#i'm still writing Asajj but things are very different
jewishcissiekj · 5 months
3417 words into this Asajj fic, and Ky's name is there at least 10 times. sorry he is important
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k1nky-fool · 3 months
For the love of my life Mita
🍕 - What's Mita's favorite food?
At this point, it's just anything Vander cooks. You can't tell me that this man doesn't know his way around a grill, and so long as he's cooking, she's eating well. If she had to pick anything that's her favorite, it would probably be some kind of grilled shrimp with a lot of spice. Mita is pale as hell, so her face does turn red, but she does love it.
🧊 - Is Mita's first design the same as her current one?
Yes, actually! I have this sketch of her that I made years ago when I first watched Arcane, and it sort of stuck.
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I remembered trying to figure out what kind of Undercity OC I wanted, and my inspiration came from Asajj Ventress from the Clone Wars. I remember wanting an assassin-like vibe, but of course I loved Asajj's style and it sort of rubbed off on Mita's design.
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From there, I realized the kind of story I wanted to tell about her. The redemption arc of a child-trained assassin that Asajj never really got, and Mita's personality grew the longer I worked on the sketch. I would say that some parts of her personality stuck to Mita too, but by the time I was actually writing, I'm glad I ended up with something different than the character that inspired me.
And just for shits and giggles, here's a quick sketch I did recently
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💚 - What is Mita's gender identity and sexuality?
Mita barely thinks of her gender, and while she does like to present feminine, being a “woman” isn't really on her mind. If she had to put a word to it, she'd say she's a demigirl.
She has however had time to think about what kind of people she's attracted to, and her preference is mostly just for competent and caring people. They've gotta be both to be worth her time, but as far as the gender of her partner, she doesn't mind how they present, just that they're her partner. If she had to think of a word, she'd probably say pansexual.
🧠 - What do I like most about Mita?
My favorite thing about her is really just her potential as a character. The kinds of stories I can tell with her journey is why I wrote her the way I did. As I end up writing more fics that include her, you'll see more and more of what I mean. (Right now I know she's made an appearance in two other Arcane fics, but I do have plans for her to be a bigger character in one of them, and once I finish that one, she'll be a very important side character in a fic I haven't even posted yet. So stay tuned for a lot more Mita. I could never say goodbye to her.)
I really love her journey from an uncaring assassin to someone that values human life and has people she loves. If Devo had burned the building with people still inside in the first part, Mita wouldn't have even argued with her. I absolutely loved showing how her views changed over time.
💀 - Does Mita have any phobias?
Not any that I could put a name to. If I had to pick anything that she fears more than anything, it would be a fear of isolation. She worked damn hard to find people she could come home to, and she's terrified of going back to having nobody. You'll definitely see in other fics that even after Vander and the kids die/go missing/get arrested, she's always avoiding being alone.
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