#i've been watching from the sidelines the past few days because I don't like discourse
bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
To the person/people from instagram who are apparently looking at the tumblr fandom: hey! cool that we both like the same book series! Wish we were meeting under better circumstances. I'd love to say something though, so please hear me out
It would be greatly appreciated if, instead of submitting confessions to an account on an entirely different platform, you'd talk to us directly first. You don't need to have a tumblr account to send us anonymous messages. They're renamed on various accounts (for example, mine are called "queries"), but the current proceedings of both platforms making posts that then get shared out of context on the other is not, in my opinion, helping.
We can't reach out to you because, again, you're on IG and anonymous, otherwise I would probably have done so already because seeing how this has been handled (on both sides) has been incredibly frustrating.
It would also be greatly appreciated if this could be done respectfully and keeping in mind that we, just like you, are an entire community of people. You can have your own opinions about what's "dumb" and "cringey," but there is no superior here. I like tumblr because it's better suited for me and how I like to be on the internet, you like Instagram because it's better for you. One doesn't need to be vilified.
Has there been talk on tumblr that you could identify and say "well tumblr's doing this so you're a hypocrite for being upset over this." I'm sure of it. I've tried not to get involved with anything but it's really starting to grate. And bad behavior from one side doesn't excuse or justify bad behavior from the other.
Which is kind where I'm getting at my point: the way things are being handled right now is not, from what I'm seeing, doing anything to actually work anything out. So I'm requesting a slight shift if everyone's amenable so we can do that. Direct, respectful communication is how Livvysonden and I came to a peaceful understanding of each other the first time around, so I don't see why we can't do that again.
I'm probably forgetting something, but that's my request! I am more than willing to facilitate that communication through my own ask box (that's where anonymous messages are submitted on tumblr), though I do have a class this afternoon that may delay response time.
That's my piece for now, hope everyone is doing well!
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