#i've been stockpiling posts that remind me of them so this was so cathartic
ink-flavored · 1 year
Meme Monday Tag Game
Tagged by @liv-is and you have absolutely no idea how thrilled I am
Rules: make some memes about your WIP
I made all these memes for Pride & Justice with the help of my beloved @auroblaze who has provided all of the art you see here (go check out her blog and reblog some of it)!
Without further ado: let the MEMES BEGIN
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okay i think that's plenty. this isn't even all of them. i have even more of these, plus some that were a little too spicy for tumblr, so feel free to DM me if you want any Bonus Memes.
Tagging: @sigridhawke @duelistkingdom @thecrookedwriterspath @raksh-writes @qelizhus @sowideasea @kandthesunrays @stuffaboutwriting and anyone else. go have some fun with your WIP, seriously. it counts as writing!
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