#i'm this 👌 close to kms
hajihiko · 1 year
If you were ever in a killing game, what would be the first thing you'd do?
If everyone was a stranger, I think I'd just immediately try to manipulate everyone into staying calm and not killing? Like "come on what kind of grade school behaviour would it be to kill someone, this isn't Lord of the Flies, it's psychologically proven that coexistence is perfectly achievable like this" etc (which I'm aware never works in DR but manipulation is like my strongest defense ability probs lol)
If I knew someone well I'd just immediately seclude myself with them and come up with a buddy system
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gianttunaring · 2 years
god sometimes i think my dysphoria isn't that bad and then suddenly i'm all "holy fuck if someone calls me a girl on purpose i will kms" like damn. where tf have you been
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bee-toess · 2 years
I'm this 👌 close to FUCKING KMS
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rudshores-blog · 8 years
lmao 2017 is just shitting on me i want to die
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