#i've been taking all the tests besties i'm scoring so well on them like you wouldn't believe
patssecretblog · 5 months
*twirling my hair in my fingers* i scored so well on this test besties
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it's called the Camouflaging Autistic Traits Questionnaire
if you wanna read more about it https://embrace-autism.com/cat-q
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Fast cars and Freedom: Breathin (2/?)
A/N: This is my take on ROD. It takes place 6 years in the future and also jumps back to events of the past. If you would like added to the tag list, let me know!! You can also catch up HERE
Pairings: Logan x Ellie, Colt x Ellie
Rating: Mature on all counts, young eyes look away.
Word count: 1938
Chapter inspiration:
Summary: Ellie is adjusting to life back on the West Coast. But will a simple a night out be just that?
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It had been 2 days since ellie had been back in L.A, she borrowed her dad's car and headed to the local elementary school to enroll Luca. Since it was summer still Luca would start Kindergarten in the fall. They walked into the office of the school, Luca beamed as she looked around. “Mommy, is this where I am going to school?”
“Yes Luca. this is where mommy went to school when I was your age.”
They were greeted by a tall slender woman. “Hello, how may I help you.”
“I am here to enroll my daughter for Kindergarten.” Ellie looked up, her eyes widening as the woman smiled back at her.
“Of course.” she looked down at the papers “Miss Martin… Ellie Martin? Is that you?”
“Ah, Hi Ingrid. Nice to see you again.” Ingrid smiled, Ellie couldn't tell if she was enjoying the fact she clearly got pregnant right out of high school or if she was actually happy to see her. “So good to see you too, and this your daughter Luca?” She looked down at Luca who smiled brightly at her, she looked back at Ellie and she could tell the gears were turning. Ingrid knew she was dating Logan then, she tried hitting on him at brent's party and he shot her down. She also knew that she was seeing colt, that was much clear by the way they couldn't keep their lips or hands off each other at prom.
“Yes, this is Luca. Luca can you say Hello.”
“Hello miss? Um, what is your name?” Luca spoke. “I am Mrs Vandermeer, it is a pleasure to meet you Luca.”
Ingrid went over her registration, noting Lucas test scores well advanced for a 5 year old. “Well, she is definitely bright like her mother.” Ingrid smiled “Everything looks to be in order, It just seems to be missing fathers information.”
Ellie dropped her head “He's not in the picture.” she never felt more embarrassed then she did in that moment. Here she was, high school valedictorian and didn't know who her child's father was.
“I see. That's ok, we have your father as an emergency contact, and Riya Washington. That's nice you guys are still friends.” She couldn't tell if Ingrid was trying to be nice or secretly talking crap to herself,  but she appreciated the bail out. “Yes, Riya and I are still close.” Ellie looked over at the photos on her desk, a small child with blonde hair in every frame and one of her and her husband. “Oh. You married Brent?” Ingrid smiled and held out her hand displaying a ridiculously large rock. “Going on 3 years. We have a son and another little one on the way.” Ellie felt the smallest twinge of jealousy, but she was also really happy for Ingrid.
“Congratulations Ingrid. I am really happy for you.” Ingrid nodded,  a silent agreement they forged at prom 6 years ago looming between them.  She turned to Luca “Well, you miss Luca are officially a kindergarten student.” Luca jumped up “Alright! Yay! Mommy, I'm gonna need to go shopping, I have to look my best for my first day of school.” she turned to Ellie, hands on hips. “But Lulu sweetie, you have a month before school starts.”
“Well I have to have time to plan mommy.”
Ellie wasn't a fashionista, this trait her daughter had reminded her of Logan.  He loved to get dirty working on cars, but he was a pretty boy, and cleaned up nicely.
They made their way back to her dads,  Ellie dropping Luca off so she could run a few more errands and stop in her new office to sign a few papers before heading home. She drove along in her father's older Honda, passing a few places that sparked some memories. She came up to a red light, her attention drawn to the large empty parking lot next to her. Her heart raced as she noticed the chunks of pavement missing from where she flipped her car Setting up the brotherhood .  All the money that school had, and they couldn't fix the parking lot. She made her way through the city one thing she did not miss was all the traffic lights. She awaited the light to turn Green when she felt a sharp jolt come from behind pushing her forward.
“son of a fucking bitch.” she climbed out of her car “Did you just hit me?” her anger took over her. “I am so, sorry.” a young girl got out of the car. “I just got my license a week ago. Man my dads gonna be so mad. Maybe he was right, Driving is Dangerous.”
The girls words hitting her like a ton of bricks, quickly softening her mood.
“Hey. Its ok, accidents happen. Don't let it discourage you from driving.  It is your right to drive, but you have to be aware of your surroundings at all times.” she reassured the girl. “I'll take care of this, you call your dad. I am sure he will just be happy you are ok.”
Ellie called in to inform them of the accident, the police came and took a report. They had to tow the car since it suffered some rear end damage. She pulled out her car calling Riya to pick her up. Once they got back to her dads Riya and Ellie sat around catching up. “Can I just tell you how stupidly excited I am that you are finally home?” Riya squealed. “I know, it kind of feels good to be home to be honest.” Ellie gave her a half chuckle.
“We should go out and celebrate.” She squeezed her hand. “No Riya. I couldn't, what about Luca?” Ellie shook her head. “Ellie, you never take time for yourself. Your dad can keep Luca, come out, let loose.”
“Riya is right sweetheart, go have fun. I got Luca.” Her dad cut in. “ are you sure? I don't want to take advantage of you.” Ellie hesitated.
“Nonsense,  I finally get my girls home, Im making up for lost time.” He turned to Elie who was coloring “What'dya say munchkin, popcorn and movie night with Grampy?”  Luca jumped down from the table. “I say Heck yes!” She winked.
“Luca Rose!” Ellie shrieked.  And that reminded her of colt. “Sorry mommy.”
Riya and Ellie headed out, she found an outfit for the evening and they went back to Riyas to get ready. Riya and Darius bought her parents house after they retired and moved to Florida. She walked in and immediately colts face flashed through her mind. The way he looked at her when she descended the stairs in her pink prom dress. She wondered momentarily what he was up to, before she was pulled from her thoughts.
“The trio is back in action.” Darius shot finger guns at her as he pulled her into a hug. “Good to see you smartie pants.” he grinned. “Good to see you too Dare. Wheres Marcus?”
“Put him to bed. Toddlers are a lot of work.” he grunted. Ellie shook her head in agreement.
“Sorry to break up the reunion, but we need to get her ready to meet a man tonight.” Riya giggled as she pulled her up to the bedroom so they could get ready. “Riya NO, that was not the plan. I don't need a man.” Ellie refused.
“Just… go, in there and get ready.” Riya nudged her into the bathroom.
Ellie curled her hair making loose beach waves. She applied minimal makeup, she was never one to doll herself up. Truth be told she was envious of every girl with flawless makeup, she could never quite master the art of the contour.
She stepped out in a knee length little black dress, that accented all the right parts. Riya let out a low whistle. “whoa mamma, somebody's gonna get lucky tonight.”
“oh god no! I'm not going anywhere near a man. I'm just happy to hang out with my bestie.” she kissed Riya on the cheek, leaving a red lip print. “Ellie, you asshole.” Ellie playfully shoved Riya. “Come on, our uber is here.”
They entered the club, the lights blinding them as they made their way to the bar grabbing some drinks. The couldnt find a table so they stood by the bar, they talked and laughed for a while,  having drink after drink before deciding to head out to the dancefloor. They twirled and moved to the beat, getting lost in the rhythm. For the first time in what felt like forever she felt her worries melt away, she hadn't felt so free, so Alive in a long time. “I gotta pee.” She tapped Riya on the shoulder. She made her way to the bathroom,  passing the VIP area. She could hear girls laughing loudly and flirting, people cheering. She rolled her eyes. Probably some bimbos looking for a hot shot to take one of them home. She made it to the bathroom, or the extremely long line to it.
Her eyes took her to the dance floor, locking on a couple dancing close together, she thought back to they went to Hyrieus.
She danced like nobody was watching spinning around until she was dizzy. Stumbling into Logan. “Whoa. I got you. You dizzy?” She held onto logans strong shoulder “Yeah maybe a little.” she steadied herself noticing a guy checking Toby out. “Hey Toby, that guy over there is totally checking you out.” Toby sauntered over to dance with the stranger. Logan was talking to Ximena now,  Ellie's eyes locked on colts. She walked over grabbing his hand “Dance with me.” She pulled him to the dance floor. “I don't really dance.”
“Neither do I.” she pulled him father into the dance floor, away from the crew.
“I've been waiting to get you alone all day.” He pulled her closer, tilting her face up with one finger. “Is that so? I'm starting to think you like me.”
“I don't like anybody.” He smirked looking in her eyes as his fingertips lightly gripped her hips. She wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him in closer.  Their lips inches from each others. “Is Logan watching?”
“Why, do you not want him to see us together?”
“Would it be wrong if I kind of wish he could?” Ellie eyed him “I'm not some shiny object for you two to fight over. I'm just a person.” He stared deep into her brown eyes. “Oh Ellie, you're so much more than that.”
She grinded against him keeping with the beat of the music. “I thought you couldn't dance.”
“i'm just doing what feels good.” she batted her lashes. “Well keep doing what feels good.”
She gripped his hair, pulling his face down to hers. Lips crashing against each other with need. Everything else slipped away, it was as if nobody else was there, just the two of them. They pulled apart breathlessly his lips grazing her ear. “You're my driver forever, you know that right?”
She was pulled from her thoughts by the woman behind her, tapping her on the shoulder letting her know it was her turn. She left the bathroom, making her way past the vip section again.  She was almost at the bar when she swore she heard someone calling her name, she could barely hear of the loud thumping of the base. Until she felt a tap on her shoulder. “Ellie?” She turned quickly, her heart pounding at the sight in front of her. She swallowed hard “Logan?”
He smiled back at her “Hi troublemaker.”
Tag: @kennaxval @hopefulmoonobject @crookedslimecreatorpasta @be-still-my-aching-heart @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @riseandshinelittleblossom @cocomaxley @bobasheebaby @ownworldresident @cordoniaqueensworld @indiacater
@daniv2278 @brightpinkpeppercorn @lovehugsandcandy @going-down-downtown @mercyparkcrew @emichelle @annekebbphotography @powdesiree0816 @walkerismychoice @yesivefallenpreytothechoicestrap @zaira-oh-zaira @sweetest-marbear @simsvetements @zaffrenotes @choicelogansbitch
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you-can-face-this · 3 years
anon friend here- hi! and wow i'm manifesting for you that the curve works in your favour- let me know how it all works out! it makes me think of that post that's like "theres no greater sense of community than when your entire class feels like they failed a test" because LITERALLY. And omg don't get me started about the mcq's you have to bubble in- i always think i've done it wrong and there's no way to tell either. and lol we don't have ~that~ much stats. like maybe in america but in england we do like 1 stats module a semester and 4-5 with actual psych/ neuroscience so it's not that bad. And omg that's so cool of you to say, thank you 🥺 Omg literally lol taylor has been part of my life forever that i just can't even help it at this point 🤡 for example i got really mad today because of some sexist encounter i had and i was like... if i man talks shit then i owe him nothing xx (because TRUE) And also- i was just reading your updates (upDATEs if you'll excuse the pun?) and i'm literally 🥺🥺 invisible string bestie!! he sounds so nice omg i'm so happy it went well <3 good luck with all the work you have to do this week and im glad you're feeling well rested and taking care of yourself <3 sending hugs!!
hi anon friend! the score distribution's out and i did above average! i still have no idea what grade i'm getting b/c the entire course grade is curved at the end of the semester rip but fingers crossed 😭and yes omg struggling through an exam is such a bonding experience lol i took another rough exam yesterday and made so many friends on the walk out adfjk;sdfd
also screw the person who was sexist to u!! omg :(( and yes honestly i make around 137918371 taylor references a day & they're basically just inside jokes for myself like at this point i don't even bother explaining most of them to the people i'm talking to LOL
and yesss the guy in my upDATES (i laughed so hard at this idk why adkfja;sd) is SO nice like i usually try to write down memorable moments or sweet little things people do for me, either in my diary or on here so i can remember them when i’m sad, but he's literally nice to me multiple times every day i've given up trying to keep track adfja;dsf
also i actually feel comfortable around him (instead of the usual anxiety i thought was "butterflies" lmaoo) b/c we've been ✨platonic✨ friends for 3 months before! i feel like for the first time while ~dating~ i can focus on figuring out how i feel/if he's right for me instead of worrying if i'm not enough/too much & focusing on how the other person seems to feel abt me! sending hugs back & good luck with all the work you have going on this week too! <3
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