#i'm still very much on my they're both inhuman kick
quilna · 6 months
im not too sure if this is the right account to send this ask to (very sorry if it isnt) but i was curious if youd be willing to chat/ramble about your own personal jekyll and hyde version? i remember having a small talk with you on artfight about your jekyll and hyde version (im dragondog from artfight if youre curious) and my curiosity has been peaked ever since. i need to know more. your own personal jekyll and hyde designs and story seem so interesting but i rarely see you talk about them which i think is just absolutely criminal.
The sacred question has been asked - someone has asked about my ocs-
This is a perfectly okay account to ask this to! It's the closest I've got to a Jekyll and Hyde account after all.
Anyway, thank you so much for asking!!! This ask was gnawing at me in a good way for most of the day while I was away from my computer, considering what information to include and how to explain stuff. It was a lot of fun!
I'm also glad you found them interesting!!!
(Also going to say before I start is that my Jekyll and Hyde versions get very self indulgent which is why I usually keep them to myself so some factors about my story might sound rather weird or seem to come out of left field. Just a heads up.)
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So I guess the best place to start would probably be with Jekyll and Hyde themselves?
Like the book, the two of them are basically the same person. When Jekyll turns into Hyde and vice versa, nobody 'takes control', it's more like getting high or drunk where they're still the same person but still act quite different or think differently from each other.
However, they do have differing opinions on each other. Hyde, being a less repressed version of Jekyll, understands a lot of Jekyll's emotions better than him. He knows when Jekyll regrets something or cares more than he wants to let on. Though, as much as he can have these realisations, when he turns back into Jekyll, he tends to dismiss them as 'irrational' thoughts brought on by the potion and not worth considering (aka, the repression kicks in and he refuses to entertain any conclusions he came to as Hyde.)
This leads to a lot of frustration and concerns from Hyde. The knowledge that he has to turn back into Jekyll, whereupon anything he's realised about themself, anything that could help them both, will be instantly dismissed by himself the moment he turns back. No matter how much he writes it down or tells it to himself again and again because it's not forgotten, Jekyll just doesn't want to look at it. And he can't just bother Jekyll as a hallucination ghost like most adaptations. When he turns back, Hyde is gone. Like a stain of breath on glass.
This also leads to fear from Hyde towards his alter ego - If Jekyll ever decided the potion wasn't worth his time and threw it away, Hyde would be unable to do anything about it, would be the one throwing it away in fact. He wouldn't be able to scream or protest or anything. And he enjoys being Hyde. It wouldn't really be death but he enjoys being Hyde so much and hates the monotony of Jekyll so much that it would be like a death.
Luckily, Jekyll isn't planning on throwing the potion out because they do feel the same way and Jekyll enjoys taking the potion and being Hyde just as much (even if he would never actually admit that's the reason). The fear is still there though, ever present.
...I've gotten so deep into explaining their relationship that I have not explained anything else yet, whoops.
Both Jekyll and Hyde have some inhuman traits about them since the first transformation. Jekyll has mildly reflective eyes like a cat but it can only be seen in certain lighting so nobody notices. He also moves with a little too much perfection, a little too graceful, a little lacking in the usual human clumsiness.
Hyde, meanwhile, is just very off putting in many ways. For one is his eyes as shown by this diagram that I made for artfight. (Also his teeth, and his insides being green)
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His eyes change shape, a bit like a cartoon character. Other people can, in fact, see this and it is, in fact, weird for them. (He can also probably say <3 and everyone else asks how he just did that with his mouth.)
He also changes based on Jekyll's perception of himself and his 'evils'. This means he can get taller or shorter, or become more obviously monstrous or go back to just being a guy with an uneasy feel about him just based on Jekyll's opinions. If Jekyll starts to fear Hyde and view him as a threat, Hyde changes physically to reflect this.
Personality-wise, Jekyll likes to keep control over every aspect of his life, creating perfect schedules for everything that he's going to do in a day, timing each event down to the minute, designing contingencies in case anything unexpected happens. He can be friendly enough to other people for the sake of his image but he still comes across as rather cold and distant.
Hyde, meanwhile, is obviously free of all this and does whatever he pleases. He tends to be loyal and loving, to the point of being a little too obsessed, and is exceedingly open about how he's feeling. He's also incredibly truthful - he almost never lies about anything but will often fae-rule his way out of anyone realising the real truth. For example, he's very open about being Doctor Jekyll but nobody believes him because he'll just drop it into a conversation and won't elaborate or will elaborate in a way that just sounds even more like a lie. And, of course, Jekyll himself will obviously deny it, so...
Besides that, Jekyll keeps three lab rats, Noir, Spot, and Rose who, due to the potion being used on them, can also change shape like Jekyll and Hyde. As such, Hyde tends to take them with him when he goes out.
(Also, smaller headcanon but Hyde tends to repeat words or phrases twice, "Indeed indeed", "What? What?", etc. Just seemed like a fun addition.)
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Next, Lanyon.
Lanyon and Jekyll are on weird terms because they had a fight years back. After seeing Jekyll's science get more and more dangerous over the years, Lanyon was afraid that he would some day hurt himself in a way he couldn't take back or even die from it. After trying to convince Jekyll to stop for ages, Lanyon finally put their foot down and said that, if Jekyll didn't stop, they would leave.
Both Jekyll and Lanyon deeply regret the argument but neither of them can take it back. Jekyll is too stubborn to admit that he was ever in the wrong and Lanyon can't take it back because then they don't have anything else to hold over Jekyll's head to get him to stop.
At least, that was how the fight was initially.
After the potion was taken, Lanyon, who was very close to Jekyll's mad science experiments and was very used to seeing the signs that Jekyll had done something to himself, was the only person who noticed the change. Seeing Jekyll's new changes terrified Lanyon deeply because he knew Jekyll had done something but he didn't know what. Being a rather skittish person, Lanyon was too scared to speak to Jekyll after that, doing all they could to avoid him.
Maybe things could have continued that way with the two avoiding each other. However, after the fight, Lanyon came out as genderfluid.
They had been meddling with their own gender before in quiet but the fight basically gave Lanyon the midlife crisis moment they needed to go "You know what? I don't care about anyone's opinions. I've seen what caring about ones image did to Jekyll and I don't want to be anything like that."
And so came Hastie and Hattie, two names for the same person, just using different pronouns and names based on what Lanyon felt like at the time.
Jekyll, however, was avoiding hearing anything about Lanyon and completely missed this massive piece of information. Jekyll is also notably, very wrapped up in his own very small world and opinions (also, no internet). He has no idea that transness is a thing.
Hence, Jekyll believes that Hastie and Hattie are not the same person but, instead, brother and sister. Lanyon, meanwhile, who was so open and so gossiped about when they first came out, doesn't even realise that anyone could??? not know????? that they're the same?????? Everyone else knows! They don't even look that different!
This all cumulates in one fateful night where Lanyon, going by Hattie, and Hyde meet. The two of them get along like a house on fire, neither caring much for society's rules and both of them being in some way being shunned for their peculiarities. Hyde is much more outgoing and often pushes Lanyon outside of their comfort zone while Lanyon is more level-headed and can often do the planning and thinking that Hyde neglects to keep them both safe.
All the while, Hyde has no idea that he's talking to Hastie and Lanyon has no idea that they're talking to Jekyll.
Personality-wise Lanyon tends to be very down-to-earth and prefers to do things by the book for the most part. Though this is only for the most part - in terms of dealing with other people, Lanyon gets much more expressive, dressing wildly and often doing strange things like taking live geese into a dinner party. While this does allow them to express themselves in some ways that are beneficial to them, like becoming comfortable with their gender identity, some of these behaviours, like the live geese in the dinner party, are very much a way to push away the people around them, afraid of something going wrong after their experiences with Jekyll.
Until they meet Hyde, Utterson is their only friend (which Utterson is quite concerned about, often trying to encourage Lanyon to make more friends.)
Besides that, Lanyon is fond of gardening, collecting crystals, astrology, and yoga. They dabble with a lot of relaxation stuff like chamomile tea, incense, lavender, etc.
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Utterson, meanwhile, tends to be the most calm and collected out of the three of them, seemingly unbothered by most of what life throws at him and good at handling even the most stressful situations with ease. Not to mention, he has the most unexpected range of skills and knowledge. Whenever anyone has a problem, he's the number one person to go to for help.
However, for the most part, he fades into the background and tends to remain forgotten until someone needs him for something which leaves him lonely and often desperate for attention while being unable to get it. His work as a lawyer allows him to get fleeting amounts of attention, but it's not quite enough and that often leaves him vulnerable to falling in with bad people.
While Lanyon sees straight through Jekyll, Utterson has fallen quite a bit into seeing Jekyll as innocent and naïve, someone who doesn't fully understand how cruel the world can be and needs to be protected from it. This means, when Hyde shows up and Jekyll changes his will for him, Utterson is quite quickly defensive of Jekyll and aggressive towards Hyde, believing that Hyde has nothing but bad intentions. Hyde, however, is quite head-over-heels for Utterson and determined to seduce him or at least set him up with Jekyll.
While Utterson appears unaffected by anything that crosses his path, this is actually because he has difficulty expressing his emotions, his expression and tone generally remaining static. Only people close to him can generally tell what he's thinking and feeling as a result.
Personality-wise, Utterson is generally quite kindly and generous, often seen giving food and money to the homeless. Though, his morality can be a bit of a roulette wheel at times, willing to do questionable things at times if he deems it for a good enough cause.
In terms of hobbies, he will often bake things for his friends and carried the three of them through university as the only one who could actually cook. He also has a slightly more morbid interest in taxidermy and keeps a room in his house for his work.
(For another smaller headcanon, he and Lanyon tend to get into pun fights, much to Jekyll's agony.)
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Then there's Lenore Carew (aka, Lisa Carew, she just got renamed along the way). She makes up the third member of Hyde's little friendship squad with Lanyon. An excitable lady with an interest in the occult and monsters. She and Jekyll were once set to be married but, due to a mutual realisation that neither liked the other in that way, they broke it up. Jekyll has been avoiding her ever since, finding the situation awkward, but Hyde is very much down to be friends with her again.
While she does her best to live up to her family name, being as much of a respectable and graceful lady as she can be, in her spare time she'll often sneak out to go running after whatever haunted house or cryptid sighting she's heard of lately.
The actual reason for her interest is because her mother, before she died, was a prophet, gifted with Sight and Lenore, raised with all these stories of her grandeur and powers, is determined to find a way to awaken those same powers in herself.
However, along the way, these powers actually do start to manifest and, as it turns out, a lot scarier and more difficult to control than she ever realised.
Most particularly, sometimes when she looks at Jekyll, she sees something - or someone - else in his place. She has no idea what these visions mean, whether it's a vision from the future, from the past, or something else entirely.
Personality-wise, while she can excitable and often gets ahead of herself, she can be very kind and compassionate towards others, always the first to slow down and check if someone is okay or to offer a hug to those in need. She can also often show a childish side, enjoying stuffed toys, getting along well with kids, or just playing games.
Uh, so anyway, there's a bunch more but this post is getting long and I've taken all day with this. If I take much longer, it's going to look like I'm not going to answer. I think this is the stuff that most people would be interested in anyway, Lanyon, Utterson, Jekyll, and Hyde. I'm still missing out an explanation of the worldbuilding itself and the antagonists, not to mention little details and side characters like Poole and such.
I fool around with these characters a lot and that means there's more information than I even remember most of the time until something pops into my head and I go "Ohhhh that plot point. That was fun."
Thank you again for the ask!!!!
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
The Hard knock kick your 5150 is the least expensive bike I've ever seen in performs very well it's much faster much stronger and does things the other could never even think of and doesn't sound stupid it sounds cool it sounds like a Harley maybe a Sportster but really you change the pipes that sounds cool and even the 49cc has a different sound and feel and goes fast but a hundred miles an hour and it's no way ever gone that fast and these bikes are big they're the hk3 plus 2 in so wondering what's going on with them and see all these commercials for the bikes they cost tons of money and people have gone out of the tree you need to get around you need this and then he says I can't get shops out there cuz I'm tired of this industry I'm willing to put a shop up as soon as I get something I really don't like them anymore and I wasn't and I see how weird it is and it hurts people ruins your jobs everyone's what they do to during the day and who knows maybe they were cloans maybe they still are. So he wants to set up a unit within the rescue rangers to investigate this and have them ride the Hard knock kicker 5150 as a donation and I'm accepting and putting how many I want and he's sending it up and they say that we're going to provide it and we're going to go back to the original name and styles are all the same and helmets are the same and hardly anything changed we just made one with different accessories and it's not made by the same company as American Eagle and we didn't put the literature out there that much it didn't work and I thank you for your time and he stays me cuz we have to stop that kind of stuff is very in here and some people see why it's inhumane but really he wants to hit people and he's going to gangbusters and it's going to cause a big problem and he thinks that the river will drop first in the lake which will cause much less of a problem and especially like if and I was thinking the other way if the other side does it'll fill up from the lake before hello sugar the other way but it will start depressurizing from that side we did a bunch of bottles anyway to cut his bad he's doing is wrong nobody's evacuated nobody's told and stopping it literally attacking
Kind of The hills have eyes looking guy although he's not one but he was in one flow of the cuckoo's house so the black frizzy big hair is taller and thinner and he's the comedian and from there and his acts kind of started after that
And my ex did start after that and it was because of the fellow up front he kept both of us alive we made good money and he said was your memory and my frontal lobe we can make money this is someday it'll be a day for every Union and we think the day is coming out and they'll be a day when you understand what happened and that killer everyone doesn't like and I think it's the same guy it is it no it's not me I don't do anything all day so people say and it starts to the s and answer the n and we figured it out
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subtextsays · 8 months
Last line game, tagged by @wildelydawn
More like a last scene but close enough.
It is unbearable that Raon is still awake.
Alien animal sounds emanate from the woods outside, and beams overhead creak as the wind batters the old structure. The foreign bed is meager, and he can't settle. Still, he's so exhausted that he thinks none of that would matter if he wasn't also freezing.
The cold has taken up residence in his bones.
He resents Wuju's rhythmic breathing from across the room. The baker succumbed to sleep effortlessly, flaunting how unbothered he is by bare limbs exposed to the frigid air, by a single thin mattress separating him from the icy floorboards.
Raon turns again in his cocoon of blankets and stuffs a pillow over his head.
It's no good.
In desperation he leaves the bed, pads over to nudge Wuju with his foot. Again, harder, when there's no immediate response. This time he's meanly satisfied by the baker's yelp.
"Cold," Raon says. It's meant to be a demand but comes out a whined complaint.
Wuju sits up a little, slow to gather his wits. "Still? I... don't have any more blankets. Sorry."
Raon's extremities are starting to go numb. "Cold," he insists again through chattering teeth, and hauls Wuju upright.
Earth gravity does have its advantages.
He drags Wuju to the bed and pushes him down into it. The human is pliant, if questioning, and lets himself be arranged to Raon's liking. He helps right the covers over them, finally understanding his assignment.
Raon pulls Wuju atop him, a living blanket radiating blessed warmth. His sigh of relief stretches into a contented yawn.
Raon graciously decides to ignore the amusement in Wuju's voice. "Better," he admits, and grabs a fistful of sleep clothes, just in case his personal furnace gets ideas about wandering off before the sun can rise. "Stay."
"I guess we can share," Wuju says. Even his feet are deliciously warm, pressing Raon's frozen ones between them. His eyes flicker in the darkness, their golden glow reminiscent of candle flame.
Raon is lulled to sleep between that thought and the next.
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