#i'm still so overstimulated that talking to my parents is irritating
peachyberryji · 1 year
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vilevexedvixen · 2 months
Had a thought at work today about sex repulsion and how to help people understand it / realise it's not being prudish.
I like to think any kind of repulsion - sexual or romantic - to be like a sensory sensitivity. Something someone has no control over, they just feel it.
When people complain about sex and romance being ~everywhere~ that can confuse, annoy, or even anger those who don't seem to think it's that pervasive. This perceived pervasiveness makes sense if you are sensitive to it, you notice it more while others won't / can block it out. Likewise, if you have sensory sensitivities anywhere with electric lighting will have an irritating buzz that you notice but others (who aren't sensitive to it) won't. In fact, if you ask someone to turn off the buzzing sound or even point it out, it is likely to confuse, annoy, or anger whomever you point it out to.
That is to say insisting "The world is sexual / romantic and if you don't think so you're stupid / aren't paying attention" (Thank you Mr. Bradley for your input) is both untrue and unhelpful. It IS true that there is everpresent electric lighting in most populated spaces these days, so the buzzing IS everpresent for those who perceive it. For those who don't, despite the prevelance of electric lighting, the buzzing is nonexistent (often even after being pointed out).
This leads people to turn on those lights without thinking to warn their friends who are sensitive to it, or even think to not do it. Much like how people might not even realise they're overstepping a sex or romance repulsed person's boundaries, think to check for said boundaries, or remember they exist if they were previously informed about them. It's reasonable to ask for sex or romance (PDA) to neither be shown nor discussed.
I do genuinely feel sorry for anyone surrounded by gossip girls and fuckbois who are seemingly obsessed with shipping, romantic relationships and sex. I don't personally know anyone actually like that and almost never discuss any of that in casual conversation unless someone else brings it up (my posts about kink and sex are exclusve to tumblr and discussions with people I already know are comfortable with both topics, and I try to keep actual hornyposting to a minimum). Hence my initial annoyance at this insistence that EVERYONE who isn't explicitly aro/ace is some uncreative sex-obsessed freak of allonormativity, because I and no one I have ever met irl is like that except for the uni rugby team. Allonormativity (as described by most ace youtubers) seems solely existent in film and tv. Granted often media is reflective of real life, so clearly I'm just lucky with the very much not allonormative community I've grown up in. My parents never expected me to have sex or experience romance (didn't care whether I did or didn't engage with it; they also dread the idea of either me or my sibling getting married or having children, and were generally encouraged to literally do ANYTHING but that) and the same goes for everyone else in my life.
I can't imagine being surrounded by people who only want to talk about things that make you deeply uncomfortable, that's awful.
With the sensory sensitivity analogy in mind, a rave would be sensory hell. Some people might have no desire to attend one ever. Others might know they won't enjoy it but still feel FOMO. Others still might never think to go but like the social aspect of it and just put up with the overstimulating parts.
There's an expectation (especially by my parents' generation) that you're social and party hard or else you're not really living or seen as antisocial. That's obviously untrue, you can just prefer doing things alone or in small groups, but doesn't stop people thinking that way.
Likewise, people disengaged from or repulsed by expected sexual or romantic activities are similarly othered. Seen as weird or even less human for doing so. An absurd view of people.
Anywho, it's ok to roll your eyes at this if you're repulsed. This is meant as a helpful analogy for people who, like me, initially misunderstood sex and romantic repulsion to be way more judgemental than it is (people can be judgemental, but it's not the sex or romantic repulsion that makes the person judgemental).
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nebulousneuroticism · 11 months
I slept very well last night. I had to scramble to get up for my meeting, and I ended up being a bit late, but at least I was there for part of it.
Afterwards, I slept for a short time more, but there was stuff going on at work, so I couldn't luxuriate in bed all day like I would have liked. I had to deal with some irritating problems, but they were resolved by the end of the day.
After dinner, I talked briefly with my parents and then played games with my friend. We didn't do Wildermyth tonight; instead, we played a few cooperative puzzle games, which were very fun. We signed off around ten-thirty, and I, feeling very overstimulated, spent the rest of the night playing Fire Emblem Engage.
I feel a little stressed tonight, emotionally. I'm starting to worry about the dentist next week a little bit. I'm also stressing over my holiday plans; everyone wants to know when I'll be home, and Thanksgiving is just three weeks away.
I'm not sure what to do; a big part of me wants to stay here. I think that because my sister's visit was just a couple weeks ago, I still feel like I'm in a cool-down period for spending time with family. It might be nice to have a quiet week here with a long weekend, all to myself. But on the other hand, Thanksgiving alone could be depressing. And if I do stay here for Thanksgiving, I'll probably be expected to spend a longer time at home for Christmas, which could burn me out.
So I'm doing what I always do and agonizing over my decision, causing myself more stress than would be caused by either choice. I don't know. I'm too tired to think now. Maybe I'll do it tomorrow.
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p-antomime · 2 years
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L♡vey Letter.
𖦹 minors don’t interact. ┊ wc: 3,5K.
𖦹 content: mean doms!satosugu, unprotected sex, m! masturbation, nicknames, humiliation!kink, cum play, satosugu are both in their early 20s, cunniligus, clit play, hints of corruption!kink, overstimulation.
𖦹 pairings: skater boy!satoru gojō x fem!reader x skater boy!suguru getō.
ᥫ᭡. this is for 𝐄𝐌𝐎 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐒 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐁; collab by my pretty lovey @fueledbysano! ♡
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"Oh, look who's coming!", his blue eyes looked at you over his glasses as you approached and one arm elbowed Suguru in the ribs to get his attention. 
You looked like a little angel as always. With those always starched dresses they always liked to see, with the slits that stood up when a strong wind breeze hit your body, and your hair in a well-done ponytail, but not too tight so as not to damage your locks, fastened with a pretty bow that matched in color, but not in tone, your dress that went to just above your knees. And they, on the other hand, looked like the same old mess: Getou's hair was tied up in a not too high bun with two strands on either side of his forehead while Gojo's was lazily combed back so it wouldn't fall over his glasses while he was walking down the streets of Tokyo or Shibuya on his skateboard. 
"You're such a cute little thing today, Y/N", who spoke this time was his brunette friend and you looked away like you hadn't heard him right, "Oh, got it, you still want to play hard to get?" 
"I came to give you guys something!", you said, taking the small bag you always carried with you off the shoulder and opening it to take the envelope that a girl who knew you were one of the few girls who talked to that problem duo had asked to give to them, "A girl asked me to give it to you guys." 
Gojo's eyes fell on your delicate hands, but the one who ended up taking the envelope was his friend after letting his own skateboard resting on the ground beside the two of you. 
"Have you become other people's carrier pigeon now too?", he asked in a teasing tone and opened it as you crossed your arms and muttered a 'Hmph!' before answering, "I'm just doing her a kindness, you guys should try being kind sometimes too, it doesn't hurt or anything if you ask me!" 
"But, with you, we're pretty gentle, don't you think?", Satoru asked leaning over to pry what was written on the love letter over his friend's shoulder and opening a bastard smile as he finished reading, "You little girls always prefer the bad guys, don't you?" 
"Not me, don't include me in that", you replied realizing the long seconds it took Getou to analyze the little envelope only to ultimately crumple it up and throw it on the ground like it was trash, "Hey! Don't do it! She did it out of love for both of you.” 
"Tell her we have no interest in her, then", he replied kneeling down to pick up his skateboard again and place it under his arm, "You should already know we have no interest in other girls", when he finished speaking, they both exchanged two accomplice looks; Satoru looking at him over his glasses and Suguru doing the same, but under his bucket hat. 
"I– You're the worst, you both", you spoke irritably before turning away and preparing to go home. 
The reality was that you had met that girl by chance while you were going to an ice cream parlor with your own friends and felt sorry for her trying to explain to you that she liked those two boys who cared about very little besides their own lives and... well, you. It wasn't as if the three of you were friends: far from it, but you had known them longer than you could ever remember and almost all your memories of high school and early college revolved around them like Saturn and its rings. 
Your parents were not the biggest fans of Suguru and Satoru, since they considered those two boys to be influences to be avoided and you understood this completely, since not a few times rumors about how they only hung out with some questionable people to say the least bubbled up around the neighborhood. They were pretty much the opposite of you and that was why neither of them could not find themselves loving it when you gave even the slightest bit of attention to one of them, so much so that most of the conversations of the two of them in message chats were about how 'you looked adorable in those dresses', 'you looked gorgeous wearing that new gloss they gave you as a present'; the only difference being that as time went on the innocent compliments they used to write gradually turned into fantasies of having you completely at their mercy being a slobbering mess with legs spread and slick running down your thighs. 
"Want to go after her or...?", Getou asked in whispers to his friend next to him. 
"You think her parents are home today?" 
The two of them exchanged friendly, cocky looks again before they both looked at you and realized that you were moving further and further away, always with an air of elegance that would never fail to captivate them. 
“Why? You wanted to see which panties she’s using today?” 
“I can’t tell it to you, it’s a secret”, Satoru answered before placing his own skateboard on the ground and silently telling his friend that the answer to his first question before was positive. 
It was the first time they could see you without being surrounded by the safety net of your friends who treated the two of them like animals that needed to be caged and making the most of it was the only thing permeating Gojo's mind the moment the two of them propelled themselves to start moving on their skateboards in the same direction you took. 
And they only didn't take you by surprise when you turned right around a corner because you heard the sound of the wheels and turned back to face them over one shoulder. 
"Stop following me, this is such creepy behavior from both of you", you said before you looked straight ahead again and pretended that they weren't still following you with their skateboards down the car-free street. 
"You're being so mean now with us, dove, 's it because I threw away that little letter?", Getou asked with a sideways grin as he used his right foot to keep adjusting the speed used and you rolled eyes before opening the mouth: "I don't care about that thing, but you guys shouldn't be like this with girls like her, she's sensitive" 
"And so we are, tsk", Satoru replied, "And yet you're still so mean to us, I bet if we sent you a love letter like that, you'd crumple it too", when he finished speaking you looked at him almost as if you were shocked and offended, still not stopping walking. 
"I’d never do such a thing like this! I have manners, unlike you two." 
The mocking giggle they both gave you made you feel the shame flow through your veins and shy for the first time in many years of knowing the two of them. It seemed like they always knew how you were going to react and were always two steps ahead. 
"We bet you have good manners for sure, darling”, Satoru replied and the two of them continued to follow you with their skateboards until you got home and stopped in front of it with arms crossed over the breasts and a frown. 
"Honestly, what d’you want today, huh?", you reached for the key to open the door and as you saw them get off their skateboards and place them leaning against the side of the house entrance, you understood that they really thought you were going to let them in, "No way you guys are goin’ to come into my house, who d’you think I am?" 
"What kind of questions are these? You told us you had good manners and not even an hour later you're already threatening to kick us out of your house?", Getou asked raising one eyebrow and you swallowed hard. 
"M-My parents..." 
"Are not home, we can see it", Satoru completed the sentence for you and shook his head toward the door, "Don't you trust us? We promise we won't do any mess.” 
You looked from one to the other. You could feel that they already had something planned for the rest of the day and a mixture of apprehension and anticipation began to bubble up inside you and send a shiver down your back unhurriedly. It was the first time you were going to be alone, completely alone, with the two of them and that was exactly what was making you apprehensive and, even if you wouldn't admit it, curious. 
"What if my parents come home while you're here?", you asked, opening the door as calmly as you could without letting the hand shake because they were staring at you. 
"We can hide under your bed or in your closet and then go out the window of your room", Getou replied looking at the window that guarded your room behind you and you sighed heavily before letting them in and closing the door. 
"Wow, pretty house!", Satoru spoke raising his sunglasses and looking around before walking down the hallway and eventually finding the living room, where he threw himself on the couch lazily and took off his jacket to leave it on the table. 
"Don't do a mess, Satoru, and don't sit on my couch like this either", you spoke up placing yourself next to him and waving at his heavy boots being placed on the edge of the table and he frowned before facing you and speaking, "It's a couch, I can sit however I want, no?" 
A heavy sigh came out of you and the next second you were picking up each of his heavy, long legs and placing them away from the table. It would have been an easy, innocent task, completely without ulterior motives on your part, but Satoru took advantage of the moment of having you so close to him to thread his fingers through the edge of your dress and pull your body suddenly forward to make you lose your balance and fall onto his. All while Getou came closer, stood beside his friend's legs and brought hands to the back of your dress to lift it up. 
“W-What the fuck d’you–”, before you could complete the accusation, Gojo clamped one of his hands on your cheek to squeeze them together and make you stand still. 
"What kind of language is that, hm? You using 'the fuck'? This is not how a good girl like you should be using the words, 'm I wrong?", his tone made you think you were dumb and Getou's hand sliding down your panty-covered ass to reach your folds scared you to the point where you tried to close legs around his friend's hips. 
"I think she lied when she said she has good manners", Suguru spoke up and stared at Gojo with a suggestive look before the two of them turned your body away without caring about you wriggling to try to gain some kind of control in the situation. 
Just then you were sitting on Satoru's lap, above his dick that started to get hard the very moment he walked through your doorway, with legs spread shamefully in front of Getou, your dress being pushed up and one hand of the man behind you placing itself at the base of your neck to pull you to lie completely against his chest. 
"S-Stop, you two! This is so–” 
"Embarrassing?", Suguru asked massaging of your inner thighs before using both thumbs to do the same over your clit, his eyes fixed on the way slowly and gradually your entrance let more and more of your slick wet the bottom of your lacy undies, "Yes, that's why it's so good" 
You tried to close legs feeling your walls tighten around nothing, your armor against the two of them slowly crumbling with just a few touches on your needy clit. It was the first time that Getou was touching you, but he seemed to do it in a much better way than yourself still over your panties and without even realizing it right, your hips tried to move against his fingertips trying to get a little more friction. 
You hated yourself for the first two seconds for giving yourself up so easily, until Gojo's lips latched onto your neck and began to distribute kisses and nibbles across your skin. 
"She's getting soaked wet, Satoru", Suguru spoke with a smirk on lips before leaning down and leaving a wet kiss exactly over the middle of your panties, "Is it okay t'you if I taste her pussy first? Won't you get jealous?” 
"You can taste her first if I get to fuck her first", the platinum man replied and you tried to stifle a moan upon hearing his words, but the way your legs trembled a little more didn't let you lie, "See? This pretty good girl is all eager to have a good dick inside her, I think we should just fuck her dumb and let her drippin' cum for the rest of the day" 
Getou denied with the head already getting on his knees and pulling your panties down so he could finally see your dripping pussy and throbbing clit, always waiting to be sucked or licked. 
"It'd be such a shame if I didn't give her at least some licks before you ruined her pussy with your lewd cum, 'Toru", you felt Gojo chuckle against your shoulder and the next second his friend's warm tongue licked its way slowly up your folds, calmly exploring your pussy and moving from your entrance to the clit to finally suck it and give you some of the sexual relief you so desperately needed. 
Maybe it was the fact that you shouldn't be doing this, or rather: letting him do this, that made everything better, more delightful, more forbiddenly pleasurable. It was so good to feel Satoru's cock getting harder and harder below your ass while his lips ghosted over your neck and his hands played with your tits until your nipples were hard, it was even better to be able to watch Getou making a mess between your legs with little slurping sounds coming to your ears and one hand going up and down around his dick using your wet panties wrapped around it. 
Every time he lifted his eyes to face you with his mouth still busy on your pussy, you felt yourself about to cum and tried to cling to Gojo's arms for fear of falling forward. It was almost surprising when you actually ended up cumming all over Suguru's glossy lips and your body didn't need to be held in place, the only thing that forced itself up was your hips and your head fell back as you moaned his name out loud and didn't see the violent way his shaft twitched against his fingers and your panties. 
Satoru swore he almost would have cum if he hadn't been so focused on doing this inside your pussy and, holding onto that thought, he pulled you up just enough to be able to unbutton his pants quickly, lower them along with underwear and be able to immediately let his cock slam against your sensitive folds. 
“She’s all so sensitive now, I can feel she throbbing against my tongue”, Getou whispered pulling away and pulling your hips up to help Gojo place you on his dick ready to sit on it and take it to the base, "She may even cum again just by having you inside her, that’d be so cute, you can do this, can't you, dove?", he asked staring at you and pulling your face to be in front of his. 
You blinked a few times, trying to reason about what he was talking about. Your climax had messed up your entire mental state and had you reduced to a tight wet hole begging to be used, so your first response was to nod the head and moan; moans that got even louder and more breathless as Satoru's hands pushed you against his cock slowly, making you feel every vein and inch until his tip kissed your soft cervix and pushed you back into another orgasm that made you teary-eyed as your vision clouded over for long seconds. 
"Fuck her through her orgasm, 'Toru, I wanna see her all ruined by the end of it", Getou spoke still holding your face and watching Gojo hold you by the waist to keep your body still as he began to thrust himself into your pussy so small it almost made him wonder if you could take him completely. 
"Fuck, she's goddamn tight, perfect cocksleeve for real", he spoke breathlessly with hair sticking to his forehead, the smell of sex beginning to permeate the entire living room walls of the house and the wet noise coming from where his dick was connected to your pussy making Suguru's shaft leak a little more, "Gonna leave her and her tight pussy with the shape of my dick by the end", you groaned at the thought and tried to concentrate on anything other than your walls milking him; if you came again before he did, you wouldn't be able to look at them again without feeling ashamed of yourself. 
And your perfect distraction came in the form of Getou pulling your face forward and kissing you hungrily as he took one hand and brought it to his dick, guiding you through the up and down motions to pump it at almost the same rate Gojo used to pound inside you.  
"P-Please, 'Toru, can you– just, ngh, c-cum inside me? I-I need it, you, your cum, inside me", you never thought you would be begging him to breed you, let alone how he would look at you with such lust the very moment the request left your lips; you had no idea how long he fantasized about you riding him and begging for every drop of his cum while he was daydreaming through the streets of Tokyo on his skateboard. 
There was nowhere else he would end it all. He knew that and it became a fact as soon as your walls tightened more when Getou rubbed your puffy clit, his cock twitched even more and his cum was filling you to the brim as another orgasm was extracted from inside you. But the nice feeling of having his veins pulsing and his tip gushing out in piles was short-lived: soon after, Suguru was pulling you up to take Gojo out of your cunt and replacing that long dick with his fatter one, inevitably causing all the liquid inside you to be fucked even deeper. 
"You can gimme just one more, can't you, dove?", he whispered against your ear and you tried to deny it with the head, even though it felt so good to have him moving in and out of you quickly, not giving you time to get your thoughts together and making you just be the dumb little girl they wanted you to be, "Oh, don't deny it, I know you can, don't you have good manners?" 
Just then, two of his fingers were rubbing your clit, walls clenching even tighter around his shaft and Gojo's cum leaking even more down your legs. It was easy for Getou to slide in and out of your pussy after his friend had really finished keeping you wet and it was even easier to end up cumming deep inside your tight pussy and mixing his cream with his friend's in a complete, big mess. 
The little slurred "Fuck" he moaned against your ear made you collapse against his arms in yet another orgasm and you swore you were seeing stars as your mind broke into a thousand little pieces. And just then Gojo pulled your body back and left you sitting as gently as he could on the couch before giving you a little kiss on the cheek. 
"You’re such a cute thing even when ruined, we're so lucky to have you", he said before running hands through his hair in an attempt to tidy it up and getting up to start putting on his own clothes. 
"Good girls are always a good fuck, she's the living proof of this", Getou spoke before reaching for your panties which were still wet in a mixture of his pre-cum and your slick; they were placed back between your thighs, even though both of them were leaking from you, "Good job, dove, we–" 
His speech was interrupted by the sound of something turning. Something turning and the jingling of keys that were not yours coming from outside the door of the house. Satoru and Suguru immediately looked at each other as if telepathically saying "Time to go" and you desperately started running to collect your own clothes without saying anything to them. 
Your parents were home and had probably already seen his skateboards by the door. 
And the two of them, before opening the living room window and putting on their pants, pulled you by the wrist so that they could each give you a quick kiss that barely tickled your lips. You pushed them both away and ran up the stairs to lock yourself in the bathroom, the excuse of taking a shower beginning to form in your head as those two boys jumped through the window frame. 
But, Satoru Gojo's jacket was still decorating the table in the living room.
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ㅤ🏷 tagging: @hirwishin @inu1gf @dukina @qudvxnkanx @slut4manjiro @kuroaka @sleepy3 @mizurimirai @semisgroupie @goldenmnr @mrsvaleska @h-shibas @no-name-jack @novaresque @binglebonglerightonthemoney @zorosbozo @amaejiki @bontens-cum-slut @rxcked @rinsie @cirigiri @myarlert @medusalovessnakes @mxrga245 @simpforerenn @tonaken @imsatansqueen @imkumichan @lordbugs @haitaniwhor3 @kumikocchi @jjendeku @ushijimasthiccthighs @winterv-black @crown5 @scholarlogy @hannas16 @misss-chrisss @bunnozi @jiminjamms @ren-simp @momoewn @rosso-seta @alureasoley @todorokiskitten @tojidilfs @festive .
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— taglist! ┊ jujutsu kaisen masterlist!
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always-andromeda · 2 years
My grandparents still annoy the shit out of me, despite knowing that I hate being touched 24/7. My pronouns don't even exist to anyone in the family(they/them today), and the only cousin I actually get along with wasn't here, and he's the token ginger of the group. My parents are still as irritating as they were when I saw them last, and continue to be sexist and transphobic. My parents aren't homophobic, thank God, but they are transphobic as fuck so I'm not out to them. I'm out to the ginger and at least he tries to respect my pronouns to the best of his ability (he has shit for memory), but he. Isn't. Fucking. Here. And I'm 10 seconds to having a mental breakdown because there's 20 people in this tiny ass house and about half of them are all talking at me at once.
Oof, Christ almighty, I’m so sorry. It’s been a while since I’ve been to a big family gathering (because most everyone is either divorced or they hate each other too much to bother with big gatherings lol). But I get what you mean. Having ADHD and getting overstimulated very easily has usually led me to being the one person at a gathering who just wants to curl up in a ball in the corner and shut everyone out.
It’s not easy, I know that for sure. I just hope that by the end of it, you can get some good alone time so you can recuperate. I might not always know exactly what to say but I will always offer my love and support. Stay strong, lovely!! 🥺💕✨🤎
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
Your place Part 2
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader (High School AU)
Warnings: yandere, obsession, bullying, degradation, dubcon.
Words: 1776.
Summary: You suffer in the arms of America’s golden boy, the one who has been bullying you for years.
Part 1
P.S. Some more smut, finally! All characters had reached 18 years of age. Hope you’ll enjoy!
"Are you going to come on Saturday?"
Steve moved his hand down your naked belly, watching you laying close to him on your bed and breathing softly. You glanced back at him, his handsome features illuminated by the dim light coming from the lamp on your nightstand.
"Where to?" You asked as he covered the back of your hand with his palm twice bigger than yours.
"The field house. We have a game."
He traced your knuckles with his fingertips and you thought how odd Steve was. Who could have thought the school's biggest bully was such a cuddle-bug after sex? It wasn't bad, though. You actually liked this side of him.
You weren't interested much in basketball or any other sports, but it was easier to come rather then fight Steve again. He was stubborn like a mule. Besides, a part of you felt like you belong there - many of your classmates were coming to see almost every game.
Why did Steve care whether you were there or not? Surely, he had already been showing you off in front of everyone as much as he could as if you were his trophy - now you sat close to him in class and then in cafeteria during lunch time; he was dragging you with him after classes along with his stupid friends. The whole school knew the nature of your relationship, and the first weeks it was making you bitter and hateful. Steve Rogers head fucking forced himself on you, yet instead of sympathy all you got was an enormous amount of jealousy. You were still receiving hate mailes dropped into your locker. The girls kept whispering curses behind your back as you walked down the corridors with Steve and his pack of wolves. He was able to make everyone silent, though. Now even his friends had no right to bully you like before. He reserved it purely for himself.
"Did you buy yourself a dress?"
"What dress?" You blinked in confusion. "Do I need a dress on Saturday?"
Steve smiled at you and leaned closer, pressing a kiss to your lips.
"No, kitten, I'm talking about the prom."
You rolled your eyes at his words. Of course, Steve Rogers needed to show off everywhere he possibly could - he definitely hoped to become prom king. You, on the contrary, didn't care much. In fact, you didn't want to come there at all. You hardly had any friends at school, and coming to watch Steve flashing his smile and basking in the rays of glory would only make you more irritated with him.
"No, I didn't."
"Then we could go together. I know one nice place."
"Where? 5th Avenue again?"
You smirked, watching the guy frown. Last time you went shopping together was a nightmare for you. You ended up with several bags of expensive lingerie Steve paid for, and you were disgusted at yourself for giving in to him. True, his family was twice wealtier than yours, but it didn't mean you wanted anything from him. Except for leaving you alone, that is.
"And what of it?" Rogers asked you sharply, rising above you. "If I want to buy you a dress, I will."
You sighed, turning your head to Steve and pulling your body closer against his. You learned to enjoy this intimacy with time as he taught you what making love to each other meant. You were pleasantly surprised at his efforts to make you feel good.
"Steve, please. I don't want to think of it now. It's... ruining the mood."
He purred as you caressed his blonde hair and snuggled closer to you, dropping little kisses to your face and touching your cheek affectionately. Steve loved being tender. You believed he had a real physical need to touch you one way or another, often without any sexual subtext at all. It was almost as bad as his need to bully you verbally, especially when he was aroused. You were still learning how to cope with that.
If only he didn't make those photos of you and him in the locker room that time. It was the only reason you obeyed him three months ago when he declared he wanted to keep you close. You didn't know if Steve had stored those pictures somewhere, but you weren't worried about them anymore. His obvious obsession with you would keep him from showing photos of you naked with his cock buried inside your wet cunt to the hilt. You could walk away now, yet everything wasn't as easy as before. Steve made sure to gain trust of your parents, pretending to be the perfect caring boyfriend to you and just a very good guy to everyone else. He also made you meet his parents who turned out to be surprisingly nice, nothing like their son. Steve's mother Sarah took an immediate liking to you and often sent you a huge piece of her famous raspberry pie. It was a highlight of your day when Steve handed it to you during lunch. If you broke up with him now, you were sure he'd make up some story where you were the one to blame, and it would make your life even more miserable.
"Why are we doing this, Steve?" You asked him quietly as he played with a lock of your shiny hair. When be looked back at you, you realized he knew what you were talking about.
"What do you mean?" He grunted in return.
"You know this can't last forever." You said, your voice tired. "There are only a few months left before the graduation."
You were still stroking his hair as he bit down on his plump lower lip, his eyes not leaving your face as he stared down at you from above. There was something unsettling in his gaze, something dark, even scary, but you refused to be afraid of his temper tantrums.
"We're applying to different colleges, and they're not close to each other. How do you think we can keep... this going?"
Steve struggled for words, and you saw he was getting frustrated. It was odd - he liked to use aggression as his shield, rarely showing his vulnerable side to anyone and barking off whatever accusation you threw at him. Yet here you were, looking at the guy who couldn't utter a word to answer a simple question.
Was it despair you saw on his pretty face?
"You can choose the same place, too."
"Are you joking? My family would have so sell our house to pay for my studies then." You let out a sigh.
"You can apply for a grant. With your grades it's not impossible."
"Steve, let's be realistic. You wanna go to Columbia University. Do you have any idea how many people are applying for a grant to study there?" You said and, seeing him getting more agitated, wrapped your hands around his muscular shoulders, reaching out to kiss him again.
He deepened the kiss immediately, swirling his tongue around yours and then licking the insides of your mouth when you mewled softly beneath him. The soft vibration against his lips made Steve shivered from pleasure. He spent a bit more time rolling the tip of his tongue all the way around yours and finally released you, dropping a kiss to your chin.
"If you can't make it, I'm going to apply to the same place as you." He whispered, and you felt his cock gradually getting harder. "I'm sure they'll be happy to take me."
"Steve, you're mad." You shaked your head. "What are your parents going to say? They want the best for y-"
"I don't care what they want, it's up to me to decide." The guy growled and bit your lower lip gently, lowering himself on top of you again. "You're my girl, and my girl is going with me. I still have those photos in case you forgot."
You squeezed your eyes shut as his fingers touched your overstimulated clit, rubbing it skillfully as you squirmed. Your mouth fell agape as you were left gasping for air, trapped under Steve's athletic figure. Moaning at his touch, you looked at him, feverish, getting aroused again, your hands caressing his back as he smiled at you. He loved when you were a blushing mess beneath him, crying out his name as you were orgasming. No one else got to see you like this.
"I know you were a good girl today, but I want some more. You can handle it, can't you?" The guy cooed in your ear. "Come on, kitten. Show me how you mewl with my cock inside you. You're gonna mewl for me, right? Do it. Now."
You did as he said when his fingers were slowely fucking your sloppy cunt, your core aching for his dick almost painfully. Mewling softly, you kissed him again, and Steve slammed into you, muffling your high-pitched cry with his mouth  as he started rocking his hips. It felt so good, so fucking good. A wail of pleasure ripped from your throat, and Steve grinned at you.
"You're such a good little kitten, Y/N. I think next time we won't go to a restaurant, I'm just gonna give you a cat bowl full of my cum. You're gonna lick it clean, yeah? You're gonna do that for me, dear?"
"Yes, yesss, Steve." You whined as you felt your pussy kissing the base of his cock with a lewd sound. Panting and moving with Steve, you already felt one more orgasm building up, your mouth open and drooling. "I'm a good kitten, I'm a good kitten... pleaseplease Steeeeve..."
He groaned at your words, speeding up gradually and watching your eyes roll to the back of your head: he was rubbing against your g-spot to make your pussy milk his balls dry. Of, he fucking loved seeing that stupid expression on your face when you came, completely helpless, dependent on him to give you pleasure no one else could.
Steve was the one and only who could make you like this. Who the hell cared what his friends or parents said if he could hear you moaning his name beneath him whenever he liked? You were becoming more and more accepting, clinging to him when others were to mock you in public, spreading your legs for him when he cornered you in your or his own room. You grew to enjoy obeying him like a good girl you were, and Steve was going to keep you, finally, after all those long years of waiting.
He would make sure you never left his sight again.
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki  ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin ​@lovelydarkdaydream
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