#i've fleshed evan's extended family out more than barty's (b/c sacred 28)
birlwrites · 9 months
Apart from his parents, does Barty have any other relatives (such as cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents) and, if so, what are they like? Does Barty visit them?
haha uh. nope!
i didn't come up with any of those, so, he does not lmao. he DOES have a variety of aunt- and uncle-like figures who are his mom's friends, many of whom were her colleagues when she worked at the daily prophet - she left her job when barty was born, then as he got older started moving more into art history and research, which is what she *really* wants to do, but she didn't start going full tilt on that until he'd left for hogwarts
SO since harriet was being a stay-at-home mom, her friends often came to her (or she'd like. meet up with them, she wasn't a shut-in until her family was placed under ministry security), and since barty was basically glued to his mom, this means he's very familiar with all of them and they've known him since he was a baby. probably some of them have kids as well, although jury's out on whether they're remotely near barty's age
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