#i'm tired of this shit. it was supposed to be relatively calm and done before xmass. now its all mess
arpiniko · 2 years
shits going down. i may not have a room/flat in the boat city after new year. i have no fucking idea what to do, my fam is so fking cheap fucks that skimp on everything. they lovered the rent price by 30%. its was already below the market price orginally. now its generally outrage price. and they have problems with the landlord not providing half of furniture. bc its simply not worth it.
(side note. they sponsor my brother's car, flat (not room. full flat) his cameras and computers. which he buys new every year. i use the same phone for 7th year. he changes every year. fuck me iguess.)
but you know what? im so tired of this... i dunno if i'll be living there. i dunno where if not there. i have no backup plan. and i cant apply for job there bc i have no idea where iam i supoosed to live and what not.
and i thought just beeing on xmass with my fam gonna tire and break me down mentally for only a week. its two weeks now. and i will *if* things turn out okish get back day before school starts again. i'm still packed in bags after moving my struff from previous place.
i'm so pissed tired mentally broken down with this all. i barely remember last 3 days.
i only know i was concious there bc i have some time marks on dc when i wrote to my frens. thats it. i feel like i was just out of service. i'm tired. fucking hell.
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