#i'm sure this has been drawn a million times but who cares i had fun
greywoe · 1 year
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Why did I come here? These are not my gods. This is not my place.
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sherwynphilip · 3 years
In one of my recent posts about Jimin's photo tweet right after Day-2 of the 2021 BTS MUSTER Sowoozoo concert, the lovely @i-like-plain-rice had this to say:
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There's a lot to unpack in what was said. I'll try my best because I feel that the comment deserves its own space. So, here goes...
First, while it may seem to the onlooker that BTS' lives are "so fun and nice," and I hope to God that they truly are, I think we must not fail to acknowledge the countless, unimaginable struggles they had to go through to get to where they are.
In their recent FESTA special (210612), "BTS ARMY CORNER STORE," Yoongi said (as he often had in the past) that for BTS nothing was ever given easily. They had to work really hard, perhaps harder than everyone else in the industry, to achieve their dreams. Remember that BTS and BigHit were built in a hostile environment from the very beginning, but they rose above all the criticisms, attacks and misrepresentations by staying humble and authentic, and by staying faithful to their art and their message. The BTS ARMY, no doubt, has a huge role in BTS' success. However, we mustn't fail to recognize that this success is organic. It was never handed to them on a silver plattter, unlike many of the big names in the industry. In a global music industry wrought with racism, or in the case of the KPop world, wrought with entitlement that works against the underdog, BTS' success is more an anomaly than a standard.
Second, it's ok to feel envious, I guess. I don't think there's anything wrong with "envy" in and of itself. Envy is not the problem, but what we do with it could be. Clearly, it's wrong when envy leads one to destructiveness. But when envy inspires you to be better and to do better, then it's not that bad at all.
That being said, I hope you're right when you say that BTS "are so happy," because that's what all ARMYs wish for. And if sometimes they're not, that's ok, too. Because they have each other. As you said, "They are so loving towards each other." I have no doubt that they are. They wouldn't have succeeded in the way that they have if each of them didn't truly care for the team and for each other. And besides, they have ARMY always behind them. In their ending ment just hours ago for Day-2 of their MUSTER Sowoozoo concert, Namjoon said that "BTS and ARMY charge each other's batteries...." And, my God, isn't that so true! Which now leads me to my third point...
The boys know about our own personal struggles. They empathize with every single ARMY who are dealing with life's challenges. Their music and their message speak enough about this. So, when you say your life is miserable, please allow me to say this in response: It's ok not to be ok.
In his D-Day FESTA Calendar video gift for ARMY, Jimin said:
🐥 "Lately, I've been thinking a lot about the moment we first met and how I used to feel at the time... I think they were definitely valuable and beautiful moments enough to describe them with these beautiful words... You must be going through rough times these days. If you feel like crying, don't hold it in. It can be nice to be honest with your feelings. Thank you for holding on. Please cheer up. I love you."
And remember "FLY TO MY ROOM"? In what is perhaps the best verse in the entire song, Jimin sings, "Sometimes we gotta know, broken is beautiful." I wept the first time I heard that line; I still do everytime. And it's the same kind of reaction I have when I listen to their music and watch their videos, or when I listen to their speeches, or read their messages for ARMY. I feel that they truly care, that they do wish for a better world, where others feel safe and happy.
I'm sure you've heard it said often, how people discover BTS at the right exact time, mostly when they're so down in life and they needed something, anything, to hold on to. Not to put BTS on a pedestal, but they truly are that kind of inspiration. And it was for a reason that they started from the very bottom, that they went through so much struggle of their own in their journey towards their dreams, and that they have continually been paying forward whatever success they now have. Had their journey been any different, they would not have gained the attention and adoration of the now millions of ARMYs who continue to root for them and help make their dreams come true.
ARMYs are drawn to BTS because of what the boys represent and what they stand for. And what BTS represent and stand for is every underdog who, inspite of feeling down and out of luck, or feeling miserable in life because their dreams seem so unreachable, can rise above all of that and find happiness. BTS and ARMY thrive even in the most hostile environment. BTS' message is clear, and none made the clearer than in "EPIPHANY": Happiness can be had... if we learn to love ourselves, and love ourselves so truthfully and fiercely that others can't help but feel and spread the love as well.
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Last, I wish, like you, that BTS stay happy forever because they deserve it. But I'd like to think, too, that their happiness is also contingent to ARMY's happiness. So, if you, I, and all the other ARMYs out there "get even a glimpse of their bright lives" because we are inspired by their art and their message... And if we soever choose to love ourselves and believe that we deserve happiness, then I'm certain that BTS will be even happier than they already are.
Borahae, my fellow ARMY. 💜
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dawnrider · 4 years
Fluff/Angst #8 "I'm never letting you go" has some clear InuKag tones
    You're absolutely right, Anon, it does! Sorry it took me so long to reply to this prompt. It's been 🍌🍌 around here, and not the fun kind.
@lemonlushff, @fantastiqueparfait, @clearwillow, @mamabearcat, @sarah-writes-stories, @lavendertwilight89
Working Title: Instinct
“Yash... we found her.”  The words continued to ring in his ears.  He was breaking all kinds of traffic laws to make it to the lab, but he couldn't care less.  They'd found her. Missing for nearly four months, gone without a trace of any kind for him to follow, Kagome had fallen off the earth.  His best friends – her best friends – had no idea what happened to her and had continued to help him search when most would have given up.  Another almost red light, another squealing turn... Inuyasha thought back on his conversation with Miroku barely ten minutes earlier.
    “Yo, Monk.  What's up?”
    There was a long pause.  “Yash... we found her.” Inuyasha didn't need to ask who “her” meant.  There was only one person in the whole world that he would possibly care enough about for the monk to call him.  His heart stuttered.
    “Why don't you sound...  Is she...” he couldn't even finish the question.
    “No, she's alive.”  Again that terrifying pause.  “She isn't exactly herself, Yash.  But she's alive.”
    Despite his fear as to what Miroku meant, he didn't want to find out over the phone.  “Is she at the lab?” As soon as he heard the affirmative response, he was out the door and into his car.
    Now he had time to think about what Miroku said and it was making him more and more worried.  Not herself.  What the fuck does that mean?  Had something happened to her?  Obviously something had happened or she wouldn't have disappeared for four months, but he had held out hope that it was her choice, that she'd removed herself and not been forcibly removed.  What if someone had kidnapped her and he hadn't done enough to find her?
    The steel walls that surrounded them were daunting to him, he couldn't imagine how she felt.  “Why in the name of all the known kami can't I see her?!” He was losing his patience. Not that he had much to spare in the first place.  They had taken him into an examination room, asked him a bunch of questions about his history with Kagome, taken a million blood samples, fingerprints, the lot.  He couldn't get anyone to tell him why or what was going on with Kagome or even how she was. Finally he had Miroku in front of him and he was telling him that he couldn't see her?!  The monk had to be losing his mind if he thought that was going to fly. “Fuck this, I'll see her and I'll see her now.” He tried to push by his friend without hurting him which resulted in a restraining ofuda being placed on his chest.  Immobilized, he snarled and growled.
    “I wish I could let you see her now, Yash.  I do. But there is something strange going on and I don't think you're ready to see her.”
    “Monk, you explain to me exactly what is going on, right now!” he rumbled darkly.
    Miroku hesitated a moment before releasing a deep sigh.  “Let me finish before you interrupt.” Inuyasha snorted impatiently but agreed.  “Kagome came to us. She was dressed a little raggedly but she was unharmed. She was lucid... for a little while.  Then suddenly she was snarling at the doctor and even growling at me.” Miroku raised a hand when Inuyasha was clearly about to interject.  “I know what you're going to say. Kagome isn't a youkai, but she sure as hell was acting like one. She isn't possessed or infested either.”  Miroku paced a few moments before facing the inuhanyou he had immobilized. “I wish I could let her tell you this on her own, but she is rarely with us long enough to get out a few words before she slips under again.  We've been sedating her to keep her from hurting herself or anyone else...”
    “What the hell is it?”
    “Yash, she's pregnant.  Very pregnant.” The silence surrounded him like water and he felt like he was drowning.  “We had to run tests to be absolutely sure, but we know the pup is yours Inuyasha.” The feeling of being unable to breathe nearly made him swoon.
    “Take this thing off of me.  I have to see her.” When Miroku didn't jump to the task immediately, Inuyasha snarled.  “Now!” A moment later he was free and he made his way to the holding facilities. It was easier than he would have thought to find her, the snarling and growling of a female inuyoukai easily discernible.  But his Kagome wasn't an inuyoukai bitch... she wasn't even youkai! She was a miko for kami's sake. “Let me in,” he demanded at the door. The video screen beside the door lit up with Miroku's face. “Miroku, I mean it.  Let me in or I'll break the door down.”
    Both of them knew that was next to impossible, but they both also knew that he would die trying.  “Alright. I'm warning you, she hasn't recognized anyone she knows when she's like this.”
    “Somehow, I think I'm different.”  The door slid open slowly, revealing more or less what his ears had told him he'd find.  Kagome was restrained to the bed with padded wrist and ankle cuffs. There was a restraining band across her chest to keep her from thrashing around too much and she was clearly furious about it.  Not that he could blame her. Of course, seeing her as she was, he couldn't blame the monk for restraining her either. “Kagome, it's me.” She stilled at the sound of his voice and her eyes shot to his face.  Inuyasha stepped into the room and heard the door slide shut behind him. As he stepped closer he could see that her eyes had somehow become golden rather than the brown he knew.
    She seemed wary of him at the very least, her eyes focused completely on him.  Obviously aware of how vulnerable she was in her position, she lay completely frozen.  When he took a few steps closer to the bed, she growled lowly at him. Inuyasha, unlike the others, understood her meaning.  “Don't come closer.”
    “I'll stay right here.”  Her golden eyes blinked at him, her head tilting slightly in acknowledgment of his concession.  “Kagome, you need to remember who I am. I can get you out of here, but you have to remember who I am... who you are.”  Again she blinked at him, as though she didn't understand what he was asking of her. He tried again, in inuyoukai this time.
    “Can't remember,” she whimpered, tossing her head.
    “I'll let you out of the bonds, ok?” he told her, showing her his hands the whole time.  She jumped at his touch, more brown entering her irises for a brief moment. Inuyasha released her ankles first, then the chest restraint and finally her wrists.  He watched her carefully for any attack, but she simply slid over the opposite side of the bed and peeked at him over the edge. With the small glimmer he had seen before, he got an idea.  “Let me help you,” he wuffed at her, slowly approaching her around the bed and offering her his hands to help her to her feet.
    A zip of youki nearly singed his hands when he reached for her.  “Inuyasha!” she gasped at the direct contact of his hands on her skin.  She nearly collapsed but he caught her against his chest. The roundness of her belly, which he had ignored up until this point, pressed against him insistently.  “Inuyasha,” she whimpered, tears coming to her eyes.
    “Hush, I got you.  I got you.” He gently rocked her in his arms and growled softly to comfort her.  “Where were you?” he breathed into her hair, taking in her scent. “We've been looking for months.”
    “I... I've been in the woods.  A cave. I felt drawn there.” She hiccuped a sob.  “When I felt that the baby would come soon, I was conscious long enough to come here and have them lock me up.”
    “Conscious?  You... you aren't aware of what happens in between?”  He had never heard of anything even remotely similar to this kind of psychosis.  Kagome had somehow not only developed some kind of second youkai personality, a form of youki of her own, but she was caring for herself exactly like an inuyoukai bitch would when breeding.  “It's alright, you're safe here.”
    Kagome let out another soft whimper.  “I'm aware. Just not in control.” She took a deep breath before pushing slightly back from his chest.  “You need to talk to her... me... when I'm like that. I can't explain what happened because I'm not entirely sure.”
    “In inuyoukai?”  He knew that she had already spoken to him in his native tongue before, but that was a very primal and clear command.  Could she be capable of more in-depth conversation? “Are you sure?” he asked instead. Kagome nodded and he let out a small breath in resignation.  “Alright. But I'm not going to let you get hurt.” He lifted his head and pinpointed the camera in the room with a stare. “I need a bunch of pillows and blankets brought in here, piled in the corner.”  There was no response but several minutes later there was a knock before the door slid open. Miroku held a high stack of blankets, pillows and comforters. “Just throw them there.” Inuyasha motioned to the far corner.  He waited for the monk to toss the pile down and leave before hauling Kagome into his arms and carrying her to the corner.
    “What are you doing?” she asked in a small voice.
    “Inuyoukai nest when breeding.  The youkai side of you is feeling vulnerable in this room and it's the closest we're going to get to a den.”  Kagome's eyes were wide with nervousness, her fingers grasping for any holds they could find on his shirt. “Don't worry, Love,” he murmured in her ear, “No matter what, I've got you. I'm never letting you go. Not again. Not really.”  Tears filled her eyes at his words, but she nodded and allowed him to let go of her. Almost the moment he was no longer in contact with her skin, her eyes returned to the gold that marked her alternate mind. She whimpered and curled into a protective ball, moving as much of the soft material surrounding her into a protective shell.  “Easy, you're safe here,” he rumbled to her. Her eyes lifted to him once more, obviously sizing him up or trying to recognize him.
    “Mate,” she whined after a moment, lowering her gaze.  He affirmed her realization which seemed to relax her considerably.  “The pup will come soon. This is no place for birthing.”
    “No, you're right, it's not.  We'll go home for that.” Inuyasha took a deep breath.  “What happened? Why did you go to the forest?”
    “Cleaner, safer.  No one could hurt me.”  Her explanation, while simple, explained a lot about how she saw the world in which Kagome lived on a daily basis.  Kagome's job put her in contact with a lot of youkai and humans, some sick, some injured and some violent. She was the first line for the clinic which was a part of this complex, so others could safely treat the people who were brought there.  Some humans were possessed, some youkai were possessed. There were illnesses that even youkai could contract and injuries received that didn't heal because of miasma or jyaki. Kagome removed or solved any spiritually related problems before allowing the patients to go on to the other doctors.  The inuyoukai personality knew those things were dangerous to a growing fetus. “You were not there.”
    Inuyasha balked at the accusation.  “I am always here,” he growled.
    “Your scent was stale in my home.  I did not know where to find you,” she growled back.  “I found the den you built and I waited for you.” The den he had built...
    “Holy fuck,” he spoke aloud, golden eyes wide.  “You went there?” he huffed incredulously. “I showed you that cave years ago.  I haven't even been there since then. You remembered that, but not my apartment?” he grumbled.  The look on her face made it clear that her ears would be laid back in shame if she'd had them. He wuffed softly to apologize, wanting to touch her, but knowing he would lose the inuyoukai.  “You stayed safe, that is what matters, and you are here now. We will go home to my den and our pup will be born in safety,” he assured her. She watched him silently for a while before the gold faded from her eyes until he was left with only the dark brown gaze of his love.  “Kagome,” he breathed.
    “Is... is she gone?”
    Inuyasha breathed out a sigh.  “I think so. Do you understand what happened now?”
    “Kind of.  I can't understand the language, but I see the images as she's speaking.  She thought my job was too dangerous while I was pregnant,” she murmured.
    He didn't want to upset her further, but he softly explained that he agreed.  That had he known she was expecting, he would have asked her to take a sabbatical.  Any of the doctors in the clinic would have told her the same. “Using your powers daily like you have to there and the strain of handling all those patients would have been dangerous for the pup.”
    “I didn't know,” she admitted.  “I honestly didn't know I was even pregnant until I started feeling strange, like I was missing parts of my day.  Then, before I could tell you, I found myself in that cave and I didn't know where I was or how I got there.”
    “The hormones from the pregnancy and the youki from the pup must have influenced you.”  Strong youki, he mused silently and worriedly.  He knew that many things about the situation were not right.  He understood now why they had taken so many samples, to check and recheck the paternity results.  Inuyasha was a hanyou, a hybrid. In theory, naturally fathering a child should have been very difficult.  Clearly not true.  On top of that, Kagome was a miko, which meant her spiritual abilities should never have allowed her to be dominated by any youki, even that of her unborn child.  Which led to the main issue he was concerned about. The pup was only a quarter youkai, which should have meant any youki he or she might have would be minimal at best.  Also clearly not true.  “I'm going to get you home, alright?”  She only nodded, fingers clenching tightly in his shirt.  “We need to contact your family. They've been worried sick.”
    “Oh kami... My mother,” she gasped.  “Are they alright?”
    “Obviously upset, but everyone is healthy.”  A tiny grin quirked the corner of his mouth at her sigh of relief.  It was so like Kagome to be so worried about her family. “I haven't had a chance to let them know you've been found yet.  We'll call them on the way home.” Kagome nodded against his shoulder, still burying her nose in the crook of his neck and scenting him from time to time.  He only held her closer to his chest as he approached the door, staring into the camera lens. It took a few moments, but the door did open for them.  
    Miroku was on the other side, anxiety in his features.  “Kagome,” he breathed in relief. “We're all so glad to have you back.”  Kagome lifted her head to look at her long-time friend. She gave him a tentative smile.  “Are you sure you...”
    “Leave it, Monk.  I'm taking her home, that's final.”  Miroku opened his mouth to protest, hesitated and then closed it again.  Bowing his head slightly in acquiescence, he moved aside. “Do me a favor.  Call your wife, let her know where we're going and have her bring a box or two of Kagome's things.”
    “None of my things will fit me,” Kagome reminded him softly, again drawing their attention to the very round expanse of her belly between them.
    “They will once the baby is born and I'm sure you'd like to have a few of your own things around.  Sango is at your mother's with the girls. Perhaps you could speak with her when you speak with your family.”
    Inuyasha only gave a nod before making his way as quickly and smoothly as he could out of the lab and into the parking garage.  He didn't think she would relapse into her youkai state, but he figured it would be better if they were somewhere she felt safe if it did happen.  He settled her into the front seat, helping her stretch the seatbelt around her.
    He finally allowed himself to take in the complete change.  Crouched beside her, he lay his head on her rounded belly, his ear quickly picking up the strong heartbeat of the pup.  His pup. Against his will, tears came to his eyes. His beautiful Kagome had come back to him, come back to him near to bursting with his pup growing within her.
    The tentative touch of her fingers on his head pulled him up and he finally looked her in the eye, really looked at her.  “I was so worried,” he murmured. Kagome's eyes filled with tears.
    “I thought about you all the time, even when I was like that.  Every day I looked for any sign that you had found me...”
    “Gods, Kagome, I'm so sorry.  I never thought to look there.  There were no trails to follow, nothing to tell me which way to even look.”
    “But you kept looking, didn’t you?” she breathed.  Tears trailed down her cheeks as she gently touched his face.  The look in his eyes was enough to let her know he never would have stopped looking.  “I’m so sorry I worried you.” He sighed, pressing his forehead to her belly and breathing with her for a moment.
    “Let’s get you to your mom.  She’ll be glad to see you’re safe.”  Kagome let out a sigh, pulling him into her for another kiss before releasing him to lean back against the seat.  The inuhanyou closed her door and made his way around to the driver’s side. He took a fortifying breath himself before getting in.
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emma-what-son · 3 years
(Echee post) Emma Watson says J.K Rowling's quote about Hermione ending up with Harry was taken out of context and it was a joke
Posted March 6, 2014
From mtv.com/news may 2014, "Watson also seemed somewhat pessimistic about the longevity of the popular pairing, sharing at the time, "I think there are fans out there who know that too and who wonder whether Ron would have really been able to make her happy." But Watson's tune may have changed just a bit, as the starlet took to the red carpet at tonight's Oscars (her first time attending the big show, if you can believe it) and told MTV's own Josh Horowitz, "It was a real shame, because the quote that she gave was completely taken out of context." Emma change her tune? Noooooo way she would never do that!! =)~ MTV left out the part where she said it was just a joke From ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com March 2014, "It was a real shame, because the quote that she gave was completely taken out of context, and if you read the whole interview it was completely not how it was framed but it was actually kind of a joke." You know the funny part is? This is the Wonderland Magazine that Emma herself guest edited and Emma herself conducted the interview with J.K. Rowling. How could it be possibly taken out of context or even be considered a joke? There is nothing in the writing that suggests it's a joke. Maybe if the interview was conducted by video you could see their facial expressions that would tip you off that they were joking. This is typical Emma changing her tune but only because the HP fandom lost their shit over fictional characters. JK and Emma are back tracking now. I don't really care because to me it's a book made into a movie but this is Emma deceiving others as usual.
Actually I read the entire interview and what is being taken out of context and where is the punch line? Here is the part of the interview with JK about Hermione ending up with harry instead of Ron. From ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com Feb 2014 Emma: I thought we should discuss Hermione... I'm sure you've heard this a million times but now that you have written the books, do you have a new perspective on how you relate to Hermione and the relationship you have with her or had with her? JK: I know that Hermione is incredibly recognizable to a lot of readers and yet you don't see a lot of Hermione's in film or on TV except to be laughed at. I mean that the intense, clever, in some ways not terribly self-aware, girl is rarely the heroine and I really wanted her to be the heroine. She is part of me, although she is not wholly me. I think that is how I might have appeared to people when I was younger, but that is not really how I was inside. What I will say is that I wrote the Hermione/Ron relationship as a form of wish fulfillment. That's how it was conceived, really. For reasons that have very little to do with literature and far more to do with me clinging to the plot as I first imagined it, Hermione with Ron. Emma: Ah. JK: I know, I'm sorry, I can hear the rage and fury it might cause some fans, but if I'm absolutely honest, distance has given me perspective on that. It was a choice I made for very personal reasons, not for reasons of credibility. Am I breaking people's hearts by saying this? I hope not. Emma: I don't know. I think there are fans out there who know that too and who wonder whether Ron would have really been able to make her happy. JK: Yes exactly. Emma: And vice versa. JK: It was a young relationship. I think the attraction itself is plausible but the combative side of it... I'm not sure you could have got over that in an adult relationship, there was too much fundamental incompatibility. I can't believe we are saying all of this – this is Potter heresy! Emma: I know, it is heresy. JK: In some ways Hermione and Harry are a better fit and I'll tell you something very strange. When I wrote Hallows, I felt this quite strongly when I had Hermione and Harry together in the tent! I hadn't told [Steve] Kloves that and when he wrote the script he felt exactly the same thing at exactly the same point. Emma: That is just so interesting because when I was doing the scene I said to David [Heyman]: "This isn't in the book, she didn't write this". I'm not sure I am comfortable insinuating something however subtle it is! JK: Yes, but David and Steve – they felt what I felt when writing it. Emma: That is so strange. JK: And actually I liked that scene in the film, because it was articulating something I hadn't said but I had felt. I really liked it and I thought that it was right. I think you do feel the ghost of what could have been in that scene. Emma: It's a really haunting scene. It's funny because it really divided people. Some people loved that scene and some people really didn't. JK: Yes, some people utterly hated it. But that is true of so many really good scenes in books and films; they evoke that strong positive/negative feeling. I was fine with it, I liked it. Emma: I remember really loving shooting those scenes that don't have any dialogue, where you are just kind of trying to express a moment in time and a feeling without saying anything. It was just Dan and I spontaneously sort of trying to convey an idea and it was really fun. JK: And you got it perfectly, you got perfectly the sort of mixture of awkwardness and genuine emotion, because it teeters on the edge of "what are we doing? Oh come on let's do it anyway", which I thought was just right for that time. Emma: I think it was just the sense that in the moment they needed to be together and be kids and raise each other's morale. JK: That is just it, you are so right. All this says something very powerful about the character of Hermione as well. Hermione was the one that
stuck with Harry all the way through that last installment, that very last part of the adventure. It wasn't Ron, which also says something very powerful about Ron. He was injured in a way, in his self-esteem, from the start of the series. He always knew he came second to fourth best, and then had to make friends with the hero of it all and that's a hell of a position to be in, eternally overshadowed. So Ron had to act out in that way at some point. But Hermione's always there for Harry. I remember you sent me a note after you read Hallows and before you started shooting, and said something about that, because it was Hermione's journey as much as Harry's at the end. Emma: I completely agree and the fact that they were true equals and the fact that she really said goodbye to her family makes it her sacrifice too. JK: Yes, her sacrifice was massive, completely. A very calculated act of bravery. That is not an 'in the moment' act of bravery where emotion carries you through, that is a deliberate choice. Emma: Exactly. I love Hermione. JK: I love her too. Oh, maybe she and Ron will be alright with a bit of counseling, you know. I wonder what happens at wizard marriage counseling? They'll probably be fine. He needs to work on his self-esteem issues and she needs to work on being a little less critical. Emma: I think it makes sense to me that Ron would make friends with the most famous wizard in the school because I think life presents to you over and over again your biggest and most painful fear – until you conquer it. It just keeps coming up. JK: That is so true, it has happened in my own life. The issue keeps coming up because you are drawn to it and you are putting yourself in front of it all the time. At a certain point you have to choose what to do about it and sometimes conquering it is choosing to say: I don't want that anymore, I'm going to stop walking up to you because there is nothing there for me. But yes, you're so right, that's very insightful! Ron's used to playing second fiddle. I think that's a comfortable role for him, but at a certain point he has to be his own man, doesn't he? Emma: Yes and until he does it is unresolved. It is unfinished business. So maybe life presented this to him enough times until he had to make a choice and become the man that Hermione needs. JK: Just like her creator, she has a real weakness for a funny man. These uptight girls, they do like them funny. Emma: They do like them funny, they need them funny. JK: It's such a relief from being so intense yourself – you need someone who takes life, or appears to take life, a little more light heartedly.
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^This post made Ron cry, lol I really don't care who ended up with who because it's a movie. I lost no sleep over it or thought about it much until I read the quote of Emma changing her tune as MTV pointed out. I will say this. In the Half Blood Prince when Ron was in the Hospital after mistakenly consuming a love potion meant for Harry there was an exchange between Hermione and Lavender Brown where Hermione said, "I've always found him interesting" meaning Ron. There was also that scene in DH2 where Hermione said she couldn't destroy the horocrux and it took Ron to coach her up to do it. There was that scene after that where they were looking for Harry using the marauders map and Ron remembered what Hermione told him about the room of requirement not being on the map and she was surprised he remembered. Then there was the Order of the Phoenix when Ron tricked Malfoy and the rest of them (with a spell of which I forget) and they got away while Hermione and Harry lead Umbridge into the Forrest. When Hermione came back she was impressed by him. I think Ron and Hermione would be just fine if they were real. They actually compliment each other by being total opposites. I'm sure true Potter fans have better examples for Ron and Hermione. Btw Emma was about Ron and Hermione for years and years. I'd post the quotes but I think true Potter fans know this to be true so there would be no argument there. It's something me and Emma fans probably agree on. I think hell just froze over. As for what Emma said about Ron making Hermione happy and stuff. In my opinion she's purely speaking from her own taste in men since she goes for the Viktor Krum's (Matt Janney/Tom Ducker) and Cormac McLaggen's (Will Adamowicz/Jay Barrymore). Emma is more of  mix of Sam (Perks) and Nicki (TBR) than she was ever Hermione. Emma would never date a Ron Weasley in real life. It's beneath her and there would be a reality gap between them since Emma lives in her own head and is out of touch with normal people. So really that statement is a full on Emmione moment where she's doing her thinking for a fictional character that is totally different from "the real Emma Watson". I've said this numerous times. If Hermione were real she would not think too kindly of Emma. Shy and introverted post is coming one of these days. I keep on saying that but it is. I put this post together in 15 minutes. I've been working on the other one for two weeks on and off by procrastinating with it mostly. It's not that complicated I'm just being lazy getting all the photos and quotes together I need. And while were on this shipping business
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She supposedly interviewed JGL in Wonderland Magazine but it was not formatted like her other Interviews where she talked just as much as the person she was interviewing so this leads to believe she actually didn’t interview JGL. It was a straight Q&A without it reading like a conversation between two people in the same room like the others. And JGL has done Wonderland a few times in the past so I don’t think this was Emma’s request. Then they presented together at the Oscars. Coincidence or more Hollywood smoke and mirrors? Fans are shipping (weirdo movement) these two and it was all for show. Ok I’m going to join this weirdo movement of shipping! JGL and Dan forever!!
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calumcest · 4 years
good morning :) loved the new drabbles and i was wondering if you'd write about 'actually.. i just miss you' and lashton again but like.. in the angel/devil au? i completely get it if not because you already wrote one with that prompt (and it was great) but i'm a sucker for this verse and the phrase just reminded me so much of them (oh and maybe alternatively for them if you don't want to use the prompt again: 'why do i love you?')
thank u so much!! omg i’m so glad you enjoyed the verse bc i am slyly living for it its very self-indulgent so any requests to write more in the angel/demon verse...how could i say no also forewarning this is not a drabble its 1.7k sdlkfjhsbdf 
Ashton, Michael prays, an edge of desperation to the word, and Ashton jerks up from the record of the soul he’s currently processing, focusing in on the prayer. Come down. I need you. 
What for?��
Ashton can’t help the butterflies in his stomach at that, and he swallows, pushing himself back from his desk. 
He shouldn’t. He shouldn’t go. Michael’s more than capable of handling Lucifer - he’s proven that once before - and Ashton’s busy. He’s got at least three thousand more souls to process today. He doesn’t have the time to go down, doesn’t have the time to chase whatever stupid nonsense Lucifer’s up to now. He shouldn’t. 
Instead, he focuses in on Michael, lets his prayer swell in his heart, closes his eyes, and heads down. 
He turns up in the dark outside a restaurant, lit up by one feeble streetlight. He can feel that Lucifer’s in there, feel it in the burning, crawling sensation under his folded-in wings, so he takes a deep breath and pushes the door open. 
It’s nearly empty, save a table with Calum, dressed in all black, leather jacket catching the light as he gesticulates wildly, frowning. Michael’s opposite him, white shirt setting off his pale skin and blond hair, frowning right back at Calum, lips twisted in a way that Ashton knows firsthand means I know you’re right but I refuse to lose this argument. Lucifer’s sat next to Calum, looking incredibly bored with whatever’s happening, but, almost as though it were an instinct, his eyes are drawn to Ashton, north meeting south. 
Ashton swallows at the dark look in Lucifer’s eyes, and heads over to the table. 
“What?” he says, hoping his voice doesn’t sound as hoarse to everyone else as it does to him. 
“Oh, thank fuck,” Michael says, a look of relief spreading across his face. The curse rings loud and unholy in Ashton’s ears, and makes him wince slightly. Michael barely even notices. “Cal, let’s fucking go.” 
“Wait,” Ashton says, as both Calum and Michael scrape their chairs back, and Michael turns to look at him, faint annoyance etched in his features. 
“What?” he says. 
“What?” Ashton echoes, slightly incredulous. “You call me down here, and then you leave?” Michael shrugs. Ashton cannot believe him. “You said-” he cuts himself off, with a glance at Lucifer, who’s watching the exchange idly. Lucifer doesn’t miss the glance, and a lazy smile spreads across his face when he realises what the look means. 
“I just said I needed you,” Michael points out. 
“For Lucifer.” 
“Yeah, to keep him company,” Michael says, “while me and Cal go off and fuck.” Calum nods seriously at that. Ashton’s going to speak to Him about blanket banning consorting with demons. Michael’s getting worse by the day, and he was never good to begin with. 
“I think he can look after himself,” Ashton bites out, casting Lucifer another glance. Lucifer just looks back at him, amused smile playing on his lips. 
“No,” Michael says, placing a hand on Ashton’s shoulder, and Ashton feels it, feels the full weight of God’s love and holiness thrumming through his veins, heavy in Michael’s touch, stronger than any other angel. He kind of gets why Raphael hates Michael whenever he feels that. “I think you should be there with him.” He says it with the kind of gravity only an archangel can muster, and Ashton has no choice but to nod, because it’s an order. Michael grins at him, quick and easy, all seriousness gone, and pats him on the shoulder, right above his wing. Ashton winces, and falls into the seat Michael had been occupying. 
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Lucifer calls after Calum and Michael as they head for the door. 
“There’s nothing you wouldn’t do,” Calum shoots back, and Lucifer grins wickedly. 
“Exactly,” he says, and both Michael and Calum roll their eyes fondly - and, okay, when did Michael become fond of Lucifer? Something rolls uncomfortably in Ashton’s stomach at that, but he pushes it aside, focusing on the task at hand. Keep Lucifer entertained. Keep him company. Ashton can do that. 
“So,” Lucifer says, blue eyes flicking to Ashton, lit up and amused. “Just me and you now.” Ashton nods tightly. 
“Looks like it,” he says. That just seems to amuse Lucifer even more, small smile stretching to a full grin. He leans back, tilting his head like he’s scrutinising Ashton, and suddenly there’s a cheeseburger in front of Ashton. 
Okay. Ashton’s not a fan of human food, he really isn’t, but Michael had gone on and on about cheeseburgers for at least fifty years, begging Ashton to come down and try one, and Ashton had eventually relented and said he’d try one if Michael brought one back up, which he’d duly done. It’s been at least forty years since that happened, and Ashton had only managed about ten before he’d caved and started taking the odd secret trip down to Earth for a cheeseburger. Nobody, though, nobody, not even Michael, knows about that. 
“I don’t eat human food,” Ashton says primly, because he doesn’t. Ashton may not be able to lie, but all that’s done is make him very good at bending the truth. 
“You eat cheeseburgers,” Lucifer says, like this is a well-known fact, and not something Ashton’s sworn Michael to secrecy on. 
“I-” Ashton’s cut off with a wince, holy power seizing his tongue, caught in an almost-lie. Lucifer grins, recognising the telltale signs of an angel trying to lie all too well. Ashton clears his throat in a dignified manner, hoping Lucifer can’t see the flush on his cheeks, and tries a different tack. “How do you know that?” Lucifer shrugs. 
“Kept tabs on you,” he says, and then proceeds to reel off Ashton’s cheeseburger order. “Double cheeseburger, extra pickles, no mayo, two tomatoes.” Ashton stares at him. 
“You stalked me?” he says, and it comes out a little strangled. He’s not sure whether that’s the holiness or the fact that his stomach has done, like, a full Olympics gymnastics set at the idea that Lucifer’s been keeping up with him, been watching him from afar. 
“Well, now, stalking is a strong word,” Lucifer says, grinning, because he doesn’t care, he’s the Devil. That thought sends a strong wave of revulsion coursing through Ashton, top to toe, followed immediately with a wave of guilt. He really hopes Raphael’s not tuned in to him right now. The last thing Ashton needs is someone spreading the word that Ashton’s hanging out with Satan. 
“You-” Ashton cuts himself off, because he’s not really sure what he wants to say. Lucifer watches him, half-amused, half-interested. Ashton feels the full weight of something under his gaze, but he’s not sure what it is - holy, sacrilegious, Heaven, Hell - and drops his gaze to the cheeseburger. 
“You should eat it,” Lucifer says casually. Ashton eyes it warily. 
“Do I look like an idiot?” he says. Lucifer rolls his eyes. 
“What, you think I’ve carved a banishing sigil into the lettuce?” he says, like it’s the most ludicrous idea in the world, and then stops. “Hmm. That might be one to try on Michael, actually.” Ashton, because he’s a good friend and an even better angel, dutifully sends a prayer in Michael’s direction informing him as such. Michael doesn’t respond, and Ashton withdraws before he gets too close to the dark spikes of whatever it is that Michael’s currently giving off. 
“I don’t want your food,” Ashton says, because it’s true, he doesn’t want Lucifer’s food, and pushes the cheeseburger away from him childishly. Lucifer rolls his eyes, but pulls the cheeseburger towards himself, and takes a huge bite out of it, holding Ashton’s gaze as he does. Ashton prays for the strength not to watch the line of his throat as he swallows, but He doesn’t seem to be listening. 
“Have you always been this fucking boring?” Lucifer comments idly, licking his finger obscenely, and oh, oh, the repentance for the thoughts that just went through Ashton’s head hits him like a train. He visibly flinches, and Lucifer grins. “Man, you know shit’s a lot more fun when you don’t feel shitty about every thought you have.” 
“I don’t feel bad,” Ashton grits out, because he doesn’t. Repentance is a necessary consequence of sin, and he always feels good that he’s repented. Lucifer shrugs, and takes another bite of the burger. Ashton swallows, not entirely because he kind of wishes the burger were going down his throat instead of Lucifer’s. Like he knows what Ashton’s thinking, Lucifer quirks a brow at him. 
“You can still have some,” he offers. 
“I-” Ashton winces again, unable to say I don’t want any, because he does, he really does. Lucifer laughs, and pushes the burger back towards Ashton, but there’s something fond in his eyes, and it makes Ashton feel a little sick with something that he tries not to identify as guilt. 
“Eat,” he says, and it’s soft, it’s gentle, and it breaks Ashton’s heart into a million pieces. The Devil shouldn’t have it in him to care about anyone, least of all Ashton. 
Ashton can’t rid himself of that sneaking suspicion, though, staring at the burger in trepidation, and Lucifer sighs. 
“You really don’t trust me, huh?” he says, and there’s a note of bitterness in his voice. Ashton hates it, hates himself more for causing it, hates the guilt and confusion that washes over him as an immediate consequence of both of those thoughts. 
“You are the Devil,” Ashton points out, and Lucifer huffs out a laugh. 
“I’d never fuck with my second-favourite angel,” he says solemnly. 
“I’m glad Michael’s safe, then,” Ashton shoots back before he can stop himself, and Lucifer grins, shaking his head. 
“Why do I love you?” he says, and there’s something so raw and wistful in his tone that Ashton wants to cry, wants to reach out, wants to tell him I’m sorry, I’m wish I could make it better, I wish I could fix this, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I wish I’d never loved you, I wish I’d found a way to stop loving you. 
Instead of saying anything, because nothing would be enough, and anything would be too much, he reaches forwards, picks up the burger, and brings it to his lips.
The radiant smile Lucifer gives him is all angel, no Devil. 
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chaosstar290 · 5 years
Reasons try out Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore.
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Nintendo's been pretty casual with porting Wii U games over to the Switch, and for good reasons. Normally, I'm not all into porting games that I've already played, but my personal favorite games on the system that lack good marketing and advertising are now getting the attention and love they deserve.
Take Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze for example, one of my favorite 2D platfomers. The game originally sold 1.72 million copies worldwide on the Wii U. Not very good numbers, huh? However, the Switch port managed to beat those sales numbers with 2.25 million units sold worldwide by the end of March 2019.
So while this could be seen as a way for Big N to earn more $$$, this is also a way for those who never owned a Wii U and missed out on some of the system's best titles to give these games a shot. Now we just need a port of Xenoblade Chronicles X and The Wonderful 101...and Star Fox Zero, I guess.
But that's a topic for another time. This post is specifically for my favorite JRPG on the Wii U only to be tied with Xenoblade Chronicles X....Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE.
This'll be a long one, so here's hoping you'll stick with it until the end.
Before I get into the reasons, lemme educate you guys a bit. Back in January 2013, both Atlus and Intelligent Systems made a teaser trailer for a potential Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem crossover for the Wii U.
The trailer was mostly just a slideshow with various character artwork. Despite this, there was a decent amount of hype surrounding it. But development around the game was pretty silent. That is, until we fast forward to the Nintendo Direct in April 1, 2015. We got a trailer of the ambitious SMT x FE crossover that fans were waiting for...but this was the final product.
Needless to say...neither SMT nor FE fans were happy about this. The fandoms were incredibly salty and foaming at the mouths, basically calling it a Person 4 Lite with a hint of FE. Heck, they're probably still posts on this site from 5 years ago that'll show that.
Fast forward to the games initial release, and you'll see quite a few positive reviews and thoughts about TMS. Unfortunately, the sale numbers were not all that great for the game. Obvious reasons being that it was a Wii U game, and many fans of both SMT x FE were not happy with how it turned out.
And to be honest, I wasn't feeling the game myself at first. It seemed too lighthearted and upbeat, and the J-Pop, anime-ish aesthetics were very off-putting. However, the more I saw about the game, the more I was drawn into it. Somehow all that disappointment I had about TMS originally just washed away. And considering it was a new IP, I decided to give it a chance. And hoo boy...I was generally pleased.
With that outta the way, let's get into why I'm excited for the Switch port of game, and hoping people will give it a fairer chance.
The Setting
The plot of Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE is mostly simple. You start out as high schooler Itsuki Aoi, the main character of the game encountering his childhood friend Tsubasa Oribe at an audition event to become a idol. It isn't until moments later in the game that the area gets overruned by shadowy creatures known as Mirages that suck out the creative energy known as Perso-- ah I mean Performa from the other idols and audience.
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Poor girl doesn't know what's gonna happen next.
Despite our main characters seeming unharmed by the effect, the Mirages drag Tsubasa into their world known as the Idolsphere. And of course, courageous Itsuki takes action to follow and rescue her.
After trying to make a daring rescue, Itsuki gets bombarded by a Mirage, but somehow manages to awaken it. Taking the form of Fire Emblem Awakening's protagonist Chrom. Itsuki does the same with the Mirage that captured Tsubasa that takes the form of Cedea from Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon. The two awakaned Mirages, however, suffer from a bit of amnesia and can't quite remember who and what they are.
From there on, Itsuki and Tsubasa form a partnership with Chrom and Cedea, encountering various characters trying to reach their way to stardom while trying to draw back the opposing forces from taking over Tokyo and the world. Typical RPG stuff, am I right?
It's a fairly standard and slightly cliche plot with some common anime tropes, but for this game...it works. It's a plot that's incredibly silly, upbeat, and over-the-top, but again...it works for this game. And I love it. It may not be original, deep, or complex, but the story does its best to not take itself too seriously, and it doesn't fail to keep a smile in my face.
Aside from the vanilla cookie-cutter MC Itsuki, the various casts that you meet are incredibly charming, and go through their own personal growth as celebrities. Though you mileage may vary on this.
The Gameplay
The combat is the real star of Tokyo Mirage Sessions. Basically, it's your standard turn-based combat system...but with a few twists. If you've ever played a SMT or Persona game, then don't be surprised that elemental weaknesses make an appearance here. Along with that, the Triangle Weapon system from Fire Emblem also makes an appearance in the game.
But if you're not familiar with either franchise then give you a basic example how this works. Say that you've encountered an armored Mirage wielding an axe. The weaknesses on that enemy are both lightning and swords, and Itsuki just so happens to have both the necessary element and weapon equipped.
In case you're wondering...how the Triangle Weapon mechanic works in FE is that Swords beat Axes, Axes beat Lances, and Lances beat Swords.
The interesting thing about this is that once you exploit an enemy's weakness, other characters will jump in and combo extra attacks. These are called Sessions, and their not only powerful...but also flashy as all hell and it's glorious. Not only that, but there's also Duo Arts where two certain characters will sometimes perform a song that unleashes a powerful attack...which also strings up more Sessions. As broken as this sounds, it actually is pretty strategic for taking down harder enemies, and they can also form Sessions...so be careful.
There's more to the gameplay like roaming Tokyo, exploring dungeons, and upgrading your characters and Mirages by Tiki from Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon as well.
There's mixed opinions on the dungeon aspects of Tokyo Mirage Sessions, but...I personally enjoyed them. Aside from the first one. Once you get past the first dungeon, they get better as the game progresses. From exploring a darker version of Shibuya where you have to avoid giant cameras from sending you back to the entrance of the of the room you currently entered, to venturing through a maze-like TV studio.
There's also side-missions that you can do with your main cast that'll help them grow and develop even further. You'll be rewarded with either a special cutscene or a special attack. Or maybe both.
The Visuals
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Go go...Persona Rangers?
If it wasn't obvious from the amount of images I'm posting, Tokyo Mirage Sessions is a very colorful game. Fitting with it's lighthearted theme, the amount of colors the game throws at you makes visuals aesthetically pleasing. Heck, you could make these your personal wallpaper on your phone or something.
Sure, Tokyo Mirage Sessions isn't nearly as strong as Persona 5 graphically or even artistically, but like most Nintendo games...what their games lack in terms of detailed ultra-hyper graphics, they make up for it with giving their games gorgeous artstyles.
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Also, this game has some reeeeeally good artwork.
The Music
J-Pop plays a pretty big role in Tokyo Mirage Sessions, so expect a lot of vocal tracks. If you're not into this kind of genre of music, then you might wanna stray away from this game. If you are (or if it doesn't bother you), then you're in for a treat. As someone who really isn't into J-Pop myself, the songs in this game are incredible and catchy followed by some beautiful cutscenes. Reincarnation from Kiria Kurono and Feel from Tsubasa Oribe are some of my personal favorites.
The music from outside the vocal tracks are pretty good too. The normal battle theme and the Illusion Shibuya dungeon theme are just to name a couple.
What's New?
Like I said before, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore is a port of the Wii U version, but with added content. Any DLC that was added in the original game will part of the base game in the Switch version. But let's talk about the new stuff.
EX Story and Songs
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The EX Story is basically a dungeon that you explore in short bursts. Here you'll find new costumes such as a Joker outfit from Persona 5 for Itsuki, or an Annette outfit from Fire Emblem Three Houses for Mamori Minamoto. Or you can have a much easier time grinding for EXP. Also, much like the side-stories, this dungeon will also explore the main casts' issues and help them grow.
New songs will also be added in this port. A duo song called "She is..." sung by Tsubasa and Kiria is one of them.
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By making Sessions even more powerful and ridiculous, unplayable characters like Tiki, Maiko Shimazaki, and Barry Goodman will also join in Sessions.
In addition, a Quick Session option will be added. Which is a major upgrade in my book. One of the big issues the Wii U version had was while the Sessions were fun to watch, they took forever to get through with the more characters that joined your party. There are also smaller improvements like the Switch version having faster loading times.
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Hopefully, this long as hell post will spark some interest into those who'll give the game a shot. I know there's small nitpicks like the lack of English voice acting and censorship, but the latter is a topic I'd rather not delve deep into.
Regardless, these small cons are greatly outweighed by the large pros this charming game has. If you're an Atlus fan, a lover of JRPGs, or wanting to play something that'll ease the wait for Persona 5 Royal, I highly recommend you give Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE encore a shot.
If you're also waiting for Persona 5 to actually come to the Switch like me, this game is next best thing we've got for the time being.
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This is one of the most stylish menu screens ever.
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