#i'm yet to do a rewatch so this might prove ridiculous when i do but
Not sure who here is still having 1899 thoughts but I have a theory I'm chewing over
That triangle symbol that's everywhere... Dark taught us that Bo and Jantje like a good symbol with structural significance to the show. So I've been wondering what the triange could indicate, and here's my current proposal
(Spoilers for the series below!)
Three keys
You know how in Stranger Things s3 (stay with me) when Joyce and Hopper try and shut down the gate and they need to both turn keys in order to do so, because the system is designed so one person alone can't switch it off? What if the simulation is like that? Maura's key opened one section, but like a puzzle box it's only opened up a new puzzle to open?
I'm playing with the idea that there are two more keys the characters need to find and use to actually break free of the simulation. I just love the idea that to spite Henry's jibe that they keep failing because their emotions get in the way, that actually escape can only be possible with the characters working together.
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inomana · 7 years
Okay listen up losers I'm about to prove a fucking point.
So my presentation will be about proving season 3 Shiro is a clone and why DreamWorks made it too easy. I rewatched a crapton on episodes to make this, I need to sleep. 
If you guys didn’t notice the first thing Clone Shiro, umm wait imma call him Kuro Kuro looks at is his hand and a Galra symbol.
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And that in and of itself is a big clue because there’s already a lot of meaning behind that since season 2. In which, Hunk and that team discussed how the arm can be used against them.
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Memory is key! How could Galra have Shiro’s memories? The arm! Like Hunk said, if it could create memories than it’s pretty safe to say it can record them too.
Linking that with the shot of the Galra emblem is a huge deal in symbolism. Trust me I’m an English major, I deal with this shit all the time.
(I’m writing this on my laptop and phone at the same time, godspeed)
Speaking of symbolism, Ulaz made an appearance when Kuro was dazed
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(Is that even Ulaz? I can’t tell I’m bad with faces)
This does two things. Reaffirm Kuro’s undying trust with his arm, and make a connection with Galra as a comrade. Lemme explain;
During Shiro’s ‘I can suddenly remember shit’ scene in season 2? He die-hard believes the memories are his and not a [insert dream here] from Galra, by showing him Ulaz they are trying to recreate that same feeling.
By showing him a Galra (regardless of being evil or not) you’re connecting the dots with trust.
That could be a good reason why the Galra decided to give Shiro a weaponized arm in the first place. Why would they power him up for shits and giggles? Haggard herself even said this:
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(Bitch, no thanks.) They wouldn’t have given him a cool fighting arm just so he could be cooler in the arena. That’s fucking idiotic to arm a prisoner. (sorry)
This wouldn’t even be the first time Haggard had some evil version of Shiro
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Remember this scene from season 1? Cuz I sure fucking do.
Speaking of that arm, why would they take it in the first place? Listen, it’s already pretty fishy they gave him a super arm but why would they take it at all? Dare I say, D N A ?
This leads me back to this scene here:
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Why would Kuro hurt himself? A French term can explain this, ‘L’appel du vide’ translation: The call of the void. Basically, your brain is telling you to self-destruct in order to take control of a situation.  Now we already discussed how the Galra controls his brain sort of so that’s that.
Now I know what you’re saying: Oh! But that’s so he could close the wound!!
Listen, man, I did training with an Army doctor on quick fixes for medical emergencies. Now I’m not saying I’m an expert cuz I’m not, but if Kuro did that do it to heal himself up it wasn’t done correctly. Or at least done accurately…. Especially with an unknown power. This might be wrong, it was a brief training,  so don’t take this part too seriously.
Adding to this point:
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If you’ve ever seen anyone wake up from a long coma, and I mean  l o n g  coma, they don’t have full feeling in their muscles and tend to fall because they do not have full control of their limbs. I’m assuming by the hair this hasn’t been up and about for enough time to get that effect.
Speaking of hair, yes guys, Kuro’s hair is WAY too long to be Shiro.
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(Lmao, Shiro/Kuro w/ long hair; hit or miss??)
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Kuro’s hair shows that he hasn’t cut it in at least 1 ½ years. There might not be much context of how long he was missing but I’m sure as hell it’s couldn’t be more than a few months since Keith was searching through the Glara rubble.
<Man, all these analytical essays are finally paying off>
This scene here:
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Is a big clue. For real why would the Black Lion do that? Send him into more danger? That’s not right.
Well, guess what, she didn’t.
Remeber this gem? I sure fucking do.
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She sent him with someone he trusts, Matt. This really makes sense cuz mATT JUST HASN’T SHOWED UP BUT IS OBVIOUSLY REALLY IMPORTANT *cough* sorry, I don’t know what came over me….
Not only does Shiro trust him but so does Pidge, and I know those two never really had a connection but they kinda all share a state of thought while forming Voltron…
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So the Black Lion theoretically has seen Pidge’s thoughts and stuff. Theoretically Black has two reasons why to trust Matt.
The Black Lion has so many reasons to send Shiro to Matt and not some Galra base.
This can also help understand why the Black Lion didn’t trust Kuro.
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From what I’ve seen (or remember seeing at 4 AM, I haven’t slept in 45ish hours guys, help) all of you guys think that Black knows that’s not Shiro from the Connection they have but that might not be it!
Kuro thinks he’s Shiro, he has the same memories, the same body, the same scar on the face! So the Connection can still be there, what he doesn’t have is Matt with him.
Which wouldn’t make sense because Black sent him there, so it’s ridiculous cuz “hey I sent you to be with your buddy? Why didn’t you bring him along to see his sister who has been searching for him like crazy???”
That could be why the Black Lion found Kuro and trusted that was the OG but then changed its mind and was like ‘no thanks’ when she saw Matt wasnt with him.
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I mean look how….happy?? She looks when they find him!
Why would that change after the fact? The Connection had to be there in order to sense him in the first place. It just makes sense.
Also look at the symbolism here again:
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Kuro is in a Galra ship, it’s so subtle you might not even catch it (unless you’re used to over analyzing everything in order to fit 3 more pages into a term paper like me)
Instead of animating Kuro getting physically off the fighter they show them apart, separated from Black. They show him in enemy weaponry.  
As an enemy kinda…
(I’m getting too into this…)
This is Kuro while he’s being cloned
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This is Kuro after he’s ‘escaping’
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Sounds like the plan was a success, but all that happened was Kuro getting away? I don’t know about you but prisoners stay locked up, unless they aren’t.
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They even say Kuro’s is approved for Operation Kuron!
Also from that scene:
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Kuro was given that codename ‘Subject Y0XT39′
But Shiro already had a codename, and it wasnt that.
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Its ‘Prisoner 117-9875′
Subject and Prisoner are two different things and two different codes.
Kuron is already a huge fucking clue. I donno know if you seen this yet but,
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Shiro’s name is literally White and the opposite is Black or Kuro which sounds a lot like Kuron
If you think that’s just a coincidence then try this:
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Just try telling me this isn’t legit?
To add just a bit more, Kuro and Keith clashed a lot while both trying to lead Voltron.
He also made it so Keith looked like a weak leader, which he was not once he got more use to the role.
Appearance wise, Kuro is different from Shiro in a low key way. First off both haircuts he has where different from Shiro’s. They’re all horrible but that’s a different story.
His cloths is different too, it shows more skin. The sleeve shows his arm and he took off his glove. Symbolically this means he trying to be more open, more free, more approachable.
This would make it easier to give the wrong feeling of trust to the team, which is the plan Kuro was given
*searching through my notes* okay did I miss anything…? Ah Yes!!
When Shiro first meets those two freedom fighters the transmission radio picks of two things; something less important about Lotor and Voltron.
Which one was ignored and which one was heard?
Yes guys, Kuro didn’t even pay attention to Lotor cuz that’s not what he was told to do. He was told to find out about Voltron which, he did.
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Also with those freedom fighters, we learn this:
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It wouldn’t have been easy to escape injured and tired. When he escaped the first time it was with the help of Ulaz. They didn’t even try keeping him there, he wasn’t restrained and didn’t have any guards. The only thing trying to stop him were those androids they know Kuro/Shiro could easily defeat.
And last thing.
And I think this is the most important thing.
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He didn’t finish that sentence.
He didn’t say he wasn’t a traitor.
He didn’t have too.
This concludes my presentation on ‘Proving That’s not Shiro but Kuro the Clone’
Thank you for your time.
For my next presentation, I will talk about why we should save Kuro and love him indefinitely
Help Me Out?
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