#i've always cherished you ★ starters.
piatino · 5 years
@cheriiaki​ said: ❛  who  cares  ?  who  could  even  care  about  me  ?  ❜
“ don’t say that. why the fuck would you say that ? ”
jotaro takes a long drag from his cigarette before putting it out; he stares at noriaki the whole time. “ kakyoin - san. that’s selfish. didn’t anyone ever teach you not to say such self deprecating things ? you never know, someone who loves you could be listening, ” jotaro scoffs.
“ good grief, kakyoin... do i look like the kind of guy that would keep you around if i didn’t care about you ? this trip to egypt isn’t the only thing keeping the two of us together. you’re a stand user, we understand each other. even if i don’t fully understand this power myself. ”
he narrows his eyes and furrows his brow. this is a matter that concerns him. jotaro doesn’t typically waste his time with comfort, and it’s not like he’s any good at it to begin with, but noriaki is his friend. trying couldn’t hurt.
“ so, noriaki. are you gonna stay on my side, or are you gonna turn tail and run home ? ”
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piatino · 5 years
@tradittore said: “i know who you are. i know what you’ve done.”
The bold statement from Buccellati elicits nothing but a dry laugh from Jotaro, and he crosses his arms in thought. Ever since arriving in Italy and passing La Squadra’s rigorous entry tests, Jotaro’s been faced with more than his fair share of ambitious men with big mouths like this one.
Needless to say, he’s killed them all where they stood.
“Now, what exactly brings you to say that to me? I’ve never met you in my life,” Jotaro smirks. “Now, are you gonna get out o’ my face on your own terms, or am I gonna have to make you?”
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piatino · 5 years
@cvpidgalore said “you have to trust me on this, okay?” | stranger things starters | always accepting
Frozen, Jotaro offered a hesitant nod towards the girl ( Josuke’s friend , and therefore , his friend ) . Angel was by no means a liar, and by no means a weak girl either. She could certainly hold her own, and she had no reason to betray him.
He wasn’t stupid. He knew Josuke looked up to him, and the very thought brought a smile to Jotaro’s face. Jotaro hoped to be the father that Josuke never had in his life, and that of course meant getting along with the kid’s friends.
“I believe you,” Jotaro grunted. “I do. You have no reason to lie to me, Angel. And you can come to me if you ever need anything.”
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piatino · 5 years
@jocraze asked: ❛ i’m sorry , i’m just so tired ❜ when ur uncle is only a teenager being thrown into these crazy ass battles and looks like he's about to have a breakdown cause he hasn't been taking care of himself properly 🤧
Typically, it takes quite a bit of everything—of pity, love, guilt—to get Jotaro to put his guard down, even just for a moment.
This isn’t typical.
Jotaro isn’t a nice guy, not by his standards or anyone else’s, and he certainly doesn’t plan on changing that any time soon. However, exceptions can be made. If the exception happens to involve Jotaro’s uncle, who he may ( or may not ) see as a son, then so be it.
When things like this happen, the trivial matters of “ exceptions ” and “ looking tough ” go out the window entirely. When Higashikata Josuke is distressed—face buried in his palm, purple irises peeking out miserably from the gaps between his fingers—there isn’t room for bullshit.
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“ Josuke, ” Jotaro snaps, fierce as always before melting, that paternal influence showing strong. “ Josuke, Josuke… it’s okay. It’s fine, kid,” he whispers. “ I understand. I know you weren’t.. around for my trip to Egypt ( he was, but how is Jotaro going to tell him that the trip happened while he was dying ? ). But know that I was your age, then, and that as scary and as experienced as I might seem now, I was just like you once. ”
“ And it’s terrifying, ” Jotaro blurts, features softening the more he speaks. “ It really is. But you know something? You—not your stand, you— have the ability to help people. Fix them, as you’d say, I suppose. Like you did with Okuyasu. And all those other guys. And sometimes, that’s enough, kid. You don’t have to break yourself trying your hardest every single time. Sometimes, small things like that are enough. ”
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piatino · 5 years
@dawnedbreak said:💧 from jolyne jeojgoegse 💧 = pour a bucket of water on my muse’s head
Something like this has been expected from the start, and he supposes it’s better a little late than never.
Jotaro knows he very well would have done the same at Jolyne’s age if his own absent father had decided to walk back into his life as if there weren’t any issues to be resolved or things to apologize for. One thing that he definitely hadn’t expected was how cold the water would be.
It must have been chilling in the refrigerator for hours, that’s for certain, and he makes his discomfort very clear when he—
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“ Oi, what the fuck ?! ”
Although, Jotaro isn’t the person he was when he was seventeen. He is glad for this, glad that it isn’t so easy to stay mad once he gets angry. Now, anger turns to laughter, causing him to tremble even more than he already is from this freezing water.
“ You’re a riot, Jo, y’know that ? ”
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