#i'm trying to play to scylla's tastes as much as possible
runeberry · 10 months
The romances in bg3 remind me of Scylla having a few potential romances in her og game
She was flirting with Gale, but Karlach is a buff tiefling who grew up similarly to Scylla before [redacted], and Halsin has a way of making her feel like a treasure.
With some Act 2 things, she's questioning her feelings. There are things that take higher priority than her love life, though, so that will have to wait.
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prettiestvulcan · 3 years
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read on ao3
pairing: felix iskandar escullun x MC
rating: explicit
word count: 1435
warning(s): none
summary: a broken promise leads to fun in Blackthorn Hall’s library.
a/n: haha i'm back and it's a whole new fandom
He had promised to spend the day with her, to show her the mausoleum and the grounds of Blackthorn Hall. Instead, she finds them cooped up in the vast library, searching the shelves for something useful but finding nothing. A quick detour, he had said. Now, watching the sun dip below the horizon, this detour had been anything but quick.
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She sighs, chin resting on her palm while her elbow rests on the edge of a mahogany table. The chair she sits on is wooden, uncomfortable and squeaks with every impatient shift of her weight. Felix, seated across from her, seems unaware of the noise or her discomfort. No, he has his nose buried in a dusty tome, grey eyes skimming the pages.
If she said she wasn’t disappointed, she would be lying. Still, watching him work, absorbed in it, is rewarding in itself. The concentration, the single-focus objective…. It would be untruthful to say it wasn’t a reward in itself. To watch him work is a treat. The glasses perched on the edge of his nose, his hair pulled back to expose more of his neck…. She finds it unbelievably attractive.
She perks up when he sets the book down with a sigh, hoping to have even a fraction of the attention he’s been giving these books all day. When the candles sputter to life, he blinks in surprise. His eyes slide to the window, spotting the darkness outside, before he turns to look at her with a bashful look.
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes. “I’ve kept us here all day.”
“It’s alright, she assures. It’s not, not really, but she’s fine with it. Watching him be so focused on these books was rewarding in its own way. “I like watching you work.”
A blush creeps across his face and he looks away, avoiding her gaze. He’s adorable. Even the slightest compliment has him turning red.
“Still,” he continues. “I made you a promise and I’ve broken it.” He scowls, the pink on his cheeks disappearing, and stares at the book in front of him like it’s personally wronged him.
She reaches across the table to place a hand on one of his, offering comfort. It’s not a big deal, not to her. They have an unknown amount of days in this place. He can show her around some other day. She tells him as much, watching color rise to his cheeks once more.
“I’ll make it up to you,” he swears and she doesn’t doubt it. She offers him a smile, one he returns.
“So,” she starts. “Want help looking through the stacks?”
He grins, nodding, and she follows him into the shelves once again. They tower above them, blotting out some of the light, leaving it darker than it was at the table. It takes a moment for her eyes to adjust, but soon she’s also scanning the shelves for anything of interest. Most of the books in this section seem to be about different languages and cultures, but they might still find something useful.
She turns at the sound of his grunt, spotting him reaching for a higher shelf. He’s on his tiptoes, arm outstretched, but even so it looks as if he can’t reach what he needs. She watches him struggle a few minutes more before taking pity on him.
He makes a squeaking noise as she comes up behind him, using her few inch height differential to easily reach the book he needs. She feels him go rigid when her breasts cushion the back of his head. She wants to laugh, but thinks better of it.
“Here you are,” she lowers the book to him. He takes it with hands that shake only a little. She grins, knowing how embarrassed he gets, and decides to play a little.
She sweeps aside the hair that had fallen from his loose ponytail, exposing the side of his neck. She leans down to rest her head on his shoulder, pressing a delicate kiss to the mole just below his ear. He makes a choked noise, but doesn’t pull away.
“What are you doing?” He hisses, trying to appear annoyed, but the way he angles his head aside to give her better access is in direct contrast to his tone.
“Kissing you.” The answer is obvious, but she gives it anyway. She crowds him against the bookshelf, pressing more kisses up and down his neck. He shivers when she grazes her teeth along the shell of his ear.
“Really?” He’s breathless, but tries to keep up the facade of irritation. “We’re in the library! Anyone could walk in!”
“Like who?” She challenges, nipping at the junction where neck meets shoulder. “Scylla? You know she’d never step foot in here.”
“Papa might,” he counters. She smiles.
“Then you’d better keep quiet so no one finds us.” He looks ready to protest, but the words die on his tongue as she bites down. Instead, all that comes out is a strangled moan. “Shh,” she reminds him, snaking a hand up his shirt to rest on the flat plane of his stomach.
He uses his free hand to cover his own mouth, but it does little. She can still clearly hear every noise he makes, every gasp and groan he tries to muffle. She dips her hand lower to rest on a protruding hip bone, rubbing a thumb gently over it. He sucks in a sharp breath, dropping the book with a loud thud.
She pauses, taking a moment to listen for any footsteps. He’s shaking against her, whether from the fear of getting caught or the amount of stimulation; she isn’t sure. She feels a pang of guilt, wondering if she should take pity and move this to the bedroom. The decision is taken from her when he uses his newly freed hand to grab at her wrist, pulling her hand lower instead of away.
She grins, giving him exactly what he wants. She cups him through his slacks, giving a little squeeze, before going for the button and zipper on them. He puts up no protest, gripping the edge of a shelf with one hand. She pulls aside the flap of his underwear, letting his cock spring free.
“A-Ah!” He gasps, covering his mouth once more, as she wraps a delicate hand around him. It’s not the first time she’s touched him like this, but every time feels like the first. The excitement, the wonder, that little bundle of nerves in her chest that makes her want to give it her all.
She shushes him, mouth moving back to his neck. She gives him one long stroke, swiping her thumb along the already dripping head. He’s already so worked up, desperate for her touch, and she feels a swell of affection. He’s so beautiful, so wonderful. She wants to give him everything.
“Turn around,” she whispers. It takes him a moment, but he shuffles until he’s facing her. She takes his mouth in a sweet kiss, which he returns with just as much gentleness and affection.
“What are you doing?” He sounds panicked as she drops to her knees in front of him, taking him in hand once more.
“What does it look like?” She smirks up at him, before angling him towards her mouth. “Wouldn’t want to make a mess of the library.”
He gives an aborted whine as she takes him into her mouth, slapping a hand over his mouth once more. She wastes no time, as getting caught might very well be a real possibility. Besides, he’s so worked up she wants to give him everything he wants. So she twirls her tongue around him, pressing on the vein underneath, hollowing her cheeks. She gives him exactly what he’s wanting, what he deserves.
He squirms against her hold, panting against his hand. There are tears brimming in his eyes, overwhelmed with sensation. She watches the emotions flash across his face, watches his eyes close as it becomes too much. Feels him shake apart against the shelves, his hot cum spurting into her mouth.
She pulls back, taking a moment to show him what’s in her mouth before swallowing. He whimpers, his cock giving a futile twitch, before he’s sinking down to the floor. He reaches out for her, pulling her into a kiss. She’s sure her mouth must taste a little funny, but it doesn’t stop him.
“That was wonderful,” he compliments and it’s her turn to flush.
“You were wonderful,” she counters and his cheeks go pink. “I think today was a success.”
He grins, pulling her in for another kiss.
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