#i'm undiagnosing myself. my iron levels are normal. my blood is suuuuper ferrous but in a normal & good way. probably.
girderednerve · 3 months
work sucks, have we considered this
i am so fucking tired all of the time. i don't think it's a medical issue exactly i think it's that i work full-time and commute two hours a day, and i have never been very energetic to begin with. left to my own devices i sleep six hours a night and nap for a couple hours during the day, which one absolutely cannot do if one is at work. it's churlish to complain about my generally very cushy job (i'm on salary; i work inside; i find parts of my job draining but it is really very easy; &c.), but i left work two hours early today because there was a winter storm travel advisory & my boss said it would be okay to leave early since i am going to come in early tomorrow, & i feel so much better this evening that it really throws the rest of my time into sharp relief
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