#i've been busier than I thought today so haven't gotten to answr as many
bleaksqueak · 5 months
speaking of, how would the cast fare with beingq sick ?
Maia and Elias are basically kindred spirits on this one. Both of them would so fervently hide anything actually wrong with them that even the most untamed of wild animals would be impressed. Maia would likely carry on as best to her abilities if she's sick with anything that isn't contagious, though would make up a convenient-but-believable excuse for why she can't come in if it *were* catching. Elias would simply carry on like all is fine and vanish, though. Audric's a bit stubborn about it, but he's no hypocrite here. He *would* take his rest, since staying in top condition is pretty necessary for his line of work... plus, my man's exhausted, and he'll take a chance to rest up when a legit one is finally at his feet.
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