polyandrychick · 10 years
Because it makes some people happy.
Polyamorous relationships good. Monogamous relationships good. Mono-poly relationships good.
- as long as each is healthy and people communicate.
Why polyamory when monogamy
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polyandrychick · 10 years
L hates seeing Christmas stuff before December
So obviously I had to tease him about all the Christmas stuff in Primark then chase him through the shop wearing a seasonal wooly hat.
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polyandrychick · 10 years
It's still gay if the balls don't touch
*on the phone to TG about a random polyandry forum. * Me: and a lot of them are into the who threesome idea but don't want extra women or more open polyamory. Kind of strict polyandryness. There's even a few porn picture threads aimed at just hetrosexual mfm threesomes TG: I'm sorry but no, that's like saying it's not gay if the balls don't touch. If you are naked, having sex with a man. That's pretty homosexual. Me: technically all the pics I saw were of both guys doing the girl. And you can be straight in a mixed threesome. Though it's not fair that the thread wasn't inclusive of more queer mfm pics TG: true, but it still technically becomes more of a triad than a vee, whatever their wording. Me: ...depends how often they let the balls touch?
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polyandrychick · 10 years
Recently joined a polyamory group on Facebook
TW - abortion And I'm having mixed feelings right now. On the one hand the group tries hard to keep people just looking to hook up/spam the feed out of the group. Discrimitory language against disabled, women, race and other demographics isn't tolerated - picture discriptions of images for those using screen readers is also a rule. However, a post was made on the subject of someone having an abortion, and how they are feeling/recovering from the procedure. And the word 'parasite' was used repeatedly, and this sits uncomfortably with me. I'm undoubtedly pro choice and hope the op (and the others on the board who recounting similar experiences) recover soon. But the strong shaming/anti pregnancy vibe, coupled with attacks on anyone who criticised the use of the word 'parasite' left me feeling uncomfortable. Admittedly the views against the use of ' parasite' could have been presented in a less agrivating manner considering the triggering/sensitive topic. But I saw negative/hurtful responses on both side of the argument and find it weird that a supposedly safe place will be so aggressive in their use of the word 'parasite' and hide behind the concept of women's body/women's choice, whilst not thinking that they are in turn hurting others. Whether you want a baby or not it's a foetus, why not just call it that as a neutral (at least in public forums) to limit triggering from any side? I recently had a scare that I might have trouble conceiving, which makes me tear up at the thought of it. The juxtaposition that perhaps upset me further was the aggression used when a user used the word 'crazy' or 'mad' (even if a genuine accident to write it) but the same mods were the ones defending the use of the word 'parasite'. I hope I'm not coming across as ignorant against people who have had an abortion as that's not my intent, I just felt really uncomfortable by my thread and needed to write my thoughts in my safe place as I was afraid of the reaction I might get from the group.
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polyandrychick · 10 years
Pizza fairy
TG called me in the middle of work to check a dance event date he needed to book off as there had been a holiday mix up. He rang me after work and turns out he had a horrible day. He had insomnia all night, his alarm didn't go off, he ended up being 2 hours late for work (he also lent a friend his bus pass which didn't help and meant wasting money on taxi) then had to sort out all the holiday mix up. Finally getting home at 7pm without having eaten since yesterday. He's also being wary about money as he doesnt get paid till oct 26th now, and we fly to berlin for a dance weekend in 4 days. Me: I'm sending you a fiver for pizza TG: *weak protest* Me: no, you've had bad day, get nice things now. TG: stop tempting me woman Me: I'm sending you it! TG: ...thank you magic pizza lady Wish I could have cuddled him (stupid 45 mile distance), but hopefully dinner helped as a stop gap till Thursday
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polyandrychick · 10 years
Quiet saturday in
Just me, my two boyfriends and our 4 poly/kinky friends chilling in pajamas and playing cards against humanity and being absolutely vicious. I love my friends
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polyandrychick · 10 years
Reblog this if you’re ok with polyamory. I’m trying to prove a point to my parents. 
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polyandrychick · 10 years
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Me and TG went rowing today whilst the others went to pet owls. It was quite fun and romantic actually :)
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polyandrychick · 10 years
Me and TG are going on holiday in 4 days *squee* we're going away with our kinkster/poly friends Panda, Harley, Naked Guy and I've gorgotten his gfs tumblr nickname as I'm crap. But it's gonna be awesome. All of us really need this holiday and I'm gonna try not to worry about work while I'm away. Harleys also signed up for me and TG to go rowing while they go and look at owls. This could be a great idea or a very bad one. We shall see... And not long after that me and both boys are going blues dancing in berlin for 4 days *double squee*. Though still worried about work as there's a lot up in the air about management and potential job prospects right now, and it's all happening around these holidays *sigh* But yay holidays!
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polyandrychick · 10 years
I'm sorry to hear your scared. I know it's hard to worry about how your feelings will be received and where boundaries lie when it comes to crushes/potential poly partners.
I'm not sure if I can give any specific course of action, but it's worth seeing if they are open to some slightly more relationship type thing. Depending how close you are (cuddles, bit of flirting, emotional relationship without the sex/labels, etc), it might not be a big stretch, or it could be a new concept.
But first and foremost with whatever course of action you decide on, make sure you protect yourself emotionally as best you can, and good luck x
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polyandrychick · 10 years
Reblog this if you’re ok with polyamory. I’m trying to prove a point to my parents. 
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polyandrychick · 10 years
Yay for global blues additions. I'm convincing a friend over there to go to the korean blues camp in November. The line up is pretty damn awesome
So, this weekend I went to my first actual blues party. This was an actual BIG party, not just like the smaller ones I’d been to before. It was amaaaaaaazing. I went solo, which was a bit nerve-wracking, but it turned out to be a pretty perfect experience.
I arrived and saw a friend, so we had a...
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polyandrychick · 10 years
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These are not mine but I wanted to bring them together!  
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polyandrychick · 10 years
What Polyamory Means To Me (At Least Right Now)
To me, polyamory is such an innate part of my soul it's hard to find the right words to explain. Now, don't get me wrong, I love my sexual relationships with my two partners, and my following post will include elements that can be seen as or combined with further sexual actions, but that's not really what I'm trying to discuss. I didn't come out as poly because I wanted an open relationship or to be sexual with lots of people, but because it is a term that helps me better understand and relate to why I build emotional bonds with some friends/people and can be in love with multiples (L and TG of course) at once. 
Being a dancer I'm obviously used to having a good relationship with close contact with others, and discovering the blues dance community and the relaxed culture around non sexual cuddling/touching that exists within it I think helped with my slow self understanding. I love cuddles and having friends that you can discuss anything with, and I feel very lucky that within our standard social groups there's a few people I can just be coupley with outside the boys, but it not affect the group at large. the levels vary from person to person, but for the purpose of this post I'll discuss two very different dynamics. 1. Mine and the boys overall relationship with our friends - two poly kinkster couples. I like the way we interact because everyone is just so comfortable, we talk about games, film, feministy stuff, art, etc... and sometimes we'll all be topless because it's far too hot, but there's no more sexualised energy in the room than i we were clothed. There's just an acceptance and respect or one another. And if I want to hug panda a little whilst L gets tickle bullied by harley and chibi as TG, and naked man play on the ps4 then that's all good. But we are all happy with the status quo - there's no concern that boundaries would be pushed or crossed, and everyone feels safe with our friendships/dynamics. For example, harley, panda, chibi and naked man are a bit of a kink play group, not really mine or TG's thing (though I'm slowly encouraging L to play with harley), but even so, sex isn't the motivation. We're not swingers (though it would be okay if we all mutually were, it's just not our dynamic, that doesn't happen and that's fine for us). 2. My dynamic with Hipster Now I've been friends with Hipster almost as long as I have TG, but our friendship has slowly got closer over the last few months as we have a lot in common and are comfortable with each other and what not. he also has a very good friendship with the boys so we spend a lot of time together as a nerdy blues dance friendly foursome. And it's comforting and exciting a little, cuddling him on the sofa and being able to tease him a little and chat about his phd work or bitch about my job. And to many people I know that would be seen as emotional cheating or inappropriate as I am faithful to the boys, or just plan greedy. But these platonicy coupley deep emptional connections mean a lot to me and develop very organically. I don't go hunting for them, they occur very naturally and person specific (which makes sense as I'm kind of a choosy pansexual). I think what's making me think about this a lot now is for a few reasons: 1. I still feel sad that Puppy changed the way he did when he got a gf, and basically betrayed our trust, and I lost someone I counted at least as important to me. 2. Me and Hipster are as close as we've ever been, and it was only as he moved to another country for 6 months that the parallels to the emotional bond I used to have with Puppy struck me like a ton of bricks.  3. I think Hipster needs our dynamic just as much as me. He's on a very demanding course, he's not UK native and won't know for a couple of years if he can get full residency plus he has certain nerd/dance/interest checklists to tick off for a compatible partner. So he isn't looking for a gf right now, but he values mine and the boys friendship, and with our dynamic he also gets some emotional elements/human comfort that he is currently missing.
Overall, polyamory is about more than my relationship family with L an TG. It's what I often focus on the most. But there are more unlabelled dynamics and people in my life that I love in different ways, and whilst not sexual partners, do without a doubt go beyond the traditional ideas of friendship and emotional connection.
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polyandrychick · 10 years
Songs on Shuffle
So my partner L (couldbepoly) tagged me to do this, I saw it pop up on my dash but didn't see it was him who posted it. Managed to guess it was him by the songs alone funnily enough. Anyway, here are mine:
You can tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your music on shuffle and write down the first 10 songs that come up. Then tag 10 people! Don’t skip any songs!
1. Roy Wright - You Promised
2. Kenny Wayne Shepard - The Place You're In
3. Stick McGhee - Six To Eight
4. Lightnin' Hopkins - Shotgun Blues
5. Atomic Fireballs - Lover Lies
6. The Baseballs - Hard Not To Cry
7. Michelle Shocked - Fogtown
8. Big Mama Thornton - Stop A-Hoppin' On Me
9. Caravan Palace - We Can Dance
10. Maria Mena - Just Hold Me
I just put my whole itunes on shuffle, which has produced some interesting results. I think sometime soon I need to do a list of some of my most meaningful songs.
Not going to tag anyone, but I encourage all my followers to give it a go, always curious to see others music tastes :)
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polyandrychick · 10 years
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If you’re on tumblr and involved with, blog about, or are otherwise friendly to polyamory, please reblog so we can follow you! 
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polyandrychick · 10 years
How to know it's time for bed
When my last post needed 4 spelling correction edits... Unfortunately whilst I have to be up for work at half 4am and I'm already shattered, I'm now in an uber bluesey discussion and music listening mode. Damn you priorities
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