#i'm wrote this in a very abrahamic perspective
vergilthelibrarian · 4 years
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FallenAngel!Taeyong x GenderNeutral!Reader
Angels weren’t suppose to disobey God, that is what you were taught to believe.
Angels were beings of light, made to carry out and enforce God’s will and follow his every command.
But you never understood why they were still being tested by God if they weren’t even created with freewill.
So, you did research.
You searched up different Abrahamic thoughts on Angels and came to your own conclusion that Angels can indeed disobey God, it’s just that it wasn’t really common. Their love for God was so strong that they couldn’t disobey him. They always followed his every order.
But keep in my mind that some Angels did fall and the difference between them and a Demon is that Fallen Angels still retain their holiness.
Their blood bleeds of gold and their eyes burned like fire.
They were messengers, warriors, protectors, guardians, worshipers of the creator and though they were now of this earthly realm, their holiness still manifested, in either good ways or bad.
You stretched a bit as you walked home, your lower back causing you a bit of pain. You hated your job. Having to be on your feet all day was honestly the worse but you needed money.
Being a broke college student definitely was not fun.
As you walked, a white light flashed in the sky suddenly, causing you to yell out and cover your eyes.
You were walking on a sidewalk and there were no cars driving on the road. The area you were at was pretty deserted at this time of night so what just happened?
You moved your hands from your eyes and opened them and saw a man about 6 feet away from you staring across the street and out to the lake.
Looking to your side out to the lake, you were met with complete darkness.
What was the stranger even staring at?
Turning your head back around you flinched slightly.
The man was now staring at you, his intense eyes genuinely scaring you.
You gulped as you turned around, with the plan of going to another bus stop, only to bump into the man that was staring at you.
You backed away a bit, your eyes never leaving his intense gaze.
How did he appear in front of you?
“I can see them near you… My siblings. They’re trying to protect you from me.”
You frowned in confusion.
“Usually, you have two angels always guarding you. One in the front and one in the back. You are assigned four angels in total so the other two can take breaks… You only have three.”
Your eyes widen slightly.
“What?” you said out loud though you knew exactly what he was talking about.
Everyone was born with four guardian angels and they would always take turns guarding the person they were assigned to in pairs of two.
How come you only had three?
“We angels… Beings made of light. Made serve Him. To love Him and follow his every command.” he sighed. “And though I still love my father, I somehow let human emotions get to me and end up falling for you, the human I was assigned to protect.”
The angel looked up at the sky.
“Every time I look up at the sky, I get homesick. There’s a part of me that wants to go back but…” he slowly turn his gaze back to you. “That means, I won’t be able to be near you anymore. To see you, hear you, breathe the same air as you. They wouldn’t allow it if I go back.”
He tried to walk towards you but stopped immediately.
“I see they’re ready to fight me in order to protect you.”
He backed away slightly.
“I don’t know what any of these emotions mean. They’re so alien to me.” his eyes soften as he looked at you. “All I know is the want I have for you. A need that can’t seem to go away no matter how much I prayed for it to go.”
His eyes harden again.
“I will have you. One way or another I will have you and my siblings guardianship over you will be no more and I will be all that you need in this sinful world.”
The angel glanced away for a second before looking back at you once more.
“We’ll meet again real soon. Nothing will keep us apart, not my siblings nor my father.” a smile grew on his face as his eyes soften again. “I love you.” he said softly.
A flash of white light blinded you once more and soon the angel was gone and you were alone again.
What had just happened to you didn’t shock you at all, you’ve always been a rather spiritual person but… it did scare you.
You had a fallen angel in love with you, one of the most powerful beings in this universe besides God himself.
What was going to happen to you?
You couldn’t think of what may happen to you once the angel appears to you again but all you can do is pray that you’ll be safe.
Angels weren’t soft beings.
They were genuinely scarier than demons, stronger than demons, and downright more ruthless than demons.
God made demons to experience emotions just like humans while he made angels to be unemotional, only serving God and his will.
For an angel to experience human emotion you’ve read stories from mystics on how troubling it can be for these angels to deal with them but you also read on how sadistic these angels can become. How evil they can become.
What was going to happen to you when you meet the angel again?
You had no idea and it was because of that, you were terrified.
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