#i've gotten so many gender debate asks that character essays are a breath of fresh air
enconfess · 1 year
i am so frustrated by people who dont seem to understand that the amagis are ainu.
like sure, part of it is that the story itself is often not the best about it, because the !! main story conflates their ethnicity with some weird vague idea of old traditional values that are “bad” and that doesn’t really work in a narrative sense! because while Hiiro is struggling against the mindset that his only value is as Rinne’s second (ie the bad traditional values) his story is also about trying to find a middle ground in existing in the es as an idol and being indigenous - which is very very important to him!!!! the part where Rinne disowns him is often read as just Hiiro losing the framework of where his place is in the world, but it is very specifically him also losing his identity. his family and village and ethnic background is very very important to Hiiro and people wouldn’t downplay this so much if they just remembered that he. is. indigenous.
this ramble is already a bit long so i’m not going into Rinne’s side of it but it is similarly often forgotten by fans how his story is about a person who thinks the only way he can have value in this world is by renouncing his heritage and assimilating. and the fact that he basically canonically has a gambling addiction is either played for jokes or totally downplayed like ohh he is just trying to get money for his friends. like no! he is struggling and while a gacha game of all things will not admit this, fans should!!
….oh no i did go into Rinne’s deal too whoops.
sorry, being a mod for a page like this must be tiring
- 🫧 (i’m gonna sign of with this in case i want to come back here to vent a bit again… or talk about something a bit more positive)
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