct then i think i would like at least five songs.
izone are my queens. theres a reason why theyre the only girl group who made it to my ult list haha! super talented and filled with variety and visuals, a perfectly concocted group (literally, sobs in pd48 scandal). ah, temporary groups. yeah i cried about their disbandment for like 3 days straight, it was bad.
a pATTERN?? INTERESTING. DO ELABORATE. jeno, oh my gosh hes like bang chan. an intimidating-looking bear whos actually filled with love and softness on the inside. im currently having a jaemin run though, his make a wish fancam is doing some wacky things. also yeah, dream is really easy to love. i fell for them so hard, theyre all talented and cute and adorable and the team ambiance is so nice. really rising up my stan list now. i mightt write for dream! ill have to see, hehe.
personally i think the fics are going to be worth it. i can feel it in my boOOnes. ooh, recommendations! fun :D ill check them (and yours) out after i finish this 30k jisung fic. ive been trying to finish it since yesterday but i keep getting sidetracked. also, i made a mistake. its luvdsc with a 'u', maybe thats why you couldnt find it? ahh. thank you for the privating tip though! will keep in mind. and of course ill take you with me if/when i move blogs. we're friends now! <3
SEUNGMIN CALLED STAYS 'BABY'???!!@)(@#*()! I SHOULDVE BEEN THERE ASKDFJDF. im exciting for the fake nose boop drabble!! i love soft couple moments hehe. also yeah maybe its time to make him my ult...hes going to have to compete against jake my beloved ope.
dont worry about being 'late' or anything! we all have our own stuff to do. also yeah tumblr is weird asf sometimes. if you havent realized i typically answer longer asks around the same time everyday, when i get to sit in front of my computer and pull out my clickity-clackity keyboard. super relaxing.
AND YES HYUCKIE DAY!!! HES SO ADORABLE HONESTLY. im in love with all seven members of dream, my fic rec blog is currently filled with fics for them haha.
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