#i've been catching up on run bts episodes the whole day
rjshope · 5 months
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i live here now♡
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dearweirdme · 1 year
What the- Are your anons okay? 😂 I'm actually amazed that anyone would think he was talking about that video during his Stationhead party. He's talking about the same thing he has talked about multiple times on lives since Seven's release, during one of the Seven lives he was talking about the explicit version and how if anyone thought it was too much that's fine but he said something like "if you think about it how old am I?" He was OBVIOUSLY referring to the song. You know, the one he was hosting the SH listening party to promote. I was there listening live and reading the translations on Twitter and everything was chill. Then I came here and saw the antis and concern trolls swarming before you'd had a chance to catch up. That first one who said Jungkook ended fanservice for Taekookers by saying that Tae contacted him about recording at his house...when was that ever not the story? Was anyone saying it was Jungkook's idea? If anyone really wants to go for the most negative possible interpretation of his reaction to the directing part okay I guess, but I don't know of anyone who ever thought he directed in an official capacity. Antis had been twisting it several ways since Tae talked about it, saying that Tae either took advantage of him and didn't credit him as a slight to JK who was being treated as a "slave", or that he was straight up lying about the whole thing because Jungkook wasn't in the credits. And yes, he might have said what he did because he didn't want to take credit when what they worked on at his house was not the final version on the album. It's not their fault people misinterpret and blow up everything they say, and they're also not responsible for how antis react if something _has_ been twisted through other's narratives. Like a previous anon said, this reminds me a lot of the live Jungkook did from backstage at Inkigayo. People were losing their miiiiiiinds over the real time translations, I hadn't seen the live and his answers seemed very different in plain text vs. what I saw in the video clips circulating. Jkkers were already doing victory dances and writing up what they thought would be hit tweets about Jungkook saying he didn't know what Tae was doing or where he was... and within the hour we found out Tae was there. 😂 Fastest Taekook karma clapback I've ever witnessed. How on edge are people that they make everything so dramatic, like this is every day now. I think some need to log off and go outside for real.
Hi anon!
Well, I think most of my anons are okay 😂, but some are a bit off yeah. It’s been an eventful couple of days fandom wise. I am personally longing for some happy, soothing BTS content.. so I think I’ll be watching some Run episodes tonight.
I agree with your ask ofcourse!
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