#Jedi asajj is so fun to write
jewishcissiekj · 5 months
3417 words into this Asajj fic, and Ky's name is there at least 10 times. sorry he is important
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gffa · 5 months
Hi, since you’ve been reading the star wars books, do you have one you’d recommend as a starting point for someone who’s never read any of them and is interested in seeing what they’re like?
Hi! This is going to be very subjective, given that I'm not sure what your favorite characters are or which era you're interested in, and if you're interested in the best books out there or ones that typify what the books are overall like. BEST BOOKS: - Revenge of the Sith novelization by Matthew Stover, god-tier ability to take my favorite SW movie and make it even more emotional and hard-hitting. It adds even more depth to the story, has beautiful writing, and just is a really satisfying read imo. - Padawan by Kiersten White, which is a story about a young Obi-Wan going on an adventure by himself and I think really captures how I see his youth, that there was struggle and difficulty, but overall it explains why he loves being a Jedi and why there's so much joy in his life. - Light of the Jedi by Charles Soule is good for if you're interested in the High Republic stories and I still think is easily my favorite of the entire line. There was so much good foreshadowing and banger lines that really got Star Wars and was an exciting plot to really hook me on THR.
BOOKS THAT MOST TYPIFY WHAT SW BOOKS ARE LIKE: - Brotherhood by Mike Chen is one that I have some stuff I side-eye in it (everything with Mace) and some stuff I was over the moon for (everything with Obi-Wan) and some stuff I was in the middle about (everything with Anakin). That's Star Wars novels in a nutshell for you! (I also think Dooku: Jedi Lost by Cavan Scott is another good starting place, it's an audiodrama, but it gives an interesting backstory to the character, has some interesting Jedi worldbuilding, and does some really great character work with Asajj Ventress.) - Wild Space by Karen Miller is a Legends book (and I usually try to stick to Disney continuity just for ease's sake) but it has some eyeroll-worthy stuff, some unearned stuff, and some absolutely batshit bonkers in the best way stuff. It's a RIDE to read and maybe not one to take super seriously but I feel like it captures the spirit of SW books. (Alternate suggestion: Dark Rendezvous by Sean Stewart is a really good Yoda & Dooku book with a lot of good appearances by other Jedi characters and one of the better books for Jedi stuff, plus lots of feelings and banger conversations between characters.) (Alternate-alternate suggestion: Another Legends suggestion, since there are a lot of SW books in that continuity, you could read the Jedi Apprentice series by Dave Wolverton and Jude Watson, as long as you know they're aimed at a pre-teen audience and are written accordingly and they are SUPER dramatic and put Obi-Wan through the wringer. I'm not always wild about Watson's writing, but when she writes a banger line, she writes a BANGER line, and they're very fun books that a lot of fandom still folds into their writing.) - The Aftermath trilogy by Chuck Wendig is a good place to start if you want to explore the connective tissue between the originals and the sequels, though I always recommend that I think they work a thousand times better as audiobooks. It's mostly new characters (which, welcome to SW novels) but it also has some really good Leia and Mon Mothma scenes, too. - Leia: Princess of Alderaan by Claudia Gray is for if you're more interested in the Original Trilogy characters and while I wish there'd been more worldbuilding in this one, it's a solid story from someone who genuinely loves this character, and will give you a good idea of what you can expect from Leia books. (If you're more interested in a Han/Leia story, The Princess and the Scoundrel by Beth Revis is on the same level. Solid story with occasional moments of fantastic. I had a blast with the Leia sections especially!)
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charmwasjess · 23 days
For the ask game, 🍍 and 🍒
🍍 What kind of AUs do you like? Are there any AUs you hate or just generally have beef with?
I love Fix-it AUs, but I’m currently reading some great WIP Not Fix It or Breaking It Different AUs - @dapurinthos has a really fucking fascinating fic Galaxies Far, Far Away May Be Closer Than They Appear with an Isekai attack on the Grand Sith Plan + @rochenn's Leave Your Rifle by the Door imagines a world where Palpatine is out of the picture but the Clone Wars continue indefinitely and explores the impact that has on Cody, Obi-Wan, and Coruscant itself, really. Fantastic stuff. 
And here, okay >:D I’ll give you an actually unpopular AU opinion of mine. I have, historically, hated the Galidraan storyline. Stupid ass plot. Why is Dooku’s hair that color?! Put that Komari Vosa back, we have Asajj Ventress at home! (Thanks to @bolithesenate for pretty much singlehandedly getting me interested in Komari again with her fun crack. <3) 
It’s probably not even fair of me, because I’ve likely replaced the actual details of that comic plot with Talking Points from some parts of the fandom I agree with the least. (And regardless of that, I'm admittedly just not very interested in Mando lore, I've spent my hyperfixation points elsewhere.) I’m only hurting myself here, because I'm a Dooku fan, so I know there’s plenty of Galidraan AUs around that I would probably love, written by authors who I already know I like. But nope, this is the petty hill I die on. 
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
I didn’t invent this, it’s from Dooku: Jedi Lost, but when Dooku and Sifo-Dyas are doing their sarcastic funny shit-talking back-and-forth bit to each other, god, I could write that all day. Dooku takes himself so seriously, and of course, he can be a sarcastic asshole right back, but I think particularly in his Jedi Master era, there’s an underlying earnestness to him. It plays really well with Sifo-Dyas’s loving brand of total irreverence, the way he likes to say or do stuff just to see Dooku’s :O reaction. It’s such a good dynamic. 
Dialogue is super fun for me too, so I have a blast with those parts, and I hope it shows.
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rochenn · 1 month
hi! perhaps 🍒 or 🍑 for the ask thing?
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
Ohhh man Star Wars is so full of good stuff. Dooku & Asajj, Dooku & Maul, Dooku & Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan & Ashoka... those last two have been particularly fun to write together in Gone with the Light. I think I'm weak for lineage interactions ig.
But yeah, I'm writing Rifle atm and Codywan (especially the middle-aged veteran version) is just such a blast to figure out. But that aside, no matter what era they're in, the constant pressure of their circumstances creates perfect friction... These two are incredibly similar in some aspects and not always in a good way; I think they're uniquely capable of bringing out each other's worst. Both are proud, principled, emotionally repressed for one reason or another and so focused on a greater goal (win the war) that their equally shared kindness can get lost and has to be manually retrieved.
Also uhh the power imbalance (outside of Rifle because things are a little different there) and how they both maneuver within it is what makes the ship so entertaining to me. 20+ year age difference 💥 experience gap 💥 superior-subordinate job dynamic 💥💥 Cody has no human rights and has been conditioned to obey the Jedi since day 1 💥💥💥 I swear figuring this shit out is SO fun. They are horrible and they are everything. I love putting them in Situations that mitigate their differences (like on a mission) only to thrust them back into the sterile bureaucracy-governed "peace" aboard their star destroyer or on Coruscant. Idk I think Codywan is just so versatile and could go a million different ways depending on context and that's what's beautiful about them, I think <3
🍑 If you could make a connection between your favorite character and another work you care about (whether a crossover/fusion or a wonderfully “pretentious” literary reference) what would it be? How would it work?
Leave Your Rifle by the Door is already Cody in the most Disco Elysium predicament I could feasibly wedge him into, except his Dolores Dei is not an ex-wife but his bygone days on the front. Lmao. He has a very "my wife left me :(" attitude about the job he lost
I've been struggling with art over the past weeks but I very desperately want to find the sauce to create Star Wars art in a DE style. With the swirling thoughts and messy painterly vibe and everything. It is my dream <3
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grxceful-ly · 5 months
Hello there! I hope you're doing good!
19, 21 and 29 for the Fanfic Writers Ask Game!
hii thank you so much for sending me an ask!! i hope you're doing really well yourself. you picked some good ones and this got kinda long, i'm sorry 🙇🏻‍♀️
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
i'm going to take this opportunity to say that something in me does not allow me to fulfill all the multichapter, long fics of my dreams so i mostly share oneshots. i wish i could be like "this is from my [insert title here] au from chapter 14!!" or something. but alas. anyway, this is from my wip sequel to the sabezra secret relationship i wrote a while back. it's almost done, i'm excited to share the full thing soon!
Maybe the Ezra Bridger who wasn’t in a relationship with Sabine wouldn’t have said that. Maybe he would’ve been a little giddy—like, wow! Sabine is actually touching me! And isn’t completely averse to it! Maybe he should have said something like that. Or just. . .smiled? Or hugged her back? Sabine still wasn’t letting go. His heart ached a little. He let his arms come around her loosely, his gaze stuck to the floor. “So. . .” he started. But nothing else came out. 
21. Have you ever deleted an entire scene after spending hours laboring over it? If so, why?
yes and no. i don't think i've ever had to delete an entire scene--usually i will spend a lot of time writing a scene or two and i hate it a little more than usual so i end up losing motivation for the entire project. this happens often. i don't like it.
however, sometimes i'll write a line i really like but in my heart i know it won't work for the overall goal of the paragraph or scene, so i have to delete it :( i mourn for like three minutes and then move on lol.
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
goodness, the amount of star wars time travel fix-it fics i've written in my mind. that's kind of where they stay. but occasionally i jot down a scene that has a chokehold on me until it goes away. i was going to share an anakin one, but for some reason i can't find my doc with that in it :') so you get this scene from my vostress wip where asajj goes back in time. this is kind of a cheat bc i don't know if it'll NEVER be posted, but as of now too little of it is written to share much more than these snippets. also there's very little interest in a fic like this versus my usual stuff lol.
Her eyes softened. “It is more important to reject that power and preserve those things. Understand me, Vos. Truly. There is no power that can take away the pain you feel. No power that is worth it for a fleeting sense of victory.” She realized she'd put a hand to his chest, naturally drawn closer as she tried not to plead with him. This was it. If he should ever listen to her, let it be now.
and for a bonus, here's an 'asajj takes omega to meet quinlan' snippet that was just for fun and will never again see the light of day lol!
“Your jedi?” Omega asked, eyes lighting up, glancing from one of them to the other. Vos flashed a lopsided smile at Ventress. “I love when she calls me that,” he said in that smooth, unserious but oh-so-truthful voice of his. Ventress's eyes slid to him, then went up to the sky in feigned annoyance as her hand fell to her side and she swiveled to walk away. “Come on.” Unfortunately, Vos and Omega were making quick friends. He was the type to do so; always had been, and it seemed she, too, was eager to befriend anyone she set her sights on. A horrifying pair.
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loveoaths · 2 years
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lio, he/they,  20+. i write fic and talk about the mandalorian, star wars, and other shit i like here. sometimes that shit is nsfw.  follow at your own discretion. AO3: waterdeaths.
star wars content you’ll find here: mauldin, darth maulposting, ANDOR ANDOR ANDOR, cassian/din aka cassidin, din djarin’s sad little life, star wars meta, jedi love, mace windu, kit fisto powerhour, maulsoka, anadin (anakin/din djarin), quinobi (quinlan vos/obi-wan), lots of love for the star wars ladies (reva, padme, leia, ahsoka, luminara, asajj ventress, etcetera), dinluke, star wars: visions, and much more.
other content you’ll sporadically find here: hades (game), interview with the vampire, barbie (2023), poetry, and more.
core writing concepts:    the sins of the father as the backbones of their sons, selfish sacrifice, unearned forgiveness, thriving in spite of trauma, self-destruction as a survival mechanism, degradation of the human spirit, destruction necessitating change, what makes a man a monster, and love as the question and the answer.  dark subject matter is present; this blog is not for everyone. again, follow at your own discretion.    
on fic:  reblogs, likes, and commenting on my fic in the tags are all HEAVILY ENCOURAGED. i love to see everyone’s thoughts on what i’m writing. don’t be shy. let me be nosy. 
i accept writing prompts and requests! i have the right to decline requests as well. this is for fun, people.
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in-progress fics 
Attachment Theory (Rating: E) Din is a Mandalorian, but when Luke comes for Grogu on Moff Gideon's ship, he acts like a Jedi: he selflessly gives the child up.  Grogu is a Jedi-in-training, but he acts like a Mandalorian: he is territorial and attached to his buir, and his protectiveness easily manifests as violence. Luke is supposed to be Grogu's Jedi Master, but how is he supposed to teach Grogu how to let go, when he himself struggles not to hold onto parts of his past?
The answer: the trio go on stupidly a dangerous cross-galaxy road-trip in the rebuilt Razor Crest to a lost Jedi library in search of Jedi training tools. Pairing: Dinluke, DinMaul(ish).
The Father, The Son, and the Unholy Ghost (Rating: T)  Luke likes Din. Din likes Luke. Din is less crazy about Luke's insane, evil father who keeps trying to kill him from beyond the grave. Pairing: Dinluke. Now featuring art by @its-not-a-pen​!
Fate Lays Her Heavy Hand (Rating: T, Eventually E) Darth Momin, heretic of the Sith and galaxy’s greatest hater, time-travels to the Republic Era to end Sidious’ reign before it begins. Why? Because he hates Sidious almost as much as he loves the Force. Pairing:  Maul/Padme/Momin, Vader/Krismo Sodi
Nothing is My Name (Rating: T/Gen) An exploration of Din Djarin’s life, from his childhood on Aq Vetina to his early years as the Covert’s lead hunter. Pairing: Mild Din/Armorer, Din/Paz Viszla, unrequited!Din/OC
The Devil’s Red Right Hand (Rating: T, Eventually E) Through sheer orneriness and force of will, Maul rejects death, rips a hole in the Force, and propels himself back in time to destroy Sidious by stopping the Clone Wars from ever happening. First stop: Naboo. Pairing: Potentially Maul/Padme
In the Shadow of the Valley (Rating: T, Eventually M) AU. The first Mandalorian Jedi was Tarre Viszla. The second was Din Djarin. AKA, the one where Din is a padawan, and everything is terrible. Pairing: Potentially Din/Padme/Anakin
The Bitten Hand Holds the Bounty (Rating: M for torture and graphic death) Someone hires Cad Bane to kidnap Grogu. Din sets the galaxy aflame to get him back. Pairing: DinCobb
Negative Space (Rating: T, Eventually E) Nature, they say, hates a vacuum. Which explains why Din, someone who is force negative or totally cut off from the Force, touches the Force beacon on Typhon and screws up the time-stream so bad he winds up in the Old Republic Era.
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finished fics
creature of desire, you’ve a fever for the fire: (Rating: M, graphic animal death | Wordcount: 3000) In which godhood is a thing with teeth, sainthood was made to block the light, and Kimimaro is just a man looking for divinity in the flesh.
patches make the quilt  (Rating: T | Wordcount: 5633) The war is over. Haku and Zabuza rebuild their lives on a farm, and find themselves growing in the process.
death of a bellflower (Rating: T | Wordcount: 1238) Even for a Kaguya, Kimimaro is especially out of touch, with a naivety that seems incongruous with his family name. Privately, Kimimaro’s milky, wide-eyed stares remind Haku of a newborn kitten’s: seeing without discerning. Zabuza thinks he's a liability. Haku thinks he’s cute. Pairing: Haku/Kimimaro, first crush
death is a friend of mine (Rating: T | Wordcount: 5676) Haku’s never feared dying; he’s done it many times. It's finding something to live for that's the hard part.
blood under the bridge  (Rating: T | Wordcount: 1302) Zabuza dies during the battle for the bridge. Haku dies with him, though his heart yet beats.
a kicked dog still bites (Rating: T | Wordcount: 600) Yamato is assigned surveillance duty over a Yuki, of all things, and he’s 100% certain the next six months are about to be cold and miserable. Pairing: Gen
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din djarin posting
force negative!din 
fic about din and grogu time traveling in the stupidest way possible and meeting anikin and obi-wan
padawan!din au (wip)
fic and rarepair tags
all fic tag.
rarepair tag.
rarepair of the day tag.
oc content
clone trooper cake.
gen oc tag.
ryogi tag.
writing stuff
words/writing i like.
yearly writing recap
2021 + 2022
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mostthingskenobi · 3 years
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Most Things Kenobi is a podcast and blog hosted by two grown-ass-women who love Star Wars, the Clone Wars, and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Every week we have a lively chat on topics ranging from Star Wars philosophy and theory, character development, fan fic writing, fan art, and so much more. And if special events and giveaways interest you, be sure to join our Patreon and get in on all the fun! Visit us at mostthingskenobi.com
Episode 1: How We Became Friends (And Why We Love Star Wars)
Episode 2: Our Top 5 Clone Wars Moments (Part 1)
Episode 3: Our Top 5 Clone Wars Moments (Part 2)
Episode 4: The Clone Wars… A “Kid’s” Show???
Episode 5: Luke Skywalker Greatness - Discussing the Season 2 Finale of The Mandalorian
Episode 6: The Joy of Lightsabers - SaberForge Replicas, Collecting, Colors, and More!
Episode 7: What Makes a Great Jedi?
Episode 8: What Makes a Great Sith?
Episode 9: Is Korkie Kryze a Kenobi?
Episode 10: Why Dave Filoni is a Goddamn Genius
Episode 11: Ahsoka Tano and Asajj Ventress — More Alike than You May Think
Episode 12: Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn’s Relationship
Episode 13: Should Rey have been a Kenobi?
Episode 14: Should Obi-Wan have Killed Anakin on Mustafar?
Episode 15: The Planets of Star Wars
Episode 16: The Sound Effects of Star Wars
Episode 17: Is Obi-Wan Kenobi a “Cinnamon Bun” of a Character?
Episode 18: All About Clones
Episode 19: Self Care With Star Wars
Episode 20: Q & A With Most Things Kenobi Part 1
Episode 21: Q & A With Most Things Kenobi Part 2
Episode 22: Deconstructing Obi-Wan’s Costume Throughout the Films
Episode 23: The Symbolism Behind the Cave Scene in Empire Strikes Back
Episode 24: Our Top 3 Han Solo Moments
Episode 25: What If…Obi-Wan Turned to the Dark Side
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clonewarsarchives · 3 years
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A WRITER’S TALE (#125, MAY 2011)
Writer Katie Lucas delivered one of the highlights of Season Three of Star Wars: The Clone Wars with the epic Nightsisters Trilogy. Words: Jonanthn Wilkins
Were you a Star Wars fan when you were growing up?
I really wasn't. Buffy the Vampire Slayer was my Star Wars. It really struck some major chords with me. Star Wars was such a huge part of my daily life [Katie's dad is Star Wars saga creator George Lucas] that I wanted to escape it! I am just now able to embrace the series for what it is, and I'm learning to love it.
What is it about [Buffy creator] Joss Whedon's work that appeals to you?
I always wanted to be a writer, but Joss' Buffy episode, "The Body" made me passionate about being a screenwriter. Part of good screen-writing is knowing your audience, and the other part is knowing yourself, and being tuned into the human experience. You have to strike chords, and delve into certain painful truths. Joss does that flawlessly. "The Body" encapsulates everything I love about writing and the screenwriting medium. It's drool-worthy! It's the perfect blend of tragedy, heartbreak, vampires, and comedy. It's an honest portrait of humanity, despite the vampires.
How do you think you've changed as a writer since you penned your first script, Season One's "Jedi Crash?"
I've become more sure of myself. When I wrote "Jedi Crash," I wasn't sure that screenwriting was something I wanted to do. Now, I'm dedicated to it. I have so many stories to tell. Many people won't like it or get it, but some will. I'm excited to write for them.
Were you familiar with the Nightsisters from Star Wars fiction, or is it better to write without too much foreknowledge?
I had honestly never heard of the Nightsisters before, but I had become increasingly interested in the idea of an all-female sect in the Star Wars universe. The series' Expanded Universe expert, Gary Scheppke, filled in the basics about the Nightsisters for us, and we went from there.
What is the biggest challenge when you're writing an episode of The Clone Wars? And how do you overcome it?
I think the hardest thing is knowing how expansive the fan base is, and how you could potentially upset millions of people if you make one wrong move! But I've learned to let that unease go for the sake of the story. I just do the best that I can and hope that people enjoy it.
What makes Asajj Ventress such a fascinating character?
I've really fallen for Ventress and, in the Nightsisters trilogy, the audience gets to learn a lot about her history. She's an extremely complicated character. She's a cold-hearted harpy, but she has good reason to be—and now she's displaying a much more independent side of herself. Ventress is nobody's pawn anymore. She finally owns herself. I grew up on Buffy and Tank Girl, so writing strong females is second nature to me. I listened to a lot of early Hole and The Distillers albums to inspire me while writing these stories; I really wanted to tap into that visceral female rage, and Courtney Love's snarl certainly tears that right out of you!
Is Savage Opress a fun character to write?
Savage is a lot like Frankenstein's creation. He's a monster, but you get brief glimpses of a real heart beneath the surface. He's a complicated character—I don't think he would have turned to the dark side without the manipulation of the witches. They use him.
Do you enjoy working in the science fiction genre?
If I hadn't been raised in the Star Wars universe, I don't think there would be any way I could write sci-fi. It doesn't come naturally to me. I've had to adapt. Part of being a screenwriter is knowing how to entertain, and the other part is staying true to your own vision. I've always been inspired by the truths of our world, universal and personal, here in our reality, and I try to bring as much of that as I can to The Clone Wars.
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myevilmouse · 3 years
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Today for Trivia Tuesday @jedimordsith suggested I write about my drabble skills and give suggestions to anyone wanting to write drabbles.  I recently wrote 28 drabbles for the Multifandom Drabble Exchange just for fun muwahahah.  Also this is why, since I went outside the Star Wars fandom I love and live in, that I created a new pseud, Złymyszeczka, in case you were wondering what was up with that. Fandoms that I dabbled in included Supernatural, Resident Evil, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, My So-Called Life, X-Men, Wellington Paranormal, Quantum Leap, Labyrinth, Hercules (Disney), Cobra Kai, Lord of the Rings, Loki, Chronicles of Narnia, X-Files, Sherlock, Star Trek TNG, and more!  
Obviously I had to separate all that multi-fandom madness from the purity of my Luke and Thrawn smut!
So please if you check me out on AO3 for Star Wars stuff (and I sincerely hope you do!), note that you want to keep the evilmouse name.  I don’t plan on writing outside Star Wars fandom often, but on the rare occasions I do, it will get posted under the other name.
Back to the point:
Evilmouse’s 5 Essential Tips on Writing Drabbles
for your Trivia Tuesday, jump below the cut!
 So drabbles are 100 words.  Double drabbles, 200, Triple, 300, etc.  A lot of people find the exactness of this word restriction daunting, so here is my first tip for writing drabbles:
1)   Don’t think about the word count.
This may seem counter-intuitive, but the best way to approach a drabble is “I have to write a very short scene.”  Knowing it will be short (very short!) is enough to get you to the word count, and maybe push you over 3, 10, or 20 words.  That’s fine.  We fix it in the editing.  But if you get hung up about counting words when you are writing your drabble, you won’t write the best drabble you can!
2)  Focus on a single moment.  
When I say very short scene, think VERY SHORT SCENE.  It may be as simple as a quick verbal exchange.  It may be something you want to accomplish, i.e. a kiss, a punch.  Here are a couple examples from my recent experience:
One person requested a Chronicles of Narnia/MCU crossover and listed Prince Caspian and Loki as two characters they were interested in shipping.  So my goal was to write 100 words with these two characters.  
What shall we focus on?  100 words isn’t enough to explain why Loki is in Narnia or why Caspian is in Asgard. You have to trust the reader to accept the premise if they click on your drabble. 
What is your goal?  Here, it was to get these two in a situation where a shipper will be happy with their interaction. In my case, I decided they would be trapped somewhere together and alone.  That was it, that was the starting point for the drabble, which you can read here.
Another example: one person requesting a Star Wars drabble said they liked when female characters meet and interact and listed old!Leia and Asajj Ventress as favorites.  
Same question: what do you want to accomplish? In this case, two characters who don’t meet in canon having that opportunity.  A meeting.  100 words is our limit.  Do we care why or where they are meeting?  Probably not.  That initial interaction is the goal.  So for this one, I set what I hoped was a mysterious atmosphere and just simply wrote their initial exchange here.  Trust your readers to fill in the blanks, which leads us to:
3)   Let the “end” be as ambiguous as you like.
Drabbles are brief moments, as already mentioned.  They don’t need a proper beginning or end, they can (and sometimes should) leave the reader asking questions or wanting more.  I like writing drabbles that imply something happened next, and leave it up to the reader to decide exactly what.  
In the case of the Loki/Caspian drabble, knowing that Loki can teleport, and chooses not to, implies he has some ulterior motive in lying about his powers.  
In the case of Asajj & Leia, we know Asajj sent a comm to initiate the meeting but we don’t know exactly what she means by saying they will be “friends.”  Is she sincere?  Have some trick up her sleeve?  I don’t have to know!  But the moment is achieved.
That doesn’t mean that you can’t “end” a drabble if you want to.  I wrote a treat for someone who wanted Sarah and Jareth to end up together when she was all grown up.  So obviously the request has already dictated my ending.  In that case, I had a couple goals:  to tell the reader she was all grown up, to demonstrate how much has/hasn’t changed, and to make her wind up with that sexy Goblin King.  Mmmm yesssss.
Each of those goals, which may have appeared difficult at first, took exactly one sentence:
Curtains fluttered, an unnatural gust summoning the ever-present metropolitan cacophony into her apartment.
We know now that Sarah has her own apartment, old enough to live alone.
“It didn’t!” she glared, injustice manifested in that indignant whine she’d retained, like most of her teenage dreams.
In the film Labyrinth, Sarah’s always saying things aren’t fair.  So here we see she hasn’t quite gotten rid of that tendency to whine about injustice, and is still a dreamer at heart.
“This time,” Sarah took a deep breath, certain, “I’ll stay.”
She’s not hesitating, she’s decided, and she’s going to live happily ever after with her mystical consort (we hope).
The point here is that your drabble can be as conclusive or inconclusive as you like, and isn’t limited by the word count.
4)   Edit without mercy
Yes I KNOW that is the perfect adjective for Luke’s sparkling blue eyes, but if your word count is 101, those eyes are either sparkling or blue but not both!
Once you achieve your “moment” in the drabble form, you have to check that word count and CHOP CHOP CHOP.  It’s a rare thing to be under word count, but if you are lucky to be under, just add a few well-chosen adjectives and you’re done.  However, if you, like most of us, have just written 123 words of perfection and want to scream because there is NO WAY you can do the same thing in 100 words, you have two options:  write 77 MORE words and surrender to the double drabble, OR like I try to do, throw away the things you love until you have accomplished the same thing in 100 words.
To demonstrate this exercise, I set myself a task (because I haven’t saved drafts of my drabbles, sadly) to show you what I mean.  So right now at this very instant I’m going to write a drabble about Luke Skywalker being in love with YOU.  A Luke/Reader drabble, for example.  Let’s go:
Everyone groaned as the briefing ended.  It had gone on two hours too long for your taste, and judging by the mad rush to the exit, you weren’t alone in your assessment.  As you left the conference room, you almost bumped into Luke Skywalker.  The Jedi Master looked as handsome as always, but rather more casual than usual, his robes nowhere in sight and dressed simply in black pants with a blue shirt.  
“Excuse me,” you said, about to move past, flustered beyond belief.  If only he wasn’t so kriffing good-looking… It was stupid to lust after a Jedi—any Jedi.
“Actually,” he smiled, “I was waiting here for you.”
A wave of shock, quickly followed by confusion, made you even more tongue-tied than usual.
He nodded.  “Yeah.  Have dinner with me tonight?”
 OK here is where I checked the wordcount.  134 words. Ouch.  Quickly we have to edit because I’m not happy with the ending either. And 134 means some serious slicing and dicing.  Here’s take two:
The briefing seemed to end two hours too late, and judging by the mad rush to the exit, your colleagues agreed.  Leaving the conference room, you almost bumped into Luke Skywalker.  The Jedi Master looked handsome as always, but more casual than usual, robes nowhere in sight, dressed in black pants and blue shirt.
“Excuse me,” you said, moving past, flustered.  If only he wasn’t so kriffing good-looking… It was stupid to lust after a Jedi, but that hadn’t stopped you.
He smiled.  “I was waiting for you.”
Shock, quickly followed by confusion, made you even more tongue-tied than usual.
He nodded.  “Yeah.  Have dinner with me tonight?”
 OK we’ve done some serious slicing and are down to 109 words.  But I’m still not happy, AND we gotta cut more.
The briefing ended two hours too late, and judging by the mad rush to the exit, everyone agreed.  Leaving the room, you ran into Luke Skywalker.  The Jedi Master looked handsome as always, but more casual than usual, no robes, just dressed in black pants and blue shirt.
“Excuse me,” you muttered, flustered.  If only he wasn’t so kriffing good-looking… It was stupid to lust after a Jedi, but that hadn’t stopped you.
He smiled.  “I was waiting for you.”
Shock, quickly followed by confusion, made you even more tongue-tied than usual.
He nodded, and held out a hand.  “Come with me?”
Down to 103 words now and I managed to change the ending I wasn’t crazy about at first…notice what has and hasn’t changed between these short drafts... not much in the way of story, just how it is told.
Still have to edit more…three pesky words…
Judging by the mad rush to the exit, everyone agreed that meeting had been too long.  Hurrying out, you ran into Luke Skywalker.  The Jedi Master looked handsome as always, but more casual than usual, no robes, just dressed in black pants and blue shirt.  
“Excuse me,” you muttered, flustered.  If only he wasn’t so kriffing good-looking… It was stupid to lust after a Jedi, but common sense wasn’t your forte.
He smiled.  “I was waiting for you.”
Shock, quickly followed by confusion, made you even more tongue-tied than usual.
He nodded, holding out an inviting hand.  “Come with me?”
Now I’ve got 101 words and I don’t want to cut it, but I have to…*waves goodbye to “kriffing”*
Judging by the mad rush to the exit, everyone agreed that meeting had been too long.  Hurrying out, you ran into Luke Skywalker.  The Jedi Master looked handsome as always, but more casual than usual, no robes, just dressed in black pants and blue shirt.  
“Excuse me,” you muttered, flustered.  If only he wasn’t so good-looking… It was stupid to lust after a Jedi, but common sense wasn’t your forte.
He smiled.  “I was waiting for you.”
Shock, quickly followed by confusion, made you even more tongue-tied than usual.
He nodded, holding out an inviting hand.  “Come with me?”
So we have 100 words exactly, that imply Luke is into you and you have a future with him.  From starting the drabble to finishing it, took me about 18 minutes.  If you don’t pressure yourself, it doesn’t have to be a nightmare.  Which brings me to tip #5
5) Don’t stress, and have fun!
Sometimes I have spent as much as two hours on a drabble, but usually no more than a half hour to get it where I want.  When I do the “drabble a day” for Fictober, I try to limit myself to 15 minutes.  The point is, drabbles should be fun and low stress.  Don’t agonize about them!  Sure, you can edit for hours to fix each word to be absolutely perfect and convey something the same but different, but you can also just achieve that glimpse into a scene, that moment, and enjoy your work!
I hope you enjoyed this and/or found it useful.  If you’d like to read some of my drabbles, you can click on this #drabble tag, check out these drabble collections here and here, my story told in drabbles here, or explore my new pseud złamyszeczka for those other fandoms I mentioned.  Thank you for reading!
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a-dorin · 3 years
It’s not much of a question but I love August so much. Could you share some fun facts about her?
uAHHH YES OF COURSE I WILL!!!!! it makes me so happy to see everyone so excited to hear about her/loving on her because she is my pride and joy.
here are ten fun facts about august <3
1. she’s left-handed! she writes, throws, eats, and does just about everything left-handed. she even uses her left-hand as her dominant one when it comes to saber wielding and saber combat! 
2. she has a very strong distaste for obi-wan: there was already tension between them growing up together as padawans in the temple, but the moment qui-gon took august under his wing for training, their competitive natures took a toll. they always seem to never get along and butt heads. this is due to august’s very “strong” (as obi-wan refers to them) opinions about the order/jedi. 
3. august has gone through three lightsabers: she’s not quite sure how or why she’s gone through so many, but it’s took her a bit to adjust to the different styles of hilts. eventually, she settled on the double-blade, because that is what worked for her in battle. 
4. on the lightsaber trend, her kyber crystal is purple! although grey jedi are no longer canon, she is very much a morally grey character, and has some more grey ideals on the force, the code, and the jedi. 
5. she enjoys sketching, painting, anything involving art! 
6. her best friends are: kit, quinlan, aayla, seraphine, mace windu, eeth koth, and luminara, as well as stass allie. 
7. she owns a loth cat: she snuck him into the temples one night, as a gift from her lover. his name is kyber, and he likes to wreak havoc on kit whenever he goes to pet him. 
8. she’s defeated count dooku, savage, as well as asajj in lightsaber duels. 
9. she’s only 5′4″: which is sorta funny she’s kinda revered as one of the strongest jedi ever. imagine that coming at you in battle. you wouldn’t be scared till you see an almost four foot long lightsaber coming at you. 
10. she has 13 piercings: all of them are along her ears, but she loves to accessorize and switch up the earrings from planets she’s visited. 
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stuffedeggplants · 3 years
Wolffe for the ask game!
First impression
It was positive in that he has the same generically professional and polite personality all the clones tend to have when interacting with Jedi. When I first saw him in season one, I actually didn't think he'd survive. I thought it'd be a very close call and he'd sacrifice himself to save somebody else, but he was fine.
Impression now
It hasn't changed. I can't remember that many episodes where we actually learn about his character, so I have no reading on him. (I haven't completed my TCW re-watch though so there may be some interesting content for him to come.) I love his look with the cybernetic eye and all the different uniforms we see him wear.
Favorite moment
I don't think this was in TCW, but however he survived Asajj Ventress and made it through the engagement freshly missing an eye is my favorite (unseen) moment.
Idea for a story
Serious idea: Wolffe going through physical therapy and having to re-do various qualifications and types of training after his cybernetic eye is installed as part of the recovery process. There's a compelling story there that could resonate with a lot of people in similar situations.
Fun idea: The war ends and he and Fox start a high fashion design label where they're jointly basically Miranda Priestly from The Devil Wears Prada.
Unpopular opinion
I've seen this idea on tumblr of him having a father-son relationship with Plo Koon, and that's not something I see or consider part of my headcanon/understanding of the characters. If we're veering off in that direction, I'd rather see some kind of mentoring relationship where they both learn a lot from each other's competencies while working with each other and develop a lot of mutual respect as people even if they have some philosophical differences.
(I dislike the idea that Jedi in general are parental figures to the clones, so that goes for Shaak Ti as well. And I'm not just saying that because I multi-ship her with Commander Colt and some other clones and that'd make it pretty fucking weird.)
Favorite relationship
Wolffe/Reader 👀 He might have a special kind of something with the guys stuck on the escape pod with him in season one, back when they legitimately thought nobody was coming to rescue them because they believed they were expendable.
My favorite non-canon relationship is his friendship with Bly in the fic Death, Feelings, and Other Inconveniences which follows the lives of a few clone commanders in achronological order. The author writes the clone commanders as influenced by Mandalorian culture, and while that's not how I think of things and not something I typically like to read, I like this story a lot and just think of it as a kind of Clone Wars AU.
Favorite headcanon
His memories of Order 66 before he removed his chip became less and less accurate with time as a psychological coping mechanism.
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jewishcissiekj · 6 months
oh man i've got a few questions because i havent actually gotten to her yet.
first ones kind of rehetorical but what is up with ventress and being orphaned? everyone in star wars has a dead parent or two but damn.
im curious about that planet you always talk about that i simply cannot remember how to spell. starts with an r.
oh and i NEED a fun fact. multiple if you have them.
abd finally, whats your favorite source material? what screams "best characterization" to you? i think i know the answer to the second one, but whats the absolute bottom of the barrel trash that you wish you could wipe from existence?
ooooh I have answers
for the first one, I feel like it was originally (in Legends) just to get her parents out of the way so she'd has a reason to ally with Ky Narec and make her story more tragic. She was the daughter of two warlords who were killed by an opposing warlord (who also killed her Jedi Master eventually), and she ran away after their deaths. In TCW she wasn't orphaned at all but she was given away by the Nightsister nad her mother (who we see in a flashback in the episode "Nightsisters"), and was later raised by a slave owner who was killed by Ky. So she's basically an orphan to benefit her origin story.
yessss Rattatak!!! my glup shitooine. my love my sunshine my favorite Star Wars planet ever. It only appears in a few comic issues and two tv episodes and I'm still not sure what is the appeal it has on me but I love itttt. It's the planet Asajj grew up and was trained as a padawan on, and it's this war-ridden wasteland with bald people and a whole lot of problems. There's not much lore for it, and most of the lore there is comes from the Old Republic video games that I haven't played, but its people are prone to have Force Sensitivity and I just like its vibes. I have a lot of headcanons about it and the wars there, and I love the Rattataki a lot, it's just a fan playing ground for me and it may not sound like it but it is miles more interesting to me than Dathomir.
a fun fact um wait a minute. when developing her younger model for the flashback in "Sisters", Katie Lucas wanted her to have a mohawk. that led to these fucking concepts (from TCW season 3 witches and monsters featurette)
Tumblr media
also she canonically once stole a Wookie doll from a Gungan child for some reason (hyperspace stories 3). very silly of her
my favorite source material for her is Star Wars: Republic #60. it's Obi-Wan and Alpha 17 trying to escape her castle and find out her origin story. I'm very normal about it. It's honestly a great issue for her and it establishes many of the things I love most about her (Ratttatak, Aidus, Ky, Warlord Origin, castle Ventress, and more). Haden Blackman's writing is in is so good. the cover is amazing. a close 2nd is her Clone Wars (2003) appearances for many reasons. least favorite is very very unexpected. Dark Disciple. I don't need to just erase it from existence I need to travel back in time to the pitch meetings where it was suggested and burn the paper and the computers it was written on. I need to kill that book
ok!!!! not sorry for the rants I love writing especially about Asajj
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gffa · 4 years
Unrelated to the Obi Wan talk that's going but I heard you mention that you were growing a little weary over the Star Wars novels recently? As I'm someone who only reads the few that interest her too, I'd be really interested to hear what some of your most recent favourites or most liked SW novels are :) I'm always looking to expand my book library, so recommendations are always nice!
Hi!  I have been growing rather weary of them over the last couple of years, yes, and that’s for a variety of reasons, one of which is that nothing seems to much happen in them anymore.  I remember reading the Aftermath trilogy or even Bloodline and Catalyst and it felt like things happened.  Or I read Cobalt Squadron or Phasma and they actually let me get a really good look at the characters and understand them better! But over the last couple of years, it’s felt like the books aren’t allowed to actually do much of anything, they have to be stories that affect nothing and the authors haven’t been able to really make me feel like they’re adding insight to what’s there.  Other people may well disagree!  I fully recognize that this may be because I’m starting to finally drift away from SW, so it may be me and not the books. The ones I have enjoyed recently (from the last 2-3 years) however are: - Force Collector surprised me with how much I enjoyed it!  It’s reasonably laid-back, don’t expect huge things from it, but I thought the characters were cute and I really enjoyed the Force stuff in the book.  Seeing the experiences and point of view of a partially trained Force-sensitive psychometric and how that set his brain on fire and his attempts to uncover the truth about the Jedi, all of that was a lot of fun. - Choose Your Destiny: An Obi-Wan & Anakin Adventure was very simple and a stand-alone story, but I like Cavan Scott’s writing and there were some really cute/fun moments in it!  But it’s really only great if you love Obi-Wan & Anakin interaction, otherwise not much happens in it, admittedly. - Alphabet Squadron was really gripping while I was reading it.  It helps that it’s an entirely new set of characters and that I enjoy Freed writing messy, complicated, sharp-edged female characters, but it’s definitely an exhausting read, in the way it’s meant to be.  It’s not going to be for everyone, but I thought it had some really stellar moments.  (I started Shadow Fall but I couldn’t focus on it, so I’m going to wait until the trilogy is complete before giving it another chance.) - Dooku: Jedi Lost was very enjoyable!  I wish it could have explained more about Dooku’s decisions to join the Sith, as that’s the bigger question I have, but as a story that was half about his days as a young Jedi/some bits of interesting Jedi worldbuilding and half about a look into Asajj Ventress’ character, I enjoyed it very much! - Pirate’s Price was simple, uncomplicated fun.  A great Hondo voice, some old-school zany Star Wars antics, and it didn’t try to be more than just something gleefully zippy!  In the same vein, I also enjoyed The Mighty Chewbacca in the Forest of Fear! as it was simple, uncomplicated fun, had a great Chewbacca centered story and some HILARIOUS supporting characters. I’m curious if others have books they enjoyed and what made you guys enjoy them?
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charmwasjess · 8 months
workndeadline you say?
i say 11 & 14 for the ask game!
BOLI! Thank you, mine boss! I assure you I was actually working on this answer when I should have been working on my deadline, but this day went wide on me in weird ways. And please feel free to send some Ask Game my way if anyone else is interested.
That said:
11: Weirdest thing you’ve ever written/thought about writing/etc.?
Well, I do have some sex stuff. In fact, only just today I typed the upsetting words: "Dooku gonna break that seer in half (respectfully)" while chatting to my gal about this upcoming chapter of 12 months that I'll be posting … hopefully in the next week or so. (And then disappearing from this website forever into the deep woods, never to be seen again because of lingering religious guilt about writing sex.) But that isn't really that weird for Tumblr/Ao3 writing circles.
I think my weirdest writing project right now is The Thunder Answered Back. I slap a timer to give a defeated RotS-era Dooku like 10 minutes to grab up anything he wants to save at the Temple during Order 66, except the catch is that he has no hands. And then, it gets stranger.
It's an Escape the Empire salvage job, not a fix-it. It's part Jocasta/Dooku, but she might kill him, part Jedi family, but they might kill him, I'm wrangling a huge ensemble of obscure Jedi Legends characters and trying to save them all, there are younglings (I can't write kids!), Asajj is in the mix (she also wants to murder Dooku), Obi-Wan, Yoda, and even I don't know what's going on with Sifo-Dyas's ghost -- is he real? is he a figment of Dooku's imagination? is he part OF Dooku? and that's going to be a lot weirder when he takes over the plot and maybe tries to get them to all go save his Clones… ugh.
It's going to be really fun, and I'm behind on the chapter 4 update but actively working on it. Right now I have Winter Depression (tm) and my brain genuinely doesn't work well because of it, so I'm choosing stories that are more comfort food. But I'll be back after it soon!
14 Your favorite side pairings to put in?
Does Dooku/Makashi count, because… I think that's a side pairing in all of my Dooku fics. He loves his friends, I love tangling him up into various pairings with them, but at the end of the day, he really, really loves that lightsaber form. Probably because it's really Dooku/Dooku.
Another few pairings… I do love Quinobi, oldie but a goodie is Qui/Tahl, and I might do something with Sifo-Dyas/Arath soon. I kind of like the whole alternate subtext reading of Dooku: Jedi Lost that Arath is such a bully to Dooku early on because Dooku is inseparable with his crush, the cutest boy in the Hawkbat clan. *making finger guns and winking at Sifo-Dyas*
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sithsdoinshit · 4 years
what are the siths most insecure about?
the siths are LOVELY AND BEAUTIFUL the way they are!!!
*cw: body image, insecurity, slight dysphoria* 
vader: not so much insecurity as there is immense frustration with his body as it is now. he couldn’t give less of a womp rat’s ass what others think of him, but not being able to run or jump (without the force) easily takes its toll. in the beginning he was a little self-conscious of his breathing, but he’s since realized it only strikes fear into everyone’s hearts.. 
sidious: you think this man is insecure? he may have declared himself to be “scarred and deformed”, but that was only so others would pity “poor senator palpatine”. sheev has far too much confidence for someone who has a scrotum for a face 
maul: it’s no secret any jabs about his legs or height infuriates him, especially the former. really, jedi? you’re going to mock me for a disability one of you gave me?  as if trying to cope with the feelings of worthlessness instilled in him was enough, now he has to have these fuckers making fun of him for things he can’t even control.
savage: maybe it’s because he’s been seen as a lesser being all of his life, but there’s a little something about being called a monster/brute/etc that does not feel...good. he’d like to think he doesn’t care. he’d like to think it’s fine to be reduced to some kind of dumb animal in other people’s eyes. but it isn’t. it never was.
asajj: she’s convinced people only like her for her looks. don’t get her wrong, asajj is grateful to have confidence in her body---but part of her is so used to being abandoned, hit on, or losing people she cares about she can’t help but be cynical about people interested in her. it’s easier to play the flirting game and keep them at a distance or straight up kill them.
dooku: there is little, if anything, that dooku concerns himself about. he’s far too old and busy to worry about nonexistent “imperfections”: wrinkles, spots on his skin, the shape of his nose... some might be self-conscious of these things, but not dooku. call him vain, if you wish. he simply knows that none of those things matter in the end.
kylo: he knows he’s always been a bit awkward. it’s easy to channel that ol’ solo charisma when he’s on his own, or when he has the adrenaline of the fight to help him. but outside that? everything he mumbles out, no matter how coherent it may seem to others, will be ruminated over later in his room (”oh my god why did i say that”)
nihilus: kind of embarrassed about the fact that he can’t speak basic. he understands it just fine, can even write it, but anything that comes out of his mouth ends up being mangled kittât, like some sort of curse. there’s nothing wrong with sign language, but he can’t help feeling left out over something he theoretically should be able to do.
grievous: he hates being called a droid; we all know that. the reason why, though, is because it’s humiliating to be compared to something so brainless and unskilled (to grievous, at least)---when he did not have much of a choice when it came to his new mechanical parts. oh, he likes to boast about his “improvements”, but it’s only to cover up how deeply, how painfully he wishes to have his old body back. 
inquisitor: there is little he concerns himself with nowadays in terms of his self-image. he’s quite content with who he is and his abilities. and yet.. there is still that young jedi in him, the one who only wanted some force-damned answers to his curiosities and was met with suspicion and condescension. perhaps that’s why he can’t stand being one-upped by others, no matter how much he tries to hide it.
lana: to be honest, lana wishes she had some of the intimidation that someone like darth marr or malgus has. she doesn’t want it all the time---notoriety and fame are of no interest to her---but sometimes.. she wishes she could scare people like they do. a petite, reserved human like her can only do so much, it seems.
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airlockfailure · 3 years
Fun Little OCs Tidbits about Eclipse Squadron
~because I'm in pain and rambling about my OCs distracts me~ Under read more because it's long.
ZEYA -Zeya's name means "shining light" because I wanted to be clear with myself from the start that Zeya would never turn to the Darkside. -Zeya divides their pay as a Padawan Commander among Eclipse Squadron and started doing so early in the war (as soon as they learned the clones weren't being paid). -They've written letters to the Senate regarding the injustices shown to the clones. Padme has these. (This will come up in a later part.) -Eclipse Squadron is Zeya's family, more so than the Jedi, because the Jedi distrust Zeya for being a Rattataki (who are stereotypically prone to violence and the Darkside within the Star Wars verse. I plan to subvert this nonsense in Part 11). -Zeya's Rattataki markings have sharp angles, but their face only has markings under their eyes and chin. -Zeya is the same height and build as the clones. -Zeya doesn't consider her a friend, but Barriss Offee is the closest Jedi to them. Barriss does consider Zeya a friend. -Zeya remembers their family from before being brought to the Order. They know they have two older siblings and a baby sister. -Zeya was disliked on Rattatak by their peers because of their spooky magic. -Zeya used to be afraid of themselves until being brought to the Order. -Zeya's lightsaber is orange with a curved hilt. They taught all members of Eclipse Squadron how to use it just in case. -Zeya learned hand-to-hand combat skills from Catch, Fusion, and Extra, but they spar with the entire squad. -Zeya absorbs information like a sponge. They taught themselves how to speak, read, and write Rattatak's language, Mandalorian, and Binary. -Eclipse Squadron teaches Zeya the clone's language, and Timber and Quiver develop a variant of sign language that the whole squadron uses. -Zeya is not particularly reckless unless recklessness is required for success. Most of the time standard battle strategy will do just fine. -By Part 10, Zeya should have been promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight, but they're busy with a war and all. Barriss Offee addresses Zeya as "Master Tyrreh" regardless. -Despite being a Jedi and trained to push their physical limits, the clones still have better stamina and are physically stronger than Zeya if the Force isn't involved. -Zeya can heal using the Force, but doing so leaves them vulnerable and drained both physically and mentally. FUSION -Fusion was fully prepared in Part 10 to stage a mutiny against General Sis if he showed the slightest sign of making a mistake in the battle against Admiral Trench. -His voice changes slightly after his chip is removed because of the numbness in his face. It's softer and a bit slurred now. (See my previous headcanon post about inhibitor chips for why.) -Fusion was able to have surgery on his damaged eye to repair a lot of his vision, but peripheral is iffy still. He can be snuck up on from that side, but it's not recommended if you want to live. -Fusion had feelings for Zeya first. -He is bisexual. -Fusion doesn't like to leave Zeya or General Sis alone on missions. The last time he left a Jedi alone they died. He doesn't work with General Sis very often. -Fusion rarely removes all his armor except to bathe and sometimes to sleep, but not always. -Fusion has a bad reputation and he can and will wield his bad rep as a weapon if necessary. -He has taken the blame for mistakes made by General Sis in order to protect the 638th and his brothers as a whole. -Fusion is overprotective, but he's mature, so he doesn't go full on "mom" mode. He just screams inside. -Fusion has broken both arms, and both legs, at various times throughout the war. -His back injury caused by Asajj Ventress causes some numbness and tingling in his arms. He has a weaker punch than most clones. -He's a munitions expert, but is no longer allowed near munitions other than blaster charges. He'll hover over Wire sometimes while Wire is trying to set up explosives. -Knows the most languages out of the entire 638th Legion. Basic, Mando'a, Huttese, Shyriiwook, Droidspeak, along with the coded language of the clones. He can also sign in
Basic, Tusken, and Quiver's coded sign language. -Fusion does not like being in outer space. He prefers planet based missions. -He doesn't get along well with Senior Clone Commander Quasar, or any of the other higher ranking command clones in the 638th because they see him as a bad influence and warn the troopers not to emulate Fusion's recklessness with his reputation and his life. -SCC Quasar respects Fusion's experience, but takes his advice with a hefty dose of salt. -Besides Extra, Fusion is the best marksman in Eclipse Squadron.
CATCH -Catch, while the most highly trained, and overqualified to be a Sergeant, will be JUST insubordinate enough to convince clones of higher rank not to promote him. -Like on missions where lives aren't at risk he and Eclipse Squadron might purposely fuck up a little here and there so the group can stay together. -Catch is the least concerned about repercussions for the clones after the war. He intends to keep going with the flow like he always does, never the overthinker. -Gives really good pep talks, although pep-talks are rarely needed these days. His dislike of thinking too much makes it easier to be authentically enthusiastic and optimistic. -Stopped following the reg manual before there was a reg manual. -The chillest. So chill. Catch honestly just wants to vibe with whatever situation is currently happening. -He gets along with everyone easily and will even exchange banter with enemy droids when possible. (A lot of the droids aren't around long enough to develop the kind of nuanced vocabulary required for sassy battle banter.) -A gay man. -If Catch is angry or nervous you know something serious has happened. -Claims to have a husband on Coruscant but no one can confirm this and Catch refuses to show evidence. He does disappear on leave for extended periods of time, but when Lock tried to follow him, Catch disappeared. -Obviously, Catch is good at keeping squad morale up, but sometimes he needs a pep talk too. Vreen is best at cheering up the Sergeant. He knows him best out of the rest of the squad. -Not agile at all. He's not very flexible either and can't raise his legs much higher than his hip. If he's going to try and kick something higher than that he has to jump. -This is due to a lower back injury sustained early in the war. He has a cybernetic device attached to his lower spine with nodes wired to nerves to mitigate a lot of the pain associated with the injury. -He doesn't move as fast as the others and no one lets him carry anything heavy. (Except for that one time he carried Vreen over his shoulder.) -Catch has the most scars of Eclipse Squadron. If you ask, he won't hesitate to tell you what caused them, but he's usually lying and the story is usually humorous.
VREEN -Vreen does the thinking for Eclipse Squadron (I've said this before). -He takes Catch's battle strats and methodically smooths out the gaps and inconsistencies, leaving nothing to chance. -He's thorough, but in the heat of battle that comes with the risk of not being able to think fast enough to make a necessary decision. -Lost his legs to General Grievous. -Although Vreen is used to the cybernetics now, he still has phantom feelings (not exactly pain, but heat for sure). -He considers Zeya an older sibling, of sorts. Sometimes Vreen forgets that Zeya isn't a clone. -Vreen and Catch are batch mates. -Vreen once shaved Catch's head on a dare from one of their other batch mates and Catch shunned him for a month. (Catch will tell Vreen he still owes him for this.) -Vreen was not trained by Jango, or Alpha-17. -He keeps a mental tally of supplies during missions. -He likes to tease Catch about his distrust of comms, by randomly comming him whenever and wherever and singing silly/vulgar songs in Mando'a or a tune he overheard some local kids chanting while they played. -Vreen absolutely loves Coruscant. He can't get enough of being in the urban cityscape and how beautifully artificial it all is. -You can be completely anonymous on Coruscant, even as a clone and that appeals to Vreen. -Sometimes the light hits the skyline just right and he will tear up. -Vreen's cybernetics have magnetized feet and rockets. (Lock is jealous of the rockets.) -The rockets took a lot of practice to get used to and work best in zero gravity. They don't replace the stability of a jet pack and outside zero gravity Vreen only uses them to assist with jumping. -Vreen is demisexual.
LOCK -Lock causes problems on purpose. -He can pilot almost any Republic ship expertly. -Ships he's unfamiliar with he can still fly, but it won't be as pleasant or safe. -He likes to go fast. The faster the better. The newer ships coming out toward the end of the war have better hyperdrives and Lock wishes the Juggernaut would get an upgrade. -Eclipse Squadron's Omicron shuttle is his baby please DO NOT TOUCH. -On Coruscant, Lock is technically grounded for speeding violations in multiple vehicles, but as long as the Coruscant Guard isn't around, Lock ignores this. -Wire is perhaps too encouraging of this rule breaking behavior, but both Lock and Wire are adrenaline junkies. -Lock can drink the rest of the squad under the table. -After Timber's injury caused him to lose vocal function, Lock is considered the best singer in Eclipse Squadron. His rendition of a funeral song brought the entire 638th in attendance to tears. -Lock feeds stray animals in war zones unless they're low on supplies. He doesn't want them to go hungry in case their families come back and reclaim them. -This carries over when he's on leave. There's a pack of stray Loth Cats on Coruscant that hangs around the GAR waiting for him to feed them. -Lock has the least injuries of Eclipse Squadron. They all can pilot... for the most part, but they try to reserve Lock just in case. The Omicron is his weapon. -His hands are heavily burn scarred from repairing hot equipment himself and sometimes gloves fucking get in the way (so do your vambraces). His arms are burned too.
WIRE -Wire is a walking target. -He knows this. His armor is reinforced and replaced frequently, but he keeps painting it with the stupid Cog on his chest plate. -At this point he's so used to getting shot, it's a running joke in the squadron to bet on how soon or how long it will take Wire to get hit. -Sometimes if he's feeling spiteful he will get shot on purpose (relax, he's fine). -Practical jokes occasionally go too far among the 638th when Wire is involved. -He knows coding and will reprogram downed droids to assist in battle. -He doesn't bring battle droids aboard due to security risks, but in camp he will sometimes mess with other squadrons. -One of the Lieutenants threatened to court marshal Wire after a super battle droid fumbled it's way into the showers. -Wire has a program he wrote with Extra that can shut down droids in a certain radius due to their hive mind. -Wire and Lock are best friends. Batch mates. Lock knows as much about computer systems as Wire does, and Wire knows as much about mechanics as Lock does. -For every injury Lock doesn't receive, Wire receives two. Not that anyone is competing, or anything... -Wire really hates ration bars. Any chance to cook his own food, he'll take, often to the relief of others because his cooking is always better than rations, even if it's bland and sometimes burned. -Wire's alright with a blaster, but prefers vibro blades. He thinks they're more precise about destroy droid components. -Helps Lock feed stray animals. -Sometimes mistaken for a shiny if his armor has to be replaced and he doesn't have time to repaint it before a battle. (At least until he becomes an ARC, then it's kind of obvious he's not a shiny.)
MENCH -Mench... we haven't seen a lot of Mench yet. I ended up giving his arc to Extra in Part 10 because I realized it wouldn't work for Mench. -Mench isn't one of Fusion's batch mates, in fact he's quite a bit younger than Fusion, but they're good friends. -Mench is like the sunshine friend to Fusion's dark and tormented. -Mench is an ARC trooper. The Kaminoans didn't want him to become one so his training was skewed against him. -He still became an ARC trooper despite the Kaminoans efforts. -He tries to solve problems as soon as they arise, which isn't always a good idea. -The gentlest member of Eclipse Squadron. -He's made the argument that if the group is going to be pushing for clone rights, they need to push for droid rights as well. -He will give you a hug if you ask, but he's not a touchy person by nature. -Mench likes to laugh and make the others laugh with well timed jokes or stories. -He's a natural story teller and can talk for hours if you let him. -When the squad encounters starry-eyed shinies Mench is always the one to tell about their adventures, usually adding in embellishments and making some of the more harrowing escapades seem not so bad. -He's the best at lying in Eclipse Squad, sometimes even being able to trick Zeya. -When Timber and Quiver were new to the squad, Mench took them under his wing. -War does not steal away his kindness, no matter how much it tries. -He becomes battle hardened and experienced, but if anything, going through the war makes him softer. -His armor has a poncho because I cannot envision him without one.
TIMBER AND QUIVER -Timber isn't bitter about not being able to sing anymore. -He and Quiver get up to all kinds of trouble. -Eclipse Squadron calls Timber and Quiver "The Twins" because they joined at roughly the same time and are inseparable. -Quiver will Force-yeet Timber in battle as part of the strats. -Timber thinks it's hilarious to come flying out of nowhere and just absolutely wreck droids. -Timber is the only clone in Eclipse Squadron willing to be Force-yote. -Quiver acquires his own lightsaber eventually. It's yellow (mostly because yellow goes well with the purple of the 638th Legion armor, but also because the kyber crystal originally belonged to a Sentinel and since Quiver is a clone with skills outside of being a Jedi, I felt it was appropriate for the crystal to remain yellow). -Timber likes when cadets visit the Juggernaut or the Juggernaut visits Kamino for more troops and/or supplies. -He likes showing them around the ship, letting them test out their skills with the (not live) equipment. -Lots of the cadets know who Timber is, even after he loses most of his ability to talk. -Some of the trainers on Kamino start including sign language into their programs because Timber is so popular (and it's practical) -Quiver is nervous around the kids because he's not good at interacting with them. The kids like him though. -Timber and Quiver would totally adopt a group of cadets if they could. -Quiver still gets headaches even though his chip is gone. He still has the Nightmares because while he's sleeping he can sense other clones having them. -Timber wakes him up when this happens and helps him relax.
WHITE -White has been gathering evidence against the Kaminoans and the Republic since he was old enough to understand what injustice means. -He never told anyone about Zeya's anti-war sentiments, and he wishes Zeya would be a bit more careful about who they tell... -White is just as skilled in combat as he is in medicine. -A lot of his time is spent reminding the squad to eat and sleep properly between missions. -The number of vaccinations clones receive is astronomical because of the number of planets and species they come in contact with. -Pre-mission on a new planet is another round of new vaccinations. -White knows a lot about Galactic laws and treaties because of his desire to expose the Republic for crimes against the clones. -He carries chocolate flavored nutrient bars just in case they encounter civilians in need of a morale boost. He occasionally uses these on Eclipse Squadron if a mission is going badly. -On the Juggernaut he works in the med-bay under the SMO, but is officially a member of Eclipse Squadron. -He actually has the best rapport out of anyone with General Sis simply because he approaches General Sis as a person and not as a Jedi or a General. -His rapport was instrumental in preventing a mutiny from being necessary, since he was able to bridge the personality divide between Fusion and General Sis. -He's angry. One wrong move by the Senate and White would be at their doors protesting, even if that made him a deserter. -He teaches Zeya more about human anatomy so their healing technique works better. -Politics and bureaucracy frustrate White to the point where his hands shake. -The entire 638th Legion has had their chips removed because White is sneaky. If you're new, he will get to you.
EXTRA -Extra is old. -Emotionally old, physically old (his hair is beginning to silver), just old in soul. -He's not as old as Catch, but stress bears down on Extra more than on the Sergeant of Eclipse Squadron. -Extra took a long time to warm up to the rest of the squad and seriously debated going AWOL when first assigned to them because he was so use to working alone. -He's a highly trained and skilled sniper and scout, an ARC, and would have been a Commando if he'd been a bit older. -He calm, but not chill. In fact, he feels manic most of the time but has learned to internalize that manic sensation into repeating protocols and code banks to himself. -He can and will do the work of an entire squadron on his own if he has to (see part 10). -He's trained troopers. Most of the troopers he's trained have died. He's not sure how he feels about this knowledge. -Extra grew up alone and is touch starved. He didn't get to take part in cuddle piles or forming bonds with batch mates or anything other clone cadets were doing with their cohorts. -Fitting in is a challenge for him, so when Toraya immediately likes him, like genuinely LIKES him, Extra is stunned. -Spoiler alert: Extra gets a happy ending. -Similar to Zeya, Extra learned early on how to navigate all kinds of weird and strange situations because he didn't fit in. Putting on a performance for whatever roll he needed to play. -Zeya and Extra understand each other very well and Extra appreciates that Eclipse Squadron never tried to mold him into a "better clone". -Extra becomes a Sergeant with his own squadron.
CLIMB -I can't say too much about Climb because that would spoil so many things to come. -Fusion loves his youngest brother. -Climb is steadfast and not cocky like some shinies can be.
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